Lesson Info
Types of Campaigns
When you're going to run a campaign, you have to think about what's the reason for running your campaign? Is it to increase traffic? Is it to increase awareness or visibility of a product? Is it to create an app install? Is it to increase engagement? Is it to increase online sales? Is it to increase in-store sales? There's a lot of reasons why you're gonna run an ad. Okay, I'll go a little slower, (laughing) as you guys take notes. So, then as you identify the reason as to why you're running an ad, then you would take, look, consider the different types of promoted pins to help you achieve that goal. So, there are just regular promoted pins, which is taking your pin and then putting money behind that, then there's promoted video pins, so maybe video content, you have a lot of those, or you ran a commercial spot and you want to repurpose that, you can choose to do promoted video pins, and then there's promoted app pins where their whole goal is that it increases acquisitions by app inst...
alls through iOS or Android by a click of a button. And then one tap pins, this one is brand-new. It's not available to everybody, but essentially, when you see a pin in the home feed, you can click that and without having to do the close-up right away when they first engage it, it takes you to that site, which is really cool. So, what are the basics of a campaign setup, 'cause, you know, there's an ad, but then there's also a campaign, and campaign is overarching the highest level of what you're, what's happening here. So, you're running a campaign and you're choosing the objective, which is to create awareness, and then you suggest, then you choose the bid type, which would be like a CPM model, if you've heard CPM, which is like cost per mil, that's basically what you're bidding for, or like, let's say you wanna drive traffic, the campaign objective is traffic, you do a cost per click, then you choose your spend cap, so how much you're gonna spend. And then, underneath the campaign, you have the ad group, so you can have multiple groups of promoted pins that reach, that have different artwork, that reach different target audiences, that have different budget, that you send out at different times, so that helps you, 'cause you don't wanna just do one pin and just hold, like, that would probably be a bad strategy. If I'm gonna finally run some paid, I'm going to try to do it and get as much information as possible, so I'm going to run, maybe I'm gonna run the same piece of artwork, but I'm gonna run it to different audiences to see who it resonates with. Or maybe I'm going to run five different pieces of artwork to my main audience, which I know are millennial moms, okay, and then you run those at different rates and different times, and so, you have different ad groups because of that. And then underneath that are promoted pins, and that's like the specific ad asset that you use to market, so, that's that one pin that you're gonna create and learn how to create. Tracking, okay, so before you run a campaign, you wanna make sure you're prepared for all the traffic that's gonna happen because of it. So, what do you need to do? You wanna make sure you don't have bad links on your website, just good SEO practice, no bad links. The worst thing is to come to a broken page. That's a terrible user experience and Pinterest knows if you have a lot of bad links on your site, so clean those up, make sure to check that. Avoid pop ups, so pop ups are kind-of a deterrent for user if they come to your site and then they get slammed with a ton of pop ups, that's a bad user experience and they're gonna pop off, and then the add isn't gonna really be effective at achieving, you know, more acquisitions of the product, doing more purchases. You wanna make sure your website loads fast. Again, you don't want people bouncing off that site when they finally get there and they're like, man, I really wanted to buy that purse, but it's taking forever to load, so, peace. You wanna make sure you're enabling Pinterest tags. So, have you guys ever heard of like, Facebook pixel? Where if you're running ads, okay. So, Pinterest has something called the Pinterest tag, which I'll get to in a little bit more depth later, but it's essentially a code snippet that you're gonna put on your website, and it's going to help give you that data of what happens when people clicked on that ad, what happened after. Did they fill out a contact page? Did they subscribe to my newsletter? There's different points of action that you can check, but essentially, you need this tag to give you that data and information. You want the whole story, you wanna know if your dollars are really working for you, and if you spent them and they didn't work, you want that data, too. You also wanna make sure you have rich pins enabled, which, rich pins are essentially Pinterest's way of verifying that you are a legitimate business and you have legitimately good content that you're sharing and you're not spamming. Back in the day, when people were using Pinterest, people were just adding all these cool images and sending people to random sites that had nothing to do with that, that's spamming behavior, don't do that. And so, rich pins are something that you can go to business.pinterest.com and apply for, and you basically say, "I wanna be a product pin "rich pin," or "I wanna be an article rich pin." There are a couple different types, you would pick the one that's best for your business, and then Pinterest would review it and they would say, "Yeah, you're approved for product rich pins. "You sell products, here's your code snippet." Put it on your site, and once you do that, every time you pin something from your site, or someone pins something from your site, that price information is gonna go along with it, and the name of the product is gonna go along with it, or maybe it's a blog post title and a blog post snippet, or a recipe and all the ingredients of your recipe, that's rich pins, and the algorithm, being and engagement-based algorithm, it gives priority to rich pins, 'cause why? 'Cause Pinterest wants to make sure that their customers have the best, or that their users have the best user experience, and so, they're obviously gonna give priority to verified sites and companies that they know will give Pinterest the best experience. So, make sure those are enabled. Make sure your pin it button is installed, so as people are coming to your site, they can do some marketing for you by pinning more products that they fall in love with. Make sure you have enough inventory. I mean, don't spend a lot of ad dollars if you're gonna, you're about to run out of your product. That's just, that's very frustrating to find something that you love and then see that it's sold out. Okay, so let's talk about targeting. So, we talked about campaign types and different pin types, and preparing for the traffic, but now it's time to figure out who are we gonna target and how do we do that on Pinterest? So, what is our audience targeting? So, audience targeting helps you reach a more specific people group and it combines the information of your customer base with the information Pinterest has of their users. And you can either choose to target existing customers, you know, nurture those and continue telling them about new offerings, or you can try to find a totally new audience, which is great, too. So, there are different types of targeting. I'm gonna put all of this up here 'cause it's a lot of information. I wanna give you guys plenty of time to take it