From Your Process To Your Product
1Class Introduction
07:39 2Change How You Think About Your Business
20:55 3The Profit in the Process
18:22 4What is an Asset?
21:10 5Set a Different Goal
34:13 6Name Your Unfair Advantage
40:58 7Document Your Client Intake Process
45:38Identifying What You're REALLY Selling
28:46 9Create Your Process Plan
43:58 10Apply Your Unfair Advantage
28:27Build to Sell
11Build to Sell
26:30 12Observe What Matters in Your Customer's World
42:16 13Identify & Engage the Opportunities
16:30 14Test Your Response
34:13 15Describe the Transformation
31:02 16Find & Test Your Key Insight
38:57 17Bulid to Sell (Part Deux)
45:15 18Price Your Product
1:00:15 19Make Your Offer
24:51Automate and Grow
20Gather Feedback
34:33 21Iterate, Reposition, Differentiate
25:18 22Create the Ideal Customer Experience
14:16 23Identify What Your On-Boarding System Needs
14:22 24Analyze System Needs & Solve Customer Problems
36:25 25Automate Your On-Boarding Process
27:08 26Get Attention
39:52 27Get Commitment
35:06 28Get Buy In
31:56 29Get the Sale
46:39Lesson Info
Create Your Process Plan
We're about teo really uncover unlock this process that you have behind the service that you offer, and we're going to turn that into a step bye step process plan. So in two lessons previously, we heard from natasha about exactly how you kind of work through what it is that you do start with the starting point and with the ending point and then look for all the milestones in between, uh, so instead of really talking through that again, what we're going to do in this lesson lesson, a creative process plan is work with at least one of our students on what that looks like for them, because to find the seat of your product, you have to create the step by step process plan that's going to really show you exactly where you can start building something and then in less than nine. So in our next lesson, we're going to look at how to apply your unfair advantage to that so you can make it uniquely your businesses product. We heard at the end of the last lesson how someone had finally realised th...
at they could sell something in a very crowded market, they could offer something that many other people are offering, but they could really make it their own that's, where we're going to end today's lessons. So again to find the seat of your product you need to create a step by step process plan for how you deliver your service and how you get results so we're going to cut right tio doing the start to finish if you don't turn up you know if you don't want to follow along with me I dare you right now to do this for yourself that way you don't have any homework after this lesson but you know if you want a little hand holding follow along and then just repeat the process for yourself so melissa I'm actually gonna ask you to come up I made a change to what I thought I was going to be doing because at the end of the last lesson you were talking about how you realized you've got actually got all these little processes involved in how you have gotten the results for yourself so again tell us who you are where we can find you online and then refresh our memory about what those results are that you're helping people change my name is melissa did woody you confined me at melissa did woody dot com e I n w e d d I e com I am an artist happiness catalyst and creativity instigator and I am on a mission to help people turn their creative taps to the on position so they can live really happy full color lives okay so you had mentioned that you realize that you actually had a lot of different processes in place because this is something you have done for yourself yeah well and this is something that I feel like I need to go home and spend a lot of time journaling good back in the history of s I was talking with rebecca in the break room that I mean if you go back far enough I was struggling with eating disorders I was really a miserable person well walking around the state of sort of low grade misery like black white and gray um did not think of myself as a creative person at all and spent a lot of years really feeling quite lost and looking teo fill up try to find happiness through you know buying things consumerism um changing my body trying to starve myself things like that and today I I think I love my life well you do so much I mean you're on artist your creativity coach you do improv do improv I'm a singer songwriter I um a touring musician I make stop motion animation sze I write I do a lot of things and I don't do them all at the same time but yeah and I had to I had to come to terms with the fact that I am not wired too the specialists and stick with one thing and become the best at that one thing that I have a really broad wide array of interests and that that's okay that fully awesome way to be but it poses its own unique challenges so I had to learn how to sort of dance with those challenges I've had to learn howto get past all the self doubt and the resistance and fear fear of criticism I mean all the stuff that gets in the way of first of all sitting down to do something creative and then sharing it with the world which is another piece of the process yeah yes this is I think this is a fantastic example because I'm sure there are lots of other multi multi passionate people out there and I think multi passionate people get especially stuck when it comes to focusing on what they could turn into a product but they have this deep desire because they're multi passionate people to put these things out into the world and so what we're going to uncover for you is the service essentially that you've done for yourself not just the service that you offer to other people this isn't about turning improv into a product is not about turning being a touring musician into a product it's not really even about turning creativity coaching into a product it's about understanding this service that you've done for yourself that