Day 1
1Course Introduction
15:22 2Why is Design Style Important?
16:38 3Quiz: What Is Your Design Personality?
26:12 4Quiz Answers & Feedback
26:18 5Breaking Down Classic Traditional
39:27 6Breaking Down Cool Urban
24:56 7Breaking Down Artistic Traveler
28:00Breaking Down Sophisticated Stylista
32:28 9Student & Web Questions
21:05 10How Do You Use Your Space?
36:23 11Functional Work Spaces
21:38 12Joining Households, and Other Obstacles
15:27Day 2
13Problems and Possibilities of Mixing
12:54 14Mixing and Combining Styles
37:30 15Students and Web Homework Review
40:31 161Mastering the Art of Non-Style
43:23 17Using What You Already Own
20:46 18How to Use Trends
37:44 19Current Home Decor Trends
25:38 20Trends on Their Way Out
20:14 21Your Interior Working with Exterior
37:52 22Mix Inside & Outside Design Styles?
30:14 23Revisiting Homework
11:57Day 3
24Trendsetters & Tastemakers
31:22 25Trendsetters: Williams, Berry & Dixon
24:15 26Trendsetters: Buatta, Passal, Hampton
14:28 27Trendsetters Continued
22:32 28How Fashion Shapes our Style
37:05 29Decor & Fashion Design: Student Interview
16:38 3012:45 pm - A Case Study on Personal Style
32:29 31Using What You Own
26:49 32Tobi's Inspirations & Fave Things
29:06 33Smart Style Shopping
47:44 34What & How Should I Shop?
20:53Lesson Info
Students and Web Homework Review
This is devon's house. So do you want? We're gonna have devon come up on tell me about the violence tell me about what we have going on way. Devin, you have a couple of different scenario as he had done, she ate dinner. What do you want to talk about? This was going to ask tio talk about anything you want to talk about. So this is a space is you that's the front door as you you come in and it opens right into your space that's the main entryway right there, the ceiling they don't have a picture up but it is literally the floor of the upstairs like the rafters. You can see the rafters away to put electricity, you know electrical so you know, like lighting fixture there it's a dark space, the carpet, you know, just the lighting, everything makes it a really dark space. So so if we're trying to think about what first of all tell us what you think your style is primarily well, this is all very traditional, but I don't actually love any of this. So does everybody think that's traditional al...
so know I don't really think it doesn't rate is really super traditional tea there, the sofa has almost a mid century vibe to it the way it's low and long and the these chairs over here also are a little bit glamour, so I certainly stay traditional things happening in there but there's a lot of clean lines happening in this space too, so I think you might be a bit so interesting everyone's interpretation of what's traditional and what's modern so so tell me if we were if we have a challenge here if we were going to work on one thing it's like lightning the space lightning this space so do you have you had any ideas of how to do that? Well, um I don't know that there's nowhere to put lighting tricks I use a lot of times and I think we talk about it in a session later is the idea of using room sized run so I use rugs that go almost all the way to the wall that air only like six to twelve inches from the wall. And if you did that in this instance, what I would typically do is I would have a larger rug and there's probably do you have a new electrical outlet on either side of one of these walls in the back there? Yes. Ok, they want us to shift that we're a little bit so if so, what I would do to lighten this up from a function standpoint already like for lighting, I would run and extension cord under a much larger rug and you could have lamps on either side of yourself and then that might if so far we're blending you know, yesterday afternoon when we're blending function and style, so one of the ways you could bring a new style into the space is what kind of lance you used, whether they were sort of a collected look or if they were more glamorous, or if they were more traditional or urban so that's one of the first things that I would do to this ice would be to use a larger rug so that it actually would hide and there's some extension cords that are really flat or you can even take them down, and I'm constantly hiding those under a rug so that I can get lamp lighting there might actually be out let's write a carpet right there, but there they're closed up and a lot of those air tricky as well. So from a function standpoint, the people who designed floor outlets didn't figure out that if you're going to put a rug over them and you put a chord in them and they're not resist into the ground towards sticks up about this far. So another trick when your space planning and this is sort of a a little bit of a hint towards what we'll be doing in my session in march with function, another trick is to just get over it have a rug, maybe something sort of like this that is not super expensive it's not an oriental, so it doesn't happen all over pattern, but something they would maybe you wouldn't be comfortable with, but you could have someone help you cut a slit in the rug that's not very visible, which like nor run you could let the court pop out and then situate your furniture so it hides the court. And so we're thinking about styling if you're going to have a cord under the sofa with the lamps plugged in, you might go well, I am more traditional and probably I need to think about a skirted sofa because from a