Identify What Your On-Boarding System Needs
Lesson 23 from: Turn Your Service Into a ProductTara McMullin

Identify What Your On-Boarding System Needs
Lesson 23 from: Turn Your Service Into a ProductTara McMullin
Lesson Info
23. Identify What Your On-Boarding System Needs
From Your Process To Your Product
1Class Introduction
07:39 2Change How You Think About Your Business
20:55 3The Profit in the Process
18:22 4What is an Asset?
21:10 5Set a Different Goal
34:13 6Name Your Unfair Advantage
40:58 7Document Your Client Intake Process
45:38Identifying What You're REALLY Selling
28:46 9Create Your Process Plan
43:58 10Apply Your Unfair Advantage
28:27Build to Sell
11Build to Sell
26:30 12Observe What Matters in Your Customer's World
42:16 13Identify & Engage the Opportunities
16:30 14Test Your Response
34:13 15Describe the Transformation
31:02 16Find & Test Your Key Insight
38:57 17Bulid to Sell (Part Deux)
45:15 18Price Your Product
1:00:15 19Make Your Offer
24:51Automate and Grow
20Gather Feedback
34:33 21Iterate, Reposition, Differentiate
25:18 22Create the Ideal Customer Experience
14:16 23Identify What Your On-Boarding System Needs
14:22 24Analyze System Needs & Solve Customer Problems
36:25 25Automate Your On-Boarding Process
27:08 26Get Attention
39:52 27Get Commitment
35:06 28Get Buy In
31:56 29Get the Sale
46:39Lesson Info
Identify What Your On-Boarding System Needs
We're going to start by identifying what your process needs you don't know what your people need you can't give it to them then we're going to analyze analyze is one of my favorite words we're going to analyze those needs and figure out how we can best meet them because remember it's not about getting people to a certain point by certain point in time it's about helping them to gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be able to do those things for themselves on their own time okay? And then the third thing is once we know what the process needs and how we're going to meet those needs, then we can assemble that all together into something that's going to be easy and effective some good ready gonna fist pump from corey we're good to go all right let's get into it so lesson twenty two is that first piece of the puzzle identifying what you're on boarding system needs so we've talked about how we want our customers to be successful because ultimately that's what creates a great customer...
experience right? If your customers can get the value if they can achieve and experience the transformation that you're promising that's what's going to make them feel like they got their money's worth right that's what's going to make them feel satisfied and so what we want to think about here in the first question we want to think about is what action do your customers need to take to be successful with what they've purchased? And there should be a space in your workbooks that you can start, you know, jotting some notes down about that? And I would love for you guys if you can think of some things, teo, shout them out, I'm going to give an example so you could be thinking, but you know that example is in quiet power strategy, we know that in order for people to be successful and get the most out of the experience, they need to do a few things they need to access the lesson materials they need to listen to them or read the transcripts they need to do the homework that one's important, they need to know how to ask questions and get support. They need to know how to go to terror, how to go to the strategist that they've been assigned to get their burning questions asked they need to know, uh, they need to know how to buy right that's the first action what action to your customers need to be successful with what they've purchased everyone should have the need to successfully complete purchase as one of those actions, whether it's clicking abi button or going through an application process those that's an action that someone needs to take in order to be successful with the product so I want to turn it over to you guys melissa what's an example you need to be confirmed on the email list perfect so I mean that's that's kind of what you need to do for them the action that they need to do is have a way to get communication from you right right right and your solution to that is going to be email and spoiler alert for later on we're going to talking about how email is a really really good way to do a lot of this stuff great any other examples michelle for me they need to take the fascination assessment perfect yeah that's that's information that is a vital part of your process on dh so you know that they need to that's something you can't do forthem no you need to take that I have a very personal can't do it for them maybe to take that action in order to ultimately be successful. Other examples most again they need thio join the facebook community the course is going to be on and if there the product that I'm making they will need to have something to create on so by a pack of artist trading cards for example so that one's interesting because that's not something that they can to immediately they actually have to go somewhere else lt's to be able to take that action and so that's something that could be a barrier teo to that success yeah for my seven day classes they kind of need to give themselves permission to take this time and maybe go out of their normal routine in order to get the most benefit from the experience. I like that one because the act of giving permission isn't something that they just do once and then they're done with