Upgrade Your Brain and Learn Anything Quickly with Jim Kwik
Lesson 1 from: Upgrade Your Brain and Learn Anything QuicklyJim Kwik, Chase Jarvis

Upgrade Your Brain and Learn Anything Quickly with Jim Kwik
Lesson 1 from: Upgrade Your Brain and Learn Anything QuicklyJim Kwik, Chase Jarvis
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1. Upgrade Your Brain and Learn Anything Quickly with Jim Kwik
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Upgrade Your Brain and Learn Anything Quickly with Jim Kwik
Mhm. Mhm. Yeah. Oh, well, hello, Internet. And welcome to another episode of the Chase Jarvis Live show on Creative Live. I hope you know the show. This is where I sit down with the world's top creators, entrepreneurs and thought leaders and I do everything I can to unpack their brains with the goal of helping you live your dreams in career, in hobby and in life, we are live today. And before I introduce the guests just a little housekeeping. Um, we are seeing your comments on whatever platform you're watching this on, whether it's in our guests platform or ours or at creativelive dot com slash t v. That is a place where I see those comments first. If you want to go over there, feel free. But I do see all of your comments and questions, and I will do my best. I will endeavor to elevate some of the most popular questions for ones that catch my eye and share them with the guest. And speaking of guests, um, Jim, Quick is our guest today and quick. This is his real name. He is a leader in ...
brain performance in mental fitness and memory improvement after a childhood brain injury, left him with learning challenges. Jim creative strategies to dramatically enhance his cognitive performance. He's since dedicated his life to helping others unleashed their true genius. He is. He's consulted with so many companies, including Google, Virgin, Nike, Zappos, SpaceX, just a few small companies. And he's written just a couple of books, most recently New York Times, bestselling one called Limitless. Upgrade your brain, learn anything faster and unlock your exceptional life. This has been a long time coming. Uh, learners, I could use a little brain enhancement, and it gives me great pleasure. So wherever you're on the world, please join me in a little tap on the desk. Maybe tap on the keys. Raise the roof for our guest today, Mr Jim, Quick is in the house. Jim, welcome to the show. Chase. This is, uh, a real honor to be here and thank you. Everybody who's joining us. Uh, well, I'll just tell you, we've got folks. If you would actually holler where you're listening from from around the world because it is. This is a live recording today, and I'm already seeing folks from Yes, New Zealand is in the house. Uh, we've got Minnesota. It's cold and sunny in Minnesota. They say we get New York, New Jersey. Uh, San Francisco. Sacramento. Uh, what is I don't know what I think. That's Africa. Uh, we got to say we have a global audience. Would be an understatement. Um, so welcome. And, uh, look forward to hearing from from some of you around the world, if you've got questions or comments for Jim as we get underway, please share them, and I will do my best. Oh, Kuala Lumpur chime in. And just to throw another one UK Houston. Okay, now I can't keep up now. Romania, Phoenix, Virginia, India. Honolulu. Okay, I'll stop. Jim. Welcome to the show, man. Thanks again. And I'm fascinated. I've known your work for some time. Just We are sort of Internet acquaintances. Uh, and we run in similar circles, but we haven't actually met. This is the first time we're spending real time together, so I'm excited to have you on the show. I was captured by your story and basically the why behind your work, as I understood it. So I'm wondering if you can start there. Start at the beginning. How You know, I think nobody wakes up in the morning and says, You know what? I want to be the world's best brain coach. And I'm sure your your high school career counselor did not make that recommendation. Probably your parents or grandparents and friends did. But here you aren't. And I would love for you to start off by sharing a little bit of your back story. Yeah, well, thank you. Shout out to all our fellow creators entrepreneurs that are out there aspiring and otherwise, you're You're my people. I believe that the future belongs to the creators. And, uh, I really do feel like creators are modern day superheroes. And I talk a lot about superheroes, and I'll explain why, um, when people see me on stage and on a regular year, I could be in front of maybe a quarter million people live three continents in one week. I do. I start out usually with these crazy demonstrations where maybe memorize 50 or 100 people's names in an audience. You know, maybe 100 100 words, a random numbers. But I always tell people afterwards, you know, I don't do this to impress you. I do this to express to all of you what's really possible Because the truth is you can do this too, and a whole lot more regardless of your age or background. Your career, education level, financial situation, your gender history like. And the reason why I know is because I grew up with some pretty severe learning challenges. As you mentioned, I had a traumatic brain injury when I was five years old in school. Very, very bad fall as rushed to the emergency room. And, uh, you know, my parents said I was never the same after that. Where before I was very curious, very playful, Um, and very energized. I became very shut down, and where it really showed up was in school. I had really bad focus. I don't know who could relate to that. I, uh I didn't understand things. Teachers would repeat themselves over and over again chase, But I just pretend to understand, maybe had early imposter syndrome. But I just didn't really understand horrible, horrible memory. It took me three years longer just to learn how to read. My teachers would have been surprised if I read a book, much less wrote a book Um, and I I taught myself how to read by reading comic books. And that's why I talk about superheroes, you know, so, so much. But, you know, I remember defining moment. I was nine years old and I was slowing down the entire class and I was being teased for it. And a teacher pointed to me in front of the whole class and said, That's the boy with a broken brain and, uh, you know, it really just that became my limit. And so, you know, a big challenge. So I, um you know, I struggled all through school and, yes, time went by I learned some skills and strategies on how to uplevel my learning and, uh, really uplevel my life. And I've been sharing this now every single day for the past 29 years. And my mission is really to build better, brighter brains, no brain left behind, because my mission I love it. So at some point, you think in your story there you just just moments ago, you said you learn some strategies and I'm wondering if the strategies that you learned I may be putting words into the, uh, inaccurate words and tell me if I do, but sounds like you mean coping strategies. Waits to manage around what you talked about your brain injury. And at what? At what point did you shift from sort of strategies that we're coping to? Sort of This, It sounds like, almost like playing defense to like saying, Wait a minute. This is my life. And, you know, the mind, my neurology, These are muscles that I can strengthen with a specific set of exercises because I want all of the things that you just said the ability to, you know, memorize, uh, 50 names in a room and in real time And you know many other examples. But at some point talked to me about your mentality, from playing defense to cope, to wait, saying, Wait a minute. This could be a massive strength. So you're absolutely right. That's a great way of putting it. I was on defense pretty much through high school, and so elementary school, middle school, junior high and high school. How did that manifest? I would pretend to understand what I did. I would. My superpower was really shrinking, you know, is being, uh, invisible. I would sit all the way in the back and sit behind the talking in class so I won't get called on because I never had the answer. I would do a book report because I would work hard. But if the teacher asked me to present on it, I would lie and say I didn't do it and I would take a zero failing grade because I was so embarrassed and so self conscious when I was 18, though, I was lucky enough to get into university. And I thought a freshman meant I could make a fresh start. And it took all these classes hoping to do better, you know, and to show the world, show myself, make my parents proud and actually did worse. And that's when I was ready to quit school. And I don't know if anyone's been at that kind of choice point in their life. You know, there's a quote in my book from a French philosopher, and he says life is the sea between B and D. Life is C between B and D. B. His birth, Dia's death see his choice? You know that I believe the choices that we make to these points they helped create the life that we're in. And I, uh, I was thinking about quitting school, and a friend of mine said, You need perspective and I think perspective is interesting to have a different point of view. It helps you the creativity changing your environment or changing the people you're spending time with and said, once you visit, I'm going home this weekend to visit family. Why don't you come with and before you tell your folks are to quit school and I decided to go and the family is pretty well off and, you know, beautiful home on the water. And the father walks me around his property before dinner and says, asked me a very simple question, which is the worst question you could ask me. He says, Jim, how school and I just break down and I cry and from this whole complete stranger and he's like Jim, you know, I tell my whole story. He says, Jim, while you're in school, you know what you want to be, what do you want to do, what you want to have, what do you want to share with the world? And I honestly didn't have any answers and, uh, when I go to answer him, he says, stop and he makes me take out. He takes out like a notebook out of his back pocket and rips out a couple of sheets, made me write it down, which I think is the first point to being creative, taking something invisible and making it visible. And I make this bucket