Preview Workout
10:04 2How-To Approach This Class
01:31 3Day 1: Scapular Strength
25:51 4Day 2: Core Strengthening
18:30 5Day 3: Front Body Opening
20:19 6Day 4: Rest
7Day 5: Mobility & Movement
21:07 8Day 6: Bent Arm Strength
20:26Day 7: Core Stability
20:51 10Day 8: Back Body Strength
19:53 11Day 9: Rest
12Day 10: Leg Strength
25:39 13Day 11: Strengthen Your Vinyasa
24:56 14Day 12: Side Body & Core Lift
19:13 15Day 13: Back Body Opening
23:13 16Day 14: Standing Balance
27:16 17Day 15: Rest
18Day 16: Rest
19Day 17: Scapular Strength
25:51 20Day 18: Core Strengthening
18:30 21Day 19: Front Body Opening
20:19 22Day 20: Mobility & Movement
21:07 23Day 21: Bent Arm Strength
20:26 24Day 22: Rest
25Day 23: Static Core Stability
20:51 26Day 24: Back Body Strength
19:53 27Day 25: Leg Strength
25:39 28Day 26: Strengthen Your Vinyasa
24:56 29Day 27: Rest
30Day 28: Side Body & Core Lift
19:13 31Day 29: Back Body Opening
23:13 32Day 30: Standing Balance
27:16Lesson Info
Day 8: Back Body Strength
when we start working into back men's, it's really important that we have a strong back, strong, lower back, strong upper back. That way we could support the spine as well as having a strong core. So as we work through the core who also work into the back, the back of the body and the front of the body creates the core. Course it right. And the more that we have stability through both sides of the body, the more support we have to the spine. So as much time as we spend working on the front of the body and and strengthening the core muscles, we also need to strengthen the core muscles or the corset muscles in the back of the body to wait. Let's start on our hands and knees just to warm up into the spine a little bit, come onto all fours, make sure that the knees air directly underneath the shoulders, the hands underneath the risk. Just like always. This is provides us. The best amount of support will warm up the spine with a few cat cows, inhale, spread the collar bones at the belly dro...
p, exhale, draw the naval nous mind Let's go for five contract. Move into the breath four three to one. Lift the hips, often back. Come into downward facing dog wrap The triceps under Rule four. That's fine. The top of our playing pose. Press the ground away. Really strong background out through the spine. Contract the core. Schaffert. Maybe knees down slowly, lower all the way down onto the belly. We'll take the 1st 1 Just toe open up into the back. A little stretch. Take the hands nice and wide, even when I take classes. And I and I'm not warming my back. I like this version of CO proposed a little bit. Better supplant the hands out here for support onto the fingertips. Lift the chest up so that the lower ribs on the mat roll the shoulders back and down. Soften the glutes. Relax the toes. We're just gonna hold this for a few. Breathe into the bodies, relaxed. Open up. Use a little bit more in the hands on this 1st Relax down. Bring the hands underneath the shoulders. So work first. With this lift. Every time we lift, I want you to think of opening the shoulders up. Spread the collarbones wide enrolled us. The shoulder blades and scapula is down the back as we lift up. So we're gonna come down. We're lift up using the back. Not so much hands. Just support with the hands on the shoulders. Down the back into a little baby cobra. Contract the low back. Three to one. Lower back down. Wrap the tresses back again. We're gonna open up. We lift. Inhale, come up for three. Keep the breath. I want you to feel the belly. Press into the mat to lift you up a little bit more to engaged. A little back. One lower back down last time into a little baby Kovar. Pull the shoulders back down. Squeeze the elbows into the side body. Relax. The glutes press into the top. Sophie, lift the chest up. Drawl is shoulders back. Keeping gauge up. Maybe you can lift up a little bit higher. Just low back. Maybe even lift the hands up notice. It's getting hard for me to talk because back Ben's really make it hard to breathe and breathe for three to one. Lower back down. Come on to the forms. Plant the hands flat. She your elbows are underneath your shoulders and that the forms extends straight out from the elbows. Plant the hands firm. Try not to be lifted too much through the inter hands but pressed down into the inter. Hence wrap the triceps back. Now, this is Sphinx pose. And we could just sit here like this, which is a nice relaxing pose, or we could add in a little bit more back strength. So I want you to press down into the hands, pulled the hands back, pull the shoulders back and press the chest. Ford, as we do this, were engaging into the entire back. So don't think of just contract in the low back would also contract the upper back and hold it here. If you feel flexible enough in the back and you get straight in the arms, straighten it up. Ratha, try asses back. Hold for three. Two. If you're not flexible enough, keep the elbows down on the mat. One lower the elbows down. Pull the chest forward. Wrap the triceps and engage into the core. Will lift it up for another five four. Pull the hands, engage with back three. Open the chest up to one. Bring the elbows down, pulling. Pull the elbows towards the feet, feet towards the elbows. Engage the core. Last time. Seal pose. Press into the hands, lift the chest up. Try to create lift from the low back. Not so much just from the arms raft, Elbows down, biceps up. Pull the shoulders down the back, engaged in the core. Lift up a little bit higher. Try not to clench into the glutes if you can, and let the activation actually happen through the back for another three to one, lower down. Reached the hands back. Maybe bring one cheek or the other down to the mat or the chin. Take a few breath. Reach the hands back behind the back here if