Lesson Info
7. #WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 7: Ramyeon
#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 1: Arancini
43:41 2#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 2: Broccoli Risotto
1:03:20 3#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 3: Polenta and Sausage
1:03:41 4#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 4: Chocolate Covered Macaroons
1:13:16 5#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 5: Pasta with Peas (and bacon)
56:38 6#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 6: Chickpea Stew
1:01:22 7#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 7: Ramyeon
1:03:14 8#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani Episode 8: Goan Green Curry
1:03:18Lesson Info
#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 7: Ramyeon
I And welcome back to creative live TV. I am Cait Desa, and I'm excited to return back with our work from Home Cafe with Andrew Screw Bonnie. Just a reminder for all of you. We've taken off a few weeks to evolve our content, and I'm really excited to bring in your brat back on to show some really great recipes today. I'm really excited. Ah, Andrew's gonna be teaching us how to make Rahman from his kitchen in New Jersey again. Andrew Scheer. Bonnie is a food photographer. He is a New York Times food photographer and one of our favorite instructors. So today he's going to be teaching us how to make Rahman, and then we're gonna take beautiful pictures of it. So welcome back to the show, Andrew. So excited to be back up and running. Oh, me too. I know that it's been a few weeks and a lot of us happened in the world, and we are are obviously trying to respond in a way that's appropriate and respectful and tells a story about that. Um is one that's more expensive. And I think that, uh, for m...
e, that starts right here in my home. I know I've spent a lot of time over the first couple of months of this cooking things that are uniquely familiar to me as the kind American growing up in New York on, and also as somebody who has spent a lot of time in kitchens professionally as a stylist and as a photographer. But one of the one of the stories that sort of is still to be told, um, about myself and about my evolution as a cocaine and eater is one that is close to home. It's that I live in a multi racial household and my wife is Korean. She was born in Korea, and I had no experience at all with Korean food whatsoever. Growing up, I didn't even understand, um, the basics of Asian cuisine when I was a young man because we just pretty much a American or Italian food. I obviously had an expansion of my palette in a lot of different ways. Um, and I think that one of the ways I would like to share the work from Home Cafe is not only is my, um, personal life multicultural, but obviously, through my experiences and food, I've learned to understand that appreciate culture in a way that a lot of people don't have the opportunity to. But, um, food is the obvious 11 of the most obvious first point first, contact connectors with new culture and new people and a way to experience food eyes to experience somebody's culture. So I want to open by saying that that's one of the goals that we're gonna kind of try to achieve here at work from Home Cafe is to share the experiences I've had in opening up. Both my talent, my mind and and my culinary ability to die idea that different cultures have influenced me in such a in such a profound way. Yeah, and I think that, you know, from the conversations that we had before, you're deciding to come back and bring back work from Home. Cafe was really a lot to do with what you're saying, which is Food is an equalizer, and it bring breaks down barriers between people and cultures in a way that really makes things easier to understand. When you understand that people eat foods similarly to you, it breaks down this barrier of someone being Def sprint because ultimately it is. We're all gathering around. I think we talked a little bit about food and music, kind of being thes cultural equalizers and something that we all take part in and how it connects us all. And so I'm excited. Teoh really dive into a little bit more of a culturally diverse foods so we can help kind of breakdowns and barriers for people and help people understand how closely connected we are through food and culture. Yeah, I mean, I wrote about this in my book. I talk about it. Creativelive might cut my class that's available on food photography that goes back now six or seven years. Talk about being taking cultural cues when cooking and when photographing and styling food and understanding that cultural sensitivity isn't about things like being genuine or authentic. I try to stay away from words like that. I think it becomes more personal and that if you give attribution to where you found the inspiration for a particular seasoning or a particular type of food, or the way you're going to style something or the kind of bowl you're going to use, I think ATTRIBUTION in. Photography is a big deal and I think it is in food as well is that if we're going to share culture, we have to acknowledge where it comes from. And I know that I have been talking about that for a long time. But this is the first time I've had to actually verbalize it in a way that says This is intentional. Uh, yeah, it's in a very it's a very intentional practice. Teoh to give attribution when creative people, whether they be cooks or photographers or video people, whatever we do in our careers, acknowledging that that what they're bringing to the table has merit and that we learn from it. So, um, like I said, I learned so much. My wife's name is Soo Jeong. She comes from Ah little town. That's part of the greater Seoul area called Mambo. You might have heard of their tofu, Um, and that's, um, you know that part of the world prior to modern time where we see South Korea as a powerhouse economically and obviously they have the troubles that they have with their their former brother to the North. Um, their foods have evolved over a few different things, and one has to do with their, um, cultural, um, proximity to Japan and the fact that Japan had once occupied Korea and there was a lot of poverty and there was a lot of kind of war torn problems that happened in South Korea prior to them becoming what they are today on food I was quite often influences. Ah is a reflection of where a lot of things