Day 1
24:19 2Location Challenges
29:23 3Defining Shape
17:19 4Group Photography
09:59 5Lifestyle Portraits
20:46 6Shoot: Clam Shell Lighting
22:05 7Lighting Tricks and Tips
14:46Posing a Bridal Party
41:32 9Bridal Party Q&A
34:41 10Camera Angles to Flatter
17:21 11Audience Q&A
12:12 12Posing a Family
42:38 13Posing Families Q&A
12:04 14Review Images
12:40 15Challenging Situations
44:59 16The Walk Off
07:19 17Plus Sized Brides
17:05 18Shoot: Plus Sized Bride
53:07 19Image Critiques
33:56 20Light is Light
30:54 21Receptions That Rock
09:34 22Shoot: Mismatched Couples
36:34 23Shoot: Indonesian Woman
13:47 24Shoot: Person in Wheelchair
15:17 25Understanding Your Subject
13:16 26Image Review
24:33 27Wedding Client Interview
25:45 28Tall and Short (Kenna + Nikko)
06:49 29Shoot: Indian Model (Simi)
23:49 30Shoot: Japanese Model (Akari)
31:22 31General Q&A
20:34 32Creativity in Photography
18:54 33Shoot: Newspaper Dress
21:36 34Creating a Garment: Tool Dress
06:29 35Shoot: Black Tule Dress (Mackenzie)
26:46 36Shoot: Beige Tule Dress (Jen)
27:15Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
Posing a Bridal Party
so we have a good sized bridal party we have a group of twelve to work with and you know anybody can photograph a small group but we have a large bridal party and we have a small environment in which to work I mean how why does this well would you say it's like ten feet is that about right so we have a very small environment to work in well what I want to show you first of all is what you could do let's say that you don't have any you don't have any really cute couches or anything of that nature let me have just my bridesmaids for second girls and our bride come on over here we're going to start our posing session with just two simple chairs you could find these easily at at any one wedding reception or you know or many people's homes they've got a chair with an arm on it my goal is to create pyramid shapes and you'll notice that look at the bride's maids they are all wearing black which is a little bit more of a formal color they are wearing street length dresses though which means I ...
can afford to get a little bit fun with them if I choose to do so but the whole goal for me is to create a pose that is interesting and fun that makes everybody look good that's flattering to every one of the subjects and then on top of that if I make the post interesting and dynamic then you know what nobody want I didn't even notice whether it's an unattractive background or not so make what you're doing with the subject really interesting and then if you're photographing in that first church of ugly building it's not a big deal and you can still get great pictures and you and your subject will enjoy the experience my goal is to flat light it if I have a choice I will use either I can use this beautiful soft box right here a single light source we're going to use to lights once a simple umbrella and the other is a soft box to just give us a nice flat lighting um if I have a choice I'd love to be able to work with just natural light if I can but if I can't then this is going to be kind of lighting setup my f stop in this case is going to be a f ate however I'm quite comfortable in doing a big group like this at four or five point six as well so let's get started ok the first thing I want to do is place my bride because she's kind of like the pivotal person so rachel let me have you come forward to me a little bit right about here now I want you to notice rachel just stand flatfooted for a second now if you look at rachel she's a very tiny girl look at how small she's a very very tiny girl but just by posing her this way it's very static you could draw a straight line from the top of her head down to the bottom of her feet well we want to show off her curves this girl has got a beautiful dress and this is her real wedding gown right it's amazing and I just love so the first thing I want you to do is you'll notice by the way that I'm going to stand in front of her in the direction that I want her to be so if I wanted her to turn more this one was hey rachel turn your feet towards me here rachel turn your feet towards me this way turn your feet this way to rachel you see how there's no question about where I want to go she actually did it exactly right and use the visual cues like this is really important because when you use a visual cue even on a day when a bride hands the groom the wrong hand routinely because she's so nervous you'll get her to do what you want her to do and the quicker you can get your subjects to do what you want them to do the faster you can move on to other things my goal is to do these beautiful fund portrait pictures in the formal pictures but I want it done in like ten minutes I want to get him done really fast because at the end of the day this is not all about me it's about this beautiful fun day and their family and their friends who were going to show up on their day since I've got you standing right here for a second rachel the first thing I want you to do is I want you to push your hip towards my hand this way now did you notice what happened with her body when I had her push her hip towards my hand you notice I placed my I did not even have to touch her but I placed my hand where I wanted her to go did you notice how it made the the weight shifted to her back to this leg right here and it put the pressure there well shall show more of a demonstration on this later on rachel I want you to push your hip the other way now beautiful and not turn your shoulders towards me a little bit with your feet excellent and bend this need for me a little bit more beautiful do you see what happens when she bent system you see how we get this little bit of a pole in the fabric of her dress and it will give her a really nice line now rachel I want you to do is you're going to turn your shoulders towards me just a tiny bit and let's bring this bouquet down weigh a lot like this hold a book in his hand right here beautiful very good and I want you to put your back hand on your hip right there love it and with your chest lean towards me a little tiny bit now you see how just by having her pull her chest forward just a little bit with this kind of gown it works beautifully for her if she will bring this big perfect ball gun I'm not going to get so bogey on her ok I don't want to get so vote because it doesn't fit the scene so now let's get the rest of the girls maxine come here missy and I want you to have a seat on this chair but you're gonna barely park your dukes on the edge of the chair good job actually come towards me a little bit more and I want you to bend this knee being a cross your legs girl style right there and stretch out this like