you can interlaced the fingers. If the Hanson interlaced, you could always grab a strap. Take the strap between the hands like this just to open up the chest even more. Remember working the back body and strength is always about opening two shoulders, hips, all that stuff. But if you can, I'm gonna grab my hands. But use a strap if you need to pull the shoulders back and down. Press the tops of the feet, thighs and a mat. Inhale lift up nice and high. Maybe start to take the hands or forms up this guy. Lift up a little bit more. Breathe into the belly. Three to one. Lower back down. Bring the forehead or cheek down to the mat. Take the hands back. Relax the low back. Go for two ends back behind. Use the strap. If you need to release the other finger on talk, lift the chest up. Pull the hands back. Maybe lift the forms up off of the the but lift the chest up a little bit higher for three to one. Lower back down. This time, when we come into it, we're gonna add in the lakes, so I want you to reach the hands back behind. Lift the chest up. Lift the legs up. I'm gonna hold this for five. Lift four. Three. Lift the thighs to lots of back strength One. Relaxed down. One more time. Lift the chest up side the hands back. Lift the thighs for five. Lift up a little bit higher for three to one. Lower back down now. We really started warm up into the low back. Open up into the back a little bit more into the flexibility will take it into full done your Austin or bow pose. So bend the knees. If now, if you haven't opened up the flexibility enough where you can't reach back and grab your ankles, don't worry about it. Just come into locust Pose, the last post that we did again until the body starts to open up. Over time, you'll get there. But if you're not there yet, you know, just work the last post. Flex a feat. Press the shins into the hands, Notice says. I press the shins back. My chest lifts up. Is my chest list up? I come up a little bit higher than I want to start to engage in support with my core. When my course engaged, lift the heels up, lift up, squeezing her thighs towards each other and then start to work the thighs down towards the mat. As high as you can go. Maybe it's not very high. Maybe it's really high. It doesn't really matter. Take it to your degree. Your level. Behold for three to one. Lower back down. Release plant. The hands come up onto hands and knees. Sit back. Childs Post reaching arms. Ford rest ahead, down onto the Met. Take a few breaths. Really Nice child's pose to release a little back. It's a great, great place to be to reset, to find the breath, to find the mind. When some science we work in the things that are hard and crazy we need we need to slow it down and come into child. It's always there for us. We could always stop and take that post. When you're ready, come into hands and knees. Once you step back to plank posts, Carlitos under. We're gonna lift the hips up downward facing dog. But I want you to keep the heels lifted, right? Bend the knees or Howard goes not from down dog with a shift forward. We're gonna come up in tow up, Doc. But we're gonna keep the toes curled under. So a little bit of a modified up dog pull the chest through, press the arms up wrap the try says back. Engage the core lift up. Engage up and back. Downward facing dog. She Ford, Bring the belly down and Ford create up dog, take the chest through, roll the shoulders back. Lift up The only thing that should be touching is the hands in the toes. Lift it back for 23 more. These Ford hips forward. Gaze up, lifted up and back. She Ford hits Ford chest through, shoulders back lifted up. Keep the core engaged to protect the low back. Last one. Come forward. Shift the hips. Ford, pull the shoulders back. Press up. Bring it back. Set the knees down onto the mat. Take the right leg. Reach it up. Bend the knee. Flex the foot at a little glute strength in here. A little leg lift. So if you're tryingto work into the But this is this is a really good one, but it's also working through the back body. Strengthening toe. Open up and lengthen the sauce. We're gonna lift the heel straight up to the skies. Highs, Agos, Bring it back. Go for five. Four, three to one. Set the knee down. Move it over to the left side. Bend the knee. Press it up for five. Four, three to one. Sat. Anita reached the right leg back. We're gonna add in the left arm. If this is too much for you, can always go back to the seek. the five that we just did reach the left arm. Ford Inhale lifted up for five, crunch it together, lifted up for four. Crunch it together. Lifted up three to once at the left hand. Down set. The right knee down reached the left leg Up bend. The knee reached the right arm. Fort lifted up for five. Front together. Four. Crunch it together. Three to last one. Set it down. Set the left knee down bend. The right leg reached back. Grabbed the foot with the left hand. If you can't grab the foot, take a strap. Wrap it around the ankle like this. Reach back. Grab the strap, you know. Take it up, however, Grab the back of the foot aside foot flecks of he'll take it up. Think of how we just came into Bo Post. Lift the chest. Lift the heart. Square the shoulder down. Square the hip down. Lift up a little bit higher for five. Four, three to one. Set the nida, switch it out, then the left knee. Reach back with the right hand. Grab the top of the foot. Press it up. Engaged for five four, three to one. Good. Take the knees over towards the left. Lay down onto the right hip, Walk the hands Ford Little prone twist. Take other. The right cheek her left cheek down to the Met. Reaching arms forward just to release a little back A little bit back to center Pressing the hands Take the knees over. Come down onto the left hip square the chest off Walk the hands