Observe What Matters in Your Customer's World
Lesson 12 from: Turn Your Service Into a ProductTara McMullin

Observe What Matters in Your Customer's World
Lesson 12 from: Turn Your Service Into a ProductTara McMullin
Lesson Info
12. Observe What Matters in Your Customer's World
From Your Process To Your Product
1Class Introduction
07:39 2Change How You Think About Your Business
20:55 3The Profit in the Process
18:22 4What is an Asset?
21:10 5Set a Different Goal
34:13 6Name Your Unfair Advantage
40:58 7Document Your Client Intake Process
45:38Identifying What You're REALLY Selling
28:46 9Create Your Process Plan
43:58 10Apply Your Unfair Advantage
28:27Build to Sell
11Build to Sell
26:30 12Observe What Matters in Your Customer's World
42:16 13Identify & Engage the Opportunities
16:30 14Test Your Response
34:13 15Describe the Transformation
31:02 16Find & Test Your Key Insight
38:57 17Bulid to Sell (Part Deux)
45:15 18Price Your Product
1:00:15 19Make Your Offer
24:51Automate and Grow
20Gather Feedback
34:33 21Iterate, Reposition, Differentiate
25:18 22Create the Ideal Customer Experience
14:16 23Identify What Your On-Boarding System Needs
14:22 24Analyze System Needs & Solve Customer Problems
36:25 25Automate Your On-Boarding Process
27:08 26Get Attention
39:52 27Get Commitment
35:06 28Get Buy In
31:56 29Get the Sale
46:39Lesson Info
Observe What Matters in Your Customer's World
Less eleven is to observe what matters we're going to tackle each step about two at a time so everyone's turning their pages so this is a good time to remind you that we're on page nine of the free workbook that you get when you are a svp for the class on this is less than eleven observe what matters s o a complaint that I've been hearing a lot later lately I don't know what to build I don't know what to build I've been surveying my audience a lot lately surveying is really hot right now on dh one of the things that we're offering right now is a program called the masterclass that helps you build a course or a program some sort of learning experience from start to finish two sales and the number one roadblock that we've been encountering is that they don't know what their idea is or they don't know how to validate their idea and so they're a little nervous about signing up for the program even though it sounds really, really good, I totally get that and, you know, not knowing what to b...
uild I think comes from a lot of different places I think it does come from almost like an intuitive knowing that building something just cause you like it it's probably not a good idea even though so many of us have gone down that path before for I think they also know because they're they're not one hundred percent focused on a particular message, and then another big piece of this is because they're not actually connecting with what really matters to the people in the conversation that they're in. And so this lesson is all about figuring out what matters because building to sell is figuring out what matters when you sell something you're selling what matters to someone, the results that matter to them, the problem that matters to them, the meaning that matters to them. If you don't know what matters to the people that you're selling tio, you can't sell to them, so we have to figure out what matters first. Luckily, people are talking about what matters everywhere we are so lucky as business owners as designers as marketers now were so lucky we have almost a gn infinite number of places to go to figure out what matters to people pick a niche, the tiniest adeeb idiots niche that you could possibly pick, and I guarantee there's an internet forum for it. All you have to do is join it and start talking to people. Start reading other people's post you'll figure out what matters in a heartbeat there's hash tags for this you know again, you pick that anybody is tiniest little niche there's a hashtag for it there's probably twenty hashtags for it my partner sean makes kimchi I feel like everybody knows this now. He just made his first batch of kimchi in pennsylvania. He was so proud of himself when it was all done doing it's gross thing that it does and he hey took a picture of it and posted, posted it on instagram and on a whim looked for the hashtag korean grandmother because the secret the not so secret secret is that we met online and the first line of his online dating profile was I make better kimchi, even your korean grandmother and so it's been like a running joke through our life, and then I wrote a block post about it. And so now everyone's running joke is a you know it's about him, his kimchi and their korean grandmother's so he hashtagged it korean grandmother, guess what other people are hash tagging things korean grandmother, you know, this is so obscure, so bizarre, but people are talking about it, okay? So no matter what it is, no matter how weird you think your idea is or the conversation that you want to enter into is there is there are people talking about it online there people pinning images about it, there are people taking images and posting them on instagram, there are people tweeting about it, there are people on facebook talking about it there are definitely people in internet forum somewhere. It might take a little googling, but you'll find them. People are talking about the stuff everywhere and that's just online. Don't forget about your local community. Don't forget about your local community. There are book groups there, our get togethers there are meet ups, there's, community groups, networking events, all of these things that you can actually go to and talk to people in person. I know about what it is that you are really, really passionate about and, most importantly, what it is that really, really matters to them. We have this amazing golden opportunity. People are talking about what matters to them everywhere. So, as I said, step one is to join a conversation. And this idea of conversation comes from the clue train manifesto, which is a book that was written by a number of internet thought leaders right