Secret 3: Content Is King, but Consistency Is Queen
Lesson 6 from: Viral Marketing: 7 Secrets to Promote Any ProductJon Youshaei
Secret 3: Content Is King, but Consistency Is Queen
Lesson 6 from: Viral Marketing: 7 Secrets to Promote Any ProductJon Youshaei
Lesson Info
6. Secret 3: Content Is King, but Consistency Is Queen
01:47 2Secret 1: Sell The Problem, Not The Solution
14:37 3Quiz - Secret 1: Sell The Problem, Not The Solution
4Secret 2: Think Like a Magazine, Not a Salesman
04:30 5Quiz - Secret 2: Think Like a Magazine, Not a Salesman
6Secret 3: Content Is King, but Consistency Is Queen
03:55 7Quiz - Secret 3: Content Is King, but Consistency Is Queen
Secret 4: Punch Above Your Weight Class
10:59 9Secret 5: Ethically Steal Your Competitors' Customers
08:11 10Secret 6: Bulid an Audience By Borrowing
10:24 11Quiz - Secret 6: Build an Audience By Borrowing
12Secret 7: Be a Shadow, Not a Ghost
05:19 13Bonus: Tips to Be a 5 Stars Freelancer
16:06 14Closing Thoughts
03:14 15Final Quiz
Final Quiz
16Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Secret 3: Content Is King, but Consistency Is Queen
the third secret of viral marketing is to remember that if content is king then consistency is queen. Most brands make the mistake of posting to sporadically on social media that wait until they have the perfect post, which could mean posting on Wednesday this week, friday next week. We're not posting it all for a month until inspiration hits them. But the truth is, is that posting inconsistently kills your chances of going viral. If you don't post consistently be it on a weekly or monthly basis, then your audience can't build a habit loop, They can't look forward to your next post because they have no idea when or if it's coming, think about the 10.2 million viewers who watched HBO on Sundays and nine pm when Game of Thrones airs Now, imagine if HBO all of a sudden decided to air new episodes of Game of Thrones whenever the heck they felt like it. You know, one new episode on Wednesday this week, friday next week and then the next episode in a month whenever the directors and producer...
s felt like it, can you imagine how much harder it would be to build a habit and tune into game of Thrones with friends to watch it. It doesn't matter how good the content, maybe that's why HBO And so many studios focus on having a consistent posting schedule for each show when they're in season. But it makes you wonder why don't brands take the same approach to social media after all, your audience grows when they have clear expectations of what they'll get and when they'll get it, if they decide to follow you that could mean posting once a day, like travel vlogger nas daily does on facebook. That could mean posting twice a week like fitness trainer jay Alderton does with his mindset, Mondays and workout Wednesday videos or that could even mean posting once a month like youtube channel in a nutshell does with their popular science videos. So let's pause there and take a quick quiz. Alright, let's say your career coach. How often should you go about posting on social media? Is it a, at least once a week on the same day, be at least once a day at the same time or see whenever you finish creating your post. The correct answer is a technically answer. B is also correct, but I don't encourage brands to start posting daily if they're not already posting weekly, especially because we're talking about posting new original content each time. So quality is super important to illustrate this. I want to share a case study about my cartoon series every vowel. You see, I used to post new cartoons whenever I finished drawing and I really didn't have much of a following back then. But I experienced a dramatic shift when I started posting a new cartoon every monday, even if I drew multiple cartoons in a day, I'd save them to post on the following monday's. I also wrote on the bottom of each cartoon, a little tag line that said new cartoons every monday. So people who decided to follow knew what they were getting As a result. This catapulted my fan base to having over 400,000 readers and again, I was just posting the same exact content. But the consistency is what made the difference. Not to mention posting weekly forced me to focus on production, not perfectionism, which is the enemy of consistency. I remember this one week when I was racing to finish what I honestly thought was a pretty mediocre cartoon. But to my surprise that cartoon got 96,000 likes on linkedin and 17, likes on facebook. Had I not been committed to putting out cartoons every week, I probably wouldn't have posted it in terms of tools to use. I recommend buffer or hoot suite, which are portals that you could log into to schedule your posts once you've created them so you can just set it and forget it and have it go out at the same time every week. In fact, Professor Lockley from University of College London says that it takes roughly 66 days for a behavior to become a habit. So if you're posting every week, make sure you're posting for at least eight weeks straight in order for that consumption to become a habit on the part of your audience. Otherwise that's all for this secret of viral marketing, we got a few more videos to go. So I'm excited to see you in the next one
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Muhammad Usman Abdullah
Amazing! I learned a lot. You made complex topics more exciting and easy to follow through real-world case studies.
Pam Atkinson
Amazing, I learned so much taking this course. Jon goes over a lot of tips that can really enhance any freelancer/business owners sales. Every step he mentions is actionable and can be applied right away. Thank you!
Mr Ubaid
well, superb! I learned a lot of new marketing strategies. That is very well explained.