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Save Selections as Channels

Lesson 4 from: Using Photoshop Channels

Jason Hoppe

Save Selections as Channels

Lesson 4 from: Using Photoshop Channels

Jason Hoppe

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4. Save Selections as Channels

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Save Selections as Channels

what I want to show you now is going in and being able to isolate the images, um, in sections and we've gone through. And we adjusted our island here using our adjustment layers. But I'd like to go win, and I'd like to break this into section so I can adjust just the sky and then the water and then the beach. And we're gonna do that. But we're going Teoh in this way. We're going to go in, and we're going to do this by using selections so that we have our content divided up into sections. So I'm gonna do a quick selection around the upper part here, kind of do a straight line across the horizon here, and I want to save this selection. And the way we save a selection is we go into the select menu, which you save selection and wouldn't you know it? What pops up where doors are selection actually get saved as a channel. So that's another way that we use channels. That's where we can save selections. So when you have a selection and you save it going to go in, name the channel, click Okay. ...

And sure enough, there it is, right in my channels panel. Awesome. So now I'm going to go in and I'm going Teoh a jet. I'm going to select the water and then select the sand. But in order to make this really easy, I don't want overlapping selections. I want to keep this election right where the edges. So I'm gonna select the inverse here shell that I get the water and the sand together. I'm going to say that as a channel as well. Or I could go in and I could cut those in half. I'm gonna cut that in half because I'm gonna be able to adjust the water separately from the sand. So with my selection tool, I'm gonna hold down my option key. So it's going to subtract, and I'm going to get rid of everything else that I don't want here. So I have just the water. Okay? It's a hard edge selection. This is what channels can help us solve. So select. Save the selection. Going to save this is the water. I'm gonna click, OK, and we go to our channels here. We can see now I have my water in my sky. Really simple assessment of this. What's white is what selected what's black is what's not selective. That's how channels work

Ratings and Reviews

Josh Reuck

Great, non intimidating info in here to learn more about channels, how they work, and some interesting things they are capable of.

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