Albums and Shared Albums
Lesson 4 from: Workflow and File Management in Lightroom DesktopJared Platt

Albums and Shared Albums
Lesson 4 from: Workflow and File Management in Lightroom DesktopJared Platt
Lesson Info
Albums and Shared Albums
now down below the big my photos panel here is the albums, and the albums is actually where you're going to store your photos that their virtual locations, just like Enlightened Classic. They are just like a collection and their shared with Web, obviously, because everything in light room desktop is shared with the Web but which is unlike light from classic light from Classic on Lee shares collections that you ask it to share to the cloud. All of these albums are shared with the cloud. You can create different versions of collections. Here you can create what's called a folder, and that folder is like these day three day four folders. And when you create that folder than you convey drag collections into those folders to keep them organized a little bit better. So you have folders and then you have albums. Simply click this plus button and create an album. It'll ask you where you want to create it, what name you want to give it. So if I create an album, here's the dialog box, it says, D...
o you want to? What's the name? And do you want to include the photo that you've currently selected I'm gonna cancel out of there because I'm not ready to make any kind of an album at this point. But there, let's go look for those images. There they are. Here is the HDR panel set that we imported, and I didn't put it in a folder when I was making it, so it set it on the very base level. So it's right there, um noticed that it's spinning, and the reason it's spinning is because it's up loading those images to the cloud right now. As soon as those air uploaded, it's going to just show me normal, a normal collection, much like these up here. Now you'll notice O. C. I think it's done. Okay, so it's shared those images to the cloud. Um, a soon as it has shared him to the cloud, it's going to do one of two things. It's either going to keep the original file on the hard drive if you've asked it to, or in my case, because I travel a lot and I don't want to fill up this with a huge database. It's going to remove those images from the desktop to kind of free up space. Now it. It'll only do that if you tell it to do that. So if you go to the preferences, you can choose whether or not you want to store your images locally or whether you want to free up space. So if you want to free up space on this computer so that it doesn't get full of imagery, especially if you're actually storing the photos here on this computer and you're not storing them off on a secondary drive, you can say to it to use photo cash equal to 0% of your remaining dis space. So what I'm telling it is, do not use any of my computer in order to store stuff so that you don't fill up my computer. So I'm actually telling it, I don't want to use any space on this computer to store any kind of photos. Um, and I'm not storing the smart previews, either. If I store the smart previews, then I'm gonna have all of the smart previews from my entire clouds of 43,000 Smart periods are gonna come down and fill up my space and ICloud and now I've never tried and clicked on that to see if I could find out how big the catalogue would actually get, But I guarantee you it's going to get bigger than I want it to be, because I want as much spaces I could possibly have free on my laptop. So I use light room desktop, not as a primary workstation. I use it as a way of looking in on my catalogue and adding stuff to the cloud when I'm travelling or moving around. So I like to keep this nice and lean. If you're gonna use, let's say it's on a desktop computer and you have plenty of hard drive space and you have a hard drive off to the right. Uh, this is my left. That's my right. But you have a hard drive off to your left, and it has enough space for all of your photos than what I would highly suggest for you. Those of you who are not moving around with a little laptop, I would highly suggest that you give this a decent size on your desk, so give it 20% or 50% or something like that. Um, don't go to 100% because you never want to fill up your drive with anything. Eso 25 percents great. Um, and then I would store my smart previews locally, and that will help speed up light room to be able to work on the images fast. And then I would store a copy of all the originals in a specified location, and I would locate that drive that you have outside your computer or, if you're on a tower computer, that as internal drives you could store. You know an extra drive in your computer. But don't do. Don't put these photos on your main hard drive that has your programs on it. Put it on a separate drive, and I would put that I would I would choose that specific drive. So that's how I would set things up. If I were using it as my main workstation, and I didn't have to move it around, it wasn't a little laptop. If it's a laptop than I highly suggest that you run things this way and have an extra drive here Photo Dr uh that you can then plug in and it will take all the images that it's stored locally and move them over to the other drive and then unplug and work as normal and then plug back in everyone's well or every day when you get back to your desk. Just plug into that