Website Planning and Wireframing
Alexandra Moran
Introduction to Wireframing
06:41 2What is Wireframing?
04:21 3Setting Wireframing Expectations
04:48 4Defining The Problem To Solve
05:08 5Sketching and Refining the Idea
33:14 6Overview of Sketch Software
09:13 7Create a Wireframe in Sketch
17:31 8Effectively Presenting Your Work
02:12Class Description
Wireframing streamlines the process of designing and prototyping by stripping a website or app down to its most practical, feature-based foundations. Alexandra Moran is a web/UX industry expert, with experience addressing the design needs of clients both large and small.
Join this class, and you’ll learn:
- The fundamentals of Sketch software
- How to separate your site’s content from its visual design
- How to anticipate the needs of the end user and make a website that will engage them
Ratings and Reviews
Lisa Brink
Great information. Would have been nice if she had a large pad or dry erase boards for the sketching so both online and people in the room could see better - as opposed to the 8.5 x 11 laying on the desk.
China Rose
Alexandra shares useful specific ideas to build confidence in website planning and shares her clever techniques for wire framing.