that have happened in history and I think that one of the things that I've learned in studying a little bit about this and speaking to my in laws and understanding um, the motivation for making what they call Romney on is eyes is an interesting sort of story. And it's one that I don't know that a lot of people know, uh, tell it because when my daughter I was married before and have a daughter and she was three years old when I met John and Julia was American kid who grew up in an Italian household, and she was three, so she didn't really have much for palate. Um, and at that point she started to experience Asian flavors and Asian food, and one of the things that she always enjoyed was when Sir John would make our ramya, which is what I'm gonna make today. Um, And when she went to college, which is sort of the hotbed of people who eat Rahman because that's the cheapest food and you can cook it on your hot stone. You know, your hot plate in college dorm rooms. She was appalled because, first of all, when she called it Romney on, people looked at her like she was crazy. Like, why are you pronouncing it? Um consecutively. It didn't have all of the things that we would put on it, um Ato home And what to Zhang would make for her. So there was There is this affection for the food on has a deep personal sort of history for for me on I think that a lot of the foods that I've shared with you so far have been about the sort of family favorites and these kind of emotional connections we make to food. And this one is just is deep and just this personal. So, um, I want to explain a couple of things about it for so what? You know as Rahman, especially if you're eating at like fancy ramen shops in New York or Seattle or L. A. Is that Japanese Rahman is based on the broth, which quite often is Adachi broth. But there are many different styles of the broth on. Then there's the noodle, which is originally based from China, which is with China, introduced the wheat noodle to pretty much the whole world. So, um, those the combination of those two things it makes Japanese Rahman unique, and that is a little bit Maura Gourmet. If you want to look at it from that perspective, it's still street food. But it was born off craft. Um, Korean Romney on It starts with this. The thing we're all really familiar with, right? Really familiar with dried, uh, package instant noodles. And then from there, what Korean people have done. And at least my experience with the people that are in my family is it's all about dressing that up, dressing that up to be more gore, maybe more off filling toe, have more of a cultural flavor to it, and then it's something that becomes unique to the culture. And I think that now that we've looked at, you know, if you look at Wikipedia. They, Rahman and Romney on have different sort of, uh, origins. In a way, they have the Intersect, but they definitely have different origins and different motivations. Like I said, Korea was in a bad way. You know, when all of this was happening from the time when the when the noodle was something that they were making, uh, dried. And like this, um, it was something that was affordable. And you can add a little protein and you can add a little vegetable and you can add a little seasoning and make it your own on. That's everyone. And what you'll see is that there's no recipe here. There's no there's nothing to write down. This is all about assembling ingredients and then putting together the things that make you happy in your bowl. So I'm gonna show you a couple of things that I've already prepared, which are pretty classic things that you can put in. Uh, so you have Ah, I have these eggs, which are sort of 6.5 minute eggs, their little jammy and really nice some chopped sausage. Since I said fish that I filleted, I have a poached chicken breast here. Um, I have some scallions, some corn that I've cooked and cut off the cob. Some kimchi, of course. Ah, and some what you would what Trader Joe's called that seaweed snack. What the Japanese call Nori. Uh, which is? I guess you can see it here. Uh, Korean people call it gim. So when you hear that we eat the seaweed snacks at home by themselves, and sometimes you kind of sit there with a bowl of rice and grab the rights with the seaweed snack and eat it. So that's fun. One of things we always put on top of our Rami on is Ah, sesame oil. And that's always makes it a little bit more. So I got a really nice flavor to it. Now, if you're familiar with Korean cuisine, you know what go to John Lewis, which is Ah, chili red chili paste, soy based chili paste. You would put this on pretty much anything in Korean culture or cook with it on then, Of course, everybody's favorite serrata. So all of these things have become sort of part of the assembly process of what we eat at home, and then let me ask you this at, uh what do you in terms of Suraj A versus Go Jiujiang? Uh, like how? How do you use them differently? You know, they kind of have similar profiles. One for me personally. When I music go judging it's more, um, as an ingredient within, you know, a bronc or something that I'm making. Well, Suraj, I kind of uses ah sauce. Decisive them after that back. Yeah. Yeah. How you would describe the to, I think, in this case, we would use Yes, I would, because I think you cook with coaches young differently than you would cook with Siraj A. But in this case, you could use them interchangeably as a hot sauce or something of the flavor. An answer. You have to be careful when you're dealing with, um, wrong young coming from an instant package because it has already a very high salt food. And you don't want to continually ADM or ingredients that have a lot of salt in them. So I think that's where using the hot sauce vs of goatee. John might be a little bit better for you if you don't want to eat a whole lot of salt because everything starts to build the amount of salt in these things. So you have to be careful. One of the things you can do if you don't want as much salt in this is use a little less of the flavor packet and then add seasoning as you go in the back end. Right, You can add a little go to John. You could add a little more Siraj A at a little more, um, soy sauce. You could add, um, sesame oil, and that'll enhance the flavor. Because I know a lot of people are super sensitive to the idea that the package Rahman is very, very salty. Yes. Oh, yeah, and let me ask you another question. Do so. I