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Class Introduction & Using Flip
Welcome, my name is d j happe and today we're going to go through some more advanced techniques with surat o d j so I'm happy to jump right in with you as you can see, we've got a whole bunch of gear plugged up in this particular module will be talking about everything from the new features in one point seven point two, including, uh, the ability to use the thing called flip we're also talking about effects we'll also be talking about how to map smitty and how to use certain many controllers and just kind of touch on that altogether how to customize midi using throughout a deejay and taking those functions and customizing them to your liking and really just ways to up your performance. The other thing that will cover as well as is how to hook into harada remote so as you can see, I've got yeah, I've had many in front of me as well and I don't know about you, but I'm ready to dig right in before we do that, though I won't introduce you. Teo reintroduce you to a good buddy of my met kerr...
y d j cut corners, who's actually in new zealand right now, so he's broadcasting live from well from surrounding headquarters, so not how you doing, man, I'm good thanks for the introduction there, papa hey, no worries, men you ready to get started yes I am okay all right let's do it so uh for people who are just joining us and just joining into this video there are other videos that we've also done as a part of this siri's so if this is if you get a little bit lost you're not sure exactly what we're talking about make sure you go back and watch those other videos because that will help explain something so I'm gonna walk you through what I'm using up here if you have something that looks similar at home great if not I'll make sure that I make reference to all different types of gear and again this is for cerrado deejay and the software and the new update one point seven point two so make sure that you have that installed on your machine as we go through this otherwise certain things may not pop up for the same way they do over here um and just in case you're not sure you could go to cerrado dot com and find the one point seven point to download right there and should be good to go cool so let's dive right in one of the one of the most awesome features that I think has released recently with dorado deejay is this idea behind flip and to be completely honest with you I wasn't sure exactly how you would use it and the more I've um dove into it really the more I see like so many more applications for it so essentially what it does is it allows you to take attract that you already have in your library and allows you to make different versions of that track. So one of the biggest applications that I can think of is I don't know about you but I end up doing a lot of stuff for either events that require clean music like you know, something like a corporate party of sorts or like radio or tv or something where I need to have a clean version but maybe all I have is like the dirty version and so in my library end up having like, clean, dirty and then I have one with like in a bar and show and then I have one with, like a sixteen bar and sure enough got like all these different versions of the same song what flip allows you to do is to have just that one file but to make different edits of it to make different versions of it and all stored within the same track. So actually if we, uh do we have my screwing up cool so we have my screen up. Um one of things that I'm going to show you first here is like um tio flip right here is activated and here's if I click on flip that then brings up this area right here she'll notice I've got a little record button right uh play on and loop and save our all great out right now so really what I want to do is I want to start by recording this flip I've got loop snap on which I'm going to keep it on for right now um and then I also have the symbol for flip is this this sort of half circle with an arrow and a dot in the center so that's our our symbol for flip so if I go there you'll see that I have all these slots here so I've got six slots for flip which means I can have six versions of things that I want so let's go in and let me just play the song really quick or I'll play a bit of this song and then I'll show you how to record a flip okay so he would be like a good example like this has a nice clean like eight bars of kicks nice little clean eight bar intro before any sort of melody comes in before any other instrumentation comes in so I like that I like that version and I like it as it is but if I wanted to shorten it let's say and I wanted to only make that let's say four bars but I could do is I said a key point here for this sort of like pick up on the four so so if I wanted to basically make it so that I had three bars of the kick drum and then had that pick up on the fourth bar to then lead right in so I basically I'm chopping this by four bars to shorten the short in the intro. I can do that on dyken record the flip, so if I hit record it's not going to start recording yet, it will only start recording once I hit either a q point or a censor button. So those air, too automated, features that flip is actually recording its recording, the two points and also the sensor button. And matt, are you there with us? Hey, matt, can you just confirm that that that's, exactly right that it's for the q points and the sensor, is there anything else that flip is detecting, but no it's, just reading the time. So when you, when you press a, sent a center button or a few point, any time in the track that that's affecting is going to be recorded by flip, and because of that, like, if I was to censor a couple of things throughout the length of a song, and like I hit the sensor button, like in that first course and in the second course, there's, also a curse word that I want to censor out I can then sensor that and then move the play head to the next course and then sensor that right like I don't have to sit there really time and do this do I that's what? That you're completely right there yeah it's a great way to for interest as you probably show us right? Cool. So let's do this where where I set up an intro here so this is short so I'm just well that always start recording to me us on all right, so I am going to start play I mean start recording and now I'm going to pick it up from this q point so what I want to do is ah, and I want this second so let's say I just wanted that ok? So like in