a little bit more beautiful I want your whole job ok in this hand right here and I want you to lean to bring your arm on the chair right there and you're gonna lean towards me beautiful very nice now you'll notice by the way that whenever I tell somebody to do something I say this hand or that hand I don't use the terms left or right the reason I don't is because who's left and who's right um I talking about so it's again one more element that could be very confusing to people so I want to keep it stupid I want to keep it more on it proof you know so that this is for the person who is just like crazy that day and so if you just say turn your feet this way and you're standing in that direction or if you say hey this hand over here give it to me or you know something of that nature it makes it very visual it's very easy for them to get okay come here don't come your scooter pie donnie poop park your booty on the edge of the seat and I want your your toes to face me here good job stretch out this leg for me right here and I want you to good back just a little bit because you're going to bring your arm on the on the cushion right there and I want you to flip your weight this way and you're going to sit more on this part of your thigh good job so flip your weight that way good job excellent you see how that works oh you look adorable right there don't put a lot of weight on the shoulder girls you want to put the weight on your booty a little bit create job excellent right there okay let's see jill come here q t and jill I want you to park your booty right here on the edge of this seat right here and jill again you're not going to sit flat on your bottom I want you to sit on this part of your cheek right there and tuck this back leg back a little bit right there good job and point your toe like very very I'd say that works can you stretch out this like a little bit more perfect I love that and what I want you to do now hey um maxine I want you to lean towards me a little bit good job and I want you just kind of lay your head right into her don't put a lot of way here hon good job love it just kind of getting cozy right all you've been best friends since junior high school perfect right there is good okay let's see amy come your q t amy I'm going to get you to sit on the floor you okay with that good job see if you ask you receive if someone doesn't want to sit on the floor than use somebody else again I want her to sit on her thigh not on her backside they're going to stretch out your legs a little bit and I want you to take your top knee and drop it over your bottom leg beautiful point that toe a little bit more beautiful very good and let me have you bring your elbow back a little bit behind your waistline that's important because by pulling that elbow back on amy right here I can show context to her waistline and amy I want you to lean into your best friend jill right here cause you girls a sorority friends look at me a second amy oh tilt your head this way and try to bring your chin up a little bit and stretch out your bouquet downwards a love it love it because I wanted to kind of be in the same line okay now I've got my girls comes and we haven't forgotten about the skew t right here come your precious sarah and sarah let's try a couple of things there can you park your booty right here excellent and I want you to you're going like I want you to scoot back a little bit and bring your arm up on the cushion on the arm right there behind your best friend dawn right there with that shoulder on this side lean towards me right here beautiful I love it very very nice okay very good dawn turn your shoulders a tad this way and and miss rachel okay love done and we're gonna be having it now excellent and this someone what you did let's say have you hold your book in the other hand and bring your arm on the chair right there let's see what looks like to push it right there on the arm right there and then push your bottom back and then lean towards me right here gorgeous loving it excellent very good let me see how you look right here guys looked right at me we too bad we don't even care yeah love darling so the whole idea I just chatted the whole time I'm talking to people my goal is just to make it fun you know at the end of the day it may not be absolutely perfect pose but if they're having fun doing it then nobody's gonna be nobody's gonna be having a fit let's see how this look I grew up just let me see what it looks like from camera wow this looks better than I thought if these girls were pretty this would be even better but you know good just rage turn your face this way missy look and need towards me like yeah like oh don't be messing with me chickie love it donna excellent rachel that's adorable love it beautiful guys you're doing great I want to come in a little closer now I'm going to shoot a little bit closer so I can get I don't think we'll crop it about it amy's let's see what that looks like right here one two three right here gorgeous beautiful girls very very nice now let's just try something a little bit different let's see where I want to go here hey you know what the only person I'm going to move is the one that's the most difficult to move and that is amy but hey what can I say hey amy let me see what looks like to have you just come towards me a little bit let me see how that works right there and now let me have you flip turn your weight on your bottom that's why I want to see to try something oh actually like that because you and I want you just to bring ben this front me a little bit more beautiful right there and now scoot your butt back a little bit actually I like that better that gave me a little bit more of separation between the girls I don't want to crowd them too much now maxine come towards me right here and I want you uncross your legs beautiful and I want just to stretch out your bouquet like this appointed downward beautiful and now let me have you cross your leg back let's see how that works right here beautiful and just kind of lean this gorgeous oh I like that for you so that gave me a little bit more space between the girls I love it that's really cute and now amy scooter booty that way towards maxine a little bit love it love it love it's good hair more one two three love it love it love it the streak okay now and maxine you don't be giving me some attitude princess love and you know he might be kind of fun can you put your elbow like this love okay see this looks great yeah yeah yeah okay kids now we're good we're getting it on I'm lovinit excellent very very nice beautiful darlings lovin darlings beautiful my focus is going to be on the forward person because I know I will have plenty of focus for the girls in the