right that's something that's an ongoing process or an ongoing part of the process does anyone else have an example of something that you might have to do more often? So in q p s they have to access the lesson they have to do that every week they can't just do that once and be done recurring stuff scheduling like scheduling their sessions rescheduling and if they need thio without emailing me twenty thousand times but yeah, the whole scheduling process khun b something that's they need to know how to dio I require my students to take pictures of their are they need a camera and they need a space to take pictures and so that's that's the second piece of this equation which is how often do they need to do these things? So how often do they need to take the fascination assessment? Well, ideally only once, although some troublemakers like me take it multiple times and sometimes get different results but that's because I'm like that but something like, you know, getting that confidence we're taking pictures or accessing course materials they might have to do more radio and so in your work but when you're thinking about what action they have to take and how frequently frequency khun b once it can be just kind of semi regularly it could be weekly it could be daily it could be something that's even more often than daily depending on what your product I mean think about social media and how often we are all checking our facebook and twitter that is a multiple times daily thing that we need to dio to take the best advantage of that product, right? We need to be logging in facebook probably at least weekly most of us are doing it multiple times daily in order to get the value out of that experience. So that's this first table that we've been working on here and it's a four column table we're going to come back and fill in the next two columns in the next lesson, okay? But basically this is the first half of figuring out what your system needs is figuring out what your customers need to do because you're the expert here this is kind of in that cell phone example this is you walking through those steps and saying, oh, you know need to do a first, then be then see, this is where you can map out what those stages are that they need to go through to be successful you can't predict how long it will take them but you can still outline what you think those steps are going to be and the frequency how often they're going to need to do that so I said that was the first half the second half is actually something that comes back to what we were talking about with michelle in the previous segment which was that people get stuck when they're using our products or way often see it with their services and that's actually really good indicator of where people are going to get stuck in our products is where have they been getting stock in our services because remember that curse of expertise were mostly gassing at this point we're mostly guessing about where people are going to get stuck when they use our product. You learn through experience though that people get stuck at certain points. So what was the example you gave earlier michelle of that my people always gets stuck in session three when they're creating the content where there in the thick of it and they're you know, marinating on ideas they tend to get frustrated because they're not in the progress they want to make they think it's a mess and that they're never going to get to where they need to go so that is there and it happens every single point in time or every single time tio various degrees cory, I know you and I have talked about it similar situation that in your think it's a content marketing course that you offer there's a point at which people just get stuck every single time and you told me if they could just get through that point things would be so much easier tell us a little bit about that yeah, sure we sow in the content marketing course we teach artists to start using email management systems and I usually recommend that they specifically sign it from male champ because in my mind that is the easiest email management system to sign up for but frequently artists will tell me I can't figure out how to sign up or after they sign up I can't figure out how to create my first list I can't figure out how to send an e mail I can't figure out howto format the email to send it doesn't look the way I want it to look etcetera, etcetera, etcetera on dh and even though I have in my course I have a list of the tutorials on male champs website that specifically show them how to do those things they still get hung up yeah on dh I haven't figured out, you know, maybe here you can help me figure out how to fix it maybe we will maybe oh yeah sounds like a mindset problem and not a technical problem yeah, yeah, I agree with that completely, um, a problem that we see in quite power strategy, actually, where people get stuck, they can't keep up with the homework or they think, to speak to mindset they think they can because they get into that customer perspective process, and then they get mired in, they sorta wallow in it right there all around in it because it's like a pig in the mud, it just feel so good. No, but I mean that's that's, where people get stuck and then whether it's just that life gets in the way or their business gets in the way or this is a challenging process and they feel like they can't move on or that it feels actually kind of good. And so well, if I can still keep working in dreamland, maybe I don't have to keep working on the real