at the done of the social era. So before facebook, before twitter, even before things like myspace and friendster, whatever else there was out there at the very beginning, just as people were starting to use the web to really net. Work and talk to each other. This book came out and really foreshadowed the way commerce would change because of the internet and and the way people would use that, and so they talk about markets are conversations, conversations, sound human, are conducted in a human voice and happened between real people. And so if you want to be part of the conversation, then your marketing, the things that you put out there to connect with people has to sound human. It has to sound like a person who actually cares about another human being. But if you read a lot of the content marketing stuff, if you if you look at blog's that air sort of designed with seo in mind first, they don't sound human, they sound like marketing. My goal for you today is just creates a message. Is that actually sound human? Because they're based on real responses, they're based on real conversation. So here's the here's, another little part from this from the clue manifesto where they go aclu tree manifested where they go a little further, learning to speak with the human voice is not ah parlour trick, it can't be picked up. It's some conference to speak with the human voice companies must share the concerns of their communities, but first they must belong to a community now I can teach you the process of figuring out what people are saying and how you're going to respond to it but I can't teach you how to speak with the human voice if you want to be uh if you want to sound like a marketer, if you want to sound like a sales person, you can go on ahead doing that all I'm going to ask you to dio is bu because you can use this process and bu and get better results than trying to do it the right way. All right, what we're about to learn is not a parlor trick it's just pulling out what you'd already do naturally just being you just showing up just joining the conversation so how do we figure out what's really going on in this conversation? What really matters? This is where I like to use the customer journey the customer journey is a process that your customer goes on from when they really become curious about the conversation that you're a part of to where they finally reach their ultimate goal. Cory and I were talking about this in a previous lesson on and he was talking about how that point of initial curiosity and his business is when people start creating art maybe there's sort of a willy nilly going toe art fairs and trying to get some sales but what they ultimately want is to be a full time thriving working artist yes that's the transformation and it might be a very long journey I'm sure if you hire cory would be a shorter journey right but it could be a very long journey we're not talking about a six month process in fact longer you can make this process the more opportunities there are two celt people it's true ah true though the longer you make this process the further you identify those two points away from each other the more opportunities you have to sell to market to people to enrich their lives so it starts with a point of curiosity it's some event that happens that makes people think I wonder if I could do this or I wonder what other people are saying about that or I wonder if this is possible that's the point of curiosity what happens to make people curious about what you have to offer and then along the way there are lots of frustrations, goals and questions in other words they're things that people get really frustrated about that they feel kind of like they're not getting it or that they're not understanding or that it's taking too long or that it's too hard all sorts of different kinds of frustrations there are goals there are things that people want to achieve they could be like little milestones like launch a blogger or sell other first commission or they could be much bigger things anywhere anything that's about what you want to achieve is a goal on your customer journey and then there are questions there are things that people just wonder about over the process of moving from point a to point b you know how do I get into better art fairs how do I get into a gallery how do I get represented by an agent? Um obviously I don't know your market that well because I'm not coming up with a whole lot more than that but those are some questions that people ask right and the thing to keep in mind with all of the this is that these things of all of overtime you don't have all of those frustration goals and questions right at the very beginning they happened over time you learn something new, you've got a new question you learn something new, you get a new frustration you learn something new, you have a new goal in mind and so this process is continually evolving which again means is that each of these points along this timeline are actually an opportunity to serve our clients it's an opportunity to make money and it's an opportunity to create value and the more points that you define there the more opportunities you have which is exciting both for you and your customer because if you create solutions that move people from step to step two step two step along that journey you're helping them achieve that ultimate goal that's exactly what they want questions about the customer journey no really good awesome michelle so I was just thinking about this is like the number one frustration I hear from my people I was like how do I land speaking gigs or I'm at a networking event in every single woman at the table says oh what I'm looking for speaking gigs and so I feel like that's the ultimate goal but they want it immediately like they don't leak I try to go deeper it's like well, you know like who do you want to speak for and what audience and how are you different and they don't know they just want the gig yeah so it's an interesting week conundrum I have come up against again and again on this