back but you don't want to focus on the person in the backers and the people in the front may not be in focus oh you know hey jill she's got her flowers a little bit too perfect so just stretching across your lap like that but towards me second love it's very nice actually can I have you do this bring your elbow back on that side with your loving it very nice that's it love it love it love it gorgeous hey dawn lean into these girls this way a little bit more and but don't put the weight on that shoulder can you put your arm on the elbow on that chair right there nice and then turn your face this way beautiful and I want you scoot your booty back a little bit dawn beautiful and I want you kind of lean into rachel cassie's oh my babies sister let the daughter know goodness love it beautiful okay girls let's shake it up a little bit okay now you know what just for fun let's let me have your girl standard for just a second just relax right there oh this is very good ground girls crowd around our beautiful bride right there just crowd around get in real cozy let's just move these chairs out of the way okay and but now what I want to do it's okay we don't have any chairs to work with at all okay there's nothing at all for us to work with so and a lot of the girls are similar and head height so let's see we can do to really create something that's just a little bit more fun and dynamic so let me have you rachel come towards me just a little bit right there is perfect good job and what have you been this front knee for and point your toe try towards mine but it's real important for her to bend that knee and then bring it towards the other leg I don't want her to go like that why would I not want her to point her knee that direction because when you do you see a large part of the thigh and it makes the thighs look bigger so notice what happens you see if I have my toe pointed out my knee is still crossed over but you're not seeing the whole side of my thigh does that make sense okay so let's try that one more time so you don't stretch out that leg and then you want to point the toe out like this and then drop it down over the other leg see even it makes me look thinner huh I look twenty pounds thinner already tell okay so we get this basic pose down this is really going to take someone and make anyone look better to stand santa flat on your feet for second okay and just looks take a look at her look at her from joe just a straight front like this look at how much difference it makes and she's a small girl can you imagine what it looks like if you don't do any finessing on a bigger girl if you can make a tiny little twig of a girl like her look bigger what in the world are you doing a disservice to your client when you have the girls that are not the size two you're not doing them a favor so just remember anything that we do here with her well look ten times better on somebody who's a bigger person so let's try this rachel turn your feet this way towards me good job and I want youto take this need this time and then ben this knee beautiful very very good and push your hip a bunch towards me this way very nice you see how you can push that hip one way or the other now there are degrees of finessing so don't get rule rule vogue and make it like a real super hard core we could do that with her rachel lean toward me a whole bunch like this gorgeous and turn your face this way see how that looks way too hard core it's not good you don't need to go that far it just all in little tiny tiny degrees we also want to keep the bouquet down about right here by the naval we want to have a light trap here and a light trap here and now rachel's come out this way for just a second and then I want you to face me back this way turn towards me right here and then walked towards me a little bit good job more right here and then turn your feet towards me here good job pusher hit this way towards my hand beautiful and bring that knee across here let me show the back of your dress now here we see the back of her gown is absolutely gorgeous we can really emphasize that beautiful backside of that she has right here push her in the other direction and that even looks better doesn't that look beautiful now you might ask yourself what is the difference and when dough I do either way now for somebody whose tiny like her she can get away with pushing her hip towards the camera can't she because she's a very tiny girl but notice what happens pushing this way again missy do you see how why is that looked bigger now because its closer to the light source then her face is pushing it back the other direction see how now we've got a shadow here on the back side so it's a much more flattering area for her and I want you now to turn your shoulders towards me a little bit and turn your hips towards move your feet a little tiny bit see little tiny movements turn your feet towards me a tad right there good job and then drop your flowers down beautiful and then turn your shoulders more this way and point your toes try with this foot right here towards me right here good job bring both of your feet towards me perfect good job loving it and point this toe right stretch it out towards me right here love it now when you haven't one of the things I do recommend that you do is learn the difference in the way that different gowns are made because some dresses with a dress like this there's so many things you could do with a dress like this that would really make that dress look better for instance a bride can do she can have her feet separated completely like that so I want you to a stand flatfooted for a second and I want this toe right here just stretch it out towards me right here towards my foot right here excellent very good straighten out your legs for me a little bit actually and I want you to rock this way on your hip beautiful and now rock this way on your hip and stretch it out because you're gonna bring this foot this way now they're good very good excellent oh I like that very good so she can do that so she can have her leg separated very very strong or she can do this I want you to cross one leg in front of the other like in an x pattern so uncross your legs she's going to be the regional this hard so take this like and making ex just like that beautiful very very nice so the x pattern looks really really good if you have a young lady who's wearing a very very tight dress and you want to showcase it like we could really actually have some real fun with her dress have you hold or here just like this and then just get like real sassy on mary here beautiful okay see how much different set to in the good thing about that you see the pose has to fit the sassiness of the image okay relax for a