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Visual Notetaking Next Steps

Lesson 15 from: Visual Notetaking: A Beginner's Guide to Sketchnotes

Giselle Chow

Visual Notetaking Next Steps

Lesson 15 from: Visual Notetaking: A Beginner's Guide to Sketchnotes

Giselle Chow

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15. Visual Notetaking Next Steps

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Visual Notetaking Next Steps

We're going to talk a bit about next steps kind of wrap it up now that you've had that that uh practice session and I encourage you that that workshop is um I believe it is to do a workshop it's fairly long you know? So if you're interested so check it out it's great you can finish your sketch notes um in terms of sharing so and it's also a good practice for yourself please remember to and please today um take smartphone photos for all of your work you know just as a way to track um how you're growing and changing over time some of you mentioned that you're always saying big improvement between this morning and this afternoon so that's great that's super heartening um so please khun you know continue to do that um create a hashtag for your work share it you know with your with your network of people share it out there I think we're moving into a time where um sharing work and being less so proprietary around it is actually a great move to make so please please ride that wave also um if...

you find yourself ah and you're starting out and this is something you wantto do you want to continue to dio next time you go to a conference goto a lecture go to a talk you know in a community meeting whatever happens to be um you know to take do take some sketch notes maybe tell the person at a time you're going to do this right and then tweeted at the speakers right just directly you know um offer it's usedto organizer's get your work out there so people can use it uh also in terms of practice get to know yourself as a sketch notre so everyone is different and I really hope you recognize that as you looked at other people's work as you look at my work everyone has a particular style and everyone style is actually what you want to uncover so you know I noticed when I often teaches workshops in the beginning people are doing things like me like they want to draw like me they want to do lettering like me but that's actually I think that's a helpful way to start right but ultimately the goal is you find out what your work looks like in the world right? So what do your tendencies what are you interested in what you think you gravitate teo? Maybe you're super into making like amazing looking titles, right? I clearly today I'm not so into that right that's okay, but maybe that's like that's your thing right? So so work on that so leverage or your strengths okay, so get to know yourself um keep a current list even just on a piece of posted you know, like a little sticky note what are your current and I say current because things grow things change what is like you know your latest greatest current list of what you're really great at and what you're working on you know, it just always have that um you know, have it on a post it that's on the inside your sketchbook data you know, right now I feel really great at coming up with imagery you know? I'm not really great at synthesizing information I still need to do a better job getting some supporting text so keep a current list of that stuff we talked about this before ah personal learning goal every time you create a sketch note what's the one thing you want to work on today let's see and then um look for perfect fit opportunities to practice so maybe the first out of the gate you know, maybe doing a very public graphic recording up in front of a bunch of people that might not be the perfect fit opportunity for you or maybe it is you know, maybe you want to move outside of your sketchbook into something bigger large format um maybe you are you know you're going to a meeting next week and instead and you have to take notes right? And so instead of taking notes on the laptop, you're goingto commit yourself to bring a notebook in some patents and that's what you're going to dio okay, so look for what's going to set you up for successful outcomes that are also pushing you a little bit comfortably so you're feeling challenged, okay? Also take a workshop at the grove I worked at the grove in san francisco. We do workshops on this methodology have us come to you um get involved in the I f v p that's the international forum for visual practitioners they really got to write that out. So that is our professional association. Um uh four so it's a great way to stay connected with an international group of folks who are very helpful it's a very welcoming, very welcoming, very friendly community for sure. Uh, join a local station in group were meet up like kate organizes right here in san francisco. They're probably others where folks are for ongoing learning and for feedback you will find it's actually rare to be in the context that we're in today, where a lot of people are sitting and sketch noting on the same piece of information unless you set it up, it doesn't often happen and other settings, so the benefit of seeing how other people approached the same task is really, really powerful. Okay, um so we're really in a visual moment as a culture, so really taking advantage of that in all the ways that is presenting itself could be great um and finally I mentioned this before volunteer for organizations issues that are meaningful to you things that you care about offer your offer your services okay and also lots of online resource is lots of books. Um I mentioned mike brody um who has some wonderful books on sketch noting brandy ag rebecca's well has some great books david civet who was my boss has some great books as well and many, many others so please check out you will see many different approaches many different versions of this work out in the world and I just really, really encourage you to keep creating build this into your daily practice that's really how each one of us could get better and better so we are going to wrap it up so we started the day talking a little bit about you know what is visual note taking what is sketch noting how they relate to each other? What are some of the takeaways? The benefits what it does we talked also about the building blocks rights we really started the beginning lettering color icons we moved into formats waves that you need to prepare to know yourself is a sketch notre some logistical planning and then we culminated all of that learning in the last section that we did on listening and then applying so how'd you pull it all together? Listen to something and sketch noted in real time so, um, I wanted to thank you for your participation. Thank you for being so game and being so open about sharing your work and talking about your work. I really encourage you to keep practising and find qadri of folks who want to get together, um, and continue to do this work. Seeing other people work and talking about other people's work is also a great way for you to start to get more critical about your own work as well. So I really encourage you to think really deeply about what is that next, best opportunity for you to continue the practice. So thank you very much for joining us, and I hope you have a great time, um, continuing to learn and to grow your skills in your practice. So thank you.

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Bonus Video: Titles with Flair HD Mp4
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Ratings and Reviews


Wonderful overview of sketch noting with tons of opportunities to practice, learn, and refine skills! Appreciated the side benefits of recognizing sketchnoting involves active listening and the opportunity to practice that too. Thank you! 110% recommend this course.

Tran Phuong

Great fundamental skills for effective notetaking! I love Gisele and all her lessons! They are super easy to follow and understand. Would recommend it of course!

Lisa Houghton

I really enjoyed this class. I am a beginner sketchnoter and found it very helpful. Great pace and delivery by instructor. Every minute was worth it. Thank you!

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