Importing and Selecting Images
Lesson 6 from: Workflow and File Management in Lightroom DesktopJared Platt

Importing and Selecting Images
Lesson 6 from: Workflow and File Management in Lightroom DesktopJared Platt
Lesson Info
6. Importing and Selecting Images
Lesson Info
Importing and Selecting Images
so we want to import are images and once we've imported are images and we have ourselves a collection or sorry album. Uh, I'm used to to the light from classic mentality. So this is a collection like classic, but here it's an album. So I'm gonna click on an album. This is the album we just imported. We're going to take that album and organize it into folders so that were a little bit mawr, uh, organized and able to find things faster. So I'm gonna grab that, move it into here. Drop it. There it is. So now we have our set of images. They've been imported. Noticed that because I actually stole them from light from classic because I wanted to have full original resolution files as though I was bringing in a new card. It exported the ex MP data that came with it so that star ratings and stuff like that that I put in in light from classic actually show up here because of that X and P data. So anyway, you would have normally when you imported them, you would have actually seen these as ah, n...
o stars, so there wouldn't be any stars on them. They would look more like this. Um, when you first imported him, if they directly came from a card. So now I'm going to take a look at these files and try and, um, do a little bit of selection process and find the files that I actually want to use in light room Classic. If you have a whole bunch of images selected like this and you click on the frame, it dese elects all the other images. But that doesn't work here inside of light room desktop. And so if everything selected, it just becomes really difficult to try and uninsulated all of the images. And the only way to do it is to hit command D for D Select. That's that's the only way to do. I guess you could come up to a menu somewhere and do it, too, but that's the only way to do it. So just be aware of that. If you command a selects all command d uninsulated everything because otherwise you'll hunt forever trying to de select something, and it just won't happen. So de select is, uh, command D. So just just be aware of that, okay? So I'm gonna go in and I'm gonna select images so that we can use them later. So remember these air, all panels, panoramic images and they are hdr images because well, and will use them a little bit later in our discussion here. So I'm gonna scroll through and take a look at these and I'm just gonna hit the space bar, which is gonna take is gonna open up our images. I'm just gonna look at him and see which ones I'm really interested in. And I really am interested in this one, especially because I get to show you the process of HDR. This is a pretty good HDR toe work on. So I'm gonna highlight all of these images and give them a two star and then I'm gonna scroll through Uh, this is fine. Um, but I think I have some other ones that are even more interesting. Oh, this one's an interesting one. Here is an HDR because it's actually it has a bird in it. So where is that bird? There's a bird that's moving across this HDR. There he is right there. There's the bird And so it will be interesting to see what happens to an HDR when there's a bird moving around through the frame. He's just kind of sailing through the frame. So I'm gonna I'm gonna choose that one as a possible candidate as well. Uh, and then I'm going to. It also is interesting to see what happens when you're looking at an HDR that has motion here inside the water, see other waters moving around in the HDR. So that's an interesting 12 We'll give that a one star. Maybe we'll work on that one. Um And then I have some panoramic images, and so I I want to do some panoramic images, but I'm going to do an unconventional panoramic image, which is inside looking at the ceiling. There you go. Yeah, see that? I'm looking at the ceiling of ST Peter's Cathedral and I'm gonna do a panorama going up like this and we'll see how that works out. So I'm gonna take that panorama, and I'm gonna give that a three star. So now we have our images selected, and we know those are the images that we want toe work on, and we'll work on him a little bit later and then further on down as we discussed light room desktop. We're going to show you then how to wrap up, because this is all about uh, not only about how to use light from desktop, but we're also really interested in teaching in the proper workflow. So remember, at this point we have taken either a card and directly put it in tow, light room desktop or we've grabbed a bunch of images and we've put him on a desktop somewhere. We've put him on a hard drive somewhere, and and we've pointed to that folder with light room desktop in the import dialog box. And when we did that, remember it took those images either from the card or from the desktop, the drive somewhere, and it took them and it copied them deep inside of the reaches of light room desktops catalogue it copied in in there. And it's gonna wait until I'm connected back to my drive home, and then it's gonna push them off into that Dr at the same time, it sent them all to the cloud. So I'm duplicated. I have him on my hard drive right now, and I have them in the cloud later on, when I attached an external hard drive to it because I've told it. That's where I prefer to put stuff. It will offload the stuff off my computer onto that drive so that it's not filling up my computer. It'll be in the cloud. It will be on that drive. And so that's where we are now, and we've brought them in into an album. Every time you import, you make sure that you make a new album, Name it something that's either based on the date or the name of the client or the name of the place that you were going or put them in full on an album that already exists. If you If you have AH album called Vacation Photos Every time you come home from a vacation and you want to put it in there, just put it into that vacation album. Whatever it is you, however, you want to organize them. But make sure that you're putting your images into albums when you import them so that you can find them really easily. Then we're gonna come in here ah, and do our selections, which we just did. We went through and looked at him. You don't have some of the same controls that you do inside of light room Classic. So, for instance, there's not a survey mode here. This is kind of akin to your survey mode you see is big and images you possibly can hear, and you can increase the size of these images. So you're seeing the images decent size here. You can look at him in the grid here or one by one here, but I prefer toe look at images side by side when I'm selecting him, because then I can see things in comparison to each other. That's a much better way to select images. So I would prefer to look through images and select them here in this masonry style rather than in the grid style, just because I can see bigger images. Um, but that's just my preference. But there is no survey mode inside of light room desktop, which I really love inside of light room Classic. And remember that if you happen to have an IPad or an IPhone and you want to travel, you don't necessarily have to bring your laptop with you when you're traveling. Just bring your IPhone or just bring your, uh, IPad. And any image that you put into light room there is automatically going to go up to the cloud, the full file. Even if it's a 13 megapixel raw file, it's gonna go the cloud, and then it's gonna come down, and it's going to show up right here inside a light on desktop in a folder with the exact date that you shot it when you go up here into the by date section, so you would simply just come here and grab him by day, or if when you put them into your IPad, you actually imported him in to an album. Then they'll be in the album, sitting right down here wherever you place them. So it's a beautiful workflow system. The light room ecosystem is in full display when you're working inside of Lightning desktop because it's 100% connected. They have built light room desktop to utilize the every aspect of the light room ecosystem. And so that's where we are. And that is how you organize an import into light room desktop
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