second okay and then turned towards me just a little bit exit right there and then bend this need for me we'll just keep it a little bit formal right here excellent and now let's see jill come right over here and jill I'm gonna turn you this way towards me a whole bunch excellent right there and you're going to push your hip away from me this way beautiful come in a hair closer to to rachel because you've been best friends since junior high school right there love it let me see how that looks turn your shoulders towards me a little bit this way beautiful come towards me hair you're so china don't want to hide you with little people like her we could have a tendency to tuck her too far back on we don't want to do that and now let's see what we want to go let me see here you go sarah I'm going to bring you in close tio tio jill right here and I want you just to get him real cozy okay come in real close to her beautiful coming with your chest lean towards her this way beautiful oh I like that very nice been this front knee from and bring it a little closer to jill beautiful excellent and then dawn let me bring you let's here I'm gonna put you dawn oh I know I want you to go um come on this I q t you're gonna face rachel beautiful coming really close right towards her and I want you to put your arm behind your girlfriend right here best friend you guys have been best friends since elementary school you're going to push your weight away from me good job beautiful and let me have you put your arm behind your girlfriend right here this is like your best friend you get and I want your arm over hers rage beautiful and with that shoulder right there lean in to her you're gonna get nice and cozy santa comes close you can touch you jokers your best friends wouldn't stand up tall don't don't get up there you go just like that and now take this front knee right here and just bend your knee right here and with the shoulder lean out this way don't note just relax beautiful you're doing great I don't want it to be too over pose because then it's gonna look a bit fake um okay and and maxine come right here max maxine I'm gonna have you go like this okay actually not a lot about half of that I don't want to bring her head down to the same height now I've got there's a method to where I'm going right here so come out of your amy and I'm gonna have you come in right here and this is like your guys are very very close friends so we're going to just get a nice and cozy right here okay and let me have the storm right here it's got your okay on it coming right here and just come in real close right here okay now girls now that I've kind of basically got you in a little bit of ah I've got you kind of sort of where I want you to go the what's missing here is what what's miss smile yeah but do we know what we say we say smile no okay you guys on the count of three all I want you to do is you have you're going just lean towards each other and give each other hugs ready guys one two three go that's the worst job I've ever seen that's what I'm looking for click click click click click click click this is what I'm looking for you know the only person I'm gonna move is I'm going to moved on because I'm finding that this shoulders pulling her up a bit too high so I might move her and do something different my goal though is to make it more fun and entertaining so once I do like the formal kind of you know everything's all perfect I want to get this bit of more coziness first girls relax for a second to me the most important thing is what comes next girls just can you grab your dress the bottom of your dress rachel it's not what you stand on it and you'll find that by the way if you get too perfect on finessing everything that what happens is that they lose the mojo and once that's gone you have to do something to break it you have to break that that that that that that feeling hey girls I want you all to back up towards the wall for me and just link arms grab arms for each other okay great job okay now jill you want to be careful you know hey jill grab her train would you her bottom of address I just wanted to get to get torren and just hold it right there love that you're a bigot can you just repeat across your arm here you go just the way we want it to be real real cash here we're going way wanted direct we wanted just to be real fun you're gonna drink that this way and you girls just gonna hold hands cause you are like loving it awesome okay girls okay on the count of three do do do I want you all to just we're gonna work it for me and you're gonna walk towards me but I mean we are bad we don't even care okay ready the only thing I want to have it I want rachel to come first so girls just give her like a whisper of a moment and then you guys come after her and as you walk towards me it's real important to me that you just have some fun okay so we have to make it real they'll remember we don't want to ask for expressions we want to give him a reason to have one so let's see what we got here okay girls on the counter you're gonna walk towards me ready guys one two three walk go that's the worst job I've ever seen in my whole life go back and do it again this by the way is what I'm looking for I'm looking for this right they're loving girls gotta guys ready one two three walk towards me I want you also love it awesome person love that gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous you see it's not about it's not about everything having to be absolute perfection it's about get letting them have some time and and I'm not worried if I get a perfect image because it's not about that shot it's about the experience of that shot because that will break it up so it means that the next group of pictures that I do I will not have to worry I know I'll get something nice because I've got a great expression they actually having fun with it do you see the difference in their faces now that we did that versus just getting them all perfect imposed cause they start in their mind they're thinking oh my god I gotta do this system this is and what if I don't do it correctly and and so you need to break up that bad that that feeling of craziness okay rachel come towards me a little bit and can I have you just hold your dress across your arm now except come towards me a little bit more beautiful beautiful beautiful darling excellent now I might even do something like this now and I would have her be farther away from the girls that are in the background because that she noticed if you look at the girls center in the back and we don't want them looking at the camera why because if they're out of focus and they're looking towards the camera we don't like it it looks sticky so they need to talk