list, and when I'm done, he rips it out of my hands and I'm freaking out because I wasn't expecting him to see it. And he starts looking at my dreams, and I don't know how much time goes by, but he looks at me and says, Jim, you're this close to everything on this list and for people were just listening. The spreads, his index fingers about a foot apart, and I'm saying, No way, Give me a 10 lifetimes. I'm not going to crack that list. And he takes his two fingers and he puts on the side of my head, meaning what's in between is really the key, and he takes me into a room of his home that I've never seen before. It's like wall to wall ceiling, the floor covered in books and he says. Leaders are readers, and he starts handing me these books to read and puts me on a path of really want to understand how my brain works so I can work my brain, you know, understanding that it's not how smart you are. But it's really how are you smart and I devote myself to these arts of adult learning theory, positive psychology, multiple intelligence theory, Chamonix, you know, speed reading. And and then I just found a new whole new world. And that's where it became, where in about 60 days a light switch flipped on and I just started understand things. I started to focus, and not only did my grades unfold, but also my life to to. And so I think that's where I went from being defense to being more proactive, having you talk about agency a lot, having agency over my life. What about that? Dive into that 60 days? Because I think that's a really fascinating window. Um, and you know, a big part of you know your book again. For those who are just joining us live, and I do want to give a shout out to Anna and Sky and Becca and Lisa and Marcia, people against all of the world. Nepal saying Mexico, Auckland, New Zealand. If you do have questions for Jim, please ask them in the comments and I will share them. But you know this this this concept of going from defense to offense what was what specifically changed in that 60 days? You know, just again your book. Limitless. Upgrade your brain, learning anything faster and unlock your exceptional life. You talk about flipping your mindset. Was that what happened in that 60 day window? If not, tell me what happened. And if so, explain the concept of flipping your mindset. So, um all right, so he gives me all these books. You know, my my mentor gave me all these books to read, and honestly, I didn't want to read. That wasn't like my mindset back then. I didn't know what the value of books. I've never read a book cover to cover before, and he but he's smart when I tell him. Start talking about you know, I have all the school work. I can't listen my story and I think part of what keeps us stuck as the stories that we have right, these scripts that you're not, it's not possible or you're not good enough. And I, you know, I certainly felt that and but he's a smart he He pulled out my bucket list and he starts reading my goals out loud and I don't know, Chase. It was just something about hearing your goals or dreams in another person's voice and can't it out into the universe. That really kind of touched my purpose. Touched because a lot of things on that list for things I wanted to do for my folks, things that they could never afford to do for themselves, even if they could afford. And that's why I talk about motivation a lot. A lot of people know what to do, but they don't do what they know. But with that leverage, I agreed to read one book a week, and I go back to school and have a pile of books I have to read in a pile of books. I want to read that I promised and already couldn't get through pile A. So what I do, I don't eat, I don't sleep. I don't work out. I don't spend time with friends. I just live in the library and I just start wasting away and one night I pass out just out of sheer exhaustion. I fell down a flight of stairs, hit my head again. I woke up in the hospital bed and at this point I was down to £117 and I almost died. And that's a big shift in my mindset because when you feel like you're in that dark place and it was definitely the darkest place in my life where I just felt like I was not enough, I tried everything and I was very hopeless. But when I woke up and then the hospital bed, another part of me woke up also, and it made me think it's funny. You know what the queue was? A nurse came in with a mug of tea, of everything, and on it was a picture of a pretty smart guy. Albert Einstein. That's quote on it, like maybe the universe communicating to me. And it said the same level of thinking that's created your problem won't solve your problem, and it may be asking new questions. I think one of the keys to creativity is asking new questions, right? And I said, you know, what's my real challenge here and my challenges? I'm a very slow learner, and I thought, Well, how can I think differently about it? Well, maybe I can learn how to learn. I was like, Okay, where do I do that? I thought school. So I asked for the course bulletin and nurse brings it to me. And I look at all these classes and they're all these classes. I'm math and history and science and Spanish, all classes on what to learn. But there are zero classes on how to learn how to focus, how to concentrate, how to remember things, how to read faster, how to be creative, right. And it was interesting. So I sent my schoolwork aside, and I started studying these books and other things for 60 days. And what happened was a light switch kind of flipped on, like over the course of two months where I was reading every day, I started nurturing myself and and just doing the things that I know I should do. But so many people know what to do, but they don't do what they know, And I, you know, and I remember I just It sounds like it's like I was a new person. I felt like I could start focusing. You know, there's I was changing my beliefs about what was possible. You know what I was capable of And maybe just by feeding my mind with positive psychology and examples, believing in myself that I even deserved it because that's all part of mindset, the assumptions and attitudes about yourself. And and I remember like not only did my grades improve, but I couldn't help it. Just I want to help other people because I don't know if anyone ever found that you find your passion and it lights you up and then your purposes, how to use it for to light other people up. So my passion really became learning, which it never was. Before. Then I thought like, Well, how can I teach other people how to learn? And and one of my favorites first students? When I started tutoring this the reason why I'm doing this even to this day? Talking to you is she read 30 books in 30 days. She was a freshman, and I wanted to find out not how because I know how she did it because we taught her. But I wanna know why. And I found out her purpose was her mother was dying of terminal camps or was given two months to live. Only two months, 60 days. And the book She was reading their books to save her mom's life. And I find out later that she did. And, you know, I get choked up even thinking about it because, you know, I found out that, you know, you know, what I found out is just that if knowledge is power, then learning is your superpower, you know, And creativity is the superpowers you talk about. And these are super powers were all born with. It's just we aren't showing how to be able to really unleash it. And so that's really that really lights me up, is to be able to share those strategies. Well, this idea of the meta skill, right, learning how to learn, and I want to emphasize something that I've learned from you and my own experience. Looking back, that's one of the ways we can connect the dots is it's not learning how to learn, because there are so many different methods and styles. And it's really about finding out how you learn and with the guidance of your strategies with this meta concept of learning how to learn. To me, that was something that I personally experienced, you know, again, I feel like I got decent grades in school, but I was always learning the thing because it was what you had to do. And when I started focusing on the things that lit me up to use your words like learning it stopped from being a chore and became an unlocked for me. And I was like this This is what learning is. This is my mind actually being hungry for new information. And I think, you know, to underscore the point that you made earlier is I Just when I was able to, you know, see a different way and again flipping my mindset, I started to find a way to let the supercomputer between my ears do the things that it did. And, um, I'm seeing some really good questions here in, you know, in the comments from all the different platforms that were broadcasting, too. And I'd like to get to one because it has to do directly with how to adopt your technology and your your your mindset here and it is. Where is it? It's going so fast now, Um, it was about a Oh, yeah, This is from Marcia. Yeah. Can Children as young as seven learn your method? And I asked this question selfishly. Of course, I'm elevating their Martius Martius question. But like had I known this so much earlier in my life, I can, you know, I try not to lament, but, I mean, where would my brain be today? And so I'm just curious if you know, if the techniques that you shared in your book limitless are available to everyone or is it really in a different phase of life? Please talk to us about that and answered Marshall's question. If you want to. Yeah, thank you, Marcia. I believe that these strategies can be used for anyone, regardless of age or stage of life. Children actually adapt and adopt these strategies even easier, almost because it's more organic. It's certainly more natural for Children who are the fastest learners on the planet. How a child, How fast can a child learn a musical instrument? How quickly Can a child learn another language? It's interesting because, you know, you've heard these examples where if you go into a room of five year olds and say, like, Hey, who's an artist in the room? Right? And they all raised their hand 100% of us will. 10 years later they'll follow up and saying where the artists in the room and maybe you will go down to 5%. But you know, over time, sometimes we squelch. You know that that identity, you know, we we