Preview Workout
10:04 2How-To Approach This Class
01:31 3Day 1: Scapular Strength
25:51 4Day 2: Core Strengthening
18:30 5Day 3: Front Body Opening
20:19 6Day 4: Rest
7Day 5: Mobility & Movement
21:07 8Day 6: Bent Arm Strength
20:26Day 7: Core Stability
20:51 10Day 8: Back Body Strength
19:53 11Day 9: Rest
12Day 10: Leg Strength
25:39 13Day 11: Strengthen Your Vinyasa
24:56 14Day 12: Side Body & Core Lift
19:13 15Day 13: Back Body Opening
23:13 16Day 14: Standing Balance
27:16 17Day 15: Rest
18Day 16: Rest
19Day 17: Scapular Strength
25:51 20Day 18: Core Strengthening
18:30 21Day 19: Front Body Opening
20:19 22Day 20: Mobility & Movement
21:07 23Day 21: Bent Arm Strength
20:26 24Day 22: Rest
25Day 23: Static Core Stability
20:51 26Day 24: Back Body Strength
19:53 27Day 25: Leg Strength
25:39 28Day 26: Strengthen Your Vinyasa
24:56 29Day 27: Rest
30Day 28: Side Body & Core Lift
19:13 31Day 29: Back Body Opening
23:13 32Day 30: Standing Balance
27:16Lesson Info
Day 11: Strengthen Your Vinyasa
building your been Yasa is really important part of your yoga practice. We do Vin Yasa in every single class as we move through Syria. Thomas Carr, a Syrian Omsk RB The men Yasa, part of it is is what builds the body. What builds the upper body, it opens the back, takes us through this movement through this flow. With this, we're gonna understand how to how to really engage into each one of these movements. And as we build these movements as we strengthen it, it's gonna curious through practice from beginner level to very advanced level. And it'll changed based on our strengths. Let's start in a standing position, so plant the feet about shoulder width apart. You know, we're gonna find to Dawson oppose. So take the big toes together or, you know, depending on the hips, the feet slightly apart, traditionally to Dawson has big toes together, the feet parallel to the outer edges of the mat. And we want to think of finding a almost like a square or a rectangle on the outside of the feet wi...
th a triangle on the inside again just really working on setting up the hips and alignment so we could stand up nice and tall. Open up the hips. Open up the back bodies. Walls control through the front body. Find a slight talk of the tailbone. This is just to take out any excess. Backman. So Backman is called this lower. Backman is called Lord Doses, and we don't want to have this kind of swoop in the back. That means that we're not having in control through the core. So a slight talking tailbone pull the frontal hit points up, start to engage the core, pull a little ribs down as work through core strength in core stability. We discover that when we support this in that the core in the body is supported. Now we start to link the lower body to the upper body. Will the core move separate from the chest. So pull this down and then start toe lift the chest up, draw the shoulders up and back and down, and the reach the arms down to the side. Lengthen the crown of the head up. Now you should be standing straight up and down. If you close the eyes, you know you might feel a little bit of wobbliness or balance. When you engage the core a little bit more, you get a little bit more solid. This is just standing up like how we do every day, But yet it's a little bit more than that. Like everything in yoga. We bring some thoughts of mindfulness into it when we add that into the practice, and we really are truly practicing yoga. So stand up nice and tall. Reach the arms down, inhale. Sweep the arms up. Just one breath. Exhale, fold forward. Take a soft bend in the knees for this first Ford fold. Relax the crown of the head down. Release the knack. Released the back of the body. Take the hands. Additions. Lengthen up halfway. Know when we lengthen up. You know it's OK to have the fingers down on the mat here, but we're what we're really looking for is a neutral spine now, having a flat spines impossible. So if you hear flat back, that doesn't really make any sense because their backs aren't flat. But having a neutral spine is really what we're aiming for to send the crown of the head forward. We're not looking up. We're not gazing for anything, he knows this puts a kink in her neck. Were not tucking her chin in just nice and neutral. Wrap the triceps in and back, take the inner thighs out, engage, pulled aside body and towards each other. Deep inhale. Exhale full down. Now It's always okay to keep the knees bent nice and soft, depending on where flexibility is. You know, if the hands don't touch the toes or the ground, you know our Ford folds or what are Ford folds are bend the knees, Mawr. Maybe a lot so that the hands could actually touch down. We could feel a little bit of release arrest in the Ford fold. The hamstrings air open needs straighter. Always. Okay, Inhale. Lengthen up halfway. Trawl the crown of the head. Ford pulled the inner thighs back engaged through the side body. Exhale full down Last time in hand. Lengthen up halfway drawn the crown of the