function standpoint, you're not going to see the cords and the wiring that are happening underneath. So aa lot of things play into function plus style, and then we've allowed youto lighten up the space and then bring in some other elements that could be in addition to the style you already have that really solidify that or something completely out of the box that might be fun to introduce in the style. Okay, okay, fine. Thank you. Thank you appreciate it. Your house is beautiful way really appreciate that I think there's no substitute for a dark room there's really no substitute for actually layering in the lighting and you basically have sconces or you have darkness in this room so really you're missing some lamp lighting so it really try to get that and get it to balance around the room so bringing some over about the sofa could be really, really important as well. Ok, fun. Uh well, you could just you could just tell me about this when you know okay, so this is at the top of my landing you come up the stairs and there's about thirty two inches on either side to do something it's not very wide space and I've been wanting to put some color there I mean, it does have orange but a piece of furniture and then maybe something up top just a little more complex but it's the only thirty two inches so I'm having a hard time thinking certainly had it looks to me like you certainly have rooms so first of all, do you consider this traditional is well, it's always just what I had okay, so it's making things that you have work so yes, because of the styling and the pieces you've selected, I think it looks much more contemporary don't you well, so maybe leaning either towards the urban style or maybe even a little bit of that traveled look so you know, even even the moldings which some people would think lean towards traditional they're very, very clean a little more cottage e but it looks to me like you actually have room to put a chest of some type with a lamp, elin it and maybe a piece of artwork above are even you might want to use some more of the vertical space and think about something like a secretary or a cabinet aa lot of times in in spaces like this, if it's a traffic flow, spices and spicy flow through, I love tohave for function like a night light, so if you had a secretary that can be open, if it doesn't impede your traffic flow, you could have a lamp also sitting on that and you could turn it on and it's really nice lighting, and it sort of brings that mood idea. And so when we were talking about how we want something to feel, maybe it feels too harsh or a little sleek or maybe a little lacking enough yeah, it's lacking maybe in some personality. Eso when you start layering in lighting it's going to make a big difference is going to create ambience and made so I think about either a chest with a lamp or even a secretary, but would you do it on both sides matching her? Would you not not necessarily nephew did a chest you could potentially completely mirror it on either side, but I think I might select one side or the other it looks like they have a stair railing coming up is there? I just I'm standing on the stairs, right? So maybe when you're standing on the stairs it might be the side opposite the stairs that would not be in the way is much hell, he wouldn't have to walk around it and maybe you're I would go over there and so it's sometimes it's a little hard for me to answer some of these questions when you're not in this space but at uh my my instinct with this um example in this photograph would be to think about the side opposite the stairs but mainly you're going to be thinking about like we talked about yesterday traffic flow function how what needs to happen in that special you don't want to impede the traffic flow because you're trying to make something look pretty so if its opposite, it might be a little more functional good idea, any questions or thoughts anybody wants to add so far on either of these I loved the day I don't say bland because that sounds rude but the blandness of the rules but with those really strong colors there in the corner that read of unit and the red painting that's really strike another thing you could potentially well do you have someplace else you can use those great little cubes if we take him out of that, they were extra anyway, they just wear ok that you that you don't use it, but if the colors really working for you, you could also bring that idea again and again. So say, if you did select a secretary, maybe you paint the inside back of the secretary that pop of ours that you're really craving for pie seller in there, and then maybe the outside of the secretary is even they just the color of the wall, so it doesn't feel because if it's heavy and dark, it may feel like it's really in the traffic flow, but if it blends with the wall color and then the interest or excitements inside with your a pop of color or probable wallpaper inside, that could be really fun and interesting. I like the flow to because it looks like you have other colors going on back there that's the bathroom, but it just all works and it looks really nice so your eye from that so even keeping some of the maybe not quite this much the black, maybe a little bit heavy in this instance, but having some of that dark color brings your eye back to the window treatment in the bathroom two dozen it's really pretty ok, and this one here is that you it is tell us about this yeah I apologize