noticed the brand of Rahman that you had was called kimchi. I think if I if I remember from the Landel Kimchi flavor and and I think were written in a few languages here, and a lot of these are products of let's see, this one actually comes out of California. It's made in Calif. It's made in California, So some of them, when you go into an Asian grocer, you could get them that have Chinese writing on on the ones that can agree in writing on them Japanese writing on him At the end of the day, they're all very similar. And you find the one that you like the best. Um, I know we have a couple of favorites, but adoring Pandemic. We were sort of, uh, prisoner to whatever it was at the shop, and then we're gonna make it, make it our own. Ah, we found a few quality Asian markets here eventually, and then we were able to pick up some of the things we like, but not all the brands that we like. So it's sort of, you know, it's like anything else. You you try to find the brands that you're most familiar and comfortable with. But if you don't and you just got a kind of play with them until you find what you like. So yeah, so there's all right. There's a woman that I am friendly with Net for many years ago when she was first starting out, sort of on YouTube. Uh, she's a Korean cook when she goes by monkey and she's on YouTube and she's fantastic, and I watched some of her videos today because she was talking about Romney on and, ah, one of the things I took away from it. Waas When we make it, it's sort of, you know, kind of a lot of times just feel around for the right amount of water and monkey says 2.5 cups of water. No more, no less. So right that way today we'll see what happens. Monkey says 2.5, I believe monkey, because, you know, I've eaten her food and ah, what? And she's made Ah, pretty pretty cool career out of cooking Korean food on YouTube. So I'm gonna go with her recommendation. Sounds like the expert. Yes. And then the other thing that I'm gonna do is I'm gonna show you how to make this some son of a Korean egg pancake. That sort of gets used in a lot of different presentations. And basically, you create a very thin sort of crepe like, um, egg in a frying pan, and then you roll it up and cut it into very small, slivered ribbons. So I'm gonna show you that technique today. What I want to do is also tell you that these eggs that I made, Um, or a very simple I know. These are like the holy gravel of making soft boiled eggs to get them, like, jammy and perfect like this. You get him in the in fancy restaurants is, um get the boat water boiling summer. Submerge the eggs, let them go for 6.5 minutes and then immediately take them out and plunge them into ice water. And then when you take, the shells are after two minutes, two minutes. Let them cool down to in the ice water for two minutes. Take them out and the shells come right off, and then they're still a little liquidy. But give them, like, ah, a few minutes on the counter, and then they end up getting kind of jammy and in perfect. So that's that's really nice about those eggs leg. And I also just poach the chicken in some chicken stock. Um, and I cooked it for about 20 minutes until it was, you know, 1 70 inside, sliced it up. You can also shred it to do a lot of different things with that, um and that's it. I fried some. This is fresh that the the fish that was on that plate. It's fresh sea bass That was caught by my neighbor here. And we ate it last night for dinner. Hey, sent over a bunch of, um, he sent over a bunch of the fresh fish and I cooked some for dinner last night and kept some for this so we would have little to show that we can actually put that on the Romney and as well, so nine. So I'm going to start with that 2.5 cups of water and get that going. I'll put on my chest in a minute because I'll do the eggs for you guys as well. So So here's all right now to make sure it's 1/2 2.5. Okay, Monkey says 2.5. All right, so we're gonna get that going. Get the water boiling now. Um, Korean people have kind of, as most cultures do have, like, kind of specific cookware for specific things. If you've seen but be been bopping a restaurant and bowl the dol soe dol sot bebop where than the rice gets all crusty on the inside and then you scrape it up with a spoon. That's the fun part of the meeting Beaven Bob like that. There's also, uh, there's a dish where you take the left over rights and you mash it in the bottom of the pot and then you scorch it. And then it eventually lifts away from the pan and it becomes like a crispy cracker. And that's really a lot of fun, fun thing to do it left over. That's also very Korean. But the Rahman, the Romney and that they made eyes. Usually this kind of tin pot that's very thin bottomed and that is the water boils really fast in it. And I think that's one of the So I'm using the my best approximation of that pot right now, which is the sort of a smaller, lighter pot. So we're gonna try that. Uh, all right. Wow. I'm gonna also mix up the egg. I should put on the chest. So I know what we want. We take a second while I put the chesty on, and, uh, and I'll bring you over to the stove. All right. Sounds good. I'll ask you a couple questions while you're giving the chesty going, Um, one is, you know, you mentioned these divert pots. Most of us probably don't have, You know, uh, Asian cooking utensils. So what if we don't have, you know, those types of utensils? What would you recommend us using? Well, I think the size of this pot is really is the key, right? And the fact that it has. So I think the fact that as a cover and inside the park because you want you want the water to just break this, you know, like the cover, the pasta in the noodle. You know, you wanted to just cover it so that when you are, you're going to reach in that a lot of the halfway point with the tongs and flip it over and then put the cover back on it. So that's kind of that's kind of the reason why you want to have it in a smaller pot, you know? So this sort of just fits inside Max out. I've worked out, I think the best for that. I mean, in terms of anything else. I mean, most people have some chopsticks at home from their last delivery that they got from whatever restaurant unless you can keep them at home. And I think that that when assembling it, I use I as you've seen me here before for everything. I I usually use chopsticks or tweezers to assemble Boom in a styling way. So I'm comfortable with