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Lesson 1 from: Type in Adobe InDesign CC

Jason Hoppe

Class Introduction

Lesson 1 from: Type in Adobe InDesign CC

Jason Hoppe

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1. Class Introduction

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Class Introduction

welcome, everyone. I'm Jason Hoppy and today's video we are going to be working with all the type features in Adobe and Design Creative Cloud. I assure you, the basics of the type tool flowing text in and being able to use the page flow cursor and finish it off with paragraph in character styles and pretty much round out everything you could possibly do with text and in design in this great video. So we're gonna get started. I've started basic layout here that I'm going to use for the presentation. I want to start just by taking my type tool and being able Teoh flotsam copy into my document along with everything and in design. Pretty much the basic rule is text and images have to be in a container. So if I want to do anything, I'm gonna need to draw container first In order to put my content in most of the time we have a container that's gonna hold the text that's gonna be a rectangle or square. Take our type tool and click and drag and draw container for our type to go in and then we'...

ll see are flashing cursor. It's ready to go. You may not see your text container right off. If you click off of it, you'll see that it shows up here with your frame edge around it. And so I'm gonna go back to my type tool, by the way, shortcuts here. Always useful type tool to get to it. The letter T switching back. Teoh, the selection tool is the letter V and Escape. We're going to show you why there's two shortcuts to that. It's very important. So we're gonna start off their type tool. I've drawn a text container with the type tool. I'm gonna click inside here and I want to fill it with some placeholder text so we can get started two different ways. I can do that. If I right, click with my mouse inside the container, I will get a contextual menu that has everything to deal with my text tool and the text container. About 2/3 of the way down that list I can choose filled with placeholder text, and it will fill my entire container with placeholder text. For the time being, I can also access that same command under the tight menu. Go down too close to the bottom and fill with placeholder text. When I fill with placeholder text, you'll see that I have all these underlines on my words here, and that comes from my dynamic spelling being turned on as I flow Copy in or I type dynamic spelling can be turned on to see if there's anything that is misspelled that I can auto correct a simple way of turning that on While you're working under the edit menu, you can go under spelling, and you can turn on or turn off dynamic spelling so you can see how that works. Later, we'll turn it back on so we can show you how to auto correct and add things to our dictionary. So with my content in here on my text inside the container, I want to begin to you format now a couple things as I'm moving around the page here. I want to get to be able to move this around the page and work with my content as we go now. I could use my scroll bars, but I like to go ahead and speed things up a little bit. So one of the things I can do is I can use my hand tool to move things around. And I'm gonna get out of my text container and select my selection tool. The shortcut for the hand tool is going to be the space bar. If I hold down the space bar, it allows me to get the hand tool and move my content around. But when I'm in my type editing tool and I use the space bar, of course it gives me spaces. So the one quick shortcut that you'll see me using to move things around, wall him in the middle of type editing is I'm gonna hold down my option or all two key while I'm in the type editing and the option, or Ault will allow me to get the hand tool to move around. So when you see me move stuff around while I'm in the middle of editing, that is the option or the old key accessing the hand tool