with photos way asked you to do this on the fly so we're not expecting top quality lighting and photography well and you won't get any top quality lighting that room beside the same issue as devon there's no ceiling light I had to pull over this lamp because it was nighttime when I took these and turn this other light but the item the big the flag a flag antique flag is something I've had for a very long time and it's about one hundred twenty years old and it came to england with me came back here it's part of no when you were talking about heritage but it has I have no country I've no americana it ze totally contrast eso I've just had a hard plate I hard time twenty figure out where to place it and it's huge so it's about I think eight feet by six feet are not six feet sorry four by six okay so it's I don't know so it's really making it feel and then the collection's air really my travel pieces from mostly from asia ok so what would you like to accomplish with this what do you think it's not working about them are they in the same room they are ok I don't think they're telling a very cohesive story um tell me talk to me a little bit more about what you would like to accomplish with them um actually looking at it now, I almost want to get the whole collection of sell it on out of there because I think looking at it from here that the americanness speaks more clearly I do you think works between the two of them is this has very much a primitive sort of look. Yeah, and so does this very simple like you think of this americana look going back to something like we saw yesterday like some shaker style things and really since it's really simple actually it's really clean and so are these pieces. One of the things I noticed about the collection is I think even though you do have it in one place it's almost still to spread out you like, think about bringing all of them down just maybe two to shelf so you get more dimension because I think they lose a little bit of their interest because they're kind of spread out do you see that? So maybe layering them in and just maybe a couple of the shelves, maybe the other shelves you put something simple, you know, our books or something that really makes sense there and then I don't think you have to because you just because you have an american flag, I don't think you have to bring in a lot of americana. I like the idea that this makes sense from a almost museum quality you know, if you thinking like a museum and we were talking a little bit that like that? Yes, sir, you walk through a museum and it's very clean and it's very, and it did, but everything in the museum doesn't necessarily reflect the same period or the same story, so I think it's ok that you bring it in as collectibles. Now, if you want tio, you could repeat some of the color, but that is a little bit too matchy for some people, it feels a little bit decorated around the yard, and I think a lot of times you may really want the art to stand alone, so I don't have a problem actually, with either of these, I think maybe just the displays a little bit hard to tell looks like you have to sort of have the the flag off center, so maybe what would actually help this would be your furniture placement and I can't see the furniture place, but so much so maybe it's happening that's not working here is that it's not working with your what's happening on the floor floor plan does that make sense? It absolutely does, yeah, because I think it was a little bit corner, it looks like it's crammed in the corner, it looks like it's kind of an afterthought to the chairs and so if that's the part that if the flag is what gets your attention and it does when you walk in the room then you need to let it set the tone and create sort of what I would call a vignette are a seating grouping or something underneath and that really supports it so I can envision like a chair maybe not a wing chair that might be too traditional free but something maybe that has some height that really relates to it because everything down here is really low and it's like this beacon here so think about blending it in with its surroundings so maybe a chair, maybe a lamp or something that really makes that whole corner a statement piece go back and look at it with that sort of critical. I know what could I do to make this work together, make them relate to each other as opposed to saying my chairs or down here and we have this giant flag on the wall you know, blending those things and some are having something that supports it scale proportion on a chair underneath is that make sense to you? Well, yes putting wallpaper color behind the shelves to make the her pieces really pop I think you could depending on your style, my impression with what she said about her style being more urban and more clean I feel like that presenting these more as we were saying museum style is a little bit, possibly more, your personality and my beginning that wrong, that somebody that was more into using a lot of color and layering a lot of traditional things that wasn't just about the collection certainly could like something like a wall painted behind it. It would make it more traditional. It would make it more about decorating the spaceman. I suspect that this is more about the collection. It's funny that what he said about the shelving because we're restricted because those are all built in, they don't actually, john, they're not adjustable and that's. The