customer journey because I feel like the speaking big should be like the ultimate goal I don't think the speaking gig is the ultimate call I think the speaking the ultimate goal is a new identity and the new identity is a world renowned speaker and so I think that for you it might be that getting speaking gigs you know comes up here but then that actually evolves so when they actually start getting the speaking gigs then the question becomes how do I get more speaking gigs or how do we get better paid for speaking gigs or how do I get people to ask me to speak on what I actually want to talk about right? Those are all questions that I've had or still have right on dso, even though that first point where you're really saying this, this is something that I could help people with to get them on the right track seems like it's a it's, a big piece of the puzzle, I break it down so that it's, you know, how do you get your first ten speaking decks? Or how do you get your first conference speaking gig? Or how do you get your first paid speaking game? Right? And so you could create a process that helps people do that. And then once they get that first paycheck speaking gig there next question's probably going to be okay. How do we get the next one? And that's? Actually, even though it sounds like the same question, I think it's different because I know again for myself going from, you know, on occasion getting paid to speak to now, basically, every time getting paid and paid well to speak that the way you know, it's a it's, a different process from going from that first gig to going to making that a regular part of your life and your business and just what you do on a mound of daily basis, right? And so I think that getting people past that first point that first frustration or question is going to change the way they ask the question another time and that gives you a new opportunity the other thing and this may or may not be what you're asking, but another thing that often comes up around the customer journey is that people think that if I just achieve that one thing for people and then there's other questions still less that that I'm somehow cheating my customer and that kind of goes back to what general jennifer said earlier about you know, I tried to put everything I know in this product you don't do that, you can't help people get from point a to point b in one product it's overwhelming it's not successful for them and it's not going to be easy for you to sell, we want to find things they're easy for you to sell that actually create results for people, and the way you actually create results for people is to break it down into smaller chunks into smaller outcome doesn't it doesn't mean the outcome has to be small, but it does have to be concrete, right? So I want you to start thinking about your customer journey and much more concrete points so that then you can start to see how those questions or frustrations evolve over time. Does that make sound? Yes? Okay, cori yeah, I'm wondering about, um, in the thirteen steps you talked about joining a conversation and all that stuff before you ever create your product. So for the artist that I work with, a lot of them who do commission work, that's essentially a service, and then that journey, um, going into making a product makes a lot of sense, but also for a lot of artists and inventors and other people who have ideas first, and they have essentially a product first, how would you approach that if the eye product is coming out of something that's deep inside you? Yeah, so I actually think you have to put your product on the shelf for a while. I think you hold on to that idea, you you let it sit for a little bit, you stew on it, you enjoy it, right? And then you put it on the shelf and you figure out whether it's gonna work or not, because, like you mentioned inventors like that's, such a perfect example of someone who really needs to put their idea on the shelf for a little bit, because if you're going to invent something new, if you're going to file a patent, if you're going to, you know, put thousands of dollars into getting a prototype manufactured, you want to know it's going to sell right, and so you need to be able to build something, or you need to be able to engage the conversation, validate your idea, build something incredibly small, and then re engage the initial idea that you had great question. Alright, so step two is to identify the core questions, frustrations and goals of your market. Joining the conversation is going to introduce you to ah hole, a world of people talking about all sorts of different things, and then you've got to break it down into questions, frustrations and goals so that's in your workbook on page ten, you can start listing those things out the questions, frustrations and goals that your conversation is really talking about. And again, you want to put these things in your customers voice or the voice of the people that you are listening to because they're not your customers yet write their prospects let's say, hey there, community members, you want to put it in their voice, and we will go through an exercise that helps you do exactly that. S o I had quote a dave gray before, who wrote the book the connected company, about how products come with services embedded in them, but this I especially love, and it has everything to do with these first two steps ah, company can't create value on its own. I think we try really hard and we think that our ideas have value on our their own right we think that the information that we have to offer has value on its own or that the service that we have to offer has value on its own but it doesn't a company can't create value on its own value is on ly created through exchange through use through people actually trying out your product and getting results from it the customer must participate in defining and determining that value. Um I'm curious if anyone's created a product before that they realised actually had a different value than when they started creating it. Cory tell