them, so that actually helps me. Um, OK, so I got that. This one and now this one. I got to get going. So when they had one egg flip you down for a sec, actually, love, we're gonna put it on. I'm gonna put you on there, see where have been out of practice for a couple weeks. So yeah, we have, right. Oh, I did it again. I took I forgot to give gay. Take your time with me. So, um, you're almost there. Ok, All right. There we go. Were sh one. Do I want to make sure I can see. Okay, so you see? Yes, we can see a We're looking at you now. Oh, yeah, that's right. So I want to flip that camera there. There we go. Yeah, just feel like it's locked in, so I'm afraid it's gonna fall right into the pot. Okay. I think to make that work. So first thing I want to do these, um, could see my hands, right? I'm gonna mixed up some egg and a little bit of water, so it's a little thinner. Make this head corn cake. So this is only been something that in my head seems like a very delicate process because they get it so thin and it feels like need, like, almost like a crepe. Ah, you know, skillet to make this work in my head. So I'm excited to see you do it on a regular, uh, regular frying can and do it at home because I've just always in my head assumes that this had some special technique or tools involved. Yeah. You know, a crepe pan is a nice thing to have, but really, what you're trying to do is flatten it out as much as possible. So I would say go with the biggest one you got Go with get Pan, and then look, I'm gonna pour it in. Then I'm gonna swirl it, try to get it all the way around the edges, and it's already very thin. Yeah, there we go. We can see it a little better now. All right. And then I'm gonna let that cooking and on the flip it yes, they can, But I think I got to. I got to and it cooks super fast. You could see it's already jam. I could probably do like a like a chef's flip, but I'm not going to try that on like that would be a disaster. Um, and sometimes do you see, like they put, um, like Italians are Does anything ever go in these egg pancakes in this one? I haven't made it that way. Maybe, you know, you thinking off, pal John, which is Korean? Ah, spotting what I'm thinking and that's it. That's actually Brett, right? But it does have egg in it, but it is not. It's not Ed base. Totally. No, it's not egg based. It's definitely more of a like a pancake batter. Yeah, okay, that it could be right. Sometimes it's week based. Um, but that's definitely mawr of a more of a pancake style. Makes a 1,000,000 a year. I'm gonna I think this off the flame in a second. So there's that. Okay. Sierra days, I'm gonna bring it over. Let that cool off on the counter for a second, and then I'll show you how. I don't want to touch it yet because that would rather not bring my fingers. Today you go, Theo. Meanwhile, this is almost boiling. You could see we're getting close to boiling. I'm gonna go get a scissor. There's 1/2 eaten sandwich on the counter. See this? Israel people something real stuff going on half eaten sandwiches. So, um, don't use your teeth on these, You know, not getting through this alive dental you can stand for. So, like, this is very common. A circle. Yeah, but the run on the rhyming and going to dump it in there. Got some surprises in here you got. This is the soup mix, right? Can you see it? You know, there we go. There's soup mix go in. And then at the end, we have these little ah, like, flakes off vegetable flakes that come with it. And you know these Candies Probably kimchi flakes. Yeah, because this is the kimchi. This is the kimchi flavor. So a lot of times, it's different vegetables that we use, so I'm gonna try to roll this now. Should be cool enough to handle making nice type tube under morally. And from what I saw, you didn't put any seasoning on it beforehand, right? No. You could season it with salt and pepper, whatever. But these dish, you know, obviously there's so much seasoning already. Yeah, it's It's, uh it's not really that necessary. So now I'm gonna gonna just continue to go right down the line here and and make these little ribbons. And you could see I could take a break here and to show you that we have these kind of pretty, pretty real yeah, out of this. And this is really nice to have, considering I cannot see my hands. This is a really delicate operation. So anybody scream if you think I'm getting too close to my finger, Think I'm giving? I'm giving my I think you doing pretty good giving my himself enough room here. Do it by feel I'm not bad, okay? And our water is boiling. Right? Okay, so I'm gonna put this in. So one thing that I used to do growing up, which I think is a mistake, is breaking the Rahman up before hand. When you put it in, you should break it up it. Just throw it in as it's correct. Yup. And I put the this seasoning on top, and I'm gonna cover this and let it boil for a minute or two. And then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go in and flip it. Ah, and then another minute or two. Now, once this is in this state, where were, um, where we are? Actually, you know what? Let me Let me go back to the tripods like and talk to the camera. Give me one second, all right? When you don't remind everyone this is the work from Home Cafe. I am keeping us of the host. I'm here with Andrew Screw Bonnie. Today we are teaching you how to make Rahman. Ah, and Andrew right now is switching over Cam so he can talk us through you other of couture moms that will go in ar Rahman before me start plating, which is Brahman is super simple. We are using Robin noodles from Is it a Korean brand that you're using? Or do you know is it a Chinese? Oh, no. You said it was It was in California, right? Yeah, it's definitely, um, look, the brand itself is from California, so I don't know exactly what culture there I know it's called the Kimchi flavor, Um, and it's got a little label on it that says it's made in America Taste of Korea. So I'm gonna take that at face value since I was in the Meanwhile, I think it's time to flip. Bar are noodles over. So we're just gonna give him a flip and one of the things I want to talk about with, um, is there a lot of different ways that you introduced egg into this? So I've done it so many different ways now, like right now, if you poured an egg in there, it would poach, and then you would have a powerful poached bag, and you fish it out and put it on top. Ah, the other way that we could do it is