one thing I think that had we only had three shelves, I would have preferred it, but because we're five, I felt compelled, phil, about, uh and sometimes I think it's weird junkie, you think everyone else, like have these, I have to use them, and you don't necessarily so think about what makes the collection look its best and then worry about the other shelves later and figure out what? Just leave them to show you could be really good. Okay, well, I think that's going to have more impact on more dimension, though, if it's layered you want to bring it up, julie wanted ok, ok? This is a mortar and pestle that belonged to my grandmother, okay? And it was the one piece that I wanted, and we got to go pick whatever we want in her house, and I just love this because this reminds me of her. She was always in the kitchen cooking, but it's, not a collection, ok? And so it doesn't have that big impact, and I've been carrying it around wherever we move, and I feel like it needs to go in the kitchen, but it just it looks lonely sitting wherever, and I just don't know howto place you ever you you're not going to use it you want tio, but I don't I don't use that. I would think about a way to diss play it that even makes it more special, and I don't know if this would be too far outside of the traditional realm for you. But for me, I would think, but do you have any say in your kitchen or in adjoining? Is there a breakfast room or anything that you have a chest in or a secretary or a table that you would have a table top? So I would think about putting a lucite box over it you can just buy those air really inexpensive like sometimes you see people put other kinds of collectibles or sports memorabilia or other things I use them a lot particularly when I want something to same really special sometimes even create a little bass for it's like a black or would base and display it and make it appear as important to everyone else as you feel it is to you so something like that and then it also gets has more dimension more sizemore scale you could also just have it sit I mean it's so charming you could have it sitting on a stack of books you could just have it as an accessory like you like I used my vintage grapes and just lay them on the coffee table on a stack of books so I think it's so unique it stands alone but if you really want to pump up the importance of what you could do something that makes it look more like a precious item and there's something about covering things in in a piece of loose sight in a box that makes everybody go what is that and it's it's untouchable and its precious tell me the story about that it's a treasure I like that idea because I feel like I don't have a lot of interesting things in my house and that from what I'm seeing my house is very safe and boring and it's sort of how I dress that every instance like a reflection of me. So I sort of like having like a statement. I like it because you already have lots of antiques because you collect them. You don't want to get this to get lost in the story of o that's. Just something I picked up at a flea market or that's, just an accessory about at a store. I think that making it have that kind of treasured idea. It's really gonna it's going to grab people's attention, it's going to make you feel proud to tell them what is there to think about something along those lines that fills comfortable with your personal style. Okay, I think it might be fun, okay? And when I do it all pin it and you, if you can't find one that fits, you can go online. There's, a great company called plexi kraft, my friend and I will make anything any size. You want it so you can measure it, and you can say it needs to be this tall in this wide. You could make it a little bit bigger than the piece I mean probably a square are like a you know taller but square shaped the base because this is round and that fits better a square fits better around that thing a rectangle ok so a square and then the height to accommodate that would be really fun. Okay, great. Thank you. You're welcome eleven that was fun any thoughts about that deal like they did do you think we had some good solutions? Anybody have anything else to add to any of those that I mean not great stories that I really love that piece I love the simplicity of it and what toby was saying about displaying that interested clear box with a great idea because that simple in itself I think were really high like that thank you for bringing that thank you for sharing your pictures. De marie and devon really appreciate that thank you. There was a lot of chatter online on a busy tears and all of that scenario is sorry it's it's it's very interesting it's clearly very engaging I think I think what's great is to see it's not totally an edited but the images were saying so far have been very edited and ready for photographing and the images we saw this morning were uh going on like bam snap on even that pretty toddy computer when I could have done it's interesting to see unedited and then have the commentary on riel authentic, you know, yesterday I didn't have time to get the cleaner and that's why there's no pictures of me my hope involved I think we're gonna look at something. Thank you. Submitted your pictures? Let's have a look at those now. Yeah let's look at this. So it says this is our entryway loved the demi loon can't seem to style it right? The spot that catches all the male keys and everything we tossed so that