stopped playing. You know, I think playfulness is so important to be able to learn, to be able to grow, to be able to experiment. But somewhere along the lines, we change that language ng from Let's Go Out and play to Let's hang out or something else, right? That the words that we use. But I think when when we're willing to play and make mistakes and fall down and not have to be self conscious about what other people are gonna think Or what if I make a mistake or what if I fail? Then, um so Children pick up these strategies and in some ways even easier because They don't have a lot of the baggage that we pick up over time through our environment, through experience, just in case I'm going to flag this one and you can go back to your I'm not sure it is on your Facebook page, your mind. But Daniella is asking if you have a publisher already in German. If not, let's talk. So we're doing business here, but to get back to the community, this idea of shifting your mentality of this not being constrained by again, lots of questions. Carol is like, Is there an upper age limit? And I've already I've already heard you say that these techniques work across any of these would have historically been seeing these boundaries. You know, whether that's geography, race, age, gender. Um, talk to me. You know, the concept of motivation is another big, um, underpinning or undercurrent to your work because learning for the sake of learning is is one thing. But learning in order to, um, carry your life in a direction that is meaningful to you, is a big deal. So I'm wondering if you can talk to us about motivation. Yeah. I mean, the essence of the limitless model R three m s, right, The last one being methods on how to read faster. How to give a ted speech, you know, from from memory or how to focus and concentrate. But you really need to m s. Before that, we discussed briefly one of them, which is mindset. If you believe you can, I believe you can. Either way, you're right. Henry Ford said that because you can learn a method. I have to remember names. But if your mindset is Oh, I'm not smart enough or oh, I'm too old. People come to me and they say these things and I say, Wait, if you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them. If you fight for limitations, you get to keep them right. And I believe your brain is like a supercomputer and yourself Talk is the program will run. So you say I'm not good at remembering names. You won't remember the name of the next person you meet because you program your supercomputer? Not too. That's why mindset needs to be addressed. What you believe is possible. You're capable of what you believe you deserve, but you can have this limitless mindset and have the method and still be stuck in a box and not make progress because you lacked the motivation. And that's really the third M mindset, motivation and methods. And I found that through my research. And this is the 29th year of me teaching this and field testing. This with students around the world is that limits our learned limits. Our limits are learned in the area of mindset. What we believe is possible. I wasn't born with this thought that I had a broken brain, right? It was it was imprinted on me. Or we have to unlimited our motivation. Or we have to upgrade our methods that we're using. Maybe your methods for achieving this is not what the what you need right now. Um and so motivation is key. So if anyone mindset is, if somebody self sabotages themselves if they if they take one step forward and three steps back, maybe they don't believe it's possible or they believe they're capable. They believe they deserve. But if you have a procrastination issue, that's usually a motivation issue, and for me, I would say chase that the three keys for limitless motivation and drive Really simple formula. P times, E Times s three and everyone. I would encourage all the creators who are watching this. A lot of my entrepreneur friends is to take some notes while we go through this. I always take notes and I make notes. It's kind of my whole brain way of taking notes. It's, uh, put a line right on the page on the left side. Take notes. How to remember names. How to be more creative, had access flow, states. What's the morning routine to be creative left side on the right side. Make notes. So if your imagination is going to go somewhere, have to go on the right side of the page. How am I going to use this? How does this relate to what I already know? What questions do I have for Chase and Jim right on the right side. So you capture and create. And so, in terms of motivation, it's P Times E. Times s three. That's the key to human motivation and drive. So if you're ever lacking motivation, if you want to be able to motivate your kids or motivate your team, think about P Times E times s three. So P stands for purpose and you've had this conversation with other guests on your show. It's just you need reasons and and for me purposes, a feeling meaning that you can intellectually know what why to do something. But if you don't feel it for me, it wasn't until this first mentor started reading my goals, my dreams, about what I want to do for my family, that it touched me in terms of my purpose, like I knew what to do. But I wasn't doing it. And so I would say first tap into the purpose of doing that thing. So if you're not exercising each day, right, that's our reading. Each day something or meditating each day or taking a cold shower each day, you know, tap into some kind of purpose because we are not logical all the time. But we're certainly biological. You think about dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins. Were this yelling soup, right? We always do things logically, but we do things emotionally and so find that purpose. And that could come from the rewards you'll get from following through. Or it could come from this. You know what? If you don't follow through and who's paying the price for that? It could be maybe something that's uncomfortable also as well as we find some kind of purpose. Um, then somebody could have purpose. And that's a great start for motivation. But you also need the e p times, E times s three. He stands for energy. You need some energy, right? Because the key to long term learning information by itself is forgettable. But information, when it's combined with some emotion, becomes unforgettable. And so I believe the success formula chases three h is head, heart, hands. You can visualize something in your head, But if you're not acting with your hands, you know, for this goal you see in your head, check in with the second age, which is your heart, you know, right, And so you need some energy so some people won't follow through with their workout. They procrastinate. They won't be motivated or they're reading each day. Or they're writing each day or their music each day. Or they're blogging, social media, whatever they're filming, their photography, whatever it is because they lack energy. Maybe they haven't slept in three nights because they have a newborn child Maybe they get a big process meal and they're in a food coma. Maybe they're they're stressed out of their mind, and chronic stress will shrink your brain. It'll take away a lot of that energy. Uses up an immense amount of energy when you're stressed or fearful. And so in the book we talk about 10 keys, the best brain diet and the 10 things you need to have more energy, the clear mental fog and brain fatigue. But then you could have a purpose and energy. But I would say for all my creator, friends and all my entrepreneur friends, you gotta need to. You need us. Three small, simple steps. Three small, simple steps. A lot of times we have this creative goal, but it's like with maybe it's too big and you need to break it down is something that's bite size, You know, I believe inch by inch, it's a cinch yard by yard that's way too hard. Uh, this goal is way too vast, and you need to Maybe you've been working out an hour a day, you know, working out. It's good for your brain. You create brain derived neurotrophic factors. Fertilizer for neuro plasticity and creativity. But maybe if you're not doing it, it's too big. So a small, simple step is putting on your running shoes. You know, maybe reading 30 minutes a day is too much. Maybe opening up the book as a small, simple step may be lost in one tooth with your kids, you know? And then they're not going to stop that one tooth, right? They'll keep on going. So P times P Times s three purpose energy and small, simple steps. Because if it's too big, confused, mind doesn't do anything. And so where can you break it down? Little by little, a little becomes a lot. Well, that directly answers Really honest question about how to motivate 14 year olds, have passion but don't know obligations. And and the relationship that kids have a school. And I think you know, you talked about uncovering things that are inspiring and important and engaging, and, uh and then obviously that your formula there, which is genius, and I can hear all all your work in your words, your pneumonic devices. This is like real time here, um, again all kinds of blessings and shut up people said and I had the audio book just bought the physical book, Um, some really interesting questions as well around, uh, let's talk about sort of the dysfunction or when your brain is not working for you, which is where there's a lot of questions coming in right now. Um, critique asks, What exactly is going wrong when we are forgetting? Yeah. So I think a lot of people who are here just listening, you know, live or happen to be the recordings is that, you know, we all everyone has experienced absent mindedness like senior moments are coming too early. I don't know. Have you ever walked into a room of your own home and just forgot why you're there or sadly, too often or you're not sleeping enough and not taking care of myself? Or you go to the store to buy one thing and you come back with, like, two bags full of things, except for that one thing that you went to the store for or you misplace things. You know, somebody misplacing things all the time, like your wallet or your purse, your cell phone. Have you ever lost your cellphone? How many do you mean How many times today? Already Have your car keys are not your car keys? Something much larger. Like your car. They forget they have to take