you can kind of make like an egg drop where you scramble the egg and pour it in there, or put an egg in there and scramble it while it's in there. So you get like a thready kind of eggy, uh, thing that you could do. So we've done it every single way. You could do it in our house. Um, we've added egg in so many different ways to this because it just makes it. You know, sometimes it take feels like it tasted a little different, depending on how the eggs cooked. Yeah. I mean, for the most part, it's not, um, it's not Ah, hard and fast rule to do it any which way. So I think this is probably done, and then we can give it a test I'm gonna stir through. It still may be feels a tiny bit firm, so I'm gonna give that Just another minute. Teoh, keep cooking. Um, everybody knows what Rahman in the pot looks like, right? It's not I'm not breaking new ground. Um, but we're going to serve this in, ah, sort of just a deep Super Bowl. And we we quite often use, um, the Asian style spoons that have, like, a broader base or a long handled Korean spoon, like so Koreans eat with ah long handled tablespoon very often, especially when you been Bob, because it's good for the scraping, like I said. But it's that's, like more of a traditional sort of utensil for this, which we don't have at this. This house. We have them at home in New York. Um, but I think, uh, it's also completely legit to just kind of slurred instead of using a spoon. Yeah. All right. I'm gonna take I'm gonna take this down. I think we're good. I'm going to give it one last start. Incorporate that seasoning a little bit more, and then I'm gonna bring you down to the tabletop again. So here we go. All right. So we still have this egg on here, so I'm gonna leave it on here for now. Yes, I A Get out of the way so you can see what I'm doing. Okay, so we're gonna add this into the bowl. Perfect. Monti was right. 2.5 worked out perfect. So it's a little brothy, which is nice, if that's how you like it. Now I'm gonna just start adding the things that I would traditionally like to eat in this. So I'm gonna ago, um, some scallion and I'm gonna just pile everything kind of right on top. They're in. I like corn love corn in my soup. Definitely something that I enjoy. So I would think that the way, Sir John makes it for me. Um, he's a little less broth. Even this so way went, uh, we're going about monte method. Um, I think I would go 1/4 of a couple less, so Yeah, I always tend tohave a little less broth in my Roman too. You know, this feels yeah, This feels a little bit more like a soup than it does. Ah, yeah. I always tended to tohave less less broth in line. Yeah, I'm gonna take a little out to tell you the truth, because I my egg sunk and I want to see my egg. Yeah, I'm gonna take some of the scythe graph. Yeah, I wanted to see some of these ingredients, uh, kind of peeking out the top, take out some of this and then, Yeah, I think this is way better. And I think what we're doing this We probably taken out about 1/4 to 1/2 a cup of that, uh, liquid So But what it might have done for us in terms of our taste, it's probably gonna taste it. Yeah, it's Oh, that's nice flavor, but it is definitely not add salty on. I think what I wanted. You also is replace my egg with another egg that's less emerged in murder in birds emerged, emerged. I wasn't submerged proteins. Here s so if I were showing you these proteins cake, which one would you be? Your addition here. I think I would probably go for the pork. You would. Okay, great. Yeah. So we're gonna go with a little bit of the pork sausage. Now, Roasted pork is also something that, um you could definitely, uh, eat with this. That's a sort of a traditional Japanese rum and sort of thing, but I think every every culture has some sort of pork, but the sausage is definitely something we can we can incorporate here, So I'm gonna put that there. Um I mean, is there never a world where you would mix them together? Well, you could absolutely That I don't think there's any. You see, Like I said, we were not really working from rules, you know, no deal back. You know, add kimchi to this. All right? And before I do anything else, I want to clean my bowl present. We're gonna be actually photographing this. This is a little bit sloppy, which I don't like. Um, we are gonna talk. Go back and forth between food and photography here. Right? So if we're thinking of this in terms of making a pretty picture making vegetable a little more presentable hopes no, perfect, but better. Okay, so I may give it a little more scallion. It's for decoration. And then I will take some, and there is one option for presentation. I mean, we used almost everything. The only thing we didn't use was the shredded egg, because we already have an egg in there. Um, and then I'm gonna go Serrata looks good. And there we have it. We have our early rahm eon for if you are going by my cultural reference and my house told we call this Romney on. Ah, and I kind of went over that a little bit earlier. That's more of a Korean presentation. Uh, and I think that we should take that over and get a picture of it. How you doing in time, by the way? A little bit more than we normally dio. Um, we're actually doing pretty good. It's about 12. 40 right now. Okay. Okay. All right. So, um I take this off and I know I gotta carry you over to the table and you get everything set up already. Have my camera ready. We have nice light today. Yeah, get the laptop. So we are people living in from all over. We have indeed, uh, London. No question. Let's see if we have any questions coming in. We have a lot of Rahman lovers, so I am going to remove the apron because it is hot here, Okay? And they got some fresh chopsticks, and we're gonna go sand spoon. And this one I made for you, right? Because you want a dio pork? Yeah. These are really uneasily. Little, little just sticks. So a lot of times go to Korean restaurant, you'll see that they use metal chopstick quite often. That's ah, pretty standard thing you find in a lot of creative restaurants. All right, so, yeah, go ahead. Oh, uh, yeah, I was just gonna say, Do you? I mean, I've just found that metal chopsticks often could be a little bit more slippery than then. Would chopsticks there? Is that typically just for re use, or is there a preference in terms of Ah the material the chopstick stick is made out of, um, I prefer would I know that the metal is definitely because they're reusable. It's