this is tricky for a number of reasons the scale of the dim mulan right off the bat do you see what happens with it it's really small, particularly because of the waynes kid? Because the wanes coating is taller may because, well, it is we can see where the wainscoting comes up two thirds of the way out the door aa lot of times wanes coating would come in right here even with this style on the door right here and so it makes this piece seem really small so I would actually I know it's not what what this person wants to hear because they love this in the intruder way but I would probably look to see if there was another space in the house that could actually make support this piece a little bit better because the portion is really making this look very small scale and that's kind of what happens. We were talking about yesterday with a lot of antiques, right? Though some of the older things that are really small, you have to create a backdrop or something that can really support it. Now I've done other things like put, I don't know that it would work in this space because there's a lot of other things already happening here, but I've done things like put a piece of furniture in front of a full length mirror or a large piece of art or something else to ground it and give it dimension. Does that make sense to you all? I give it a backdrop because it's really sort of just floating on this wall, and it gives it really gets lost, and then the other thing we can kind of get perspective on how big it is because there's a bag of her sitting on it kind of gives us a little bit of of a clue whether a lamp or something like that could fit on it. There's not a plug in right here, an outlet, so they're gonna have trouble putting something on it, and I think she is going to have trouble styling it there, so sometimes the answers. Our that we can't exactly make something work in the spot we wanted that we think it's going to work in but maybe there's another place I would wish that I could know I don't know if she's online but I wish I could know if there was another place in the house that she might consider for this piece because I do think she has some scale issues certainly for this space anybody else have a thought that they've tried something like this that maybe would work or that it would help the scenario yesterday and I'm just wondering if she adds something tio increase the height of the table because it sort of does look a little bit messy since it it's a catch all area and I don't know she has like some big books and maybe some sort of pretty catch all thing to put her I do agree with that and you have to be careful cause it looks like it's really small so I can't tell if it's got the dip toe ad books to it and sometimes it starts looking contrived if we use books to sack things up but I love your idea and I use this idea lot of using beautiful things as utilitarian things so a collectible bowl or you know, a lot of times I'll go on great websites that I love like first dibs or other places that have antique pieces and all and I'll help my client select accessories that air collectibles knowing that we're not going to use them in such a precious way what we're actually going to let the mail on the keys and all the things that kant simply gather in this space and go into them sometimes you can also use another say a box or some other kind of accessory even under the table that things could go in a storage and it could give it some dimension but I think we've really got some issues here with the height of the wanes coating is really what's causing the main issue here and it's really difficult to bring art over now there are instances where I would lean a piece of art onto a table but this may be too much high traffic that it could fall over but sometimes I would ignore the wanes coating leane say a framed piece of art if you all can imagine that on the table and it really connects and gives the table reference or you know part of it makes it part of that whole wanes coating area it it gives them as I was saying to you it kind of relates to the wanes coating mme or if it's not this big gap and then the arts hanging on the wall it brings it all down and makes it more of a whole a cohesive unit that one's a little tricky though ok, so here is this project, so we're looking at I want to do something different with this mantle and there's the idea of leaning art that I was just talking about that and I like to do that a lot, so something like that could also go on the demi lin we were just saying something a little bigger, maybe a couple of pieces of layered and then they suddenly have a point of reference to the wainscoting. But in this in trips in this instance, she says, I'm on a very limited budget. I think the best thing to do is paint leaning towards painting orange um and or with a glossy black be nice so she's asking a lot of color questions most of all the art on them analyst for my children so let's look at some of the other images of the family room too, so we can get perspective of what else is going on here. I think that black is going to make more sense here is there's a lot going on in this space? Ah, and I think that it's going to maybe not have that point of reference even if there's some other orange in the space, I think it could get a little bit out of character for the space because for the most part this is a traditional rain right and so like a black glossy paint for the mantle