created this transformation which is a service that you've certainly used with other people in terms of coaching and courses and education and experience is is in the past but I think this gives us a really way to focus on what the actual process is behind it yeah yeah yeah okay so let's start exactly with what natasha said which was if which is outlining the starting point and outlining the end points you've already given us the starting point so that starting point is low grade misery ok, which is perfect now one caveat that I'm going to give is that I would actually write down if we were coaching together you and I or if I was having you do this exercise for homework I would be writing down a lot more stuff so I don't want your notes toe look like my notes but I only have so much room to write on andi it gets really messy and also boring if you're just watching me right so what I'm what I'm going to do now is ask melissa what low grade misery looks like again and normally I would write those things down I don't have room to capture them all but I just wanted to make that caveat that when you're doing this I want you to get as detailed as humanly possible because those details tell a story that actually helps you create leverage it seems counterintuitive but it's hugely important so what again this low grade misery look like so it looks like waking up in the morning another day um it looks like um not not feeling like you have much to look forward to um seeking happiness and things that are are superficial fixes like appearance um buying stuff um maybe going on expensive vacations trying to fill time with things that you you know you think you're going to make you happy but are not actually feeding you. Yeah, okay. And what is what was the breaking point for you? When did you decide what was the catalyst for deciding to make a change? Uh, well, there were a number of them um most recently it was after building up a business as an artist and on lee doing art for clients for over a decade and totally burning out. Okay? And I really I had a hit bottom moment that I wrote about on cory spock's actually and realizing that my life didn't have to be this way ok, this's a really important question to be this way because contrary to what we would prefer, our clients are potential customers don't sit around thinking about reasons to buy from you write what happens is there's some sort of braking point there's a realization there is ah point of curiosity that happens that introduces them to the idea that I should find some help with this and so that where where people start from question is super important and the next question has to be why did they go looking to buy a solution? What is it that happens that catalyze is that action okay? So that's really, really, really, really important it's really important you have to know one reason or ten different reasons that action that that action gets catalyzed I'm gonna go look for help it's actually why we started the class with talking about burnout because burnout just like with you is the thing that catalyze is people to make a change in how they create deliver an exchange value in their businesses that's how they decide to revolutionize the way their businesses make money they get burned out or they feel on the verge of burnout and there's all sorts of different realizations that can happen there I just can't take on another client or I just I want more out of my business my family never sees me I mean my schedule back I need my calendar back I needed to have space in it again right? And so these are all the different things that they say that relate to this this point of burnout but that's what makes them go looking for a solution? So we started the class that way because that's why you're here right? You're tired of operating on the point on the verge of burnout when you know what catalyze is that action you can use it to your advantage and all sorts of different ways I mean, one thing you could take this out of your process and just create a solution for burn out if you wanted to write how to take your life back and avoid burnout with melissa den witty like that could be all sing in it of itself. But even if it's not the thing it's always going to be the thing that helps them get to the next place, right and so it's a place for you to start a sales conversation it's a place for you to start a marketing conversation it's a place for you, teo uh, kind of create a context for whatever other solution you're tryingto offer makes sense? Absolutely okay, so what happened next? You were burnt out what didyou dio I said to myself, life doesn't have to be this way I don't have to walk around with this identity as a ca tuba artist who does jazz singing on the side I, um I want to live the life that I really, really want okay, which I now refer to as a full color life, but I don't really know what that looks like, so I'm gonna have tio do some processing to figure out what that looks like for me what that means, so that was that like some soul searching as it research it was soul searching was a lot of journaling yeah soul searching is a really great okay uh was there a particular question that you ask yourself um or what were some of the questions the questions were what what do I want my life to look like? Okay, obviously it's not this so what? What is it and what are my what are the pillars of my happiness pillars of happiness even exercise called pillars of happiness I will soon yeah looks like a great problem right back done. We're done goodbye. Okay, perfect. Uh, yeah, anything else? Any other questions? You know you were asking herself? Well, I remember I was looking at other people who I remember like this one moment where somebody had sent me a link to somebody's blawg, a very famous blogged with the case study of somebody who was achieving great success as a kid, tuba artists and about to leave her full time job and I remember