amongst themselves sir I need you three girls you're going to turn towards each other coming a little cluster together and you're going to talk about going shopping and get real cozy with one another and I need lots of body energy right there and you girls right here come over here and what I need you to girls you have to do something fun okay you're gonna lean towards each other with your chest right here and then you just come like whisper like this like oh my god did you see what she wearing today oh my lord you know that with that dress doesn't fit her very good love it love it love it love it and rachel you just have to get all playful and fun with it and just have some fun get ben one of us he's rich oh yeah love and you don't even like those girls anyway it's like love but seen that we now if we did this just like this and see she's got that perfect little smile on her face doesn't go no it doesn't go so rachel has to be doing something kind of fun she has to be doing something kind of fun oh I love this rachel right about there walk towards me missy loved I ow what you hang us up right about there back up a little bit and if I do this right here very nice right come towards me just a little bit love it right there and now all I want to do is you're going to turn away from me and look at those ugly people over there well I love it awesome I want you to put your head up in the air and just bust out laughing for no reason awesome but you gotta really small rachel when you do it you laugh when you are awesome perfect good job beautiful okay great okay good now let's add let's add the guys girls thank you very much kid let's had guys to this next session and we're gonna add some cushions let's have the chairs so we have are really small little area to shoot in do you want to take any questions yeah that'd be awesome were saying hey awesome so uh mindy rose says on several shots in the previous segment you had pointed out triangles on the big picture and then could you point out some of the smaller triangles that you were creating in that last shot I can't remember for the life baby or girl are you are you creating triangle's not when you're doing more random imagery it's not about trying you don't have to have like perfect triangles in every shot the triangular shaped compositions more for a more formal picture okay so this is a bit more red of these farm or a zoo said this kind of an experience is not the entire picture this is the playful aspect it's about the experience that's what this is about the experience of being photographed if any of these made it into the book it would not I may use that I may not ever put them in but if they enjoyed the experience and oh yeah I love having my kid she was so much fun blah blah blah blah blah so it's going to be so does that make sense you understand where I'm coming from yet we have one more question yeah um actually it was from karen rene it seems like the direction imposing can take quite a bit of time what if you don't have very much time actually it doesn't have to take it doesn't have to take up a lot of time at all now I'm being a little bit more particular here because I'm sure trying to demonstrate if I show you to quickly then you won't get it you won't be able to see it you know you because I'll move so fast and I'll be in and out of the scene very quickly the real key to posting quickly is just remembering how to dio is remembering one pose you get people to move their hip one way or the other way then that front knee well let me show you what I'm gonna demonstrate you really quickly first thing I want to do is I want teo have my bride and groom come and let's just get them post first come here let's have you two kids right here okay tyler come over your child okay so tyler come over here next to your beautiful bride rachel excellent right about there's fine rate you're gonna push that hip towards him a little bit right there put your arm right over his arm and right into his here and you're gonna be I want to put this hand right on her hip right here hey rachel can you push this hip this way this time beautiful I like that that gets a little bit more attitude beautiful you're kind of set okay lissie where I want to go dawn can I get you over here in this chair right here you're going to sit on the very edge of maxine come here missy can I get you right here maxine in this chair right here sarah jean come your scooter pie and I'm gonna put you right there on that bench right there and you know that jill come right over here and you're going to sit right here jill scoop toward the director have a seat right there for me excellent no no sit right on the arm beautiful right in there okay that's good miss amy let me bring you right over here I'm not sure I'm going at any park your booty right there love oh I like that very much guys come on over here quick quick quick ahmed right a mish come right over here honey you're going to stand right back here can I have adam come right here qd can I get you right over here by miss sarah jean come here danno and daniel you're gonna come stand right here back on the side right here by maxine behind come towards me and what I want you do danny you're gonna lean towards us love it right there little matthew come over here babe matthew stand right there for me behind and come right here brian flip your weight this way don I want your hip when she's sitting on that get right there come right over you know what sarah jean scooter booty right there scooter legs this way turn your legs this way and sit back a little bit more three feet perfect job and you're going to bring that arm on the cushion of the arm of the chair right there and lean on it this one right here just like that underneath your skirt right there beautiful come right here brian come right over there let's see how this is looking right here very very good right about there are you know stupid back your feet a little bit this way don with your butt scoot your butt back good job and now lean into the arm right here good job oh you don't rachel let me have you instead of green coming real close right there let me have you fill in this gap right here bring your arm on the cushion of the chair right there and then I want you to bring your elbow down that and that part right there love puts your yeah kind of like that bring that around him right there let me see how this is working right here rachel scoot over this way a bunch right there and bend that front knee for me love it and I want you to lean and tyler lean into her beautiful bring him close to you you know rachel turn your shoulders this way a little bit and I love that coming a little both of you move this way look I gotta make room for