like having you tend to your home. Um, but I do also agree with you that I have kind of slippery. I know I don't use chopsticks as, uh, definitely as I could, And I think that it would be better if I, uh I think it would be better if I just stick with the wood ones. So, um, so can you can see I should put you a little higher for the table. Com. Thank you. Yeah. You better if you were up here. Okay, Just give me one second, get you up a little higher. Good. Then I'll remind everybody putting in, Uh, this is creative live TV. This is our new a live stream coming to you from the kitchens and homes and studios of our favorite creators today were in Andrew Screw Bonnie's New Jersey home for our work from home. Hey. Ah. Andrew is teaching this huddle Mitt Romney on today, which is a Korean version of Roman. Very similar. But in Korea, they call it Rob Rami on instead of Roman. Uh, we have made We have made the Roman, and now we're getting ready to make some beautiful degrees of it. Okay, so I'm gonna start at around 800. I s 0 125th of a second at four point. Oh, aperture and see what that gets me in terms of lighting still feels a little dark to me. Which means that some of the things that I brought here with me will help Has the warnings that we made last time some bounce cards. Great. I'm gonna stand this one up on end, but we're not Block the camera. Push back some light. I'm also going toe Go to, um, 1600 eso at 4.5 aperture at 125th of a second. And there it ISS. We have nice light. We have a nice color and I will show you momentarily once I get a shot. I like. So we still on camera there? You could still see me. Yes, a little. We can see sudden up the shot. I have some questions coming it. So just to confirm we're using Onley National natural light from your kitchen right now or from your kitchen window right now. That's right. We I have, um uh, north. I have Northeast exposure here. So, um, that exposure is to my to my right. Teoh. Guess who looks like the left in the camera, though. Last coming in. It's sort of an open, sunny day, but we only get direct sunshine in the morning. Eso It's sort of got that nice, neutral balance. So once you find it, uh, with your camera, it will stay that way for quite a while. I don't It's too good. It's definitely a good place to shoot food. So, um, I'm gonna go side life and see if I get something a little different here. Um, and I'll show you guys one of the shots. That's what you get. Oh, yeah, it's yet we're getting in there and I can show you. There we go. Way go. Yeah. So you could see the light really balance than nice. Um, when I go side lit. So I hope you're all enjoying my George E. There's a lot of color and a lot of yeah, things that are happening. There's a lot of texture and obviously the more you play around with, the more you play around with it and you think about what you want to get out of it. Um, you know, I wouldn't stick chopsticks in the bowl. Um, that some in some Asian cultures is considered that luck. Um, so it's not something that you want to just kind of stick him in there and leaving sticking out. Um, that's not something that some people would would appreciate. So I would I would shy away from doing it that way When I when I'm propping something like this Also crossing them in some cultures is ah, also considered sort of bad form or bad luck. Um, I try not to, but there are times creepy to believe that it looks actually that much better on and it's Ah, it's not a universally, you know, look down a part in practice. But, you know, there are some things that are a little bit more ominous than others. Uh, yeah, but if you have, you know, the wherewithal to sort of propped him up on the side, we'll put them down here or not at all, or whatever you want. Oh, remind yourself that there are different cultural cues that have, ah, you know, significance when you're when you're attempting to recreate something that's not of your culture. So, yeah, some things that speaks toe. You know what? How we started off the episode today, which was, you know, you were talking about how when you are creating food, um, and you are the photographer, you know, really being conscious of, uh, calling out the culture that you are taking photos all but talking about who is propping and making sure you are. Actually, um, you know, being culturally appropriate when you're taking your photos. And I think that, you know, that's a tip that you just said that a lot of people might not have known. And being aware of that as you're taking photos is really important to playing, paying true homage to the dish you're creating. That's that's absolutely right. I mean, I think in terms of how you present your food is just as important as the ingredients in the food. And when we are when we're exploring other cultures and we're moving into things that are unfamiliar, I think it's it's wise to not approach it with an arrogance that says I know what I'm doing here or to try to make it, uh, something that's not yours. I think that's I'm dancing around that pretty carefully because I don't want to be on a soapbox, But I do want to make sure that when we're talking about how this food is brought to us in restaurants as as it is, this is this is it's fine the way this doesn't need to be reinvented, you know? And I think that there are times that we, uh we take the, um we take the liberties of reinventing foods that are culturally not of our own Ah, and forgetting about where they come from. And I have no problem with experimenting and infusion. You know, we use that word pretty often, Um, with the caveat that says, Let's make sure that we're making We're making sure that we understand what though the source material is right. It's like it's like when you writing your term paper in college, right? You don't want to plagiarize. And I think that's one of the one that's one of the sort of core tenets of any creative form. Is that Yes, we all copy each other and we all have a sense off, um, unity in that we're We're doing very similar things, but let's not forget that, you know, rock and roll wasn't born in the sixties, right? You know? Yeah, That mused that music, That music was born long before that, and it was a sort of accumulated into what we know now. So that's very true of food as well. So I think it's important that you asked that. You know, you know, let's ah, well, jump back into the photography and basically talk about some of the elements