experiencing the most extreme envy, but I didn't understand it because I didn't want to be a tuba artist full time anymore. Okay, so that could be a really great exercise is to notice because so what I had to think about what am I and what am I really envy is right and what I was really envying was that this person I was really happy with what she was doing and really felt in alignment with you know her pain she was on her path and she was achieving great success on her path and that's what I wanted I didn't want I didn't want all the acclaim around being a tuba artist that she had achieved because that wasn't where I wanted to continue my path to go you know but that was a really important moment for me because I spent like three days consumed with envy and I didn't understand why interesting interesting yeah I I love all three of these things they look like all three really great exercises what does happiness really look like or what does what does the life that you want really look like what are the details of it what are the stories that are playing out what air your pillars of happiness and where does that where does your envy come from? I think that's envy is often a catalyzing thing for us because we can really start to realise way the second something's something's off here they have what I want and I didn't even know I wanted it right that's really really really cool good all right was there any other soul searching or did you kind of move on toe action that um I think I I was starting to move on to action what was the first action you took? Probably the first thing I did was uh I started a blogged and I used that quite intentionally as to continue this soul searching okay was ah way to process my journey okay for myself to chart it and and I knew because I because I knew that one of my pillars of happiness was making a difference for other people I knew that I hoped that it would be useful for other people since I had no readers at the time nobody knew about right right I knew that it really wasn't yet but I I hoped that it would be ok so this could be like a natural next step like maybe everyone who goes through your process starts a blogged or maybe they look at their pillars of happiness and say what is one of those pillars of happiness that I could act on now and what does that look like right so creating action from pillars bad notes but you got it so yes I'm gonna I added this little arrow over here too because I think that's an important part is you connected one of these exercises to this next piece of the puzzle what did you do next? I started uh just I dove into the blogosphere to see I knew that I wanted to somehow turn this into an income for myself so I have no idea how that was going to work so I dove in to the blogosphere to see how people were doing that found role models is that when you join the third tribes yeah it would have been around that time that's why melissa and I first met a very long time so I started looking for role models and also teachers research people who could teach me exciting really? You know I run a business but I really knew nothing about this yeah okay um do you think that that's probably a an integral step in the process of role models this huge it well and teachers teo yeah, but definitely and I've included that a lot in messaging great importance of role models sweet okay, perfect and community yeah okay you know, let me add that to what did you do next? Um you know, I I started interviewing creative people who were making a living from their creative thing okay, so I started gathering more data and and um each time I would do an interview I would you know, make assess what it what I like about what what do I want to take away from what they're doing what I want to steal from down, huh? What do I want a copy and emulate and what what is you know great for them but of no interest to me so is very analytical about it. Cool awesome. I love that that probably kind of ties back into the envy exercise two and looking at this object looking at these people in their lives objectively and figuring out how you could take action to recreate the parts that you want and you know lose the party you don't because unnecessary okay what did you do next um then I took some some classes and did some reading around areas where I had some big struggles like okay so I learned how to deal with self doubt I learned how to deal with candling criticism I learned howto lean into fear and not let it stop me I learned how to this was huge how to detach myself from the need for external validation okay and really connect with my own north sorrow and my own you know, desires er rather than what the culture said that I should do or would make me happy or whatever okay so I did a lot I guess it's more yeah more learning and we're learning yeah but you had specific topic areas and would you say that other people that you've worked with also need to do work in those specific topic oh my god yeah I mean this is the stuff I t right right right yeah absolutely totally what's next um so I I have to I have to kind of assessment you know like adjust my thinking about it because because I'm not teaching people how I'm not interested in teaching people how to run a business and you build a business I'm teaching I'm interested in teaching people how to get to that place of moral likeness so um I think along with all of this was figuring out how to create the space this space in the time like jennifer, too, like, really, I had had a huge realization moment, actually when I was interviewing an artist who works with other artists, and she tells her mentees, if you can't put fifteen minutes a day into your art, you're making an excuse, and she wasn't talking to me. She was talking about what she was saying from ryan's, but it was her that way. I I gave myself a challenge, yeah, to put fifteen minutes a day into my art every single day for that month, which