me about it so our flagship course how to sell it online when I first created it, it was all about the e mail on the website and the uh you know how to use social media so it was all the tools right? But over teaching the course, I realized that everybody like they're just didn't know how to communicate what their art was actually about. So we added what essentially amounted to a weeklong writing class the beginning of the course and every single person who's been through the course now has told me that the most valuable part of the course is learning how to write and communicate about their art even though what I sell is how to sell art online yeah, yeah beautiful, beautiful example, the first product that I ever created that was truly successful was, of course called website kickstart. That was about teaching people how to build a bird press website based not on like a preexisting theme, but instead on a skeleton theme that then you could actually manipulate with css and html. And I taught those things, and I thought, this is really valuable because these are the things that people don't know, right? I sold the program the first time, and people said terra, thank you for this new way of looking at my business like that. So what? The courses about they their websites were started, but they weren't anywhere finished. You know what it's like? Oh, man, I guess I failed, but I offered it. You know, I made some improvements and offered it again. And the feedback at the end was tara, thank you for helping me see my business in a brand new way. Very similar toe corey's story as well. Wait a second. Maybe this is really what's important about this. And so then I started iterating the product to make it about actually identifying the parts of your business. That were you know, that couldn't use improvement help you talk about what it is that you do figure out what's really important figure out what actions you want people to take that so that you can actually get results and I you know, I just started evolving the product that way and it did better and better and better and I was able to better talk about what the value is to yes I'm going to teach you how to build a website and to do that you really need to know what's important about your business you need to see it in a whole new way I'm gonna help you do that too and so it became even more successful that's what it means by the customers participating in defining and determining the value sometimes the things that we put out there don't have the value that we initially thought that they did they have something different they have something better and we can make use of that which I think it's really exciting uh yeah so what are your prospects, goals, questions or frustrations at different points along their customer journey and which questions, goals or frustrations pertain most to your unfair advantage and the process plan that you did in lesson nine which questions goals or frustrations pertain most to your unfair advantage and to the process plan that you did in less than nine because another thing to realize is that not every point on your customer journey is actually something that you want to create value for. They're not all problems that you want to tackle, they're not all questions that you want to answer. There are a lot of questions on my customer journey that I do not want to answer. I don't necessarily really want to talk about building facebook ads. I'll talk about how to row write an ad in a way that really resonates with people tell you, you know where to find that information, but I don't want to talk to you about maximizing the value of your conversion pixel. I know about it, but I'm really not interested in talking about it. So that's something that's, a question that my people have it's a good question to have, but it's, not something that I'm going to talk about it, something that I'm going to refer off to clear pelletreau and say, hey, hook up with claire, clara ll help you out with that. I'm gonna be over here doing this other thing when you've got your facebook at situation figured out and you want to go back, teo, you know, creating a new product or marketing your business in a different way, I'll be right here waiting. For you, it sounds like that's a great thing for you to dio, right? So you can you can really identify which parts of the customer journey you're best suited for creating value for and now this is one of my favorite questions. It's a question I think I probably ask every time I'm on creative live, and I ask it every time I'm on creative live because I actually used this question this much before I start any new course before I start any new marketing campaign before I start any new sales copy, I asked myself, what are you prosper? What are my prospects saying doing thinking or feeling about the goal, frustration or question that I want to tackle next? What are my prospects saying doing thinking and feeling about the goal, frustration or question that I want to tackle next by doing that I can really hone in my listening. When we started talking about joining the conversation, it was sort of like a many thing like we're just joining in, we're seeing what's happening, we're starting to, you know, figure out what categories are buckets people are talking about different things, then now we wanna really hone our attention to a particular signal in that conversation and that's exactly what they're saying doing thinking or feeling about the question, frustration or goal that we want to tackle and we're gonna do this in just a minute, but there's a there's, a there's, an exercise for this in the workbook on page eleven, it's called a perspective math we will tackle that in just a minute. We've got a couple other things to get through first, so you also need to identify how you're regularly going to check in on what matters to your customer. How are you regularly going to check in on what matters to your customer? Because these things change the conversation changes? I've been been business seven years now. I've