a picture like that. They use their phone, they take a picture where they park their car. Or maybe they remember. They put it. They Are you spying on me, man? You're describing are like GPS. Yeah. Are you realize you took a lift or uber that day or you meet somebody, get their name, and then seconds later name just disappears out of your mind. You know, I believe two of the most costly words sometimes in our in our life where I forgot, You know, I forgot to do it. I forgot to bring it. Forget what I just read. Forgot was going to say Forget that conversation. Forgot that meeting. Forgot that person's name. So, um I mean, here here are three things that need to be there in order for us to remember something. And I do use right a lot of acronyms because I wanted to be memorable and to stand out three keys to better memory. M o m. Just remember bomb. All right, so let's say people come to me all the time. They said, Jim, I I wanna be I wanna have better memory And I was like, Well, wait a second. What? What area of memory doing better? It's like going to somebody say, I want to be better at sports. Well, what sports specifically? And they'll say like, Oh, well, I'm just horrible names and I heard that's very important. You know, I've lost deals or credibility or just calling someone the wrong name, or people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Um, and I'm like, Yeah, so let's let's let's deconstruct this a little bit. Um, I believe everyone who's listening to this is a memory expert. Let's take remembering names. Most people here, let's put in the chatter. You have trouble remembering names. People just put me right, and this is like, you know, memory Anonymous. It's like everyone can relate to it. But imagine this that there was a suitcase of $1 million cash for you or your favorite charity tax free. If you just remember the name of the next stranger you meet, I show yes is who's going to remember that person's name who's gonna remember his name. If you could just get a million dollars cash if you just remember the stranger's name. And of course, everyone says yes, and then that's proof that you you do have a great memory. It's not that you're bad at remembering names, you know you can even use any technique, but the M stands for motivation. So I want to remind everybody that we can remember someone's name but often were not motivated to. And so a simple brain hack, if you will, to remember something better, it's just ask yourself why? Why do you want to remember this person's name? Maybe it's to show this person some respect. Maybe it's to make a new friend. Maybe it's to be kind today. Maybe it's to make a sale. Maybe it's to get a referral. Maybe it's to practice these things. I learned. I learned on Chase's show, right. Um, I would always remind everybody that reasons reap results. Reasons reap results. If you don't have a reason to do something, you won't get the results because you won't follow through consistently. So ask yourself why you know, I talked about how questions are the answer. The questions really are one of the keys to massive creativity, you know. And so ask yourself the question. Direct your focus. Why do I will remember this and then you'll start getting results. The O N. Mom is observation observation, and this is such a huge one chase. So many people, they blame their retention. When it's not your retention, it's your attention. It's not our retentions. Often our attention that we're not forgetting the name. We're just not hearing the name. If we're honest, all right, A lot of people aren't really listening. What are they doing? They're thinking about how am I going to respond? They're thinking about, You know, they're waiting for their turn to speak right, and they're not really listening. They're they're they're thinking about their in their own mind. And so I would remind people that people who have a powerful presence often have an incredible memory, and I think they're incredible memory and their powerful presence with people comes from being powerfully present with people, you know. And that's a skill we all have. We all have the ability to just be here, and we all want that right. We don't want people's gifts as is people think they do. They want the gift of their presence. And that happens to be another word for the word gift, right? You know, and they want to be seen. They want to be heard. And but often we distract ourselves. We think about other things were not really there. And so I would say, If you want a better memory when you remember something simple, like names, just listen. And here's a little brain teasers. Everyone write the word listen on your notes and then scramble the letters. And what what word does it spell perfectly? If you're a and you can type in the chat, what word does the word? Listen if you scramble the letters spell spell perfectly? Uh huh. I would say that Just be silent inside and just listen. We can remember a name or anything else. It's just it's one or two words, but we need to be. We need to be present with people and then the last m to answer your question. Sometimes we forget because we're not motivated. Sometimes we forget because we're not observing, and then the last M r. The methods and Those are the kind of things we can talk about the strategies that are in the book. Half the book, the largest book chapter in the book, is on methodology and memory. And so those are the strategies because a lot of people they don't have a good memory because they were never taught school taught them like the three R's reading, Writing arithmetic. Obviously, remembering wasn't spelling wasn't one of remembering. What about retention? What about some recall? Right? Socrates said. Learning is remembering, and so maybe they don't remember even if they have motivation or observation because they don't have a method. Um, in school, they teach you like this rote repetition repeated over. Repeat the periodic table over and over again, or the books of the Bible or whatever they happen to be repeating over and over again. But there's a there's a better way. There's a better way. Well, just as a tally we got uh, um, let's see here Jacques and Teresa and Irene and, uh, sh wish me all are typing, and many others also got the what is list and listen to the range. So I just wanted to give a shout out to the folks out there participating. Um, it's really before we shift because I do want to get to some of the techniques and you know, there is. This idea of limitless is so captivating and, you know, you said very, very early on these these limits are learned. I think you used a slightly different word, but we talked about motivation. We talked about shifting the mindset. I like to think that there's a world where you you don't like. It's sort of like the concept of If I'm happy, I will smile. But the reality is smiling can actually make you happy. And so, by extension, if you know, you might still feel stuck as you're listening here to Jim, share his wisdom and get so many people flicks and Brian and, uh, Juan all saying that this is this broadcast that is blowing your mind. But if you're still stuck in that state and you just start doing some of the exercises that are that that you prescribe, I feel like you know, there's a There's a great word for this or a great um um, concept. It's sort of like your reverse. You're in a sense, tricking your neurology. So if let's just assume that that's true for a second and for the people out there that are lacking sort of motivation or stuck in that mindset, let's get to methods for a moment here. As, uh, perhaps, if you're not blocked by the first two, then this is just gonna be, you know, the flow state. You're going to head into the into the gyms world, Jim's program. But if you are stuck in one and to try this because it might help you, in turn unlock the two formal ones and dive into some techniques. People are here saying like I want to remember the last strangers that I met, Paul Yana says. I was just at a training of 30 people. She was the last to introduce herself and was able to remember everyone's name using your techniques. So this is some of the Jewish that my people tuned in today. So go ahead and tease us. So we pick up a copy of your book. Yeah, let's let's let's do this. I I agree with you 100% that taking a one small, simple step is the best way to to change these mindsets and lack of motivation. And so let's let's let's dive into it. Um, and by the way, you know, all we're doing is we're taking now owns, and we're turning them into verbs, right? We're taking something that's static, and we tend to the nature. You know what this nature of the conversation is? I feel like it's about transcending transcend or about ending the trance, ending this Hamas diagnosis that whether through marketing or media or just yourself talk or environment, that somehow we're limited and we say things all the time, like I don't have a good memory or I don't have creativity today or I don't have focused. I don't have energy. I don't have motivation. Patrick, on YouTube, just said My short term memory is really bad. Yeah, and here's the thing. You do not have these things. You do these things. There is no such thing as a good or bad memory. There's a train memory and then untrained memory. You don't have focus. You do focus, you don't have creativity. There's a creative process, as you well know and what it does it by saying these differently instead of things you have things you do, you, you get your agency back, right, you have responsibility. So let's let's go through some of the things that affect this, Um, one of the questions about age and stage, right? We said it works for Children, but it also works for for seniors. And I get to work with a lot of seniors because I'm very passionate about it because I I lost my grandmother to Alzheimer's when I was growing up with my learning challenges. So when I had my head injury, when I was five and six, she was showing early stage of dementia where she was taking care of me. And then when I was six or seven, I was taking care of her. You know nothing when somebody loses their memory, you know, God forbid, if anyone who's listening to this knows somebody, it feels like they're losing their their humanness, right, because your memories are buying your life together. It's like losing who you are. And