is certainly going to kind of like the black glossy mantle in the room that my room that we've been looking at is the cover photo it will it will really add a lot of punch to that really traditional styling of the mandolin and if she wants to keep her kids aren't there, which I think is charming it would support that to look really great with it I think there's too many different things going on first to introduce an orange a strong orange paint on that man's lenin really makes sense I think it's gonna add tio the busy nous as opposed to being a grounding element also the black makes sense with the actual fireplace itself so that would be my choice is to pain that she wants it to be more bold but a high gloss paint would actually look great so that would be my suggestion let's look it um a tra momir er inherited from my grandparent's currently in our tiny slight gray powder bath and it needs a new home to shine. Let me see if we have any other images from this client I don't think our this person I don't really think we do so we don't have a lot of information here, but typically I think this would be a piece that you would want something underneath it another chest are an item to really ground it, so when we just hang something on the wall, we go backto having the same problem we had with the flag it's just sort of floating there, and it doesn't have anything that really grounds and makes it almost like an architectural detail of the space. So I love the idea of having a chest, another piece of furniture that is even in a similar finish to this or that picks up on some of the darker elements, maybe it's black or a dark brown piece that could go underneath it that would actually grounded into the space, make it have again, the idea of a point of reference, but not knowing what else is going on in the space is a little bit tricky, but something like this could be great in an entry hall at the end of the hallway really fits this wall well and that's what I like about it, because if you float something this small and narrow on a large wall, it's really going to get lost, so even thinking about hanging it at the end of a hallway sort of like your bathroom hallway was if that was an actual wall instead of the door at the end, it would be great with a little piece underneath it and give it sort of a home there that really it fills the space so when I'm looking at at furnishing are where any kind of element like this that hangs on the wall I like to let the space and the architecture dictate where it goes I have a long, narrow piece I go around my house looking for ah long narrow wall that it really makes sense because you hang it in the middle of ah larger wall and it really gets the proportions off it starts becoming too small and it doesn't have a lot of impact so I think that's one of the things she's going to want to keep in mind the most is where is the space that she could see it a lot that she would really enjoy it because it's important to her and what space in her home architecturally supports the shape the form the scale of this piece because again it's really a perfect fit for this narrow wall do you'll see that and I think a lot of times probably when you're trying to hang things that was the thing I did like about where you had the flag painting it was a perfect fit for that wall where you had it's really it fills that space and I think that's a really good thing s so it's about looking for the space that it fits best architecturally and then seeing what other elements you can bring in to support it and really make it a cohesive unit maybe we have time for one more. Okay. Should just pick one randomly. Anything jump out of interesting. What ability? That one must see what this is. Ok, here's a close up of my entry table. The khoisan, a lamp and planner were inherited from my grandmother loved the lamps very much. Found the trunk in the table while thrift ing scale um, may not be large enough. So that's really what I was just talking about on dh then. Just not sure the mirror and canvas don't have to be part of the styling, but for now they're feeling what otherwise would be a blank space. I think what she's going to wantto pay attention to is exactly what I was just talking about. Does this feel like it's just floating on the space? It was really all of these are really that idea of anchoring even the little dim england. We were saying what anchors this? What makes this relate to the space to the architecture as it really fits cohesively as an extension of the architecture, not just a little table that we that we put against the wall that we noticed there's this huge well in a table under the so probably a larger piece of art aah or something else that grounds it to the space would be very helpful any thoughts on that? I think it's okay that she's that she's presenting this is a collection her style looks like it's collected and traditional says she likes lots of things out I mean maybe edited a little bit but I think more than anything it's the fact that she needs a larger piece on the wall behind it there's a painting, a mirror or something that really again makes it work and it makes it be a cohesive peace with with the architecture and with the wall that's interesting that was sort of the common thread through a lot of these was making it what really work with the architecture okay, so any final any thoughts going I think waiting let's do it because we've got somebody great