forward Only the right left cheek down onto the mat Left cheek is gonna be less right cheeks Gonna be more Come back to the hands, Lift yourself up Bring the feet around to the front Now, after we work all those that back strengthening stuff it's really important to lengthen the back, Remember? Was we strengthened? We also need to open Every time we build muscle, we build resistance. Resistance decreases the amount of strength. So for building muscle we also need to build flexible at the same time to reduce that resistance. That way we get stronger. So we're gonna come into a nice long little ford fold about a minute, and I want you to approach this in a really relaxed way to release the spine. So I don't think about coming in the full death. You know, grab a block or two if you can't. If you can't even break 90 you could always put a block or bolster underneath the but just to elevate the hips. This helps us get up a little bit higher so we could actually start to lean forward. Then relax down, curl through the spine. Really think about releasing mawr of the back rather than just working into the hamstrings. So lengthen and soften. And sometimes it's really nice to bring a block down and rested underneath the head. Or maybe you need two blocks, you know, three blocks. You probably won't even be in a Ford fold, but take whatever, whatever, you know, whatever you need, Teoh accommodate the body. You know, if you start in one place, the by starts, open up. You know, you could start to go deeper, so you don't need to just stay there but started an easier place and work your way too. You know, a deeper level. Let it feel nice. Slow it down, actively. Think about the spine and all the muscles that support the spine, all the spinal directors, everything that it's contracted and then release him. These all control through the back. Imagine the space between the vertebrae, these inter vertebral disc just growing longer and healthier, hopefully making us a little bit taller. I always joke about that, you know, getting getting taller through yoga, stretching out the spine a little bit more to create this length. And was, we constantly fight gravity that's always compressing us. Every day we're walking around. Gravity is pulling us down into into the earth, you know, scrunching down those spaces between between the vertebrae, crushing those disks. So we come to yoga when you come to the mat, where we're trying to undo all the stuff that gravity is done to us. Gravity's What ages us. Gravity's what takes way. Mobility takes away flexibility. Inhale. Come up nice and slow. Set the block off to the side. Come on to the back. Draw the knees in the chest. Give him a nice little squeeze. Release the legs out. Point the toes. The outside walls look. Roll the palms up, soften the shoulders under. Take a deep inhale, open the mouth and exhale. Release into Shiva Sena. Allow yourself a few minutes in this pose. You know two or three just to let go. Get out of the craziness slowdown. Give the body the rest it needs. It's really important to strengthen the back body. You know, this way we could find support through the spine. Lift ourselves up will sit up a little bit taller with stand a little taller. Will Fillmore supported through both sides. Thank you so much for allowing me to share my practice with you with love and gratitude. Low cost Semesta Suki Nobleman to Al Beans Be happy and free home. Shonte! Shonte Shonte now must a
Ratings and Reviews
Yoga Strength Basics for Beginners has an amazing amount of quality content. The title of the class says it all. These workouts are designed to target various muscle groups in the body to build strength and stamina, which can be applied to yoga moves or, quite frankly, to living life to its fullest. Each class begins with a short warm up of the targeted body part and ends with a short relaxation. Instructor Dylan Werner, offers clear, concise instructions about how to position yourself and how to perform the movements properly. As a novice in the world of yoga, I appreciated his suggestions for beginner modifications and his pleasant and encouraging tone. The workouts have no background music, which means you can have your own music playing at the same time, if you choose. In addition, it was easy to find time in the day for these lessons, as they range in length from 18-27 minutes. Thanks to the presentation of this class as a 30-day program, where 12 individual lessons are offered twice with six intermittent rest days, I feel it helped foster a routine for me. The skill level of this class is set to “beginner,” and while I believe anyone can learn from these videos, I think it did help me to already have some exercising experience (I have been an at-home, video exerciser for over three decades.) I plan to continue watching through this class again and again because the content is so good and I have lots of room for improvement. In my opinion, Yoga Strength Basics for Beginners certainly adds to the quality lineup of classes that Creative Live offers.
Hilary Larson
Great course for yogis of ALL levels. Dylan does an excellent job of explaining how the body should be working through even the "simplest" poses in order to get the most out of your practice & grow stronger faster. Even after just 20 min, my muscles feel it the next day. I look forward to taking what I have learned and integrating it into my own routine! What a nice surprise to find an online course which gets me excited to deepen my yoga practice.
ROxanne FLeck
This is a great class, after years of bad form in yoga due to lack of strength, I am building up my core so I can rock a sun salutation. Straight forward, easy to follow, nice short classes that you can double up on if you want to work more. Super great way to start your day.