Lesson Info
Let's go ahead and start at the front of our mats feet hip width apart toes spread wide pelvis tucked under an arms parricide Deep breath in deep breath out and deep breath in is your arms Come up and deep breath out Drop your right hand while you're left Stays up is you reach toe One thing Deep breath in and out I had let me next inhale Come up and exhale You left arm down Reaching over Keeping your right hand up on your gaze up deep breath in and you breath out Deep breath in and deep breath out Next inhale coming up and exhale You're going thio Lean forward with a flat back Just like that Inhale up, exhale, inhale Give your shoulders away from your ears. Exhale your next inhale Come all the way up and exhale your hands to your lower back and then inhale looking up, arching her back. Exhale, inhale up. Exhale folds all the way forward. Give your head will shake Yes, little shake. No inhale with a flat back. Exhale hands down, coming back to plank stepping or jumping and then either k...
nees, chess, chin or chattering Gah, yeah, uphill a pale, inhale upward facing dog. Exhale downward facing dog. Take a couple of breaths here. Well, you get used to your first downward dog. Feel free to peddle your feet. You can cross 1 ft over the other. You can reach back, just stretching yourself out and then look forward and you're gonna lean forward into plank and then pushed back down her dog and forward to plank back to downward facing dog and playing. Keep your core tight this whole time back to down facing dog one more time over a plank back downward facing dog. Look forward. Either walk or jump your feet between your hands. Inhale flight back. Exhale down facing dog. Inhale up. Exhale forward fold. Inhale flat back. Exhale. Hands down, right leg comes back up. Warrior one Inhaling toward one Exhale Warrior. Two hands come down plank chattering Gah. Inhale upward facing dog down upward. Facing dog on the exhale, inhale your left foot up. Bring it soared into runner's lunge both feet together. Third fold. Inhale the up ex helper. Inhale up. Exhale forward fold. Inhale flat back. Exhale forward folds. Inhale your left leg. Back up and warrior two Exhale. We're here to and hands come down Car wheel down feet together Plank down through china Rhonda Inhale upward facing dog Exhale downward facing dog Lifting up your right leg Bring it into runner's lunge Feet together Inhale flat back Exhale for fault in health me up and exhale per inhale Arms up. Exhale forward fold Inhale up. Exhale a right foot back and tow Warrior one. Take a deep breath here as you get ready to lunge forward, Put all the weight in your left leg. Lunge forward in Tory or three on Warrior three. You can keep your hands in front. They can airplane out to the side, Come beside you Prayer. Really? Wherever you're comfortable the most difficult being right in front from here. Take a step back. Square your hips forward Deep breath in exhale flat back into a forward fold Really stretching out your hamstring Here, Go ahead, flex your foot. Place it back down, place your right hand down. If you're a little bit off balance, you know his wide in your legs You're gonna place your left hand on your left hip as we twist. Twist the triangle, inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale Omar, inhale and exhale Hands down and we're going to twist the other way. So left hand inside foot and then open Twist open, inhale and exhale. Now, from here, I'm gonna bend your front leg and walk your right foot out so that you are inside angle, inhale and exhale. Inhale and and then from here, come up a little bit and you can use a block. If you'd like to push yourself up into half moon, leg comes up, hips are stacked, right foot is flexed. Right arm is up. Then you can do this without the block. You can come down to place your fingertips on the floor or just cover and come back into Warrior two. Arch back, left arm up and then cart with your hands down, complete the plank. Chad Aronda Bird facing dog and downward facing talk. Go ahead and on your next inhale walker jump your feet between your legs. Inhale flat back. Exhale, heartful. Inhale yourself all the way up. Exhale hands to prayer. Inhale arms up. Exhale forward fold. Oh, inhale flat back. Exhale. Well, let's look back for warrior one on the right side. Take a couple of breaths here. What? And then place your weight in your right foot to push off in Tory or three flexing that back foot strongly. Hands come forward or out to the side or down, back or into prayer. You also do prayer behind your back, wherever you are. Deep breath in and deep breath out. One more deep breath in as you please, that left foot down and exhale over your friend foot. Go ahead. Give that. Put a little flecks in front, then police it down. Give yourself a nice stretch here. Place your left foot down firmly again. Feel free toe wide in your legs. If that helps you be more stable flat back, right hand to right hip and then twist open, bringing your right hand up and your gaze up to the sky. Hey, breath in, then do you breath out and deep breath in deep breath out. One more. Inhale and exhale your hand down to the inside of your right foot. Yeah, and we're gonna twist the other way. Let's go ahead and bring your left arm up your gaze up with it. Deep breath in deep breath out deep breath in deep breath out Now go ahead and bend your right knee and he'll tow your left it out so that you're in slight angle. Deep breath in on deep breath out and again. Feel free to use your block if you would like, as they come in to half moon, place it down. Really get all of your weight into your right leg as you push up in to half moon. Deep breath in and deep breath out. Really Concentrate on stacking your hips one on top of the other getting that lifted leg parallel to the ground. And if you