controversy thank you so much for seeing how many more we can look at awesome I left that we don't have time constraints so let's look at this one biggest priority room that's the same room yeah yeah that's great. So the biggest priority is the help with the entryway. So that's what she's saying she has a giant wall so that this is gives a lot more perspective on this she needs something on that wall you know what else is great for spaces like this? I loved he's a pattern the wall covering on a large wall where you can't either don't have a piece of art that's large or you can't really hang something in some instances because the wallpaper pattern itself becomes the art so if you so if you can imagine whether it's a geometric or a damn esque or something else her stylings pretty traditional but either of those could work she'll love this little great key patterns she has going so something that would relate to those that you could fill that wall would add a lot of interest and then she maybe could leave the styling exactly like it is or she might decide to put a taller mirror I think a mirror would look great it's always nice in the entry to be able to look at yourself right before you go out the door um you know check your makeup or whatever your purpose or function is to leave it's nice to have a mayor there but I think grounding that whole wall with some great pattern wallpaper would be really, really nice yes would you can you just wallpaper one wall or would she have to do the whole in this instance you could does anybody know why would work to just just well paper one wall there's no break in that wall there's not there's s o you either want a solid wall are you want a symmetrical wall so if there's two windows that air symmetrical you can do it or if there's a solid wall what happened where it gets tricky is if you have a long wall that there's a doorway, a double opening down here and a window down here there's too much going on. But when you're looking for the perfect accent wall, whether it's for a pop of pain or a pop of while covering, look for a wall like this that clearly two may from our vantage point, looks like there's a very specific view towards that. So it could be a focal point on its uninterrupted and it's a nice backdrop for what's happening in front of it. And then suddenly we have that success. We were just talking about of the furniture relating, teo what's going on behind it. They come together so she's going to want to think about pulling out colors or patterns or things that relate to not only the table in the lamps and what's going on there, but also relate to the rest room, and suddenly everything is pulled, been pulled together. It sort of becomes that common thread. We're looking for that maybe even tells the whole space together, it's going to give it a lot more interest. That was a great question. People try to do accent walls sometimes without success and it's because there's too much going on, so when you think about, say, putting a pop of color behind a bit or behind a sofa or behind a piece of furniture like this one now if she did that, I would consider taking down this piece of art over here moving the plant. The chairs could stay because they're symmetrical, and you'd have this really nice, clean, cohesive look, even if it's a traditional pattern on the wall, it would still be simple and symmetrical and then what's happening on the table wouldn't necessarily need to be symmetrical because the chairs and the lamps really bring that symmetry piece in and then you can have some interesting collectibles just displayed on the table. That's very helpful to see on more of the space okay, mostly in a leaning towards c I love my great room since we moved my husband's desk is in there, he brought a huge tv and how many of us deal with this and it's not looking quite so good? Here's a photo of the room without the problem areas did she shows the problem areas as well? Let's see, I'll be right here here, the two offending areas that just don't go with my home, so let me I'm gonna have to so let's memo remember, with these is what? I love it. She put messy desk and big t she gave it like these there are, well, even need to be called out cash is it's a big tv? Okay, let me look at let's, go back to the room and see if we can tell it's. Hard to tell. We don't have an overall shot of the room. I wish we had an overall shot of the room. Um, yeah, it's a little tricky did not say to see what's happening in here. Don't go back. They don't have any other angles, dooley well, certainly the disc is not functioning for him. He needs some sort of storage piece and it looked to me like, I mean, she had a big cabinet on the other wall, and I wonder if this couldn't be used for some stores. So we've got this huge display cabinet and it's it's got open shelving and glass, but maybe she needs to think about having not clear glass and that so you could put frosted glass or a trick that I love is I have a friend who owns a window to window tinting business where he tends the car windows, but they also sell, eh, eh? Basically like contact paper that can go on a window and make it look like frosted glass and it's very inexpensive so I use this trick a lots of clients who have a lot of clutter but they have a lot of open cabinetry will come in and it's just a film that you can put on the window and you can actually remove it if you want to ever so I would consider thinking about