head. Ford, keep the back Nice and neutral. Engaged to the side, body and core. Roll the inner thighs out. Exhale full down the press down to the hell. So this means that we're pressing in. We're grounding. We're finding the support of the map to pull ourselves up to the sky. We want to root down. Think of your roots coming straight out growing out so that were nice and supported and balance and then come up through the body. I like to keep a soft bend in my knees just because it feels a little bit better. Then stand up nice and tall again. We're gonna find a little talk of the tailbone coming into arms overhead or erba hasta sna. So engage the core to reach the arms. Ford like this, press out through the fingers so we start to open up into the back body. Remember, we're engaging out here. Wrap the try subs under talk to tailbone. Reach the arms up Now when the arms get up, where the biceps or by the cheekbones we want to stop. We don't want to be back here like this because this is really hard for us to open up through the back body and it doesn't really make any sense in most poses, right? We're not trying to open up the chest. We're not creating a Backman. We're just trying to find lengthen extension out so wrapped the triceps in This starts to engage to the side body through the lats through the Saray dissed the straightest Pull the arms around these little side muscles engaged in the chest, extend out through the fingertips. Roy's looking for engagement in recruitment. So when we extend out, we press out. We're finding this. This really translates to the other poses like downward facing dog handstand, any kind of arm balance or anything like that. We're reaching out. So this is where we find it. I mean, if you think of handstand, it's a shallow sea body with hands like this, so might as well start developing it through. Every time we reach arms up overhead, bring the hands to the heart. You wanna press the palms together, tuck the chin, engage a court line the hands up with the elbows. Now, a lot of times in practice, one or swing when we're going through it, we could come up, arms up, all lazy, like this, hands to the heart. Right. And we do this, you know, 10 15 20 times through class. And it doesn't do anything for us. We're not building anything. We want to actually get everything that we can out of the practice. So every time we reach the arms up overhead, we're working on the straight arm scapular strength working on lift and engagement is going to help us later on. In our practice, we're building the foundations of our practice. We bring our hands. So the heart we're creating core stability. We're creating shoulder strength, arm strength, risk flexibility. Press the palms together. You know, we could get something out of supposed rather than just to here, suppress the palms into each other. Line the hands up with the elbows, press the hands together a little bit more engaged the court, talk to table and lift the chest up. We're gonna hold us for five, four, three to one. Inhale, Sweep the arms up overhead. Reach up through the side body. Engage, extend out, wrap the triceps and notice of its back here. Like this. Open up the heart space. You could see it in the back when we close the back off here. We're activating the wrong boys. Ron, boys don't like this and they'll start to act up and talk to us. We want to open this up. If you also think of yoga on a deeper level, This is also where on Ohata is. You know, if we open up the back on a hot a czar heart shocker. This is where we receive love, right? So if we open up the back body like this were allowing love to come in and it's kind of a nice way to think about the Post Maura than just the physical engagement, but it all ties together. It all makes sense. Bring the hands back down to the heart. Press the palms together, engage the core, talk the tailbone. That shouldn't be an easy thing for you. Talk it. Precedent for five engaged, really squeezing hands together. Four. Tuck the chin three to one last time. Reach the arms up raft. The triceps in really challenging thing to do is just to hold the arms overhead. Make sure that you're not pulling the shoulders up towards the ears, but you want a length and from the armpit out through the pinky. So it's always his bottom part of the body, extending up, not the shoulders up forward like this. If you notice the difference between shoulders up or armpits up to reach up through the arm pits for four three to one hand to the heart. Talk the chin, engage the core press the palms together really start working into the strength. Troll the shoulders down. Squeeze in last time. Inhale soup. The arms up. Exhale fooled Ford Inhale. Lengthen up halfway. Plant a hand step back to downward facing dog Now again, just like how we were before with hands overhead. Remember, we're supporting ourselves through our side body. So wrapped the triceps under press in to the hands wants you to think about grounding down to the inter