How to Remove Tourists in your Images
Lesson 6 from: Urban Landscape Post-Processing TechniquesSerge Ramelli

How to Remove Tourists in your Images
Lesson 6 from: Urban Landscape Post-Processing TechniquesSerge Ramelli
Getting Started with Camera Raw
08:56 2Working with Local Tools
11:01 3Stitching a Panorama in Camera Raw
11:52 4HDR Cityscapes in Camera Raw
09:39 5How to Process a High ISO Cityscape Image
10:02 6How to Remove Tourists in your Images
13:54 7How to Master Sky Replacements
10:06 8How to Achieve an Instagram Look
04:54Lesson Info
How to Remove Tourists in your Images
This is a photo I'm gonna show you. This is a photo of the Luv, and I give a little trick. If you were ever go to Paris and you want to take a nice foot of the luv, go behind the pyramid, not in front, where there's a gazillion amount of tourist and no, no Photoshopped technique in the world will raise them. But if you go behind, there's a lot less people and it's heading any. It's heading west. So you have. The sunset is always around there, So if you're lucky So that was the case. And I think I was even shooting my hand on this one. Yeah, I forgot my tripod. And there was all these people and I'm like, Oh, if I could get a good shot. So what I did. I start taking photo like every two or three seconds and trying not to move. I don't remember if I was on a truck, but or not. We'll see. We'll find out later on. This was years ago, but the problem is that there was a lot of people that I want to get rid of. All the people that I want. I don't want to harm anybody in the process. So I'm g...
onna go to bridge. And so that's all the photos I have taken. And them what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna say like them all. I'm gonna write cake open and Camaro. So Kim, always gonna open them old, and I'm going to retouch the 1st 1 first. So regular workflow shadows highlights some. This one, not you. See, I don't like that. Look, I don't like the eighties, er, because it's the reason why it's already under exposed for Okay, It's an under exposed photo. So going even lower on the highlights is gonna make this really aged, er illustrative Look in the sky. So not by me. So something. I wanted a diffuse guy. I'm gonna do my blanks. Going to my wife's Let's look for cool white balance, daylight, cloudy and shade. I don't know. Maybe daylight's gone coal. They're like, might be cool. Ana, I'm gonna take your Rachel Circle here. You know whether son is, you know, you know the drill. Gonna put a little bit of more at warms and set. You can also add a bit of yellow out of it of mentioned that, but also add a bit of saturation just to make that. That's Kai a little more interesting here. Okay. And, uh, Lynn Grady And here, maybe a little bit of a great aunt. So minus here. No, no, maybe at a bit of blue. Yeah, it could be cool. So now I got a great sky. I'm gonna take you on new and click and drag Make another one here. So I'm just retouching that one photo in uring the tourist, hoping there is a technique. Three. Raise them in Iran and hoping it's automatic. Uh, okay. And I'm gonna click here. I'm gonna boost the exposure. Well, because the little dark on this one might be a bit nosy. And I shot it was a kind of 50 mark three years ago, So I'm gonna go into details and sharpening 1%. Is he here? You always You know, I always want the sky. We have a bit of chromatic aberration there. That's cool. Thank you. Can and ah, So I'm gonna go and at I'm gonna go, maybe obtaining notes reduction in 19 Scharping. You know, because it's it's a little bit too much in sharpening so maybe maybe like 15 85. But don't forget by default is trumpeting everything you really need to is a masking withholding the option key with the black. So no, you know, it's OK. It's I think the shopping on this one is too strong. I'm going to lower it a little bit. So, you know, I don't always do the 100 role. I also especially with very old photos that was taken years ago. Ah, little bit off chromatic aberration. So let's see if we can go here and we move. Chromatic. You see that little red thing that see if it's gonna do something here? Ah, ah, it's a little less red. It's very shell. It's very subtle. I mean, you gotta have two good eyes and really take a look. That's to be four. That's F is gonna make a little a little less red. Okay, let's go back here to fit into view. And I think I'm happy. I just wish there was no one there. So now comes the time I'm gonna go here. I'm gonna kick on select old, and I'm gonna clean collectively here on sync synchronized settings and ah, what's very important By default, the local adjustment is turned off, so local adjustment is a grated filter the circles and the brush. And we did we did At least we could do this. Yeah, I did some circle and I did the New York. I'm gonna clean that cropping new spot room. Willing do I'm gonna click, OK, and that's gonna turn ALS This role fouls in to retouch row fouls. But at this point, you did not click on open object You click on done and you go back to Ridge and Nombre just gonna update and retouch all the photos. No, what I want to do, I'm gonna go to tools photo shop and I'm gonna click load files into first role players. And what that's going to do is that is gonna put one foot a shop file and gonna put on one layer all these photos that's gonna take a little bit of time because it's a lot of love of information. And so photo shop opens every file and then put it puts it into its own layer. What I'm gonna do is I'm basically going to use a magical way of handling the files where Photoshopped is gonna look at all my photos and I's gonna look okay. What is not common toe every photo. What is the one thing that's not common? Toe all the photos, What is the people walking by? Because they change from one foot to the other. But the luv has been there for years, not moving. Claws are moving a little bit, So something is gonna happen on the clouds. Ah, but so the trick is, And when I'm going to do to speaking this up because this is a life to toil, I'm gonna change the size. I'm not gonna because this is gonna open, like 20 files each files is like I would say, about 20 million picture. And so that's something you can really do. You can do the best. You stood on a tripod, but I did that once also in a political ass in verse. I you know where you have. It's a beautiful corridor and you have all this thing. You're you. You stand there. But you cannot put a try but and just take a photo every five seconds. And I remember, like some group of people is not moving so my sister went to just move them. All you need is a photo where you know, no one is at the same as it can be crowded. As long as people