the ugly guy back there okay let me see how you look I like everything but I'm moving one person right here have a seat right there brian on that cushion right there excellent right about there and just bring one leg up loving it that's awesome I like that very good scoot over this way dad just a little bit for me baby liked it I'm gonna have you two guys switch places right there kids you're beautiful right there excellent oh love hey matthew turn your feet this way a whole bunch and I want you lean over your girlfriend's shoulder right here love and awesome right here beautiful and then leaning this way right here with your armor here and maxine and just kind of bring your face up to beautiful very nice so this might be where I might go with a group shot right there and you know uh tyler lean into that gorgeous bride right there and I want you to give me a hug with your cheek right there love give a real live with your cheek love it I'm ed a men commission I'm sorry amish lean towards me bring both of your arms on the christian right here and now lean towards me love can you bring your elbows up there like that lean into this I hear perfect good job okay now look at the triangle shaped compositions we have going on here danno scoot this way a little bit honey right there good job so we have a triangle here we've got a triangle here we've got another triangle here there's another one here so we can create a really cool trying to shape composition now I could make this a lot more random looking if I had a bit more space to work in but remember this is a tiny ten foot window right here and we are with a group of twelve people so you can do a lot in a small area if you just think about what you're doing let's change it up there just a little bit let's change a few things so let's see jill let me have you I think I'm gonna get you to have a seat on the floor it's okay honey and stretch out your legs this way beautiful I like that already I love that that's actually looks really good and let's see let's see kids I'm gonna switch your place is right there actually you know what I want to have you do have a seat right there bud tyler have a seat right there I love it oh I like that and now I want you to come in really close to him and put this knee bring it this way and turn your body away from you a little bit this way I'm told you're ok in this hand round here with that beautiful love it I love that now the only and actually what you lied in real close to each other love can you put your hand right his hair right there oh I like this a whole lot better I love her I've got you danno come overhere daddio maybe turn your body this way and actually up men sort of this sorry cos um back here that's right now you know why I you but your name is all men from now on amen okay say you know what but at the end of the day who cares look with expressions we got on their faces I know his name is amish got it yes ah mesh lovett rachel lean into him right there till that had this real beautiful hey matthew come over this way a little bit can you bring your like yeah I love it right there oh you are way too cute exit and you know it might be kind of fun hey I'm lucy sarah amy right amy scoot back just a tad toward your boyfriend back there beautiful and getting cozy with him that love it love it love it and you know a maxine tilt your head this way a little bit and then go like this with your hand beautiful not down I want to try to tilt your head this way a little bit perfect good job love it and you know what be fun jill sculpture booty back that way a little bit and I want you to lean into your best friend right o love it because sometimes we have a couple of bridesmaids so we have maybe one more bridesmaid then we have guy so and I love that you see how long her legs look now but just drop your top like down over your bottom like a little bit beautiful perfect cause then it keeps us from having to looking up her skirt a little we don't want to do that um okay now I'm going to switch a couple of people out sarah let me you haven't let me have you and dawn switch places for me please and sarah leaned towards me and stretch out your legs just a little bit this way oh you know actually this looks good hey sarah bring your elbow up on that charlotte just kind of lean with this shoulder right here love and bring your hand like this nice I'm kind of like that but I want that shoulder rule this way look good job love it don't turn your face this way a tad and you hey danno I want you to turn left here I want to put you daniel let me have you turn this way just a little bit and bring your hands to bring him down and lean way down into this right here love it yeah baby that's what I'm talking about all right now we got this awesome awesome awesome let's just get a real quick picture of this whatever you guys do do not smile I don't want to see a small joe I told you not to smile stop it mom I'm talyn eleven it you know what I got to say I'm so not worried about making a fool out of myself it's part of the fun rachel give him a hug with you're like oh look him oz uh gorgeous now the only other person I might switch around a little bit let's do this with her maxine bring this arm down and lean towards this ugly dude over here because because you actually that's actually your your brother from a different mother get myself prize here love it I'm actually leading to your brother right there are some beautiful darling baby love it awesome very good except you guys you're doing just phenomenal I tell you they're not bad for a group of people huh if we had really cute people just think how good this would look it would be like way past amazing okay now let's get rid of a couple of things and so we see how this works is it the different um we're going to go with this ok here you go let me have you two girls stand up here for a second and let's see uh amy come right here cute and have a seat that chair right there sarah come over here on this side for a second and let me have you less where I'm gonna go with this I'm gonna have you stretch out this leg for me just a little bit oh and I want to make a bit more room oh I know what I want to go okay turn your feet this way daddio back up just a hair for me adam and I want you to come right here q t turn this way you're going to come and this is your this is your husband so you want to get cozy okay are you guys married or single not to each other though are you well I knew that because now you can actually really getting cozy here yeah that's it awesome relax and drop that shoulder down just a little bit beautiful love it but switch your legs that's important for me with her I want to switch the legs I don't want to have her I need