been, you know, part of the online digital, you know, internet marketing world for fairly length of time, and I've seen the conversation change a lot. Everyone used to want to know how you got more comments on your blogged now, no one, no one cares about that. Everyone wants to know how you get more emails subscribers on your list, which is a much better thing to do. It's a good thing the conversations changed, but if I would if I were still stuck on talking about comments on a blogged how to get more comments on the block, I would not be making any money right now, right? I would not be serving anyone because no one's asking that question anymore. But instead my conversation changes the things that I used the things that I talk about that actually matter to people has changed along with the conversation so you need to regularly check up on what matters that means you do need to be on social media or you do need to be regularly going to networking events where you do regularly need to be checking in with some sort of community of forum it doesn't have to look the same as what everybody else is doing but you can't build your business or a product in a bubble it has to be done in conversation with another or with another person with your customer all right, so panelists what questions, frustrations or goals did you see people dealing with let's get specific what questions, frustrations or goals did you see your people dealing with sasha? Um well I'm thinking about adopting my ten dozen program for women in business to help them do better on the job and be seen so I've been doing a lot of listening teo kind of the lean in conversation about how women feel especially in male dominated tech work places so I've been hearing you know, I don't know how to be heard in a meeting without acting like a man and I'm not getting promoted I'm not being seen stuff like that so are people leaving their jobs because they just don't like feeling song comfortable perfect great examples jennifer have loss of motivation and excitement around there javi um I hear people say that they say I don't have time to scrap but what it really is is they feeling guilty that they're not using the time they do have well and it's um it's a motivation issue and it's a ah los lack of clarity about what they really want to do and so I'm trying to build new avenues around that conversation about loss of motivation cause I hear people even say, oh, I haven't scrapped booked in six months or a year and I really want to get back into it and so that's kind of the point of readiness that I meet people at um nice frustration that keeps coming up yeah that's yeah, perfect three people have a lot of trouble pricing projects and even getting smaller projects, so I saw a lot of designers struggling at a very low price point and I'm like what's what's happening here I know there's there's people willing to pay this money what's that's kind of the struggle there so peep you're having trouble actually landing projects excellent jen there's sort of three things that my people experience over and over organ it's feeling alone wondering why it's so hard okay and wondering what's next catch up and I bet you could probably talk about each one of those three things and very specific varied ways absolutely yeah yeah I went to the gun point it kind of broke it down from there and so the end point that most will come is they want to change the conversation around something fill in the blank or otherwise to become a community leader be visible the leader but to get there like most people have a points of anything from I have a local business and I need an online presence so it's like how does a message on my website teo now I want more visibility for my ideas so it's like how do we just start breaking in like we have a lot of people who come to us and say, well, I don't have a book deal so like well the press even care about me yes and here's how I love how specific that question wass yeah, I hear it all the time and it that's our base package actually when you work with us is helping people get started we call it like we're getting the building blocks that way um and then once you're there it's kind of like, okay, I'm getting some visibility now how do you make that transition from? I'm starting to get recognition teo I'ma riel community the leader and that's a whole another kind of layer and so it's really helpful to kind of look at those things like people often say all of those things to me at once yeah, in the very beginning and to actually break them out and say really clearly, like, well, which part of the stage are you? Are you at because we're not going to go from I have this really successful business, all right? You know, when I have this methodology, tio okay, now I'm a community leader a nationally right there's, lots of steps along the way and helpful to think of it that way. Yeah, and that's a really that's a great way to be of service to your perspective client actually, in a sales conversation, too, and say one of the reasons that you might not be understanding how this all works right now because you're trying to do too much at once. It's on one of the things that we can offer you is to really break the break it down, break it down to the peace that you need to do now and then we can help you, you know? Go bye bye step by step into the next steps a swell yeah, you don't get on like the oprah stage of the today show. Like the first time you walk out of your house right towards so, but what we can do is say, well, we know how you help people get there. You know we've worked with those outlets and so we know what they look for and so we can build we can reverse engineer that for you nice very cool alright, it is time for our first hot seat today and you, sir, are up there will have gotten through everyone at this point, I believe. All right, so tell us who you are, where we can find you online and what ugo I'm andy mathis and andy methods dot com and I'm a veterinarian and there's probably some backstory there that you need no about