hands As we ground down to the inter hands. We want to wrap the forms down and in to send the weight spiraling down. But they want to take the the triceps and wrap them around and back like this. There's two different actions going on to the arms. Takes a while for for most people understand this, but once you do, it makes sense and it feels better in the body. If none of that makes sense and don't worry about it, you know, just come into the post, make sure that you're feeling some sort of engagement and support through the side body and through the shoulders so we're not dying in it. You know, Down Dog is a really hard pose. At first when I first come into its like thing, I can't I gotta hold down dog for 30 seconds and I gotta put my knees down. It's impossible. But then after you practice for a while and you're in down dog, it's like I just need a rest. I think I'll take down dog and you could hold down dog forever. Take the heels, turn them out slightly. Line the outer edges of the feet up, press into the hands We're gonna shift Ford coming into plank post. So this is the first part of the Denny Ossa. This this is shift forward was we roll forward. Want to think from the lower spine coming through. Then find a really strong plank wrapped the triceps back and down. Gonna bring the knees down to the mat, lower down onto the belly, coming into cobra pose. Lift the chest up, wrap the tri cities back, engage in the core, gaze up. So this is the first part. Cobra is arms bent elbows back in much different than up dog, which we're going to talk about in the minute. It's not so much of this, and you could start coming into this if it feels good for the body. But really, you want to keep the hips connected to the mat in the core? Engaged? You know, I see a lot of Cobra's like this shoulders up towards the ears and we're not doing anything for the body. So pull the shoulders back and down. Lifted up lower back down, Inhale lift up, pulled elbows back Draw the shoulders away from the years squeeze inside body Exhale back down Last time, inhale Come up, Pull the shoulders back down the body pressing the hands Come back. Child's pose come up downward facing dog back into a good downward facing dog. So if we don't have the strength to lower down shot a wrong go One of the options that we could take is called knees, chest, chin or eight limbs post. So we're gonna come up onto the heels roll forward to plank pose, wants you to find a good strong plank pose. Bend the knees, set the knees down. Gonna set the chest down right between the thumb, slowly lowered out. Let the arms work I mean, it's still a lot of work. And bring the chin down to them out like this. Straightened through. Lift the chest up. Cobra pose. Bring it back. Curl the toes under lifted up in back downward facing dog. Do that again. Roll forward. Press up. Wrapped the traces back. Bring the knees down to the Mac. Lower the chest down between the thumbs. Take the chin down. News Chess Chin! Come up, Cobra. Bring it back! Take it back! Downward facing dog last time Roll Ford, take the knees down. Chest down! Chin down in hell Cobra. Exhale back. Knows when I lift back. I'm not like, uh, I want to use the court to lift up, Bring it back. Curl the toes under downward facing dog. Downward facing dog isn't feeling like a rest posed for you. You know, I always put the knees down and rest there. Come forward, Roll over, Show you another option from here. Bring the knees down, Chest down, Shin down! Route the triceps back. We're gonna straight and Ford. But this time is he knows that I straightforward my hands really come back towards my lower ribs. I'm impressing the tops of my feet straight my arms up. Lift my thighs. Pull my chest for this is up. Dog tops the feet. My glutes. Relax. I'm pulling my heart, Ford. My hands are underneath my shoulders, right? It takes a little bit of flexibility and it takes a lot, Of course, trying to do it right. And then, you know, it's if you're down at the shoulders towards the ears like this. Lift up, extend up. Find a good up dog position. Thighs airlifted. I don't know if you could see my thighs are off for my pants on the ground. Political is back. Set the knees down, curl the toes lifted up and back. Downward facing dog come back and again. The Ford shift toward bring the knees down shuts down nice and slow. Chin down, untucked role straight in the arms up. Lift the knees. Press the chest. Ford needs down. Curl the toes under, said the hips, often back downward facing dog Last time. Come forward knees. Just gin. Inhale up, Doc. Press it up. Pull the shoulders back. Keep engaging. Take it back. Knee's down, downward facing dog. Now we take it through that or we could add on here adding on into the charter wrong, or at least the lower through Chatah. Wrong it into up Doc. So lift the heels up, roll forward into plank. Now, we're really gonna work on finding that good charter August. We want a shift forward brings shoulders over now. You