to have the energy flowing into him so it should have been this knee a little bit more for me good job and I want you to relax your shoulder down a little bit let me see how that works right here oh you know it might be kind of fun hang on I'll go on the other side him dawn oh I like that better now hang on don't come towards me this way and you know we're going to just ditch those flowers out of the way for a second just just throw it on the way and what I want you you're gonna lean into him like this bring this elbow up right here push your hips away from me right here beautiful and just give it oh I like that already that's kind of cute okay now miss sarah jean come here rick ut tilt your head that way a little bit but real soft on the hand right there park your butt right there for me and let you know what let me stand up for second backup towards adam I love I like this better you know what and now turn your feet towards adam right here beautiful and I want you to leave with this elbow just a little tiny bit bend that knee for me right there and I want you to turn I want to want to see your better side let's let's see your booty for a second hang on adam right there good job and now I want you to getting cozy with her and just put your hand right on her waist line right there beautiful let me see how that works out you know what let me get rid of this this arm right here so let's just cut it right off beautiful like love it bend that knee for me right there let me see that both of you lean towards me a little bit this way but beautiful and coming tilt your heads into each other excellent and you don't be kind of fun q t I'm gonna get you to do this would it be okay with you if I had you drop one leg let's have you turn your legs this way so we're not showing the goods to the camera stretch that leg over that way and just oh I like that kind of lean towards me right here excellent amish come here buddy danno you're gonna lean over that couch like this right here towards love it oh I like that already and I want you to know you're going to sit down some place let's see like what maybe right here I'm not sure I'm going and I'm button your jacket beautiful you know what I want you to do is you're gonna put tuck one leg under the other leg oh I like this already back up with your butt a little bit beautiful I love it love it love it oh actually like your jill you're going to get cozy with this dude right here okay getting real cozy and I want you to kind of lean in real close right here stretch your body this way and get in nice and close and stretch out your legs beautiful I love that see that works for you and just put your arm back arm behind him and I miss you gonna lean into her with your face don't small whatever you do can you pull your jacket a little bit straighter right there good job excellent and miss amy lean towards me like this like oh yeah that's it going eleven other than what's actually you don't like that actually you two kids back there back that come towards me just a little bit and miss maxine turn your feet this way q t and I want to uncross your legs right here and you're just gonna bring you your bouquet right across like this stretch out one leg like cross your legs exile beautiful love and going cross eyed girl style I think that looks better for you it's just a long legged girl I have the same problem I got to tell you why are you guys laughing at me hey and you know hey matthew come over your pal just we're too bad we couldn't care less okay questions while we're setting it up oh actually I like this this actually looks better than I thought love the kid's awesome hey maxine can you lean back into your husband right there your boyfriend right there and bring your bouquet up just like nice but getting real cozy right there excellent love that very night and matthew turn your face this way buddy and turn your body bring your legs towards me a little bit beautiful getting cozy right there kids excellent a michelin into jill very good this is a great hook up for you awesome and you know what that looks awesome kids beautiful darlings very very nice you guys are really cute you're doing great okay good now hang on a second hey ladies let me have you step out of the picture for a second and the only one person gonna move is adam come have a seat in that chair unbutton your jacket for me this time tyler and adam sit on the very edge of the seat right there stretch out this leg for me right here and unbutton your coat because this and this could be a real casual and undone your jackets guys all met this little bit more casual brian you're going to lean across your lap with your hands right there just love it that looks great and adam flip your weight this way I want you leaning into it love and just bring your hands across your legs right there can you breathe in between your legs right love I like that way better for you excellent you look fantastic right there danno lean back on that that love that and you know it just for something different let me have you tyler stand up for me excellent and I want you to pull your jacket and you can button your coat and you know instead of having you sit like that matthew had park your butt in the chair right there but a matthew turn your feet this way x and cross your legs guy style like can you do that like not that's a girl sound like this other way though because I don't want to see the bottom of the sole of his feet and then you're going to lean towards me bring your arms like right across your knee right there love it oh yeah baby love it hey talker come towards me a little bit pal and put this hand in your pants pocket you are too bad and these are your best buddies from school love and oh yeah perfect kids just beautiful who are these ugly dudes beautiful darlings excellent so basically you notice how I didn't have to move them too much I didn't have to do a lot so while you might think oh my god baby is taking a long time to get a shot what you have to think about is what is it once you have that first set up done you can pretty much set anything else up now to give you an example how this might work with the girls if I brought them back in we could easily just have them fill in the blanks right you see where we're going we could have them filling so come right here girls has come right on in and get cozy right here um rachel come right here by your house because right here dandelion into the chair right there beautiful very very good amy come right over here on this side right here and let me have you just you're going to stand right over there and I want to kind of getting cozy with daniel right there can you leave put your arm across his shoulder right there and lean towards