Lesson Info
Keyword Targeting
So you've identified your campaign goal. So I wanna drive traffic, you've decided, "Okay, I only have 500 bucks. "I know that I need to run it this month "because whatever holiday's coming up, Easter, whatever." Choose your creative, okay. What am I betting my money behind? Don't just bet on one image, do multiple. That's my advice to you. Activate your campaign, so you're going to log into Pinterest. You're going to click that red circle. It's either gonna say upload an image or create an ad. Choose your goal, traffic. Name your campaign, whatever, Christmas. Decide on your spend, the daily spend and then the total spend. Set the bid, so that's when you go through your bidding process, and you get approved. Pick your creative and get approval of the creative, which can take about 24 hours. Decide on placement, so are you doing this in the browser, or in the browse search bar, or the, sorry. Ad's confusing to me, browse is the home feed, and search is the search bar, blah. Decide how m...
any days, your timeline, and then you want to target your audience. So those are the steps that I walked you through when you go through it. I didn't do the whole screen thing here. It doesn't look like Facebook. It is a totally different ads manager, the experience, but it will walk through it step by step. Oh, and target your ad. Very simple, that's easy breezy, it really is easy, guys. It's so easy, they make it easy for you. And you can pause at any time as you do it, and you like, "I don't know if this is "really working for me, I wanna stop." You can pause the ad, you can pause your ad groups, and overall, just decide not to do it at any time. So let's talk about some success stories that give you some hardcore data 'cause I know ultimately you guys wanna know if this is really working or not, and just not just trust me. So we asked Pinterest if we can share two case studies with you guys today, and they gave us permission. Thanks, Pinterest, to talk about Dunkin' Donuts. Who likes Dunkin' Donuts, I do. How cute, first of all, is this pin? I just wanna say this is so clever, this is a gif. You can do gifs as promotive pins, so that's really cool. Video, instead of doing video, if you don't have that capability, you can make a gif. And basically, Dunkin' Donuts decided it is iced coffee season, and they wanted to bring awareness that iced coffee, the months were heating up, and they wanna target people who would be interested in iced coffee. And so they decided to focus on prom and graduation. And you can tell in this pin right away, there's no main, like, "Oh man, you guys, you guys have "to buy this iced coffee." It's not like shoving it down their throats. At the same time, it's completely branded, but it has this helpful, fun DIY that you can use with Dunkin' Donuts. I love it, it's so good, tasteful content. They knew their audience, and they had been advertising for awhile on Pinterest. And then, they decided to do this, and ultimately the goal is to drive engagement and awareness of iced coffee. And of course, knowing their audience, they noticed DIY was popular, and they noticed that Pinterest reaches 39 percent of 18 to 24 year olds. And of those people, they were actively pinning things about prom, so they looked at the audience, but then they looked at what the audience was doing already on Pinterest. Watch this, watch this, that's so cute. Who doesn't wanna be asked to prom like that? (audience laughing) Me, someone ask to prom, no, don't. I'm 33, don't do that, that's no. (laughing) Oh, my god. So anyway, they wanted to encourage to think about Dunkin' Donuts during this season, and they did it based on interest. So we talked about interest, right? Those interest segments, that taste graph. So the interest that they targeted were desserts, easy meals, and party planning. So those are some of the examples of the taste graph at work there. And then, they did customer audiences, so they chose to engage with people who already liked the brand. So they were like, "Hey guys, we know you love us already. "It's iced coffee season and check out "these really fun DIY's that you can do." So they targeted these young people who were probably gonna be drinking coffee anyway and then offered them a really fun idea for prom. Overall, the campaign was super successful and reached a receptive audience on Pinterest, and it was above benchmark engagement for Dunkin' Donuts, so I would say this was definitely a killer, stellar campaign, did a great job. Then, we have Ikea. I like love and hate Ikea, like I love Ikea, but then I get lost in there and it takes forever to get out of there. (laughing) But Ikea, Pinterest is a place for Ikea, and they knew that, and this gif is so awesome. So right away, it says, "9 packing tips for starting college." And then, all you see are like awesome Ikea products. So clever, so fun, and for Ikea, they decided to do keyword targeting. So they decided that they just wanted to focus on dorm room decor, and people who were searching dorm room decor. And so their goal is to reach students before move in day and to drive traffic to their website to increase awareness that they have great products and to drive a ton of traffic to their site to buy the products. So again, taking you guys through the thought process of how to run your ad. They knew that Pinterest was a great fit because half of all millennials in the US are on Pinterest, and 72 percent of people on the platform use it to find ideas and they have these ideas for them. And further, the home category is booming on Pinterest. Who doesn't look at home stuff on Pinterest, I do. And 75 percent increase in home pins in 2017 over 2016, so they knew that this was like, people were thinking about home and spaces and furniture. And they targeted with the keywords dorm ideas, college ideas, college bedding, and dorm room organization. So those were the words that they chose. So not too specific, but too general at the same time. That's kind of when you're thinking about keywords, you wanna think about that. Think through what would you exactly type to figure out what you wanna buy. Put yourself in the customer experience there. So the success of this campaign, you can see more ad assets here. They created really long pins. Some of them in the middle there, the washing tape that's 5 ways to make your dorm room epic, which I love. It's using Ikea products, but at the same time, it's promoting more of the idea of a fun thing that you can do. So more product placement and not as in your face, whereas the other one with the clocks is like, "Hey, we know that you need to stay on time "to get to your classes, here are a ton of clocks "that we have to offer." So they ran several different types of artwork for this campaign, and that's what I encourage you to do. Try different approaches here, don't just put all your money on one, one piece of art. The retailer measured a 72 percent higher click through rate than the same period in 2016. That's insane, and a 37 decrease in cost per click on Pinterest. So ultimately, it costs them less, and they had a bigger reach. That's when you know you nailed it. That's when you know the data is working for you. Like, "Hey, this is really good campaign. "You should do that again." And an additional insight into this is that the bulk of the search queries that brought people to Ikea's promotive pins included the word idea. So they knew that people were looking for ideas and that Ikea is a place of ideas, and that just helped them. The next time they were running ads, use the word ideas. So it's a good key learning for the next time you're gonna run ads. That's what you need to be thinking about when you launch your campaign are what are some good key learnings that I should implement again to make my ad experience better and more effective. So on that note, I would love to talk about measuring and testing, but I would love to take questions if you have any before we do that. Weren't those cool ad campaigns though? I thought they were really clever.
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