can get your gaze up I find my gaze better out deep breath in and out Once you lower your back leg coming into warrior to then back lifting your right hand to the sky Deep breath in and as you deep breath out cartwheel your hands down, come to plank these Gestion or chat Aronda Yeah, lift upward facing dog and then down word facing dog and then come down to a wide leg Child's pose here. Yeah, E when you're ready, Come on forward. You're gonna go onto all fours first, and then we're gonna come into plank. So coming into plank here. Right hand comes down. We're going into side plank now, remember, you could have your knee down if you want, but ideally, for this one, we're going to stack our feet. If you're not there, you're still working towards it. And that's okay. Just stay where you are. But we want to stacker feet because I love to see you put 1 ft on top of your calf. Or you can grab your toe and straighten it out wherever you are. Just want to give you all the options. Bring it down. I am. Come back to plank, Chad Rhonda. Upward facing dog and downward facing dog. Deep breath here and deep breath. Go ahead and come into plank on the other side. Left hand goes in the middle as we come to the other side again. You can keep your knee down and you can still do these exercises by lifting your leg Here you can bring it toe to toe to heel, and even if you want, you can also grab. You're like maybe your flexibility is there, but your strength isn't so. Wherever you are here in goal is to do it all the way up inside blank. Let's go ahead. Come on. Down through cheddar Rhonda Upward facing dog and downward facing dog Deep breath here, deep breath out. We're gonna go ahead and lift our left leg. Open your hip and you can stay here. Or you can flip your dog So flipping your dog over stretching all the way back. Deep breath in and the breath out Deep breath in, breath out when you're ready, Ever so gracefully Flip your dog back and feet come together. Okay, forward to plank these question or chattering gah. Upward facing dog Exhale Town and facing dog. Go ahead and lift that right leg up. Now open it up. Bend your knee, flex your foot and stay here or flipped over. Flip dog reaching back, stretching, stretching out and breathing deeply. When you're ready, flip your dog back, bring your feet down together and run through Vanessa MM and come on down to child's pose. Mm. But not for long. Go ahead, come on into plank walk or jump your feet Forward street in your back. Flat back. Inhale. Exhale Thorn on, Then inhale coming all the way up and exhale prayer. Perfect. Let's go ahead. Do one more vinyasa flow. Get a inhale up, exhale forward, inhale their flat back. Exhale, walk or jump your feet The plank Cheddar Rhonda upward facing dog and you're actually going to stay here here to separate your feet about the distance of your mat. Go ahead and look over your left shoulder. Switching Look over your right. Then go ahead and bend your knees. Give yourself a little stretch. You can go all the way and touch your toes your head if you'd like. Remember breathing deeply. Coming back down, Going through to downward facing dog. You lift your right leg up and come on down in due crescent pose. So crescent as opposed to run his lunch. We're keeping our foot up and bring yourself up with the lunge on the bottom, but almost like Warrior one on top. Great for hip flexor. Great for strengthening are like muscles. Go ahead, exhale down into prayer. You can readjust your foot if you need or come wider so that you're nice and steady and then twist so that your left elbow comes to your right knee and you can stay here if you like, or you can open it up or you can even find wherever you are Breath in and deep breath out. You can grab your block here again if you'd like Or just put your hand to the floor and come like this We're gonna go into reverse half moon, deep breath in and you breath out One more deep breath in and exhale back. Hands down. Yeah, Push back into plank Cheddar Rhonda, go through your flow. Exhale. Go ahead, lift your left leg up, swing it through into crescent on the other side. Lift up deep breath because we bring our gaze up has always make sure that your needs not going over your toes. Mm, Breathe mhm. Exhale your hands to prayer and then twist coming into it on the other side. You are more than welcome also to place your knee down here. If it's too intense and you can be here and still open up or bind, maybe once you're here, we'll give it a little try with your legs straight deep breath in deep breath out and from here, grab your block. We'll put your hand on the floor and push up into our reverse half moon on the other side Deep breath in deep without one more deep breath in and exhale your foot back Bring your hands down to plank. You got your float? Yeah. Yeah, And exhale. Go ahead. Looking forward on your next inhale walker Jump your feet in between your hands and four fold on your exhale. Take a second to just ragdoll it out here she your head and the next Inhale slowly, slowly, slowly. Role yourself up. Inhale your with up and exhale prayer. We're really working on this one. Go ahead and place your feet. Hip distance apart. Reduce. Um, balancing poses. So deep breath in deep breath out placing all the way onto your left leg You're going to lift your right leg up. You can grab your shin and stay here, or you're going to give you a toe lock to your foot on the bottom. You can place your hand on your hip and then slowly stretch your foot out in front of you. Theune left arm comes out as you open you like to the side gays over your left hand. It's okay to wobble. It's okay to fall. It just means you're pushing yourself, which is great and experimenting so deep breath. As you bring yourself towards the front, take your left hand to the outside of your foot and then twist