so we donated all the proceeds to the book to Alzheimer's research and memory of my grandmother and also building schools around the world for Children who have no access to it. you know, we built schools area from Ghana to Guatemala to Kenya, and the reason why I bring this up is the book is heavily endorsed by, like, the Cleveland Clinic Center for Brain Health. The founding director there, the housetop, Alzheimer's researcher at Harvard. And so I get to work with people there. And here's the kind of what we know. One third of your memories pre determined by genetics biology. Two thirds is in your control. All right, so what's the two thirds that we're going to move the needle? I'm gonna give everybody these 10 things, and I'm gonna show you a simple thing you can do to memorize all 10. And so you're looking for a small, simple step. How would you memorize the head talk? So we're gonna do this, and I encourage everybody you can write down at the first time, and I confess, I just like random, my cracker 10 keys for limitless brain. And these are the things that you can control. I would say control the controllable, right? What are the things you have influence over and none of these? I don't think anyone's going to debate them, But common sense is not common practice. So I'm going to say, I want to give you these 10 things and I reveal them, rate yourself on a scale of 0 to 10. How much energy and effort are you putting into these things? All right, Because you can do all of them and this one of them, because everyone was like, It's a magic pill. What's the silver bullet? And it's these 10 things. And then I'm going to show you a trick on how to memorize these tens forward and backwards, as if you were going to give a Ted talk to somebody else about it. Now, by the way, to learn this better, I would encourage everyone to share, you know, with this conversation with somebody because it's called the explanation effect that if you took a screenshot of this tag chase, check myself and put like one or two things you learn from it and maybe a link to it or whatever, then you're gonna learn it twice as well, because when you learn again explanation effect. When you teach something, you get to learn it twice. So think about somebody you wish you could was listening to this and have them in mind. All right, I want to give you the things. Now I'm going to show you how to memorize it. To be able to do without notes, the notes will be in your head. All right, so 1 to 10 number one is a good brain diet. Simple. You are what you eat, what you eat matters especially for your gray matter and this whole area of science called neuro nutrition, where your brain is only 2% of your body mass but requires 20% of the nutrients. So certain foods are good for your brain. Avocados, Blueberries. I like to call them brain Berries. Broccoli is good for your brain. Olive oil is good for your brain. If your diet allows eggs, the Kalinin eggs is good for your brain. Uh, green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach, Sardines or wild salmon is good for your brain. Your brain is mostly fat. So, um, those those fish oils. Um, here's a fun one. Tumeric head lowers information when we talk about cold therapy and everything that's lowers information also, but there's certain foods that will do that also as well. Walnuts good for the brain actually looked like the human brain. Dark chocolate. Here's a that's a fun one. Dark, not milk chocolate. But what's good for your mood? It's going to be gender only good for your mind, So those are that's your brain foods. What's not good for your brain? The foods processed foods, high sugar foods could have a very negative effect on your brain. That's number one good brain diet. Rate yourself 0 to 10. Alright. Next thing killing ants Did you know killing ants is actually clinically proven to be good for your brain? And I get this term. It's an actually an acronym. I can't take credit for a minutes from Dr Daniel. Amen. Who is a famous brain doctor and stands for automatic negative thoughts? And we talked about this already, right? Um, that your brain is a supercomputer, and yourself talk is the program that will run. So if you tell yourself I'm not good at remembering names, you will not remember the name of the next person you meet because you program your supercomputer. Not too. So I always tell people your mind is always eavesdropping on yourself. Talk, and so you want to keep it positive. Right? So our scale of 0 to 10. You know how How encouraging is it? How? How How positive is it? As opposed to negative number three exercised. Remember this. What's good for your heart is good for your head When you move as your body moves your brain grooves. I mentioned you create brain derived neurotrophic factors, which is like fertilizer for the human brain. We know that creatives, you know, Like where there was Steve Jobs, they didn't do these sit down meetings. They would walk right, and they would they would get fresh air and sunlight, and they would come up with these amazing ideas. So, um, you know, whether you're on an elliptical or treadmill when you're listening to this podcast or an audio book, you're going to learn and retain it better. So on a scale of 0 to 10, how much you're moving? I'm not just talking about your Pilates or your CrossFit three times a week. I'm saying we live in a very screen culture. And how much are you getting up to move? The primary reason you have a brain to control your movement. All right, so that's number 30 to 10 Movement number four Brain nutrients that your brain, His, uh, has different nutritional requirements and the rest of your body. And so the number one brain nutrient, I would say That's the doctors site Is Omega threes. DHHS as we talked about your brain is mostly fats omega 30 to 10. How well are you providing nutrition outside of food for your brain? I always recommend talk to health Practitioner. Talk to your nutritionist, get a you know, nutrient profile. Don't see what you're lacking, and then number five positive peer group. Positive peer group is good for your brain, and we know who you spend time with is who you become right. They say you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with. The reason why they say, you know Oh my goodness, you're spending time with nine broke people. Be careful because you're going to be Number 10 is because you have something called mirror neurons, and that's what allows you to create empathy and you feel with If somebody's watching sports and you can and you feel what they're, you know, you feel what the what the athletes are feeling. Are you watching a movie? You can feel what they're feeling that your mirror neurons lighting up and and what happens is we start imitating the people around us. You know, I always tell people to watch W A T C H. What are you watching? W words. Watch your words. A watch your actions T Watch your thoughts. See, watch your character and H watch your habits. First you create your habits and your habits create you like this guy loves acronyms. But start right. You have to watch those things because that's what we start adopting the words, actions, thoughts, the character of the habits of the people around us. And so, you know, check because sometimes we can be around people. We need people to encourage us to challenge us, and sometimes the people we love the most are the ones that we give them the power to pull us down like we give up our sovereignty to them because we care what they think, right? You know, family and friends, they could be sincere, you know. But they can be sincerely wrong also. And so you need a positive peer group 0 to 10 How does that look? And then the rest really quickly. Number six. What's good for your brain clean environment? The brain thrives on a clean environment. And so one of our popular videos, we have millions and millions of views. You know, just Jim quicks morning routine, you know, And everybody has. There's Tim has his and Oprah has hers. Mine is about getting your brain right. You know, people, I feel like upgrade their phones and their apps more than they upgrade the most important technology, which is between your ears. But part of what your brain loves is a clean environment. Your external world is a reflection of your internal world. You know, when you make your bed, are you clean your screen like everything is in the right like we're supposed to be on your computer. You have clarity of thought. And so, on a scale of 0 to 10, how good your environment Number seven. This is a big one. I'm gonna call you creators and entrepreneurs that are pulling out all nighters and everything. Sleep like if you don't sleep on a scale of 0 to 10, how good is your memory in the next day. How is your ability to solve problems? How's your ability to innovate, to create, to focus? Right and sleep is so important, and I would just remind you from a brain perspective, it's good because it's you have long term memory issue. That's where you consolidate short to long term memory. So check your sleep number two. It's where you clean out plaque that could lead the brain aging challenges. It's where your sewage system kicks in, if you will. That cleans out the beta amyloid plaque that can lead to dementia. And the third reason where you dream and dream is a one to talk about creators and creativity. A lot of amazing things coming Dream states. Did you know Mary Shelley created Frankenstein in her dream? Do you know like Paul McCartney created yesterday in his dream, Eliza How create the sewing machine? In his dream, a chemist created the periodic table in his dream, right? Sports figures like Jack Nicholas was in a slump. He was shooting like mid seventies, and he dreamt of switching his grip. And all of a sudden, next day, shot like mid sixties, right? It's amazing your mind your brain doesn't shut off at night. And what is it doing? It's doing good things for your memory cleaning up like but also is being extremely creative. That's why we teach people how to remember their dreams, because a lot of people create, they forget their dreams. But on a scale of 0 to 10, how good is your sleep? And then number eight brain protection? Protect your brain? You know, a big fan of sports. Um, I love people watching people compete and watching excellence and wear a helmet because your brain