in the bowl. Um, you know, things that have a lot of ingredients have the tendency to become very complicated. And I think that what you have to do just remember that, you know, color, shape, form, texture. All of these things are central elements in taking a good food photo, and that if you forget those things, it becomes it could become kind of messy, right? You just want toe assemble and build your, um, your presentation in a way that, um, has meaning in terms of the food itself, but also creatively to make it look like something that is both appetizing. and artistic. So I think those are the aspects of getting the colors right about getting the cook times right on things like the the jammy egg. Or like the meats. What you want to bring them the meats to be brown the right way. So all of those kind of elements to this are complicated. It's not an easy thing to get right. But when you do get it right, it's really rewarding and you make a night shot. So, um, like I said, I'm shooting Seidlin here. I'm pushing the camera a little bit just to get what I want out of it. At 1600 I s o I'm coming in with a bounce card on this side and I'm gonna take a horizontal shot on Yeah, one more time. So I wanna point out just how balance and even the light is here. We have a minute. That's beautiful. Like, yeah, we have just a bit of balance inequity here. Just a tiny dark, a bit darker on one side. But I'm gonna try to highlight that. Now I'm gonna flip this card around to black and see if we get a little bit more shadowing especially if I get in tight on the night and learning how to sort of play with that photographically to sort of get something maybe a tiny bit more dramatic, or give yourself a little bit more highlight if you love the way I sound when I smashed the camera up against my space So now you can definitively see that I have a dark side and the light side. Oh, yeah, It makes such a big difference that that bounce card, the dark shadowing it does, right? So the more the more the more black I put on this side, the darker and deeper that shadow would get. So the idea that this is just a subtle kind of darkening of just the part off just this part, you know, off the side of the presentation. But if I would put ah, big one here, that would create a lot more dark, a lot more shadow Atmore contrast. And then it might ultimately create an image that's a little bit more different then. Ah, Then what? The one. The 1st 1 we shot so we could do one with nothing and see what that gives us, right? Yeah, and as a photographer would. What do you think that you know, shadow versus light versus what does it say about it? The image when you're incorporating those shadows deeper versus using light, You know, I think it has. It has to do for me. A lot of times wants to do with place, right, Because I feel like when something is just even and balanced and all well lit, it doesn't feel it to me like it has a sense of place because very often, when we're in the world, um, light is not even in perfect light is coming on directionally, right. So I think directionality speaks to its feeling Mawr riel. It feels more like I'm in the real world rather than feeling like I'm in a studio. And I think food when it starts to feel like it's in, a studio starts to lose that sense of off place, and then we're not active dinner table anymore or were not at the restaurant anymore or were not in, ah, food setting anymore. Now we're in a studio, and this is now an object. So I think that one of the one of the main reasons why I approach it this way is because and I've said this before is like I want to feel like the food is. I walk into a beautifully naturally lit room and they see the food on the table and I just want to capture the way it is. So obviously not takes a lot of craft quite often or or a situation where the lighting in the environment you're in is perfect. But if it isn't perfect, then you have to try a nudge it along a little bit. And I think that's what we just did. And I show you the picture that we made. Um, just a minute ago where, uh, we have the bounce card Incorporated was very even, very good pantsed. Right then, I have one that we made with no bounce card at all. Hold on. Sorry, this one is with This is with the black card so you could see the difference in the one side of the frame. It's definitely definitively darker. And then this one, it's somewhere in the middle, and it's very small bottle. Yeah, I mean, but you can see the difference, right? I mean, a subtle teas in in the balance between light and shadow when it comes to food. Photography really makes a difference to in in sort of the micro aspect of it, where there's creepy shadow created inside the bowl. And I think that's where you start to get edging and texture with your food inside the bowl as well as what's happening in your environment. Um, and all of that matters to make the image feel more alive and feel more present in in the real world rather than in a sterile studio environment. Yeah, absolutely. Ah, we have one question that's come in that. And maybe you know the answer to this. Maybe you don't is. Is it the same idea of using a spoon in, um in the bowl like chopsticks? Annable, would you as a prop person, Okay. I mean, I think if you could make it work in the bowl with spoon, that's fine. I think there is. One thing that I heard about culturally was that when you stand up the the chopsticks in the bowl, there's some kind of guests reference, some kind of reference to Gasol morning or something to that effect that had become aware off that it's That's why it's not a practice that you wanna kind of go and do, because some people would feel that's really, you know, it's different than bad luck. It's more like remembrance of the dead. So it's something like that. I think that when you start to cross the line into things that make people feel uncomfortable about when you're attempting something that's not of your culture, it's better to take, um, a lighter hand on a lighter approach. Yeah, then to just charge ahead and do things that may ultimately feel disrespectful. Yeah, that makes sense. So everyone's really appreciating, showing the different the different lighting setups. Um, and I think it just just so everyone knows Andrew all having you share those three different photos with us after after this episode, and we'll share them so everyone can kind of see them side by side of what? That