me right here sarah gene come over here on this side right here and you know what hang on donny poo come right here by your husband oh sarah come of your baby do you mind if I put you like if I have you sit between these two gentlemen right here right there yeah it's all right with you okay perfect on your thigh not on your own your body let's see how that works oh I already got a move somebody amy or two just two tiny back there so amy come around this way you're going to stand behind amish right here oh I like that lean into your honey right here get him nice and two that need into that nero that's exactly where I want you to go beautiful amy park your butt right there beautiful danno scoop that way a little bit yeah yeah ow this actually looks better than I thought danno scoot over this way so tad you're perfect right there let me have you park your booty right here missy and then jill one more time you get to be on the floor right here scoot over this way I want this is with your new boyfriend over here on this side beautiful and I love it just like that excellent very good okay so now see when now we can get because we've got everybody kind of place amy with your chest lean towards rachel a little bit and I want you out of your head on her shoulder right there oh can you kind of put your hand right on her arm right there because this is like your best you're you're the maid of our other hand getting real cozy and you're just gonna come in like love bring your chin down and with that shoulder what you lean into her gorgeous look at that face is that a girl or what she's excused by love it right there you are darling you guys are all so cute and excellent right here angela don't by the way that's the first word in bamba knees just so you know okay all right guys let's see what this is looking like oh yeah baby love it hey adam lean on the arm of that chair right there pal yeah get a love it awesome beautiful lovett amish is a really good amish on me have you stand up for second the only move oh yeah I'm gonna like this almost stand back there yep such me it's all about just changing it up let's see how that looks right here baby good come right over here in the middle I wanted to fill that gap yeah that'll like that but can you button your jacket this time beautiful and with that shoulder you're gonna lean towards me like oh yeah you want a piece of me you want to see me ok I got a lot of them write that guys this looks great you guys look good okay let's see how you look right here all right mr tyler give it up for me david bill love awesome beautiful very good excellent okay can we have a hand for these guys that's a record danby do you have a second for a couple of questions and I just I just wanna finish ok love it guys on the count of three I want you all to just lean into each other and I need to feel up ready guys one two three give me some love well that's the worst job I've ever seen what I love it love it love it love it awesome right you're gorgeous gorgeous and I'm gonna have my bridegroom what you're really grab each other like it's the last time you're ever gonna hug bring those hands right up in his hair and then you both of you scoot this way just a little bit beautiful one two three and all of you feel in love awesome beautiful good
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I almost didn't bought this course due to low rating and what other reviewers were saying about her, but because it was on sale at incredibly low price that i decided to bite the bullet. And I am so glad I did. First of, for those reviewer that find her offensive, because she talks loud or make some jokes to her models or her audience, i don't think that it is offensive at all and neither did her audience or everyone in the studio. As a matter of fact, they were enjoying it. And I did too, was laughing while watching them laugh and having a good time. There was nothing wrong with the audio. I heard her just fine. I found her class to be the best class ever because she only not answers questions by theory, she demonstrate them live with the participation of her audience and the creative live crew and that's what made her class very interesting and not boring. She also uses real people and not models with perfect sizes or figures and it really helped me a lot because i have a challenge when it comes to posing plus sized people. I love her sense of bluntness, humor and at the same time, all the wonderful nuggets of wisdom she shared to her audience. I had purchased tons of creative class about photography and to tell you honestly, i haven even watched the full content on some of these classes because i get sleepy and bored but with Bambi's class, i watched her class in just 2 days without even feeling bored. I don't write reviews and in fact this is my first time to write a review here on creative live because i just feel the need to say that it's very unfair for her to be criticized liked that. I love you Bambi, I love your personality, I love your style and the information you taught were very invaluable. Thank you.
Melissa Baker Griffin
Loved the invaluable lessons! I can't wait to go through them all again. They are jam packed with valuable and tactical information that creatives on every level can take from. Her energy and personal style creates a great experience! I can only imagine how cool it would be to take a class from her in person! She is such a treat and so inspiring! I LOVE how enthusiastic Bambi is about the questions she receives and encourages phototgraphers to continue to grow, learn, and think out of the box. Thank you creative live! I feel like there should've been something like fire works at the end because she did outstanding!
Anne Dougherty
I’ll be honest. Ms Cantrell moves very fast, but her experience, humor and confidence are infectious. I thought I would check out a lesson or two and ended up watching and listening to her entire program. She is clear about her process and why it works so well. Her portraits are beautiful, whether individual or group situations. I thoroughly enjoyed the presentations, and I am a landscape and pet photographer. But I feel like I learned a lot about seeing, and was reminded of approaches to running your own creative business that are valuable for anyone. I have been very impressed by the professional instructors in every one of the CreativeLive courses I’ve watched or bought. It’s not every professional who can teach! I know. I am one who could not handle classroom situations. So happy I was able to join in on these classes. Thank you, Bambi, for all of your energy, and for sharing your knowledge with all of us. This was quite a ride!
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