stretched out into, um, and the rest of that year and I made one hundred and fifty finished pieces of art, which was more than I had made in the previous decade. Um, so making the space in the time for my art, figuring out how to how to clear that space, which required me to get clear on where I was putting my time, huh, and how to offload the stuff that didn't need to happen, that I was taking on us out of a sense of obligation, um, you know, all the ways that we fill up our schedules, I had to really do a lot of assessing around that okay, so what I'm hearing here cause you mentioned about like I have to detach myself from helping people build a business that's what I did that's not what I wanted to help people dio what I heard there is that you did this thing because of a goal that you had and that that goal came from your pillars of happiness yes child it's absolutely okay cool so you find the fifteen minutes per day because of a goal that you have you find clarity on what's really happening and what changes you need to make because of a goal that you have right yeah and that that goal comes directly out of this sounds like a foundational exercise the pillars of happiness totally cool what did you do next? It's hard hard to think of it is linear because it wasn't all of course it was cornea and and this is going to be a bit of a reductive exercise, right? You're going to break something down into a step by step plan that no does not actually have a step by step plan to it just do it I don't know I don't know that I have more advice than that yeah, okay, so one of the other really big things I did was I worked on incorporating self compassion, okay? And I mean I'm not the only person who coined this term, but I am embraced imperfection is, um, like he intentionally took that on as a practice because I am such a hardcore dyed in the wool perfectionist, and it was only bringing me misery. So I determined to practice the opposite and get really intentional about it. And that includes a lot of body image stuff. Okay, a lot of like I wrote a song a satirical songs about, you know, every woman's desire to lose that last five pounds, right? Which was a message that I needed to hear. So, which, you know, like, I'm thinking about you that would be such a fun exercise to give people teo, make some creative thing around whatever the messages that they want to hear. Yeah. And in fact, the art that I was creating was all messages on the calligrapher so's incorporating words, and it was all messages that I needed. Okay, this's, insanely exciting e that sweet. Okay, what happened next? Uh, I all along through this I was I got more intentional about sharing my process, sharing my work, sharing my imperfectly creations and writing and thinking and all of that, which was also a practice. One of things I did was I took on a year long practice of writing, uh, writing practice of filling up, filling up a three by five card to a one word prompt so many tiny daily writing practice and posting it every single day on my block and in a newsletter to people who wanted to receive it bribers as a way to desensitize myself to putting in perfect stuff out in the world sweet eso sharing has come up a couple times now you talked about writing a blogger and that sharing it's actually part oh are impacting other people is part of your pillars of happiness do you think sharing is an integral part of your process or isn't an expendable product for prom? No, I think it's for me it's absolutely integral and it's one of the things that with my community of people that I work with um I gently and not sometimes not so gently encourage them to start sharing because it's been so transformative for me yeah, okay, so it sounds like your process is geared to people who are at the very least willing to share in a safe space of a community within your world and at the very best share with the whole world the process that they're going through yeah that's a non negotiable for your customers um well, I mean, if I'm putting it out in a book then they can do whatever they want with it but I but I think that's a critical part of of living in a full color life like truly you know, to its degree, yeah, because it's probably it's, not just sharing, but it's also connecting and connecting with other people is yeah, part of my message is that when you create, you're not just being a painter or a writer or a musician, you're actually a creative world changer. You're changing the world and one of the ways that you do that is through sharing. And if you don't share your work, it's not going to touch anybody. Yeah, yeah, absolutely, absolutely. All right. What did you do next, boy? I'm trying to tease out like what I did next for me and what I did next in terms of, like, I mean it's okay, you can tell me just what you did next for you, and then we'll figure out how that fits into the process. Okay, so well, I I always wanted teo lied. Creativity retreats. I co taught one in istanbul in two thousand. Yeah, well, and I done for three years now. I've led one locally myself. So that was like putting myself out there more and going after a big dream. So I guess and, you know, like, I started more recently, but I started playing house concerts, which had also been a big dream of mine. And spoke on you know did some public speaking which is also like that's my chief initiative friend yeah that's been a big dream of mine so started putting myself out there in bigger ways and going after bigger dreams okay um okay so more action uh more goal oriented action yes yes okay, yeah also um figured out a lot of a sort of productivity like how to get how to get myself to do the things how to get myself to do all the things on you know figured out what those they're essentially six um elements air pillars what they are and how to incorporate them into my life to get me to do things okay, so are they six elements of creative productivity? Yes, that