this one, I actually just jumped all the way to this third q point that I had um so if I go back and I saved this flip, it will show up right here. So this is like a have now cut from you'll see my red q point here my first few point and I basically jumped to the blue so you'll see this if I play this back so let's, go ahead and play this back knows I have the flip on actually having on loop the loop now turn off if I turn off the flip there's nothing left in terms of the automation that's, the only function I use that force so now it's basically going to jump from that first four bars that I was playing, and then jumped to that blue q point that I had on three and now it's just going to keep rolling. I mean, I can take off flip and it's just going to keep going the way it was intended to. So this was one way of of shorten this, and I didn't have to destroy the audio at all. I didn't have to go out and go into another program like an audio editing program and chop it down and then bounce it out and then put it back into cerrado and now have another version of the same record that is, there is a great way in my mind to, like, sort of have these different versions of songs and then not have, like and not take up all of this space in your library. Um, and you can keep doing these, so and then the other nice thing is that here? So I wrote this in here, so I'm gonna I can now rename this so I can rename this, um I sort of straight to drop, so I'm limited in terms of characters, though here, so let's a straight to drop um, so if I then have other ones so let's make another one really quick so if you're if you're following along at home and you're trying to do this one of the easiest things to do first would be to make sure that your two points or set at the right point kind of have an idea for how you want to lay this out you certainly could do this on the fly if you wanted to and record it on the fly but in my mind this is probably a good thing to kind of go through and set up first and get comfortable with before you start really messing around with it on the fly as you can see I missed I missed the q point when I did this right now so let me let me go in and I'm going again shortness again but do it a different way um and let's see here we go so I'm going in this one I'm just going to drop into that um that one bar pick up um in the interest I'm gonna shorten that into a little bit here we go any record this flip okay and and just just one second doing and I'm gonna use the sensor button to just to show what the center would sound like so the short cut it would be you on this side okay some of it I mean it record again he jumped right to that it's coming up another one cool so I can go in and make different versions of these songs I can label them I can have them here and every time I pull up this track it will then give me the option to see those so this saves the saves to the track and actually, matt, are you still there? I am. Coleman do you want to tell them a little bit about, like, where the actual data for the flip is stored and like, what kind of space that does take up, if any so all the information like you points, loops and flips are stored in the meta data of a file. Usually the I d three tag of lycan mp three, for example, different files stole these in different ways, but mostly jay's using mp three files will find that their story to the file so that if they want to share them with their friends, well, you know it's a sunday made and they want to upload it and they want to have a couple different versions of flips on the song they'll be stored to the file, right? So you're actually then it's all in one file in when you're transferred this like, if I were to take this song out of here and let's say either give it to you on a thumb drive or email it to email you this this exact track that I just made, you'll have my flips a cz well, when you pull it up in your surround o d j, exactly perfect, cool, so and that is ah, I don't know, I really think that, like, we're going to start to see a lot more of this for sure when guys are sharing files or whatnot or even with like, record pools that are out there, I could see them, you know, offering up like the version that is let's, say the actual album version and then have these different flips inside of it for four users. Yeah, yeah, and I think it's a great way to save memory on your computer as well. Yeah, definitely. So it doesn't take up much space at all, then it's just date oh, it's really written you got it was a very small amount of data that's to the file. Perfect. Awesome. So, is there anything else that you want to mention about flip? Sure I was, I'd like to say that luke has always on so a cz you may have noticed in your demo, you turned leap off after you've recorded your flip that's ah that's, a really good feature if you wanted to play right through but say you wanted to continue to play a flip over and over and over again you can keep that look for that luke function on and that also really really works out well if you're doing a live performer it's a flip and you have playing along loop is always going to be on so soon as you finish your recording it'll continue to loop itself over and over again so if you wanted to do some kind of melody play or you know like make remake a sample for example that loophole always beyond so it will play just as you played it in the flip right very nice cool uh you know for all this stuff if you guys have more questions about this there's there's more resource is out there where you know I definitely feel free to we'll figure out how you guys can communicate with us and ask questions if you need to regarding this but there's a lot here and you could sit here for hours on end making flips one of the things I do want to note also is I'm connected right now tio the rain t m sixty two and I'm so I'm like I'm hooked up to be in performance mode but flip is still enabled when you're in offline player mode so if you're on the plane or you're at home or you in your studio and you don't have like your deejay set up hooked up you don't need that in order to go in and actually make a flip. So that's, kind of a cool way. Teo teo, you know, uh, to be able to prep, to be able to perhaps some of the your stuff for gigs, or what? Not, um, cool. Um, I think that that will do it on flip. I want to keep. I want to keep rolling and there's a lot of stuff that we have to cover. So, um, the next thing I really want to talk about is effects.
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