Lesson Info
The Workflow Overview
Let's go into the workflow surrounding light room desktop and because you can put images in tow light room desktop from not only from your IPad in your IPhone but also right there on your computer. You can even go to a website. If I had nothing with me, I had no phone, no tablets, no computer. I could go find a computer, log into the Web at light room dot adobe dot com and log into my light room account. I could upload my full raw images into light room from a website so I can actually input information. I can put photos into my light room ecosystem from almost anywhere on the planet. And because I can do that, there are a lot of different ways that you could approach the idea of workflow for traveling photographers. It's a really awesome way to get your images into your ecosystem immediately by using an IPad or an IPhone and simply connecting a card reader into that phone or into that IPad and then up loading them into your ecosystem, and then they'll just be here on your desktop when...
you get back. But for this class purpose, we're going to teach you how toe workflow from light room desktop. So if you are finished with the job and you bring your images back or you've just gotten back from traveling somewhere and you bring your images back into, um, back into your studio and you have you have a card and you have a card reader, you're going to put your images on your hard drive. And it's very important that you that you put your images into the same place every single time. And I'm going to suggest that you put them into a folder called Jobs and you can see that That's the way I've organized my images here. I've organized them into jobs. So there's a Jobs folder inside of my hard drive and inside of that Jobs folder, there are jobs in each. One of those jobs is labeled. It's got a date at the very beginning of it, and then it's got a client name. So if it says Platt, that means that it's I'm the client. So it's personal work on Ben, right at the end. It has a kind of identify Ra's toe what that job actually is, Um, so you can see that I've set up some here like the 2020 022 creativelive heart HDR and panel set. So I am coming home from doing a whole bunch of HD ours and panels and I've got those images ready to go. I've imported them into my computer. So the important thing is that you either have them on your computer already or you take them in your card and put them into your computer. Either way is fine. But what's gonna happen is light room desktop is going to import them into its own location. It doesn't matter whether you put them on your hard drive or if you put them in. Uh, if you just bring him in and a card and stick him into your computer light room desktop does things a little bit differently than light from classic, and that is that It takes the entire set of photos and it brings it into light room desktop, and it puts it in its own location. Now you can choose that location by going toe light room preferences. And in the preferences, there is a spot called local storage and in local storage area, you can choose to store a copy of all of the original location of images at a specific location. So when you click on that, then you can choose and browse to a specific place. So hit the browser. Go choose whatever drive it is you want, so you could choose your drive and then just hit choose and that will locate all of your images onto that specific drive. You could even set up a folder and say light room photos create and then choose that folder and it will locate everything inside that folder. The important thing is to make sure that that drive is big enough to hold all of your photos that you're gonna be using. So don't use a small driver, a small piece of a drive. And actually, I highly suggest that you don't use the drive on your desktop because the drive on your desk tops going to get full, and it's going to start slowing your system down so your programs air on there. All of your files are on there, and some space where light room needs toe work. It needs what we call cash, needs space to be able to move things around and so you don't want to fill up that Dr. So I highly suggest that use an external drive that's big enough for 6 10 terabytes of information available and just leave it all for photos and for video. So that way you have all of your images in one place. You've told light room where you want it to be. Now, for me. Um, I am not going to. I'm leaving this unchecked right now because I'm actually working without the drive so you can see that my drive right here, photo collections drive is not attached to the moment. So I don't want light room to try and put stuff there, but you can notice it says the originals. They're not currently stored in this custom location, and they will be moved there after Thursday, February 13th. What light room is doing is it knows I'm traveling, and it knows that this computer is not attached to the drive that has all my original photos on it. And so what it's going to do is it's actually going to wait until I get home. So at the moment when I import something in the light room it's going to put it inside of its own specialized catalogue location, which actually is in the Macintosh drive inside of the Pictures folder. And if we go to the light room folder here, right there, that light room library. If I were to right, click it and show the package contents, you'd see that it's actually got folders inside. There doesn't look like it's a folder. Butter actually is, and it's buried deep inside this folder. Right here are a bunch of original photos, and those original photos won't be that they'll stay there until light Room sees that that drive is attached and on February 13th is going to take everything from the drive on my computer and move them over to that other location because that's the location we prefer to keep all our photos in. So it's a really smart system, but you don't have control over where the images are, and that's what you really have to understand about light room desktop light room classic. You know exactly where every photo goes. You put the photos where you want them to be, and then you tell light room Hey, the photos air over there and lightning just looks at him. And light room classic always, uh, treats your folder structure with reverence. It it adheres to what you want to organize the images as whereas light room desktop assumes you don't know how to organize your images or don't want to organize your images, and it organizes them for you. You get to choose the desk there, the disk where you want. You want to prefer to store them, and it is going to try and get them there. But it's not gonna let you choose, so I'm gonna put him in job order. It's not gonna put them in folders by job. It's on Lee going to store them and then allow you to search for them by date and buy albums and things like that, and we'll show you in a minute. So when we import, it's important. Understand that if I come in and say I want to import photos into light room by clicking on this little plus button right up here toe, add photos. When I add these photos and I go to that Dr. We're just gonna assume that this is almost like sticking in a card Doesn't matter. I put him on a drive doesn't matter that I put him on a drive. It's still gonna take them and copy them to another location. That's deep inside its own catalogue. Until my hard drive is available that I plug in when I get home and it will move them there and it won't even tell me that it's done it. It's just gonna move them there, so it's always going to maintain its own organizational structure. But it's great because I can leave. I can go somewhere with my computer. I can attach a I can plug in a card and I could put images into my computer, even though my hard drive isn't available and it will the whole time. It's working on all these other photos that are already in there. It's gonna be calling up to the cloud to get access to those images because it knows that it has a copy in the cloud, and then when I get home, it will take those images I put on my computer that I brought in the light room, and it'll take him and move them into that location
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