is very it's very resilient, but it's very fragile, and I had three traumatic brain injuries before the age of 12, so make sure you protect your brain 0 to 10. How are you doing? And then finally nine and 10 is new learnings. New learnings. Your brain thrives on novelty, right? It wants to protect itself. It really does. It wants to preserve itself. It wants to be feel safe. Growth is not comfortable for the brain, but it grows just like your muscles do through novelty and nutrition, novelty, nutrition and sleep right, Just like if you want to throw your physical muscles, you give a novelty. You work it out, you have a nutrition, you feed it and you give it rest so it could build same thing with your mental muscles. And we know your memory is like muscle. Your brain is an organ, but it acts like muscle. Your creativity certainly is a muscle. As you proven time and time again. Rights. Use it or lose it. And most people, they just don't use it. So they're not flexing it. And they wonder, You know, that's why it's not available when they need it. And so new learnings also new learnings will help you live longer. There's a study done on longevity. Um, with these nuns, they call it aging with grace beautiful. On the cover of Time magazine, these women were living 80 90 and above, and they're like, What's the secret? They said half it with our emotional faith and gratitude. The other half there were lifelong learners because of it. It at a year sort of life and life to their years. It is amazing, Um, so 0 to 10, how much you're learning and I assume it's attend for Everybody is watching this because I'm preaching that and then finally number 10. This is a big one for not only your brain health, but for your creativity. Stress management, stress management Because chronic stress will shrink your brain, chronic stress will shut down your creativity. And we know this because when you're just creating and you're in fight or flight, you're not gonna be your most creative right. When you're under stress, you're not gonna be able to memorize or study and retain information, fight or flight. You just want to be able to run or you're free or you're freezing. But you're not going to be your most creative. You're not going to innovate. You're not going to solve problems. So so the scale of 0 to 10. How well are you mitigating stress? How are you coping? My favorite is I meditate twice a day. You know that That's my go to. I feel like I'm at a disadvantage if I don't do that, you know from my personal experience. But how are you dealing with stress on a scale of 0 to 10? So those are 10. Keys for unlocking are upgrading your limitless brain and my quick trick for everybody. If permitted, Chase, please. This is everybody like everyone's on the edge of their street chairs here. I'm just watching the comments Just pour in. They said For this this live is incredible. Pakistan stress man. I mean, people are taking notes in the in the comments Keep going. Keep going. Good. So to put a bow on this so I'm gonna show everybody is how to remember these 10 tips. So if you want to be able to give a Ted talk and I've had the opportunity to train a lot of Ted speakers how to memorize them and have confidence on camera, whether you're an actor or a poet or Broadway performer, um you want that information at your detrimental fingertips? And so the strategy I'm gonna teach everybody is called pi P I e. And what we know. There's always a There's always a promise behind every principle. There's always a promise, right? And so these are the three principles to better memory. P stands for place. We remember things better when we store it in a specific place, right When you forget where you put your keys, we put in the same place every single time. You don't have to use mental energy to find it right. If you forget somebody's name, you ask yourself, where do I know the person from Right? Because the context gives you the content, right? So when you file something away, you're more likely to find because it's organized. So we remember things based on place the and by the way, as a hunter and gatherer, that was your survival. You didn't need to remember numbers and lots of words you need to remember. Where's the fertile soil? Where is the clean water? Where exactly? Where Where is it gonna be? Tribe? That was your survival to We remember things based on place. So that's the P the eye and pie means we remember things that we imagine. We remember things that we imagine Chase. I bet a lot of people listening you can do a poll. Here is just how many people here and even if you listen to record, you put your hands way up the active about it. How many people here are much better with faces than you are with names? Just say me or yes, right. Much better with faces than you are with names. You go to somebody say I remember your face, but I forgot your name. You never go to someone who say, Remember your name But I forgot your face that that one can be sense, right? Because we tend to remember what we see. There is a proverb that says what I hear I forget I heard the name. I forgot the name. What I see I remember I saw the face. I remember the face and what I do Going back to the power of practice. I understand what I see here. I forget. I see. I remember what I do understand. So the I stands for Imagine if you tend to remember what you see. Try seeing what you want to remember as an image. All right, because images are the universal language. Right? Everybody here you don't dream and have closed Caption text on the bottom right? You screaming in images when you're when you fly or you travel doesn't say Fasten your seatbelt. It's just a seatbelt fastened image. It doesn't say no smoking. There's just an image of a cigarette with a line through it. So it's a universal language is an image is worth 1000 words, right? Picture So we remember things we see so peas place eyes Imagine e the third principle to better memory entwine entwine We remember things when we put two things together And there's always two things to put together A name and a face uh, foreign language and its translation, right. A capital in its country and so on. And that's all of learning is taking to things and connecting them. So here we go P I a All right, I'm gonna take a place in image and I'm gonna entwine them together for these 10 keys and I want everybody to take a deep breath. This is like a master class we're doing here. Right? Is this is amazing. Gym people are freaking out. Everyone's saying Yes, yes, yes. I can't keep up with the people who who are putting their hands up. Let's take a break from chatting on the chat. Let's take a deep breath, exhale. And if it's if it's safe for you to do close your eyes and we'll do some creative visualization and I do a lot of thought experiments with clients and I think creativity is is one of the ways of building your creativity is through these thought experiments and just breathe normally. And I'm going to take a place that you are not familiar with. It's a it's actually in my office. And because everybody here is listening as lives in a different place, I'll use my office. So we all at the same place and it's in Westchester, New York, a suburb of New York City just north of the city. And I want you to imagine you're coming to my office to maybe do some speed reading, training or whatever, and you arrive and I'm going to name 10 places in my office. And the key is, I'm gonna take every every one of those 10 points. We just went through good brain diet, killing ants and everything, and put each one in the 10 places. All right, so let's do it together with your eyes closed. Breathe normally, and I want you to imagine car picks you up here in the back seat, you're heading to my office, we're in suburbia and we get to my office, and, uh, it's a big glass building, trees everywhere, and I'm gonna name 10 places, and I'm gonna ask you to repeat the place as I say it out loud, because that's your verbal memory. So the first place is the parking lot. Alright, the parking lot. So what's number one? The first place? Say it out loud parking lot perfect. You get out of the parking lot and there is the first brain tip Good brain diet. I want you to imagine when you get out of the parking lot that there's a good brain diet waiting for you. So imagine the avocados, the blueberries, the kale and the Spanish, the dark chocolate, the walnuts. And that's everywhere. Even if you can't imagine it, imagine you can imagine it. Imagine you can imagine it all right. And just imagine we're having a big, limitless brain party, right? And all the great foods taste it. Smell and use more of your senses. That helps your creativity also make it very sensual. And then we may be having a food fight with them, and so you see the tumeric everywhere and you see the eggs and because the salmon all right from there, there's a waterfall, and it creates a moat around the building, so you have to cross the bridge. The bridge is the second place. Say it out loud. What's the second place? Bridge? Great. And as you're crossing the bridge, I want you to see and feel yourself killing ants. You would never do this, but you're stepping on all the ants on the bridge. But that's why you're going to remember it. We're adding emotion here and some exaggeration. You're killing ants to remind you of automatic negative thoughts. All right, you get into the building, you open the door and get into the building. You step into the third place, which is the elevator. What's the third place? Say it aloud, everybody elevator. Great. And I have everyone say it out loud wherever you are listening to this around the world, because that's your verbal memory. And when you step into the elevator. Third brain tip exercise. So I want you to imagine you're doing your favorite exercise in the elevator. Maybe do some push ups and pull ups. Some Burpees yoga, Pilates. Your trainer is there. Your body moves your brain. Gru's great! You're getting a good sweat. See and feel yourself exercising. From there, you step out of the elevator into the fourth place, which is the hallway. What's the fourth place? Say it out loud Hallway Great. And the carpet of the hallway is covered in brain nutrients, brain nutrients, their bottles of brain vitamins everywhere. So you see your Omega threes, right? The DHHS You're tripping on gingko biloba. All