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Client Success Stories

Lesson 9 from: Win Clients with Binge-Worthy Proposals

Melissa Cassera

Client Success Stories

Lesson 9 from: Win Clients with Binge-Worthy Proposals

Melissa Cassera

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9. Client Success Stories

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Client Success Stories

How to weave in client success stories, so we talked a little bit earlier about exciting testimonials using really good ones. So this is my favorite tip around testimonials. When you pick a testimonial or client success story to use in your proposals, pick the one that has the same objections as your client. So I used to do this wrong all the time. I would always pick like the fanciest testimonial, like which one sounds, makes me sound the best, right? And I think that's super common, right? 'Cause we wanna be painted in our best light. But the great thing is, when you use, this has a way bigger emotional connection when you pluck a testimonial that says, "You know what? "When I was first considering hiring Melissa, "I thought, you know, she was too expensive" or, you know "it didn't sound this great "but then I really loved this and I'm so happy "I hired her, I can't imagine working "for anyone else." Now most people leave that testimonial off because it led with something kind of neg...

ative, right? Right, like "I thought she was expensive, "I didn't really wanna hire her" but I would leave it on, because if that's an objection that I'm hearing from clients, like if I'm constantly getting no's because they're like "You're too expensive" or some other, some other objection, just plug and play whatever it is, then I would include that because I wanna show them a real-life, social proof example of someone else that had that same feeling as them and was still like, "Nope, I made the right decision". Right, that's super powerful. Once I started changing to those, I had a huge uptick of people that said yes and I use this in sales copy elsewhere as well, not just proposals, but sales pages and other places that I'm communicating something that I have for sale. So also better to have one to three strong ones rather than, you know, a ton of weak ones. We talked about that earlier. And then really focus on the ones that are emotionally driven. Commonly, people will use testimonials that are like numbers driven, right, or like very results-driven, so it might be like, "I increased my business "from 10,600 dollars to 40,600 dollars", right? Those things are okay. I find they're less effective than the ones that are more emotional like "When I worked with Melissa, "I did increase my revenue, but more importantly, "I feel so much more pleasure running my business". I get those kind of testimonials a lot, where people will find more value and fun and pleasure in the day-to-day running of their business. So I use those because they connect more. Because at the end of the day, people wanna make more money, but it's usually deeper than that. There's something more emotional going on than just, like, bringing in the money. We can all make lots of money and be miserable in what we do, so I know that emotionally, people are gonna want to know that. So you can still put the piece in about some cool thing you've done or helped them achieve, but loop in, if you have it, something emotional that they've told you about why they're working with you or the result that they've had that's not coming from a place of numbers.

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I really enjoyed this. It felt quite fast passed but it's perfect if you want to squeeze in a lot of helpful information in under 2 hours! And you know - you can hit the pause button!

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