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Working With Camera Raw

Colin Smith

Working With Camera Raw

Colin Smith

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Class Description

The Camera Raw filter in Adobe® Photoshop® is so versatile and effective, it practically makes the other adjustments obsolete. Colin Smith will teach you the basics of enhancing your photo’s saturation, clarity, contrast and more, as well as how to use more sophisticated features like split toning and HSL to achieve perfect tones and beautiful colors. You’ll also learn how to use the Adjustment Brush, Radial, Gradient, Color Range and Auto Mask tools to apply your adjustments with pinpoint precision. This class will change the way that you edit your images in Adobe Photoshop forever.


Adobe Photoshop CC 2018

Ratings and Reviews

Bess Palmer

I like the material Colin covered. My only suggestion is that sometimes he mumbles when he is adding a little side note. Since there is no closed captions, the details of what he is adding can get lost. I would love to see a flowchart of his suggested timing of using the various adjustments

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