drive and and then you would check on this store copy on the original of the originals at a specified location, and it would do it at this location. Okay, so that's how it would set it up. Before we go on any further, Let me just show you a couple more of these options here, inside of your, uh, control are your preferences panel. You can prevent sleep when you're synchronizing. That's a good idea, so that when it's synchronizing overnight, it doesn't go to sleep. The computer itself. You can add copyrights to any imported images. That's a good idea. And also make sure that you enable people view. Now if you want to be super private and you don't want anybody to, you don't want a computer in the sky to know and look at photos and faces on, especially if you're doing like, you know, uh, photographs of of stars and stuff like that, and that you have contracts with them for privacy purposes. Then you can disable people view so that there's privacy. Your privacy is guaranteed because all of the facial recognition that's happening inside of light room desktop is actually happening in the cloud. Not here locally. So once the images get into the cloud than the AI system in the cloud, which is called Sense A is doing, all of the people work. And then it's sending the information back to your computer. So you have a really powerful supercomputer doing that rather than your computer. Here. It's different than lightning classic light room classics. Facial recognition is actually happening inside of light room in the program itself, whereas here it's happening in the cloud. Um, so performance performance is a big deal for everybody, especially those people who are using light room classic. Um, because Lightning Classic is an older code, and it's got a lot of bells and whistles in it, whereas light room desktop is fairly lean, a little machine and it moves pretty fast, and it's it's pretty nimble because it's brand new code, and they've done a pretty good job of the code. Eso it moves actually faster than light from classic does. But if you want it, Teoh. Speed up in performance. Come in here and use the graphics processor option, and you can either customize it and choose specific things about the display and processing. Or you could just tell it to do it automatically, and it will choose how it operates based on what it thinks it can do and what it needs. Either way, just play with it. If you find that light room desktop is running fairly slow, come in here and choose either. If you're already on, turn it off because maybe you have an old graphics processor and you're overloading it. But if it's off, turn it on and see how that improves your performance. And then, of course, in your interface, there's very few options here just in like the size of text and whether or not you want the panels to open automatically or manually. I prefer them toe open manually, not automatic, because manually, I might want to close one panel. But if you do it in automatic, if you close one panel, it closes both panels, and if you open this panel it open, it closes that panel and it is annoying, so I like the manual. I would rather have manual. So there's very, very few preferences when it comes to light room desktop. Okay, so now we know the preferences, and now we know how it organizes them. I'm gonna introduce you to two more things over here before we get moving passes. Remember we imported by hitting this plus button. If you click on the home menu, it's gonna take you to a page that just has a bunch of learning options and stuff like that. It's It's not all that interesting of page. You can see that there's places where you can go for tutorials. You can see that Here's some recent edits, some albums and some recent imports. Um, and then there's a learn and a discover part where you can look at other people's photos, stuff like that. So it's kind of, I don't know. It's an interesting little advertising page, basically, um, so the book area is the library area, and that's where you'll mostly stay. And then there's one other area right down here that's called this sharing area, and the sharing area is for, uh, albums that you have shared in some way, shape or form So when I click on it, remember all of your images that all of your albums that Aaron Library are shared to your own cloud. So everything is attached the cloud. So when it says share, it's not talking about sharing to the Web. Um, because in light room classic, if you're used to that, there's a button that you push next to each collection that shares it to the Web. So you actually physically share it to the Web, and then you have to share it out to everybody else if you want it. So it's a two step share this. It's always shared to your own cloud. So this area here with the people icon is just telling you the the collections that you've actually shared to people outside of your own private Web space. So you can then share it to a friend. You can share clients. You can send it out as proofing site stuff like that, and it shows you all of the collections that are the albums that you've shared. So this is a great way to see Oh, I have some things that I should kill the share options on because I've done with that so I could come in here and and unshared those from the Web. It's just a list of all my shared images. Now there's something new inside of light room desktop, which