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Designing your Demo

Lesson 35 from: Voice-Over for Real People: Complete Freelancing Guide

Keith Harris

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Lesson Info

35. Designing your Demo

Next Lesson: Recording Your Demo


Class Trailer

Welcome to the world of Voice Over




What Is Voice Over?


Myth Busting


Where is all the money?


Quiz: What Is Voice Over

The Voice Over Performance


A Conversation With One Person


Lesson Info

Designing your Demo

as you noted from the previous lesson, A good demo has a mix of styles and subjects which show the client the kinds of reeds they can expect from you when creating your first demo, it's best to focus on four styles with the goal of making a 62nd demo. For example, you might pick one up, beat the one day sale to guy next door. The friendly tech commercial, number three serious, a healthcare commercial and number four, maybe a special niche, technical, medical tours, etcetera, something like that. All four of these offer a completely different energy and a completely different approach. A quick note on company names while a demo is a representation of how you perform and not a claim of having been hired by a specific company for their advertising. I do recommend against using specific company names in your demo. Once you have voiced a project for that company, then you can use that clip with their permission in your demo. But up front, stick to the style more than a specific company. So ...

where do we find these scripts? Do not simply copy the demos you studied. If you really like a certain script, you can use your own version of it. Making changes to make it your own, but please do not just copy another artist's demo scripts come from a wide variety of places if you like writing, feel free to create your own from scratch other places to find scripts. Are youtube videos and commercials, magazines and ads in newspapers. Company F A. Q. S often found on their websites and this of course is just the short list of places you can find inspiration. I recommend finding many more scripts than you need. For example, you might want to record 10 or 15 scripts and then pick the best four or five to put on your demo. If you only pick four and you only record for, you might be cutting yourself short. As I mentioned in the previous lesson, do not cut this process short. Take the time to study a wide variety of reeds so that you can create the best demo possible. I promise the time spent creating a good demo will have a massive impact on your ability to book work. In the next lesson, we'll discuss the recording session itself and options for mixing and editing.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Audio Assignment
Tongue Twisters
Practice Scripts
Video Template (mp4 video)

Ratings and Reviews

Tracy Zbrodoff

This is a fabulous course. Keith takes a mountain of overwhelming information and breaks it all down into small pieces that are easy to follow and implement. He also has a great voice and is a pleasure to listen to and learn from!

Joe Wiese

Keith Harris is an amazing teacher. His coarse is timeless. Thank you Keith. Please come up with another coarse.

Matthew Longmire

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