this cabinet that she hasn't seeing if she could actually use it in a functional way to help store some of his some of his desk clutter because she's getting there's a lot of stuff happening in the space already and maybe even you're gonna have to edit some things that so this is where you need to prioritize your function and we said yesterday as much as we don't want to think about it this way the function really needs to be the first priority and the beauty needs to be the second priority so they're having a little bit of ah power struggle because she wants it to be beautiful but he needs to work in there but if there's no other space that he can work I think she's going to have to compromise a little bit, open up the space, maybe get rid of a few things and create a more defined area for the desk is it sort? It feels to me like here's my beautiful room and out, by the way, my husband has to have a desk over here as opposed to making the desk work, and we saw some examples yesterday where maybe there's a style of this that could go the back of the sofa with lamps on it that actually feels like part of the seating area or, you know, there's there's going to have to be a way that we it's not just a the elephant in the room that it's actually part of the design of the raymond part of the function and the television is really the same thing, and I think a lot of us get into this situation of dui toe hide or not to hide the tv, but we have to think about our lifestyle, and if we're going to be washing the television in this room all the time, then how do we embrace the television in a way that we actually like it? So if you don't like the cabinet, maybe you hang the television on the wall and put something underneath it, maybe you create a cabinet that has doors, but she already has a lot of cabinetry going on in there, says the tall china hutch is, and I think we're going to kind of get too much going on if we've got arm laws, and we've got hutch is so we're going to have to blend some of those things together in this space, and I would start by as much as she may not want to thinking of these two pieces, the desk and the tv as staples in the room, and how do we make them part of the design? Not at the elephant in the room it's kind of, you know, we just have to compromise and that's, we were saying that earlier, unfortunately, a lot of us and I joke and say, we leave the lawyer into my husband, and I do the decorating baked into the day, we have a sixty five inch television hanging on over the fireplace in the living room because we watch tv and he wants to watch tv, and he lives there, too, so we really do. We should compromise and find creative ways to make things that other people in our home won't work for us and there. I mean, you may not want to hear it, but if you're bending a little bit and they're bending a little bit and yesterday, you know, he said, I have a list of a few non negotiables, but everything in the room does not get to be ok the whole well, room is my non negotiable now how are you going to compromise that's? Not really fair so pick two or three things say the sofa stays and the hutch stays because those about two favorite things and he says ok, well, I get the desk in the tv how do we blend these into this room? And what else has to be edited out to make them work? They told me I had a relationship with the designer and I never got to say anything. You won't be surprised to hear that relation it's no longer going way do need to wrap now thank you so much for your submissions we start, we don't get too many, but we are going to try and get back to some maybe this afternoon, but it is really kind of you to send in all your ideas sending your photo goes thank you very much. We are going to take our first fifteen minutes brake now off the day, so toby, we're going to be talking about mastering the art of non style night, so this is fun. So we've been telling you this whole all yesterday and this morning about how you need to decide what your style is, but when we saw those rooms that were really mixed some of them, we couldn't even define what the style was right, so it maybe it's, even almost a non style for those people, or it's, just their own personal style. So we were going to look at that without labels were gonna peel the labels back and say, how do we master this art of just eclecticism, bringing all the things you love together and making them work fantastic? Well, I know a lot of people always use that word, a collected to describe himself, so we're going to get in and much more of that when we come back.
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Amy Cantrell
I was happy to get this class on sale at a time when I needed it. We were painting and replacing some furniture so it helped me get some clarity on what is most important to me. As a photographer I can appreciate most styles and colors so the class helped me hone in on what my design personality is (eclectic mostly) which helped me focus on things to inspire me.
LIndsey Connell
What a generous offering. I got so much out of this course. Sure, some of the style references are a little out-moded, but it's incredibly thorough. Tobi is so knowledgeable about all of the styles and is gifted at helping students ensure style and functionality. Dive in! You'll learn so much about your own style and how to make your home flow in a way that you love.
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