is pretty cool. It's kind of fledgling, but that is the option to share with someone else. So these down here on shared to the Web, if you share them, they're just making a website. And then people can come to a website and log into the website or just use the U. R L and get there and see the images. So you've just created a website. Basically, that's what shared to the Web means it's not sharing it directly into someone else's light from catalogue. However, this set here, shared with you is images that have been sent to me from someone else for me. They're actually a second account that I have to help you see this. So Jared Platt account. One has a shared some personal photos with Jared Plat me account to, and so they show up inside of my light from catalogue. So if I click on that, I will see a bunch of images that that Jared shared with this Jared and so I can see them inside of my light room. I can click on him. I can view him. I can share them out to other people. Aiken print them. I can do a lot of stuff to him, but what I can't do to them, which is really interesting, is that I cannot edit them. So if I double click this and go big, see that it says you cannot edit this photo. The owner of this shared album can edit this photo. So So this. That guy over there that shared it with me can edit the photos, and when he edits them, I will see them change right here. So this is for those of you who are have friends that are all on light room desktop. Not like from classic light room desktop. If you have friends that are unlike from desktop, you can share, say, some travel photos with them so that they can see, and they will always be able to come into this shared area and they'll be able to click on your shared light room. And whatever you've dragged into that album, they're going to see and they'll be able to see what you're doing, and then when you remove it from that album, it will remove it from their album as well. It will remove it from their desk. There light from desktop experience. It's a really great way to share, especially family to family, friends, to friends, photographers to photographers. What I hope happens in the future, I hope I pray that they do. This is I would love it if they would allow the first user, the original photographer, to decide. I want the guy I'm sending it to to edit these photos because then you could actually have your assistant do editing, and all you have to do is drop them into into an album in light room desktop on your system, and it would show up in your assistance folder under shared, and then your assistant could do all the editing and you could be doing something else. And then when you come back, you would have all your work done. So I hope that that's where were going with it. But right now it's It's a great way for me as a photographer to put images in an album and have them shared in tow. Other photographers albums inside of their light room experience. So that's that's really what it is right now. Let's hope that they see the vision that I'm seeing in that you can all see by understanding if we could share him and edit them, that would be awesome. Um, of course would have to, you know, have a toggle that said, I want people to edit or I don't want people at it. So we that's what shared with you means. And then there's one other option at the top. And that option at the top says connections Now connections. Think of them as plug ins. Think of them as if you're a light room classic user thinking of abs. Of them as published services. Um, a connection is basically a way for you to share images out to a specific service. So in this case, White House custom color, who is my print provider? I can simply drag images into White House custom colors, plug in or their share here, so I can then connect to White House simply by taking an image. So Aiken taken image and share it out and then go to I can't do it with someone else's images. But Aiken go into My image is here, and I can click on the share button up on the top right hand corner. And there are my connections. And if I go in and share it too lumps, if I go in and inch and share it toe White House custom color, it's going to open an interface that's really a plug in That gives me the option toe order a print. If I send it to blurb, it will take a bunch images. So I select a bunch images and send it to blurb, and it will send them into the blurb bookmaking software. So you see how they're trying to connect you to really good services outside of light room rather than stay inside of light room like you wouldn't classic to do all of your work. Um, and then finally, adobe Portfolio, which is adobes basically free portfolio site. You can make your own website for free with a custom. You are l because you already are a member of the light room Creative cloud eso You have access to your own free portfolio system s Oh, that's a really good system to, and you can click on that and it'll just send a set of images and make a new page on that portfolio site. So that's what that section is about those connections and so I can click on here just to see what has been sent. So these things have been sent from light room desktop to my portfolio site and I can see in White House. These things have been sent to be printed through White House, so that's how that works.
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