are moving your good. That's what you want. All right, so here where we can finish up everything as loaded, I'm gonna go to image image size, and I'm gonna 7000 pixel is going to be rough for this computer. I'm going to go 2500 but that's just because we're alive. And I just don't want this to spend two hours on this one story. If I would do it for real and sometime I do it even for myself. Like just to see if it works, you know? So you make it smaller. So now I've got all my layers here. I'm going to set up the 1st 1 shift click the last one and the first thing because I'm not sure I'm a line on every photo. I'm gonna go to edit Oh, to align layers and leave just a default settings click on photo. And what that's going to do is that it's gonna, you know, a line all the layers and just making sure you know that the old match, that next technique is not gonna work if you do that. Now, if I had not changed a revolution of the photo this with that step would take half an hour. Or maybe not depends, you know. So that's why it's Ah, it's a bit of a Texas. We need a strong Mac or PC to to do this, but it's really it's great because it's going to do two things. Gonna hopefully raise the tourist. But it's also gonna make a bit of a loan exposure effect, which you can have or not having all show you how. Okay. So for some reason, so you can see here we have, like, some kind of I still have a decent resolution. You know, I did make a smaller body. See, this is from because I moved a little bit. So now what's very important is you take the 1st 1 You said only the 1st 1 and you press command J or your dragon drop here to do to get the first layer. Then you make it invisible. So you take the second layer and you go all the way down here and you select up. Sorry, my press controlling Socso second layer the whole way down here shift. So they're all selected and you write like and you convert this to a smart object. Now, a smart object is an object that is smart. The smart object is, uh it's basically like a sort of super file way. You can put all kind of things into it, and it's known destructive. So you can go if you double click on it, you can change things. So basically what photo shop is going to do is take all these photos which are perfectly aligned now, and put them into a super file. And then on this father, we can do filters, uh, which you will see in a second. So no, it's all this are into one super super spot object. I can go here two layers, smart object stack mode, and you get all kind of crazy words, which I have no idea what it means. But there is one here cold, um Megyn. And if I press medium, what that's going to do, hopefully is do something about oldest tourist. And there's a lot Okay, See, before after, didn't you raise everything because some of the people and I'll show you how to deal with them. Something on Lee, the people that didn't move, but but a lot of it, a lot of it good. He raised and look at this guy before, after it makes a little loan exposure thing in the sky. Now, if you don't like that Ah, that's fine, because sometimes it's great. Something does not is not great. So I have Ah, I remember I kept one photo so I can go here option and click here on the mask tool, and that's going to create a black mask of Sorry, I'm not on the right layer here again. Option. Click. And so now that holier. I mean, actually like the sky like this you, before you can shift. We hear before, after before, After I need to crop here. Something is were there. But that's from the different photos, I think. But let's say you did want to bring back the sky so you have a black remember, black conceals and white reveals so I can take a brush. But I want a brush, beef or brush. Be for brash capacity. 100% and white because white as a foreign country press x to get white as you for one color. And I can just bring back the class of the wear because I shot this. You see, I got something. We're here and I shut these by hand and on a tripod. So don't ever do it like I did here be on a tripod. But you know that they you see, they sort of overlapped each other. That's because I was not really straight. And, um so now I'm gonna crop tool. So I have no other choice than to crop a lot of photo to you. Raise Oh, that's alignment of photo. Okay, But it's still pretty decent before, Uh, so it's pretty pretty OK, And now I want to raise whatever is left here. So usually what I do is that create a new layer that's gonna take into account what I've done so far. And for this adobe created just for you the most crazy shortcut of all times. It iss command option shift. Hey, why did they do that? I have no idea because it's one of the shortcut I use the most. I repeat command option shift E that's gonna create a layer taking into account all I've done so far. And I'm not one layer. That's how I like to work. I'm going to take the spotting brush tool. You know, any can decide. And I'm just going because they are small when there are small tourist, you know, pretty easy to raise you. And I'm just gonna one by one, take them out. And sometimes that's funny thing. So I'll show you how to create if it does anything but does most of the heavy anything. I just didn't want any buddy in front of the, you know, of the pyramid here and, well, all so I should have kept before photos. You could see buddy way. Remember, there was a lot of tourists. Not there is hardly any. And, you know, if it does weird things like this, you know, like like here, you can always take the stem tool s wisdom tool making tool Really small. This time, I'm not gonna do 30% of basketball, 100%. And you know, I can just option click on that and just realign it here. I could even click here, and you raise this to raise this way. So you're raising is always between. They're using the stem tool and using the healing brush tool, you know? Ah, here. There is some picture which is not really right. So I can go here something anyways done, you know, But sometimes spend 20 minutes on this. That was not the dignity. All went through with just a smart mode object. So we could you raise the tourist?
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Ratings and Reviews
I loved this class. It was simple and easy solutions to processing beautiful images. I came away with so many ideas on how to improve my photo editing skills. Thank you.
Pleshette Fambrough
Excellent class. Simple to follow, great examples and real techniques to help me take my photography to the next level. Thank you!
Beatriz Stollnitz
Good class for anyone looking for tips and tricks to improve their landscapes and urban photos. This is not an advanced class, but it helps if you have some experience with Lightroom or Bridge.