dip? Pensive? Um, because yet people are interested in seeing what that looks like. That's it. Isn't it good? I'm sorry. Oh, I was just saying, uh, we were just getting a couple of comments of, uh well, Bob Lorraine says that he used to read your book again. Susan saying Who knew that chopsticks had such deep meaning? Um, yeah. It sounds like you're really educating people right now, which is great. And it's it's nice toe. Have people so interested in the n um, you know, diving into different cultures of food. And this This has been great today. Yeah. I mean, I think the overlaps between different Asian cultures are, you know, there's subtlety off difference. And then there is this. There are certain things that are very common, um, much like European food, that there is a commonality to certain presentations. But then there's obviously the differences that are subtle. That's very much here in a in a dish that most likely on is remembered as a Japanese dish, which has Chinese roots, which has been reinterpreted by Korean people. Right, So we have a wide array off culture. And then, of course, if you start to get into the culture of noodle soup in general in Asia, then you start to get into the different variations. You know where father is more of, Ah um, in Southeast Asia in Vietnam and the derivatives thereof in that part of the country's about that part of the continent a swell. So, you know, I think that, you know, I want to continue to explore these things. I've learned an awful lot in my time in food, but there's obviously a lot more to learn on. One of the things that I'm not as familiar with is your culture and the food and cooking the food of your culture. On that, I think that we've had some private discussions about this, but I think that I'd like Teoh, You know, learn more about the culture you come from and that, and maybe you can tell us a little bit about that, and, uh, and what our idea is for next week? Yes. So, um, I am I'm bi racial. My mom is American, and my dad came here to the U S in the seventies from Goa, India. Um, so, uh, me next week I am going to teach Andrew how to make, um I haven't decided what it's gonna be, but it's gonna be some sort of traditional do it food, and he's going to get all the ingredients and I'm gonna tell him how to cook. Um, something that's that's close to my heart. And I'm excited Teoh teach you a little bit more about Indian food, but also be able to kind of turn the tables a little bit and kind of experience what it's like to be teaching you as you're making it. Um, I think it's gonna be a fun, a fun episode where we get to dive into a different culture and our goal going forward in general is to really dive deeper into a more diverse food. And so we would love to hear from everybody in the comments if you have dishes that you're interested in or you would like to, um you know, maybe even come on and teach me and Andrew how to make something of your own from your own culture. I think we can figure that out with our amazing production team. So we'd love for you guys to leave in the comments, um, different dishes that you would be interested in learning, or if you would like to point us towards somebody who should teach us something. We would love to hear that as well. So, um, thank you so much for everybody tuning in this week. It was really fun to dive in to a little bit more about, uh, your wife's culture and learn about your love for Rahman. I think I'm going to go make some ramen for lunch today. It looks so good. And I think we talked about this real briefly. I mean, my husband after, um oh, my gosh. Now I'm totally forgetting the name of the movie. Ah, the curry movie. That was best picture Paris. Thank you. Right after we watched it. And we absolutely loved that movie. We went out to our Korean, uh, grocer and got the Roman and made that Rahman. But I think the New York Times had a, you know, fake recipe. That was pretty much what she makes in Paris site. And we went made it ourselves. So I still have some of those leftover ramen noodles that I think I'm gonna have toe use today. I was on the day the day that that movie won all those Academy awards. There was an awful lot of cheering going on in my living room. So yeah, I can imagine the cultural pride that people feel even when they come to the U S. And and become citizens and have ah integrating themselves into this culture. Um, those kind of moments. And I lived this with my in laws and watching, um, Korean athletes, Korean actors, um, you know, people who have become prominent music become stars here in the U. S. Is a huge source of pride back in Korea. And I know that that's true of a lot of cultures, that coming to the US and making it here eyes something that ah, lot of people get a large start surprised from back home. So I think that, you know, we keep that in mind when, uh when we're consuming a lot of the things that come from other parts of the world and also, you know, embracing the idea that culture, uh, is universal. We all bring something to the table. So I think it's, um I think we took a nice step in the right direction today. I'm really happy with how this ah went, um, I didn't know you were originally your family's from Goa. I know go is a beach town. I think there's some sitting there and my might be a trick in the future. We'll, I think, set from us creating the show together we We've learned we have a lot of commonalities cause I might My husband plays poker to, and I know you're a big coker buff, so we'll, uh we'll have to die the Pinto, Goa and poker and our next episode. That sounds terrific. So all right, that was a great I'm glad you guys liked it. And I'm gonna I'll give you some Ah, our tips and things that we put together for this and I don't have unnecessarily of a recipe for you, but I think that the episode stands by itself to teach you how to do it. Yeah, totally. So, everybody please subscribe to our Facebook page Or make sure you tune in every Monday, uh, creativelive back slash tv at 12 PM PST and you'll see me and Andrew making different food each week. And like I said, next week we're going to dive into sub go in food from India, and I'm gonna be teaching Andrew how to make something yummy. So tune in next week at Monday at 12 PM PST and we'll see then
Ratings and Reviews
Michael A. Gruich Jr.
Excellent information and insight from a professinal who knows his craft well and is happy to share his experience with others