also sounds like a phenomenal exercise. I just did that as webinar recent good. Okay, great. Okay, cool um s keys for eliminating procrastination and unlocking massive productivity perfects perfect. Okay, so one thing that I said we were going to do is tell do exactly what natasha's told us to do which I did not d'oh which was to ask you what the endpoint wass and we're running out of paper here so even if even if we're not at the complete endpoint, how about you give me what the endpoint is and then give me one more action that connects twelve to that point so what's the end point the end point is waking up every day and you know, like it's going to rain today that I'm making time to do things that I love to do not necessarily that are going to make me any money mean something might but they they don't have to but doing them because I deserve it and because it feeds me and it makes me happy and gives me more patients intolerance for all the slings and arrows of daily life and um life is great I love my life basically thats the end point that's fantastic loving life okay, um and I think I don't this might be a nice transition or whatever is part of the process is continual assessing weiqing continual assessing and tweaking I love that. Um okay, one of the things uh also is creating a morning ritual changing my sleep habits I mean, there were lots of changes in my life that happened that could be added to that. Yeah, yeah, totally. Andi, I think you know number eleven goal oriented action you know encompasses lots of that. How do you choose the thing that you want to work towards next you are you know, you choose the thing that you want to work towards next and then you make the changes you act on that in lots of different ways some of those could be ritual based and some of those are going to be no, I'm going to do this thing that I've never done before based, like going on a house concert tour, right? Yeah, although you could see that his ritual too, you would use a gory into rituals is something that's important. Teo that works. You don't need that down, just in case we'll give us see that, um, okay, so there's, so many different things that we could do with this. But you know what? One thing that we're looking for is this focal point that we can use to really start building a product from you absolutely could take this whole process and turn it into, you know, a year long mastermind program, your long creative mentorship program, if you wanted teo, um and I think that that could work, I think there's actually better stuff in this I think this pillars of happiness exercise sounds amazing sounds like it could totally stand on its own sounds like it could be a book in and of itself or I think this could be a foundational exercise into, you know, maybe a couple of different, you know, we take out, maybe say, two to four, you know, and we make is that a particular product that you're offering? Another thing that I see here too is an opportunity to create lots of different revenue streams for from the same pieces of the process, which is something we've wasn't planning on talking about that during this class but it's something that's come up a couple times today with a bunch of different people you know? So this obviously so going from burnout two soul searching and journaling to taking a single action on a particular goal from your pillars of happiness to me this this feels like a really good chunk of your process to focus on and I think that you can still bring in that analytical piece which I want to come back to you in just a little bit, but I think that this is a really it feels like it's got a start point at an end point that it has a goal to it that the goal is not only the goal that you are supplying to your customers but the goal that they can put themselves into like they can say, oh, we're working towards a goal my goal is right and they can fill that in and, you know, on your sales coffee that might look like, you know, clients customers in my program have worked towards goals like, you know, going on house tours or house concert tours, starting a blogged writing a book, all of these different action item goals that they could have right and so that helps people see how your product helps them accomplish what they want to accomplish, which we've talked about already today. Um yeah, so uh but I also see other pieces. So I mentioned that analytical piece that's that's scientific analytical approach that you bring that that is your unfair advantage to this, you know, kind of creative, almost touchy feely kind of of product or world and there's a lot, especially on the second page there's a lot of very scientific analytical pieces, whether it's, you know, finding that fifteen minutes a day and really breaking down what's going on for you now and what what changes you need had to make to this imperfection is amiss practice and making sure that you're analyzing all of the opportunities you have to live in beautiful imperfection all the time or whether it's this really great exercise with the three by five were card one word prompt piece this could be I mean, this could be a product in and of itself you could develop. This could be a physical product. This could be something where you put together a deck of notecards that have these one word prompts and a little workbook that goes with it it's like this is how this is one way that you could begin to live the gifts of imperfection and, you know, create a hashtag for it and asked people to take photos of it on instagram hashtag that this could be an amazing product like this it could be a product you could see in target or on I'm trying to think of like a great gift shop, but gift shops don't really exist anymore you know homer could sell that, for instance or, you know, your neighborhood boutique that could be a great gift I could see chronicle publishing something like that, right? Or you could do it yourself