open the other way. We've done a lot of these types of twists today really helps stretch your I t band as well. Strengthen it the way we've been working up. Bring yourself back to the center. Give you like a little tug. Bring it down. Shake out that left leg. Go ahead and resend to yourself, this time placing all of your weight into the right leg. Slowly lift up your knee. Stay here if you like, or grab your toe and straighten your leg. Make sure back is nice and straight for this is well, go ahead and open your leg as you open your arm and take your gaze over your right arm, Breathing in the whole time coming back to center, Loop your right arm through grabbing your foot and then opening to the other side. See, wobbling is good. Deep breath. You stretch the I T band on the left leg and you breath out deep breath in deep breath out. Go ahead, loop your hand around, give a little tug and down. Shake out that right leg. Perfect. All right, we're gonna come down on our mats. We're gonna go into a little balancing pose, so we're going to come into Plank. We're gonna lift our right leg and then bring it to the right knee from here. By the way, if you want to, you can also place your foot just like this rather than keeping it lifted. But you're gonna want to place your knee right knee on right elbow and lean forward as if in a chattering, oppose and then slowly lift your leg. Now you can stay there or you could go ahead and straighten your right leg. So feel free to give to try either way that. But then come back. It's all fours. Shake it out a little bit. Re center. Then come back to your plank. We'll do the same thing on the other side. So go ahead. Stretch that left it back. Bring it up into your Chad Ranga balance. Come back down and then try it with a straight leg. Or you could just go from a street leg to begin with. Right? We're going Thio Come Kin to pigeon next. So go ahead into downward facing dog lifting up your right leg, swing it all the way in front and cross it over. Get wherever you're comfortable. If you need, you can take your block and place it underneath your hip. So maybe this is better for you. Or stay on the ground square off your hips to the front of your mat. Lift up, extend your spine and then reach forward to wherever you're comfortable. Way worked at I t band a lot today, which means we also worked our hips, so this should feel pretty good right now. Yeah, yeah, go ahead. Still, walk your hands. Tuck the back foot under dear downward dog, right leg up and bring it down. Switch your left leg, rise up to three legged dog and then swoop it through for pigeon on the other side. Really square your hips street in your back until from the hip to lean forward and your leg. You can come in closer to your hip to make it a little less intense or to raise your intensity. Bring it out so it's more parallel to the front of your mat on then reach forward, taking deep breaths, making sure that you're really concentrating on relaxing that hip. It's so easy in this pose. Thio intense the muscle that you're trying to stretch, though. Make sure that you are really thinking about relaxing it all the time. And one more deep breath in and exhale. Do you still do? Walk your feet back on this time we're gonna tucker foot under coming in to three legged dog. Bring your feet back. Looking forward, you're going to jump your hands into a seated position like that. Okay, place a block over here. We're gonna put our feet in front of us and then lay on our backs. We're gonna take our blocks and keep it close by. And as we land our backs, we're going Thio, use this. Azzan need to push us up. So the higher it goes, the more intense it's going to be. I'm going to start with it here, and then I'll show you what it looks like as we go higher. So putting it right below your hips, you're going to put your feet together and just let them drop open. It's actually fairly intense for your lower lower lower spine. And I like rocking like this back and forth, kind of getting an edge. You can feel where it really really stretch is going to the other side. Feel free to bring your feet back together And you just a block if it's not where you want it to be But we're gonna bring our feet back together anyway and I'm gonna just the block putting it right below. But this time we're gonna heal to our feet out and bring your knees in together for a nice, different kind of lower back stretch. This one. I don't rock so much from side to side, but do whatever feels good for you. Yeah, Deep breath in and deep breath out. One more deep breath in and bring your feet back together, Remove the block and slowly come down. All right, we're going to go ahead into boat, which is every yogis favorite pose or not. So we're gonna come into the middle of our Mets. Really? Sit on your sit bones as you balance. You can stay here if you like, or bring your feet straight out in front of you and we're slowly gonna lower down 10 9876 54321 And relax into your final Relax, ation, take a deep breath. Clench ever. And also you have in your body. Make fists, flex your feet and then breathe out. Let it all out that you're breathing. Just continue naturally from here because you let the ground come up, meet and hold the way to your body. Feel free to stay here is long as you like, and then when you're ready, wiggle your fingers and your toes. Bend your knees. Come over to your side and help yourself up. Do a nice seated position with your eyes still closed, cross legged if you'd like, or maybe sitting on your knees, go ahead and put your risks or your palm's on your hands. Face up or face down. Take a deep breath in and deep breath out home or deep breath in on deep breath out deep breath in and out. Did you bring your hands together? Slowly open your eyes. No mistake
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