these new tropics. Maybe your Donkey Kong or Lara Croft. You're jumping over all these bottles of big brain vitamins. Good. From there you open the door to the office immediately. To the left is the fifth place. And that's the closet. Say aloud. The fifth place is the what? And you open up the closet in the fifth brain tip. Is there that is your positive peer group? All your happy friends are all celebrating the closet there, cheering you on their encouraging. You all your happy friends, your positive peer group or in the closet. Don't you see? And feel that See specifically Who's in the closet? Good. We're halfway there. You get out of the closet, you go to the sixth place. The six places the receptionist. What's the sixth place? It allowed Receptionist and the receptionist. The sixth brain tip Clean environment. So I want you to imagine the receptionist cleaning the environment. Vacuuming, mopping, sweeping. Everything has a place organizing the front desk and clean environment is good for your brain. So the receptionist is Marie Condo in your mind. Right? And the whole home edit right there. Off. Is that it? Right there? Clean environment behind the receptionist is the seventh place. The seventh place is a fish tank. There's a tropical fish tank. So what's the seventh place that allowed? Fish tank, fish tank and the seventh brain tip sleep so entwined that together. So you're going to put them two together? You're gonna see the fish are sleeping and just use your imagination. Maybe they're wearing their pajamas there in their bunk beds. They are snoring. They're sleeping. You're sleeping with the fishes, right? Fish, You're sleeping. That's number seven. So just a mat. Don't hear me. Say it here it, But also see it and feel it. From there you go over to the eighth place, which is the door to the classroom. The door. What's the eighth place? The door, the door and its locked. But there's a helmet waiting for you right there. It's on a hook. There. You put on the helmet and the helmet reminds you of brain protections. That's why we're entwining the to the places the door. The helmet is the imminent image were twining the two. So how do we see it? Put on the helmet and you head but the door open. So imagine your head butting door open, splintering the wood everywhere you get in the classroom. You would never do that Brain protection. And in front of the ninth place, the ninth place is the white board in front of the room. There's the whiteboard. What's 1/9 place whiteboard? Great. And I'm up there and I am writing the two words that you and you need to remember in your favorite marker. It is. It is actually new learnings. New learnings. So what's everyone's favorite colors? Whatever it is, imagine that. And I'm writing new learnings right on the whiteboard. New learnings, And then finally, on the side of the classroom are all these Bonzai trees we have, like all these Japanese plants. So what's the 10th place? Yeah, and then with these Bonzai trees, you need to remember stress management. So imagine stress. Manage. Maybe you're actually you're actually shaping the bonsai trees. Maybe the stress management. Maybe you're getting a massage on the bonsai trees. Maybe you're meditating on the bonsai trees. Maybe having a glass of red wine on the bonsai trees. Whatever. It helps you to manage stress. You're doing that on the bonsai trees. Alright, here we go. Now you are the memory expert. Everyone, you can open your eyes and now you are on stage. You're doing your creative live and you don't need the teleprompter. You don't need power point because all you have to do is walk through in your mind. And once you walk through using the pie method, you're like, what's my place and what images entwine their Alright. So now you're on, you're giving your steer talk on stage or you're having a conversation because you're being interviewed for the great creative or entrepreneurial work that you're doing. You need the 10 talking points. Here we go. The first one is you get to the parking lot and reminds you of what? And you can just everyone can just say this out loud. You can type it if you want. In the chat, you go to the parking lot and then the first thing that you see, there is what I saw blueberries and castle it and it reminded me of the word diet. Yes, you need that good brain diet. And then from there you cross over, you walk on the bridge and your what are you doing? What? You're stepping on on the bridge. I'm killing ants, stepping on automatic negative thoughts. And then from there and everyone type this out. Number three, you get into the elevator and then what's everyone doing the elevator? I was doing push ups. I don't know whatever else is doing, and I certainly don't want to be doing Burpees, but I was doing push ups and all of that says exercise good as your body moves your brain groups. From there you have the hallway and all over the carpet. There you have all of these, uh, brain vitamins. And so that's your your brain nutrients and all those omega threes and DHHS Vitamin e, your vitamin B. Oh, you're in the tropics, gingko, everything. Great lion's mane, all the ones that your favorites from there you open the door to the office immediately. To your left is the closet. And who do you have in the closet have a positive peer group, and there's a lot of people that you have a lot of. It's a big closet, and so they're all cheering you on and the only people to encourage us and cheerlead for us. And you haven't found those people be that person for someone else, especially be that person for you. All are creators out there, and then from there you go to the desk, right, and then you're at the receptionist, and that's to remind you of clean environment. You're cleaning the environment. Everything has its place behind the receptionist. You have fish tank and what all the fish doing their sleeping, which is strange. Advertise your sleep. You go to the door for the speed reading class, but the door is locked. You put on helmet your helmet and let's remind your brain protection. Protect your brain. You get inside immediately upfront on the whiteboard, I'm writing two words two words of blue marker and its new learnings. Your learnings always be learning, and then finally, you see all the bonsai trees on the side there, and you're doing your favorite stress management activity manager stress, and that's it. remember, there's no such thing as a good or bad brain. There's a train brain in an untrained brain. I'm willing to bet that if people took a screenshot of, like this conversation, chase Taggart both and then see if you remember the 10 say like and tell us what the tennis and he want Bonus points. See if you remember backwards. Can you remember the 10 backwards also as well? And go from stress management to new learnings, brain protection all the way back to a good brain diet. But when you understand how your memory works, you can work your memory. Absolutely extraordinary. Extraordinary. I mean, learning it backwards. Like, you know, I feel like I could do it backwards immediately right now, And that's always been a pickle for me. You know, people can spell things forward and backwards. And what is it? Uh, cranium that game or, you know, they spell like crazy word backwards. Um, that is truly, truly incredible, Jim. I want to shift so again, Thank you for that. That's not just a demonstration, because that's something people can put. You know, that's a tool. You now have a tool as you leave our conversation today. But don't leave yet because I'm curious about I want to I want to put this in perspective of Uh huh, the people listening and watching our creators and entrepreneurs. And what role do you feel like the brain and neurology play in our ability to create? You know, I love this because I believe the future belongs to the creators, for sure, where a lot of careers, a lot of jobs are being outsourced. They are being automated to artificial intelligence, and what's not going to be as easily outsourced are the things that make us human the things that are truly limitless, right, because limitless is not about being perfect. Limitless is about advancing and progressing beyond what you believe is possible right? And what are the truly limitless resources, the the resources of our mind? There is no limit to your creativity right. There is no limit to human imagination. There is no limit to human determination. There's no limit to our ability to solve problems. There's no limit to our ability to come together, and that's truly what's limitless. I do not believe the sky's the limit. I believe our minds are the limit. Everybody who's watching this are our fellow creators and entrepreneurs. Modern day superheroes. These are super powers, right? It's not about leaping tall buildings and shooting lasers out of your eyes. Modern day superpowers of focus and concentration and flow. A problem solving our ability to take the invisible and make it visible right. These are we live in the millennium mind. Nobody who's watching this is paid for the brute strength like it was 100 years ago, right? It's your brain strength. It's not your muscle power, as it was in the agricultural industrial age, right? It's not your muscle power. It's your mind power today, and the faster you can learn, the faster you can earn, and the more you could return right, and your creativity is there, so your mind is really the master control switch. And so that's why I talk about the 10 keys for for creating a limitless brain. Because that's the hardware right, and then the software are are the actual processes for being creative, like their their routines to be creative. Their habit. Creativity is a habit. It certainly is a muscle, and there's certain things that you could do to be able to spark your creativity, but it begins with your brain because I believe that you think about it. Everybody gets really excited about this conversation because it's one of those things where it's like every animal has their superpower, right? They could fly, they can breathe underwater, they're bulletproof. They could climb right. They can do all these amazing things. They're super strong. And but we can't do any of those things. But we can with with the power of our mind we created technology, allows us to fly that allows us to climb. That allows us to breathe underwater. That makes