stuff, right? Keeping up with homework is a place that peop we'll tend to get stuck in the quiet power strategy program, and we know that if they keep moving forward, they will get the results but that's a barrier too, in their minds, even if it's not a literal barrier that's a barrier to be able to getting those ultimate results in an ultimate value in transformation. So this is going to be the next table that we're working on here and it's just two columns again, we're going to fill in the second column in step two when we do our analysis, but what we want to think about here is, where are people going to get stuck as they use your product? We've heard from a couple people who've experienced this where they've got had customers getting stuck before anyone else have any ideas of where someone? Yeah, my creative sandbox wantto one course right in the middle of the course, there's always a huge proportion of people who just go straight dive straight into the comparison trap and say, oh, my god, everybody's work is so much better than mine, and they start to shut down. And so I created a video just specifically addressing that and I hear over and over again that that is what enabled them to keep going. It's actually something that we did in in q p s I had taken q p s previously and I actually wrote a letter to the new people coming in saying this is gonna get hard. You're going to get stuck in these places, here's what to expect this is normal. We can help you move through it. I think I saw your hand up so I have this place that would never throw out my process. I try to encourage people to just make something haven't created a while you just need to start. I try to give them some tools to get started a direction to go but they're like but I have to organize every big first and so I talked him around that through okay, can you clear a space of this size on your desk and literally ignore the rest so you can create something or even remove yourself to a different space so that you could actually focus and create something and set that huge task aside for later? Yeah, I like how you give specific boundaries to that. One of my favorite sayings is that boundaries create flexibility and so when you can create boundaries that's part of what the on boarding process is when we talked about not overwhelming and giving people confidence part of where that comes from is by creating boundaries and constraints so that our customers know how far to the edges to goa to be able to get the most out of the experience theirs there was actually a study done where they had a group of researchers to a bunch of kids to a playground on it was, you know, one of those city block park type of things they took the kids to the playground and said, hey, kids, go play just, you know, run around, play tag go you know how fun and the kids pretty much all kind of state together in the middle of the playground, and then they took the group of kids to another park in the city and both the same size, nothing to different except that this one had a fence around it and they told the kids, hey, go play exactly the same message, and this time the kids went all the way around the corners of the park they went all the way to, you know, the far corner to the fence, playing tag, screaming, yelling, doing all the kid stuff that kids do when they're playing, because boundaries create flexibility constraints help people to know where they can safely go and where they can safely explore. And so part of what we're doing when we're talking about where are people going to get stuck is sometimes the key is to unlock boundaries, but the mindset problem right? Then we want to make it easier, but sometimes what we wanted teo to help people get unstuck is to make it smaller, less intimidating and that's the example to clear a smaller space so when we think about as we move into the next lesson where we're going to be analyzing these needs that's. What we want to start thinking about is, how can we start to put in boundaries? That will help our people move through this process and give them that deep breath, feeling like they're being taken care off.
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I love Creativelive and I watch a lot of good classes, but this course is mind blowing, I can´t explain how much Tara makes me rethink my business, and how this class clears up what are the right things to do to grow my business. This is especially important as I am a sole propriator and at times I am just completely lost about what to do. I love love love this course, and to be honest, the course worths so much more than what it is priced. Thank you Tara and Creativelive!
It was a great experience, thank you Tara! I have watched and own other classes. This feels to me like some kind of broadening of knowledge every time with you. It has been very inspiring 3 days. My service is not a product yet but on the way to become. Great people in studio, too.
Gloria Roheim McRae
Ever wondered about the roadmap to creating VALUE in your products? This Creative Live houses that roadmap. I just finished three full days doing this training and can say that it's Tara's best yet, and that my business in 2016 will not be the same because of it. We will be better connected to our customers needs, we'll have content that transforms their lives (for free), and as business owners we now have the toolkit to sell our products more consistently. Thank you CL and Tara Gentile for this gift. You make small business dreams come true.
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