could always do this with knees down or needs up. The first couple times will do with knees down. Just shift forward. Bring the knees down, bend the arms untucked the toes. Straightened it up, Doc. So just kind and adding a little different. Step into it and then lift up from the belly. Pull it up and back to downward facing dog. Kind of like a movement that we've done similar in the past. Come Ford shift Ford. Keep coming forward. Bring the knees down. Bend the arms lower halfway down untucked toes, lifting these up straight in the arms full of shoulders back. Lift the hard up into up dog and then lift from the low belly. Bring it up in back downward facing dog one more time going to come forward. Shift forward. Bring the knees down, bend the arms, untucked the toast. Inhale up dog Exhale downward facing dog. I say one more time. Let's do one. Let's just try it with the charter. Wrong it. And then if that feels good when we go through this video in the future, you know this is a 2nd 3rd or fourth time in it. Maybe you skip the knees down so Chef Ford come into plank pose. Keep coming, for this is really important to say strong through the core. Bend the elbows lower down, halfway untucked the toes. Inhale up, Doc. Pull the shoulders back. Exhale downward facing dog. Bring the knees down to the mat, sit back on the heels, maybe roll out the wrist. You know, it's a lot of time on their hands, you know. Ah, that's why it's always good to warm up the wrist and work through it. No matter you know what practice you're taking, I always show up to class early on, warm up my wrist and work into especially cause so much of yoga is on the hands and knees, you know, And as we work through this, we start to feel a little bit stronger into, you know, our charter wrong Is there down dogs and more that you work it with correct form, the better that you're going to feel right, the stronger the body is gonna be. And if you learn how to recruit the muscles and you're in your, uh, adding in core stability and you're you're applying these techniques to the body, it all works together. The core stability, the back strength, the chest opening. And it applies to these really simple poses. So now we're going to take this and we're gonna work into Syria. Nama scar A, which is our sun salutations. The first Siris of sun salutations. It's only a few few poses and it works to there. Then, yes, every time we're gonna do three slow. But as we go through this, I really want you to think of doing it with your practice, doing it with your breath. So that means I'm going to give you the option. I'm going to show the option of knees, chest, chin into cobra and then back up through downward facing dog through the vin Yasa. If you're feeling stronger in the body, then feel free to take charter wrong or child wrong. It needs down to up dog or lower Chatah wrong with the knees upto up dog or child? Wrong. A lower Although down cobra any variation that you want, just make sure that you're doing it controlled. So when you're ready, we're gonna come into downward facing dog plan in the hands, lift the hips up and back, You know, like I said, it doesn't matter if the heels touch right. This is something that is tasked with risk. Flex our ankle flexibility, but what I do like to see is a nice neutral spine. So bend the knees. If you if you need to do that to obtain that raft, the triceps under melt the heart down so that the chest is starting to open up. And if you could start sending the heels down or straight in the legs and they still lifted, whatever works for you is fine. Remove with the breath, so inhale. Set it up. Elect to lift the heels. Many needs gays. Ford Exhale Step forward. Inhale. Lengthen up halfway again, finding neutral spine. Exhale. Fold down. Press down, route down through the heels. Reach the arms. Ford on ups, Nice soft men and the knees as you rise wrapped the triceps in, press up through the fingers. Exhale. Bring the palms to the heart again. Contract the core. Press the palms together Really make this post count for something inhale. Sweep up. Exhale fold for inhale. Lengthen up halfway. The exhale Gonna plant the hands Step back to plank posts. Shift forward Really, every time working into the into the risk flexibility. Bring the knees down. Bring the chest down, shutting down to the mat. Inhale cobra. Exhale. Curl the toes under downward facing dog one round, two more to go. Take a deep inhale. Open the mouth and exhale. Go again. Inhale set up. Lift the heels by the knees. Look forward. Exhale. Step forward. Maybe could do it just one step at a time. Inhale. Lengthen up halfway. Exhale full down. Press down Slight men in these reaching arms up. Gaze up, stand out through the fingers. Exhale palms. The heart contract. The core really add into the engagement. Others pose. Inhale. Sweep up Exhale. Fold Ford Inhale halfway. Plant the hands. Step back plank posts. Wrap the triceps and talk to tailbone. Shift. Ford. Bring the knees