there's plenty of resource is for doing it yourself is well, um, this continually assessing and tweaking that's something where I'm sure if you unpacked this a little bit there's obviously there's little there's actual processes that you're using within that as well that could be maybe that's a retreat that you d'oh or it's another course that you do that you sells specifically to people who've already been through these other products because this this is really interesting cory was talking about the customer journey and the customer lifecycle this is not just a process for service delivery or life change, but it's also this this could just as easily be your whole customer journey to and so that means there's multiple products within that that all lend themselves to the next one, some of them with marketing built right into it I don't want to get too carried away. What questions do you have about this? Ah my head is just sort of exploding I don't know that I have any questions is amazing. Okay, um what do you feeling? Because one of our goals for the end of lessons eight and nine is identifying what you want to work on for the rest of this class. So in lessons ten through nineteen we're going to go through a thirteen step process of building a product that's designed to sell based on this process plan right now what do you think? Where do you want to start? Because you khun start anywhere. Yeah um either the two through four or that three but the little three by five okay inspired product what do you guys think? What do you most drawn tio okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, I think that would be cool. I mean, because you could start that this could start, you know, it could easily start a something digital obviously could be a list building thing that you run honestly, it could be on e mail course it could be lots of different things in addition to something that you might be able to turn into a physical product of the point you mean interest in doing that? Yeah, okay, cool, yeah, I just I think there's so there's so much in here and so do you guys see how this process plan allows us to create not just one revenue potential revenue stream but man there's probably at least ten different revenue streams in here because all of these things that you could also sell in different ways too so you know two through four could be on online course they could be a one day coaching program it could be ah one day workshop with a group it could be a retreat it could be a conference it'll be so many different things and you can actually you khun sell all of them if you want teo because they're all going to impact people in different ways and you know let's say you write a book on all of this the people who read the book are going to want to come to the one day workshop right? And then when you bring other people into it and you have a conference where there aren't conference or a summit about it they're going to want to come to that too and they were going to be willing tio invest with you in all of those different revenue streams just from this one part of your process yeah yeah cory eyes creating a business essentially for people like her like she is her own customer avatar right so if if I am not my own customer avatar for example this process comes out of all the research that we did with our through our email in our customer responses and everything yeah it's it's the process that you want clients through step by step and so you mentioned earlier that often your clients have a lot of different goals stay right there by the way, franco anywhere uh you're when you're oneto one clients come to you there's a number of different goals they have what I would do is actually stay dring those people together into one customer journey which it sounds like what you're doing on dh then look at your process actually from start to complete finish so what does it take to move someone from someone who does art on the side and sells at a couple shows per year to someone that is a full time artist and you can use different clients to fill in different pieces of that puzzle? Okay, yeah, I mean that's what I do too I mean part of my process is what I did for myself but most of it was the process that I did with with clients on dh so I did the exact same thing where they where do they come to me from what's the point that makes them reach out ah water all the steps that help them get to the goal that we've identified at the beginning, okay, um questions about how you would create your process plan rebecca it's circling back to our conversation earlier than so for my intake process known we're finding that part of what I do initially and rising as I build trust I help them understand that they're not alone in their struggle and I validate their struggle and weapon oh, there is hope, relief and change and I obviously I distill that into more concrete thing. Is that the right track? Yes, but I want you to do exactly what I did with melissa, which is what are the questions that you ask? What do the exercises that you d'oh? What does the research look like? How do you distill things down into more concrete forms? Really? Ask yourself how why that was another thing when you were trying to figure out the difference between what you did and the process that you need to use with other people. I said, just stick with what you did the question that you then want to ask is why? So you, uh you know, you started a business or you the research you did was researching creative businesses. Why? Well, the research and finding role models and teachers and community was what was important, right? And so if you ever get down to that sticky point, well, it looks like this is really specific just to this client or this is really specific just to me ask yourself why why did I do that? Why was that the next step? Because that why is the answer than the why is the actual next to step not the actual none