how I got here. I tell it really quick as a veterinarian, I'm dealing with patients and taking care of animals and pits and stuff, and then after vet school, I sort of needed a artistic creative outlet, so I started painting watercolors, taking watercolor classes and so through that I sort of learned that's where I sort of learned I did that through like local art shows wholesale art last seen those shows like that so that's sort of where I learned some of the light dealing with websites and social media and things like that, and then I took it. I got involved with publishing the digital magazine in that store shelter, pet magazine and sort of burnout with that project two thousand twelve in two thousand thirteen, but so I learned how to do pds and publishing and stuff like that so that sort of is where my unfair advantage comes in is between the artistic and creative stuff and how to do that and the main wife so that's where the unfair avenge comes from is that creative side okay? Perfect and so you're wanting to take some of those creative and marketing skills and offer them backto other veterinarians because see the problem is because invent school you're dealing with medicine and you have practice management courses but you don't have a lot of marketing and promotion and stuff so what happened in the fishing is we've sort of got lost in the marketplace with them oh and sally hawkins but where she talks about like businesses have problems getting distracted commodity and competition yes that's veterinary medicine so we've appointments have gone down um income's going down depending on your market and so and the key to get in that bag is the marketing and promotion and stuff like that so that's where identify sort of the problem that is the pieces missing player okay, so that's sort of the product I'm thinking about okay um um is that great? So would you say that point of like a business feeling stagnant or getting kind of commodified is the initial point of curiosity where people might start thinking about what else could I do for my veterinary practice? Okay, thank you all right so let's call this just stagnation for now and what do you think is the first? What is that frustration that first frustration or that first question that they have when they realize wow, this isn't going the way it used to go on this is harder than I think it should be I think it's sort of mme or they don't know how what the problem is or what they need they just know that they look att appointment they got less appointments and income perfect okay what else? Um uh you're you're you um also less value for the service because people people are priced shopping on so they don't they think well why should I pay eighty five dollars? Is this when I could get it for sixty down somewhere else? So another question along those lines might be how do I get my my customers my patients to be loyal yeah yes you're you're trying to attract that alias supportive clients yeah yeah, ok grieved eso let's say like a goal then could be practice full of support of clients. What would you say the ultimate goal is, um creating awareness for what you do okay creating value in the client's mind for what you do and educating clients about pick care okay, so those sort of the three things um who do you think they want to be as successful rhetoric variants who do they want to be? Yeah yeah is there like an identity that comes with it that level of success I think it's um I don't know if it's identity but it's more the feeling of just like I like help you want to help people you want people come in the door but you don't want to they want to be struggling to try to like keep the doors open ok? Eso sort of like a goal of ultimate service um in abundance yeah, okay, cool. Are there other questions frustrations goals that you see happening on that path? Um I don't think so right now. Okay, that's one thing that I think as you start to actually see serve people with this product I want you to pay attention, teo other needs that start coming up one of the best ways that you could actually do that is to put a product on the market, teach people something's, help them achieve a particular result and then see what happens next. So that may not be something you're able to tease out beforehand, but I think there's probably more opportunities to create value on the path of, you know, creating a practice that's of ultimate service but, you know, still in abundance as well. All right, cool. So let's dio a perspective math and would you say, uh would you say that your product is designed to help people solve the problem of less appointments and less money yeah okay, so we're going to start there when you do your perspective bob when you think about what people are saying doing thinking and feeling I want you to focus on one point of your customer charity and at one point of your customer journey is going to be the point that overlaps with your process plan or the point of the process plan that you wanted to focus on and you're unfair advantage okay, so andy, you said you're unfair advantage is kind of a creative marketing mindset so I'm gonna write that down tooth that we remember so creative marketing mindset and well what did you identify in terms of your process yesterday? How do you how have you gone about making your veterinary practice more marketable? Um that's where, like two years ago or so I started thing okay, you know how what? You know I'm having the same problem. So it's so like what am I what I need to do differently and that's where I like I've got to like sort of, um redo the website um do more social media started email liest um great there's part of the b yeah that's perfect eyes they're one of those things that you would like to tackle with clients or customers first um a lot of better hospitals don't have a website yeah yeah or their social media they're posting like once a month yeah, having those two perfect we didn't do this to that's predict email sometimes is an advanced maneuver for people right? Yeah uh uh no, I preach email