us super strong or super fast. And that all came from the power of what's inside. And so I would say, the challenges. Our brain doesn't come with an owner's manual, and it's certainly not user friendly. And we it's not a slight against teachers. My mother became a schoolteacher because of my learning challenges, you know, like she was devoted, you know, she started with special education because with me it was a label, you know, they in elementary school, they had something called masked, and I would I would always hang out Chase with the geeks and the nerds. And the only thing is I didn't have the grades. But I love what they loved. Comic books and video games and dungeons and dragons or whatever. And I remember one day a teacher comes into the class and said, Look, good news, everybody here we have a group for you. You know where I'm gonna put you in this group called Masked Mask and everyone's like What's masked stands for more able student program. I'm like, And then I was the only one not chosen right in that group, and because I was, it was more able right, And me and another friend, I we created a group called Last Last was Less Able Student program. It was like just the two of us in that in that club. But it's interesting how those labels can become limits, you know, and how we adapt those, and it puts us in that box. But it all begins with the power of our mind, you know, and so that's why we talk about it so much. Well, not only talk about it, but you teach about it. You've written at length again for anyone out there has seen so many people and the comments by in the book again, the book is limitless. Upgrade your brain, learn anything faster and unlock your exceptional life. Just as a data point is nearly 8000 reviews of your book on Amazon alone. And so again, I have to personally recommend you pick up this book. Also, just a side note. Your podcast is awesome quick brain and little 20 minute hits for anybody who's a podcast junkie. Presumably people are watching or listening to the show right now. You like podcasts that shows 11 years old. Uh, Jim, your podcast is cool. Um, and it's just again 20 minutes. I love the little. It's like a power is like a power shake or something. Yeah, it's kind of like these brain bites, right? And I'm Spotify. I've It was just like one of the most binge listen to, because even what's something? Maybe if they don't want to, um, they could get it in like small, little bite sized digestible pieces on how to remember names or how to read faster. Or how to change your habits or how to memorize the brain, foods or those kind of things amazing. Well, you know, I think we pointed to the book and your podcast a few things that where people can learn and get more. Um, I'm wondering if you can steer us. Are there any other coordinates on the Internet that you would like this audience to be directed to, or where we can reach out and support your work onto your work? Learn more about your work. Where else would you steer us? Um, Chase. First of all, thank you. Then this is just I love connecting with you and I honestly creators, entrepreneurs. They light me up and those are my people because that's that's what I'm about. I think that the future belongs to those, and they are the ones that are leading. Um, everyone can go to quick brain brain dot com, and that's really the center point for everything. You want to get some free videos there? I peeled people on stage and show you how to remember their names, and you have to teach them out of speed. Read all the links on my instagram profile so they could just go there, and we're connected there. But really, my message for everybody here is that I believe we all have this creative power inside of us. That life is kind of like an egg that if an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. But if an egg is broken inside force, life begins. Great things began on the inside, And I believe if you're still listening this that you for sure have greatness inside of you. You know, you sure have genius inside of you. And, uh, you know, I love what you do, because I I learned so much from your show and who you are because I feel like life is about having the curiosity and know yourself. And I know you've done that deep work, and that's why we do whatever journaling or talk therapy. Or sometimes we create because it's it's a mirror for ourselves and our souls, but also having the curiosity to know yourself as one part. But also you need to have the courage to be yourself too, you know, to be truly fulfilled, you know, And sometimes with creators, sometimes we get to know ourselves and what lights us up. But we hold back because we're afraid of failure. Are afraid of how we're going to look and you know. But my my thing is I did this I talk about in the book. I work with a lot of actors and, uh, will. Smith was gracious enough to give the cover quote for her book and one of the stories I talk about another actor's Jim Carey, and I'm at his home. Uh, we're together and we take a break to have lunch. All these brain foods, right? We're making guacamole and everything, and I really want to know the the host of the curiosity of me just wants to know like, Hey, why do you do what you do? I'm just I just have to ask why he's like Jim. I act like a complete fool so extreme on camera, because I want to give people who are watching permission to be themselves. He's like my My mission in life is to free people from the concern of other others, that that's what part of what limits us and I really do believe that it's a lot of what we do is that no matter your age or, you know, so many people are paralyzed by the thought of making a mistake, and I just want to remind everybody here that mistakes are proof that you're trying. When you learn from them, they have the power to turn you into something better than you were before. And I just want to remind everybody Also, Whoever needs to hear this is that you are not your mistakes. You know, you go out there and iterate and put that post up or put that music out there and make that video put up those those photos, because when you make a mistake, keep in mind it doesn't say anything about who you are as a person. Many people make mistakes, and they jump to conclusions that maybe that something about their self worth. But we realized that no one is perfect, right that that you make mistakes. But mistakes don't make you and they're here to be able to guide us. They're here to not not define us, but we use them as stepping stones to get to another level of ourself. And since everybody makes mistakes, it's not how we make mistakes, but really more how how we deal with those things that define us and you'd have to be proud of your mistakes, but you can be proud of how you learn from them, and you can prepare out how it made you a better person. And I think that's the journey we're all on right where we're like we're working together to realize, reveal, express our fullest potential and and that's why I love the platform you've created in all different forms because, you know, that's what lights with lights us up, that that's what I feel like. People are burnt out and they feel exhausted all the time, not because they're doing too much. Often we feel burnt out because we're doing too little of the things that make us come alive right, the things that really spark or flame. And I would say right now sometimes we have a tendency of shrinking our light because we're afraid that it's shining in somebody else's eyes. And that's not the thing to do right now, right now. And no matter what's going on the world, remember, I opened up this conversation with life as a sea between B and D. E. B s birthday as destiny's choice. I believe that these difficult times choice they can define us. These difficult times can diminish us or these difficult times can develop us. You know, we we decide in that. And the biggest mistake. I feel like people. They downgrade their dreams or their creative pursuits to meet this current situation, right? Do not downgrade your dreams to meet this currency, Tremaine. Duration, upgrade your mindset, your motivation, your discipline, your capabilities to be able to meet those grand dreams right now is the time to be too optimistic to scare, to determine, to be to doubt, you know. And this is this is the way. There is no better way to wrap this up. Then what you just shared with us. I'm so grateful for your time, Jim, your true master of your craft and a light in, uh, sometimes dim world. So much of you know, I like to think that the most important words are the ones we say to ourselves. And that message that you just shared resonates deeply, you know? There, folks around the world catty Go Carlos Arena Michael. 10 ish Liliana uh, John flicks uh, Tana Redonda that there are, I mean again, it's growing so fast, I can't read to say that you've let us up today. It would be a radical understatement and just grateful to have your time, attention and contribution to our mission here at Creative Live. And just so grateful again. I just want to give a shout out to your book. Limitless podcast, quick brain. And we're here. If I can ever be of service, you're this community. Um, we're here for you, and I want to say personal. Thank you, Jim. Uh, on our on our show. How would that be? I would love to geek out about create your creative process. I do it tomorrow. You just just do believe that everybody here we We are the greatest project that will ever get to work on, you know, and make time for that. Take time, create, create magic. Signing off with today's episode Just a barn burner, Jim, Quick. Thank you so much for being on the show. All the folks out here, uh, were part of the live broadcast today. I want to say thank you can always find it at creativelive dot com and again without further, um, conversation, you know, you know where to come get more of this. We gave you a lot of of Jim's coordinates, And, uh, and this will always be here for you at Creative Live for free. So thanks for tuning in. And everyone out there in the world did you And you tell next time Yeah, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
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katy zales
Jim Kwim not only drops inspiration life knowledge that has me fired up to approach the day but he gave great guidance on how to do so!