of space civic thing that you did and then you also start to get into this kind of language that you can use teo not only explain what you do but to really differentiate yourself, so we've talked about your unfair advantage and that's where we're going to head in a minute, which is why you're not gonna go anywhere. But we've talked about your unfair advantage being this mix of the creative and the practical or the creative in the scientific or the creative in the analytical and that's good and we want other ways to talk about that too, because you're unfair advantage you wantto leave through your business and as many different ways as possible and so you want is much language as you can to talk about that and so that's why I was coming back to goal oriented action and goal oriented rituals goal oriented creativity you were in bed bill to stand out business so you know that sounds an awful lot like an anthem which is kind of where I was going with that but that's something that you that you can say to his goal orientation is a very kind of left brain analytical kind of thing and then if we mix that with the right brained things, so you can say, you know, I'm melissa did winnie and I used a goal oriented creativity to help people go from lives of low grade misery two lives that they're living in full color, like, yeah, that's, hot, that's hot and you can apply that to all the different products that you pull out all the different revenue streams that you're looking at. Where's, the goal orientation and where's the creative piece, everything should have both of those parts to it makes sense. Yeah, cool, because that's, how we're going to leave everything together than any other questions. So of course I'm like all the ideas and the whole world are coming into my head that I could write down into this saying and systematize and I'm really excited. So how do you like, how much should you put into your product? And how do you figure out, like what you can leaving? Because you like all of your ideas, I suffer from the same problem my client suffer from. So yeah, so some of that we're going to talk about when we talk about the minimum viable product. Okay, I think in instead of thinking about how much you should include right now I just want you to think about where you gotta focus because in our lessons ten through nineteen, we're going to switch this around, and instead of talking about product of element, we're going to talk about marketing. I bet you didn't know this was actually a marketing course that's whatthe product development has to happen at the same time is marketing development. If it doesn't, you can't sell what it is that you're building, how many of you have gotten to the point where you're like, yes, I'm done with this thing. Oh, crap, I don't know how to sell it or you sit down to write the sales page and you're like, I have no idea why someone would buy this right now. You're talking right now, but I know I get this question all the time, so I just want you to create a focal point right now. I want you to know where in your process you want to focus on first, okay? And then in lessons ten through nineteen, no, we're going to switch it around and ask, you know, why wouldn't someone by this and what would they hope to achieve with it? And then when you ask those two questions, then you can take a look back at that focal point again and say, what are the expendable parts? And what are the integral parts? What are the things that this has to include to create the results that I want to create, the transformation that I want on dh? And how can I represent that in a format that makes a lot of sense to both myself and the people who are buying it? Okay, yeah, so I'm sure other people have that question as well. Jennifer, I just wanted to share my kind of backwards perspective, a service provider first. So in working with you, I came to the point where I understood what my process wass I'd created planning products, I created classes on organization, I have a membership community, which offers tools for accomplishing your creative goals, and I finally figured out that my processes this three step method of planned, organized and create and that I could lead people through that on a seasonal basis so they can kind of reset and realign with their kind of creative priorities in their life priorities to make it all happen. And so they could feel like they can have that me time. Yeah, and so now you've got this incredible way to talk about what you d'oh too, and all of that is related to your unfair advantage.
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I love Creativelive and I watch a lot of good classes, but this course is mind blowing, I can´t explain how much Tara makes me rethink my business, and how this class clears up what are the right things to do to grow my business. This is especially important as I am a sole propriator and at times I am just completely lost about what to do. I love love love this course, and to be honest, the course worths so much more than what it is priced. Thank you Tara and Creativelive!
It was a great experience, thank you Tara! I have watched and own other classes. This feels to me like some kind of broadening of knowledge every time with you. It has been very inspiring 3 days. My service is not a product yet but on the way to become. Great people in studio, too.
Gloria Roheim McRae
Ever wondered about the roadmap to creating VALUE in your products? This Creative Live houses that roadmap. I just finished three full days doing this training and can say that it's Tara's best yet, and that my business in 2016 will not be the same because of it. We will be better connected to our customers needs, we'll have content that transforms their lives (for free), and as business owners we now have the toolkit to sell our products more consistently. Thank you CL and Tara Gentile for this gift. You make small business dreams come true.