marketing every time I'm here too ok? So we'll start with helping them get a website up and get their social media going and will do that to solve the problem of less appointments and less money. So what are some of the things that you hear people say when they say I've got less appointments and less money? What some of the other ways that sounds like um they just say I'm tired I'm tired of defending our professions um I just want to, um I don't know if they want to be rich but I want enough money to help patients in my community and keep the doors open that's what they say okay, perfect to teo thiss because this is a really service driven industry, right? So if you can kind of bring that into play that's one of the things that really matters teo people in your conversation is being of service you have to run a business so that you can also be of service right on the last thing he said was I want to keep the doors open yeah perfect what are some of the things that they're doing now to solve that problem um I don't think it's a lot and it's it's a hard conversation to listen to you because ben there's darkness they own a lot of social media okay um they're sort of starting to web do when they they'll get a website but it's all the wrong yeah totally wrong website yes it's not bringing them the right customs they need natalie she really likes puppies all right what else are they doing are they going to like conference yes conscious I would imagine that this conversation is happening a lot in trade publications and crying from the pain yeah so reading trade pubs are they doing anything else to like get out into the community and raise awareness of their service their product it always depends on what community there in maybe there might be some like open it's a month they might be doing open house or something like that because you've got you've got your current class so you're trying to retain some time you're trying to track new clock alright perfect that's great what are they thinking thinking is often you know the things it's kind of like what they're saying but the things that they're not saying right so it sounds the same but it's the things that they just don't want to admit to anybody I think they I think they feel like they're doing something wrong perfect anything else? Um I'm not sure um that's okay uh that's probably it's almost like they don't they know that they see the the situation but they don't necessarily know what the problem is or how to articulate that problem to find out what questions she has to find the solution absolutely I just don't know what they're thinking alright and how are they feeling sad sad what else? Frustrated okay overwhelmed yeah anything else? Um now that's probably, uh that's probably it okay, perfect. This is a whole page of gold for you you could write a sales page just based on this alone hi, I'm andy mathis I'm gonna help you build a website social media for your veterinary practice because I know that you're tired of defending your profession I know that you want to be of service. I know you want to keep the doors open to your practice because because you care about your clients and your patients but I think you're doing things like, you know, building a website that doesn't work for you. I see you going to conferences but not really being able to get results from that. I see you maybe, you know, experimenting with networking events or open houses but you're not getting results from that either you think you might be doing something wrong and I'm going to help you start doing something right? If you'd like more information on this, enter your email address below and I'll send you some free information, and then I'll let you know how we could work together to turn your stagnant veterinary process, practice around and turn it into one of ultimate service in abundance. Cool sound guy. Yeah, boom. Yeah. Okay, so we're not going. We're not going to jump that far ahead. By the end of the day, we'll have something like that. And this is the perfect starting place. This is why this exercises so important. But this is this is the perfect starting point, so I'm gonna let you sit back down and we're gonna talk about the next step in the time that we have remaining. Thanks, sandy. All right. So starting with what matters helps you to build a product designed to sell. So your task for lesson eleven is toe list the toe list five to ten questions, frustrations or goals that really matter to your prospects. Take a look at your customer journey, do the perspective map and really think about what matters to people so that you can engage them on that.
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I love Creativelive and I watch a lot of good classes, but this course is mind blowing, I can´t explain how much Tara makes me rethink my business, and how this class clears up what are the right things to do to grow my business. This is especially important as I am a sole propriator and at times I am just completely lost about what to do. I love love love this course, and to be honest, the course worths so much more than what it is priced. Thank you Tara and Creativelive!
It was a great experience, thank you Tara! I have watched and own other classes. This feels to me like some kind of broadening of knowledge every time with you. It has been very inspiring 3 days. My service is not a product yet but on the way to become. Great people in studio, too.
Gloria Roheim McRae
Ever wondered about the roadmap to creating VALUE in your products? This Creative Live houses that roadmap. I just finished three full days doing this training and can say that it's Tara's best yet, and that my business in 2016 will not be the same because of it. We will be better connected to our customers needs, we'll have content that transforms their lives (for free), and as business owners we now have the toolkit to sell our products more consistently. Thank you CL and Tara Gentile for this gift. You make small business dreams come true.
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