Class Introduction
08:13 2How to Move Your Audience to Buy
03:56 35 Storytelling Guidelines
20:38 410 Stories That Get People to Practically Throw Cash Money at You
21:44 5Understanding Your Client’s Motivation
03:49 6Turning Customers into Fascinating Protagonists
05:20 7How to Write a Logline
03:18 8Turning Customer “Pain Points” into a Compelling Crisis
05:15Lesson Info
How to Move Your Audience to Buy
We're gonna talk about how to deeply move your audience using the power of storytelling. Yay! What a fun way to kick off our class. It is a scientific fact that human beings love stories. We all love stories, right? Everyone in this room loves a good story. So why are stories essential for copywriting, specifically in your business? Our brains are wired to retain more information when they're presented in story form. So if you're presented a piece of sales copy and all it says is it's a bunch of disjointed language, or even if maybe you think that it's crafted in the right way where maybe it's got like, a couple statements at the top about how your client's feeling, and then you say, here's what I can do for you. Again, that's not that exciting. I'm like, boring myself even saying that as an example. So, when you present it as a story; and I think we can all think of an example in our lives when someone told us a story. And it just stuck with you, right? There was probably some message...
in that story that made you go, oh yeah, you know, this is... This really stuck with me, or maybe approached something differently in my life, or it made me, you know, made me take action on something. It also takes your copy from bland to unforgettable. So again, we want to be unforgettable, unforgettable in our businesses. We need to be. That's how people are actually going to buy from us. And then stories appeal to both logic and they appeal to emotions. So both of those things are crucial in buying psychology. So, you need to appeal to someone's emotion, but also logically, they need to make the decision of are you the right person for me to hire for this service, or to be my coach, or to buy your product, or to take your class, right? There is logic going on in there. We don't wanna leap over the logic. We don't want them not to think about, or make, you know, a nice, conscious buying decision. We want them to make a conscious buying decision and know that we are the one for them, right? We don't wanna trick them into that, like I said earlier. So we wanna appeal to both of those angles. We're using it both so that emotionally we can connect with them. Connect with them on a deeper level. But at the same time, we can allow them to make a conscious decision that's going to support what they want. And they're gonna know that through your story, yes, this is a great fit for me. Or no, you know, maybe this isn't the person that's right for me; and that's great for both of you. We don't want every single person that comes in our world to be our client. We might think we do. I used to think that when I was early on in my business. I'm like anybody that'll give me money. You know. (laughs) Okay, I'm dying here. But, then that led to so much heartache and pain, and so many terrible things that happen, and in the end I just realized, wow, if I just didn't work with them then it would have been so much better. I could have opened that space and energy to welcome in the people that I do wanna work with. Or have that space and energy to reach those people in some capacity. I could have used it networking or just doing anything better than what I was doing. So that's the great thing is that you're also using stories to welcome in the people that are ideal for you, and to turn off the people that maybe just don't connect to your work, and you don't necessarily feel that you're the best person to help them. And that's okay; that doesn't make them a bad person, or you a bad person. That just means that you're not a match, right? Just think of like, a dating site, (laughs) when you're looking for a partner. And in that case, not everyone is gonna be the perfect match. But you're both great humans. So, same thing applies for business.
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Ratings and Reviews
I thought this course was pretty great. Melissa packed a lot of value into a short class. I took notes and brainstormed on a lot of the exercises and strategies she recommends while watching (pausing as needed) and finished the class with a document full of good ideas and first-draft copy. It is a short class, so if you're looking for something that really gets into the nitty gritty of how to write, this probably won't be enough for you. But if you're just a bit stuck on how to tell your story in a compelling way, or need to inject some excitement into your copy, I'd recommend it.
This was a great course for giving starting points and methods to make your copy more engaging. It doesn't tell you what to write or is not overly specific, but then what course could cover that for everyone. It does set you up with ways to write and include storytelling techniques that will help make customers read your copy, and hopefully, take the action you want.
Mariya Haberberger
This was super helpful!