down, chest down. Shin down Knows we find a nice little Backman here. Inhale cobra. Exhale downward facing dog and take the option that makes the most sense for you. Last one. Inhale. Lift the heels. Gays for Ben Unease Step it forward halfway up. Lengthen on an inhale exhale. Fold there. Inhale, reach up. Exhale palms, The heart contract Inhale. Try not to rush it. Exhale, inhale. Lengthen up halfway. Exhale. Plant the hands Step back plank post. Find a good plank pose first shift. Ford. Bend the knees. Bend the arm, set the chest down. Set the chin down. Inhale cobra pose. Exhale. Let's come back into child's pose. Sit back on the heels, rest of forehead down on the mat. Inhale. Come up, cross the ankles. Sit on to the but reach the lakes. Ford. Give him a little shake out and how. Sweep the arms up. Exhale. Fold forward again If you need to bend the knees first to get the hands to the feet, relax ahead down and then work on straightening the legs. Release a little back released the hamstrings released ahead. Inhale, come up. Come on to the back colonies into the chest. Grab the outer just the feet opened the hips up a little happy baby rocks. I decide it's released. Lobaccaro Lisa. Sacred little Stretch into the hips into the hamstrings. Draw the needs into the chest, straighten the legs, keep the right knee and got the right knee over to the left. Many gays over to the right, back to center. Hold the left leg straight. The right guy, the left knee over to the right. Britain. The gaze left back to center. Squeeze and easy. Last breath deep. Inhale, exhale. Straighten the legs, feet rollout palms. Roll up. Release into this final post. Take a few more moments or minutes in your sebas in a two or three at least just relax and release into the body reset. You know little time for recovery is always important. As we build through the Vin Yasa in the Syrian AAMA scar, we find that we bring mawr attention mawr awareness to these poses to these postures, we had more breath, a little bit more awareness and meditation to each one or practice strengthens. Not only does our physical practice strengthen, but so does our mental practice. We start to become more in tune mawr of where of what's going on when we focus on every single part. And this is how we really build our practice as an advanced Yogi. You know, it doesn't matter where you're at in your practice. If you bring that mindfulness to your practice, you're really going to grow. Thank you for allowing me to share my practice with you. Love and gratitude. Low cost Semesta. Suki No Bob into well being to be happy and free home. Shanti, Shanti, Shanti not must a
Ratings and Reviews
Yoga Strength Basics for Beginners has an amazing amount of quality content. The title of the class says it all. These workouts are designed to target various muscle groups in the body to build strength and stamina, which can be applied to yoga moves or, quite frankly, to living life to its fullest. Each class begins with a short warm up of the targeted body part and ends with a short relaxation. Instructor Dylan Werner, offers clear, concise instructions about how to position yourself and how to perform the movements properly. As a novice in the world of yoga, I appreciated his suggestions for beginner modifications and his pleasant and encouraging tone. The workouts have no background music, which means you can have your own music playing at the same time, if you choose. In addition, it was easy to find time in the day for these lessons, as they range in length from 18-27 minutes. Thanks to the presentation of this class as a 30-day program, where 12 individual lessons are offered twice with six intermittent rest days, I feel it helped foster a routine for me. The skill level of this class is set to “beginner,” and while I believe anyone can learn from these videos, I think it did help me to already have some exercising experience (I have been an at-home, video exerciser for over three decades.) I plan to continue watching through this class again and again because the content is so good and I have lots of room for improvement. In my opinion, Yoga Strength Basics for Beginners certainly adds to the quality lineup of classes that Creative Live offers.
Hilary Larson
Great course for yogis of ALL levels. Dylan does an excellent job of explaining how the body should be working through even the "simplest" poses in order to get the most out of your practice & grow stronger faster. Even after just 20 min, my muscles feel it the next day. I look forward to taking what I have learned and integrating it into my own routine! What a nice surprise to find an online course which gets me excited to deepen my yoga practice.
ROxanne FLeck
This is a great class, after years of bad form in yoga due to lack of strength, I am building up my core so I can rock a sun salutation. Straight forward, easy to follow, nice short classes that you can double up on if you want to work more. Super great way to start your day.