Bundle and Save on Top Photo Classes
Essential classes to boost the skills of every photographer.

Jared Platt Lightroom Bundle
$246 / ${{ JPLRPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Perfect for photographers of all levels and genres, this bundle includes everything you need to revolutionize your photography game. From supreme accuracy in editing with AI-driven masks to faster image editing and higher quality images, Jared Platt will unlock the full potential of Lightroom for you.
See Bundle Details

Adobe Lightroom 2020: The Ultimate Guide with Jared Platt
$493 / ${{ LRPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
In Adobe Lightroom: The Ultimate Guide, Jared will show the ins and outs of Lightroom Classic, Lightroom Mobile, and Lightroom Desktop. He’ll demystify the difference between each and demonstrate when to use each one for maximum output. You’ll learn how to take advantage of the latest Lightroom tools and features and become faster and more skilled at adjusting your images.
See Bundle Details

Adobe Photoshop 2020: The Complete Guide with Ben Willmore
$551 / ${{ PSPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Ben Willmore is the perfect guide for your journey through Adobe Photoshop. His easy-going, straightforward style takes the mystery out of this powerful program and makes you feel like you can tackle anything. Ben divides this course into easy-to-manage, bite-size chunks, so you can master each skill one at a time and gradually build your confidence.
See Bundle Details

Beginner Photography Bundle
$546 / ${{ BeginnersPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Get your start here. Learn the technical basics of photography and start editing your images like a professional. These classes are taught by seasoned photographers who will help you train your eye and think critically about shoots.See Bundle Details

Adobe Bootcamp Bundle
$597 / ${{ AdobePriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Mastering your Adobe skills is easier than you think. Join some of our best software instructors in these 3 classes that cover everything from retouching to creating time lapse videos. Learn how to use Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe® Lightroom®, and Adobe® Premiere Pro®.See Bundle Details

Mobile Photography Bundle
$116 / ${{ PeiPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Pei Ketron has created a series of classes for CreativeLive to help you learn how to become proficient in mobile photography, what the best editing tools are for your images, and also how to grow your Instagram audience.See Bundle Details

Night Photography Week
$245 / ${{ NightPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
5 experts teach you how to master photography at night: star trails, the milky way, light painting, night portraits, and more. After learning a wide range of techniques, you'll be inspired to go nocturnal to capture some amazingSee Bundle Details

Architectural Photography Bundle
$174 / ${{ ArchitecturePriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Learn the techniques to take amazing architectural photos. This 6-class bundle includes all of CreativeLive's top architectural photography classes to show you everything you need to know to create stunning interior and exterior images.See Bundle Details

Nigel Barker Portrait Bundle
$147 / ${{ NigelPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
People around the world have watched Nigel Barker’s career skyrocket as he has photographed celebrities, models and been a judge on America’s Top Model. CreativeLive is honored to have Nigel share his journey as well as the technical and emotional tools you’ll need to find your voice and achieve your dreams.See Bundle Details

Studio Lighting Techniques
$237 / ${{ StudioPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Celebrity photographer and lighting expert Clay Patrick McBride will show you how to master your lighting skills and create your playbook of lighting diagrams. Learn to power and control light, how to freeze time and capture motion detail, and how to creatively use gels for colorful looks in camera.See Bundle Details

Wedding Week Bundle
$197 / ${{ WeddingPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Whether you’re a new wedding photographer or a photographer who has a business but wants to expand it, these 3 classes will give you the confidence to move forward and create the business you’ve always wanted.See Bundle Details

Capture Family Milestones
$185 / ${{ FamilyPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Whether you’re a portrait photographer specializing in babies and kids or you're a parent wanting to document the lives of your family and friends, this 4-class bundle will help you capture all of your family milestones.See Bundle Details

Portrait Photography Business Bundle
$176 / ${{ PortraitPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Join portrait photographers Sue Bryce, Julia Kelleher, Tamara Lackey, and Bambi Cantrell to get the confidence to move forward and create the portrait business you’ve always wanted.See Bundle Details
Master Outdoor Fundamentals Bundle
$355 / ${{ OutdoorPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Bring the great outdoors home with you. These lessons and techniques are the collected braintrust of some of the greatest outdoor photographers of our time. Learn how to adapt to changing conditions, use the gear you have to its fullest potential, and shoot with post-processing in mind.See Bundle Details

Food Photography Bundle
$475 / ${{ FoodPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Learn how to break into the world of food photography with these 5 classes. You'll learn the essentials of food photography from lighting, styling, shooting styles, post-production processes, and fundamental business principles.See Bundle Details

Frans Lanting Landscape Bundle
$305 / ${{ FransPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Learn how to take amazing landscape and outdoor photos with these 5-classes taught by award winning photographer Frans Lanting. You'll learn how to find new photographic approaches in familiar settings, how to take great impressionistic shots freehand, and so much more.See Bundle Details

Compositing Bundle
$294 / ${{ CompositingPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Master everything there is to know about composite photography and how to utilize Photoshop to combine visual elements from multiple sources to create the image you want. This 6-class bundle covers effective techniques and all the essentials of composite photography to create captivating images.See Bundle Details

Lighting for Photography Bundle
$495 / ${{ LightingPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Shape light and reflect it, divert and redirect it. These classes will teach you everything you need to know about professional lighting, from the very basics to the use of the most complicated light modifiers.See Bundle Details

DIY Photography & Lighting
$234 / ${{ diyPriceData.current_price / 100 }}
Getting started in photography doesn't have to hurt your wallet. In this 6-class bundle, you'll learn how to create a do-it-yourself photography studio utilizing resources you may already own and the concepts, tools, and techniques to take beautiful photos in your home.See Bundle Details