all in, but, I'll go through it. So, there's placement targeting on Pinterest. So, when you're coming to Pinterest, there's two ways that you find things, right, when you're searching for something. You can experience and discover things in the home feed and then you can experience and discover things by searching. Pinterest gives the ability for you to target the different experiences, you can do both, or you can say, "Hey, I'm IKEA, I wanna make sure "that I'm targeting people who are looking for dorm room "decor ideas, and I just wanna reach those people "because I want to reach them right when they "are looking for that specific product." Or, "I just want to, you know, create awareness "about iced coffee, so in general, I just wanna do "awareness and do the placement in the browse section." So, as people are scrolling in their Pinterest home feed, my ads are just gonna pop up there, or I want to do both, I want to, for people to find me because they searched iced coffee, and I want them to find me because they were browsing and just happened to find my content, too, based on their interest in iced coffee. Does that make sense? Okay, and then there's interest targeting. So, when you sign up for Pinterest, you select different interest, things that you're interested in. So, I would pick, I'm interested in mid-century furniture, or I'm interested in women's fashion and fall fashion, or I'm interested in eye shadow. It's very different interests, and then as a browser category in our home feeds, these, everything based on our interests is what is served to them in their home feed. So, there's 400 different interest segments. 400 different things that Pinterest has identified as interest segments, and they call this the taste graph. So, that's Pinterest's word for this interest targeting. And you can target based on what people are interested in, like iced coffee. And then there's key word targeting, so that's more like I wanna target people who are searching the word dorm room decor ideas, so they give you the ability to do that, which you're probably familiar with. And then there's audience targeting. So that is basically, and we'll go into that in just a second more, but that's, you know, I really wanna target people who have already engaged with my pins. I want to nurture that relationship and I wanna target those people specifically. And then there's other types of targeting like demographic, device, gender, and language, and for demographic, I just wanna call this out, we, Pinterest doesn't have the ability to target by state quite yet, but, you know, you can choose by country versus, you know, an international presence if you're just a U.S. based product or service. So, types of targeting with your data. So, there's visitor retargeting, so that's where that Pinterest tag is gonna come into play, where you can retarget, if people have visited your site, you can retarget them on Pinterest, which is so great, right? How many times have you visited nordstrom.com, and then you jump on Facebook, and then you get served a bunch of ads about Nordstrom? You can do the same thing with Pinterest. And then there's customer list targeting, so say you already had like, a long customer base, you have like, 500 emails of all these people. You can upload that to Pinterest and Pinterest can match those people, and you need at least 100 matches to reach your customer base, using your CSV file. And then there's actalike targeting, which is, I know my customer acts like this, I want to reach a new customer base that acts similarly. So, you can do actalike targeting. And then there's engagement targeting, kind-of like what I mentioned before, which is, I want to re-engage with those people who have already engaged with my content. So, that's a lot of information. What you should take away from that is Pinterest has an insane ability to really reach your target demographic, and you can make it so that you are, you know, throwing that dart and hitting the bullseye. That's what you need to know. The Pinterest tag, which is this important piece that you need to implement on your site for the full story, to know the full ROI, is the Pinterest tag, and you can go, actually, you could just go to ads.pinterest.com, I put the full link here. This is exactly what you would click on to click generate Pinterest tag, but again, what is it? It's a piece of code that advertises ad to their website to help attract visitors and actions that they take. And why is this important? It allows advertisers to understand the impact of their promoted pins, and it allowed advertisers to create audiences from the visitors to their site, from their site. So, how do you do this when you're in the ad platform? So, you're gonna go to create an ads account, ad.pinterest.com, create an audience, click create an audience, and then you're gonna choose the following, you're gonna choose visitors who have been to your site, or add a customer list, choose customers that have already engaged with your pins, or create an actalike audience. That's exactly how you pick your audience. Any questions at all, no? Oh, yeah, yeah. So, in those asks, what would be the maximum price for the products where I can still expect that one purchase for two pins slash impression, slash reach? I thought, in preparation for this class, that's such a hard question, because it really just depends on your business and what your product is. Are you trying to sell sofas, you know? It's gonna be really hard, when a sofa costs $1, or $2,000, and you're serving an ad, it's still is gonna take people a long time to consider buying that purchase, and versus like, I just wanna sell a $30 dress, and some, just consider how much your product or service costs, and you might wanna adjust your ad spend based on that. I mean, I think also, are you just testing? If you're just testing, you don't wanna spend a lot of money, so maybe you just wanna spend only $200 just to get some data, or you're ready and you wanna actually make an impact. It's gonna take a lot more dollars to make that impact. Then, there's things about bidding, and if you're doing a really hyper-targeted audience, it's gonna cost more, and there's just so many things that go into pricing, and truthfully, as someone who has run ads for different businesses, it's kind-of one of those things that's an art form, and you just gotta do trial and error and see what's working, and we're gonna kind-of talk about creating, and campaign execution, and testing, 'cause it's part science, it's part art. I mean, you have the data to go off of to know if this is worth my dollars, but at the same time, it could be the fact that your website's horrible that it's not working, or it could be the fact that your ad is ugly, there's so many pieces to the puzzle. So, it's a bit hard to talk about price, but. Yep, but that's clarified, that was just the kind-of answer to the question they were looking for, and a few people asking for a similar thing, like, you know, what's the ceiling? What's the like, kind-of product, like, price, how should we do that, so? I think a better thing would be instead of asking what the ceiling is, what's a good place to start with? And I would say if this is a first time you're running ads on Pinterest, let's start small here and let's go with like, $100 or $200 and just see what happens, and then if you know it's working, you can iterate on that and say, "Okay, pause my "campaign, I wanna spend more money." Or "Pause my campaign, this isn't working."
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