Introduction to Workshop
04:30 2The Anatomy of a First Impression
15:24 3The Truth About Online Business
06:17 4Etsy is a Tool For Your Business
10:30 5What is Shop Cohesion?
11:56 6Common Etsy Mistakes to Avoid
13:52 7Product Photography Overview
46:09 8Your Product Photography Checklist
02:58How to List Titles Properly
12:37 10Shop Cohesion Checklist
05:39 11Examples of Best-Selling Etsy Shops
22:32 12Get Your Shop Found On Etsy with Tim Adam
13:21 13Etsy Shop Critiques with Lisa and Tim
1:00:15 14The Etsy Buying Process
07:42 15Copywriting for Etsy
15:56 16Find Your Ideal Customer
13:11 17How to Stand Out On Etsy
09:04 18Find New Customers For Your Etsy Shop
20:29 19Intro To "Market Your Etsy Shop"
05:37 20The Etsy Marketing That Matters
12:56 21The Etsy Marketing System
26:44 22Your Etsy Sales Funnel
09:48 23Gain Exposure For Your Etsy Shop
21:54 24Why You Should Create A Marketing Goal
08:39 25What Should Be In Your Etsy Marketing Strategy?
04:18 26Build An Etsy Marketing Calendar
25:38 27Examples of Etsy Marketing Strategies
20:18 28A Facebook Strategy That Works
10:29 29How to Go From 0 to 30k on Instagram w/ Kara Benz
53:21 30Etsy Marketing Review
05:59 31Build Your Own Etsy Marketing Campaign
15:12 32Marketing Plans That Won
16:35 33Boost Your Marketing With Paid Advertsing
17:59 34Advertise Your Etsy Shop
11:48 35When to Add Advertising
13:47 36Build An Ad Strategy
11:17 37What Type of Ad Should You Run?
31:44 38Create Your First Ad Campaign
08:04 39How to Ride a Trend
10:05 40How to Write An Ad
07:06 41Attract the Right Customers
04:51 42Set Your Advertising Budget
11:54 43Example of An Ad Campaign That Won
25:06Lesson Info
Copywriting for Etsy
So, a last step to a perfect storefront is copywriting. Copywriting is a sales conversation and it includes a direct request and it's often more persuasive than other online writing. It's persuasive, but at the same time, it's still casual. It's still personal and friendly and it's very welcoming. It would be equivalent in a store front: "Would you like to try that on?" "Is there anything else I can help with?" Type of, moving the buyer through to checkout. It's written specifically to help the buyer decide; to encourage them to check out and to keep them moving through and to become actual customers for your shop. When the customer is reading your listing, again, it's as if they're in the store physically handling the product and they're either going to add it to their shopping cart or put it back. It's step four of only a five step buying process. This is an exercise that you can do right now to determine if your copywriting needs work. Now, of the industry conversion rate for online...
sales is a very low, two to 3%. And those are very good numbers. So you can expect 2% of your traffic to actually make a sale. We talked a lot about the truth of online business and that's why I love these numbers. This is a very low conversion rate. And it's naturally low. And if you can say that your conversion rate is 2% you actually have a really strong placement and you have very strong copywriting. So, just to give you an idea of how that figure converts. If you want make two sales, you wanna make sure you have offered it to 100 people. So, I'm gonna say that again because that's important to know, 'cause we're always looking for more sales. And so I wanna make two sales. I have to make sure 100 people have seen that offer in order to guarantee and hope for those two sales. If sometimes we're dreaming big and we say we're gonna have a sale or something like that, and in one of my examples, I have that I wanna make 150 sales. Well, if I wanna make 100 sales, I have to show that offer to 5,000 people. That's how those numbers get bigger. If I wanna make 100 sales I have to work to market my product in front of 5,000 people. So, the exercise you can do, pull up your most popular product and look at the number of views it had in the last 30 days and then you're going to multiply those views by . to calculate 2% and then you wanna compare the sum to the of sales that you actually have, that you've converted. And this offers you again, a realistic idea of the number of views. People are saying: "I'm getting a lot of views, "but I'm not getting any sales." And this gives you a realistic idea of really how many views you need to get when you're asking for those sales. And if you're pulling this up and your products aren't converting, that means your copywriting needs work. So the whole point of copywriting is to move the buyer through that buying process. And that is a lot of movement. It's a complex technique and I spend an entire day teaching all about copywriting in a class called Copywriting For Crafters, right here on Creative Live. I'm gonna take some key points because you need copywriting to have a selling storefront. One of the biggest mistakes that sellers make is writing from their own perspective. So, I'm gonna pull your average listing up here. This is a mock listing, but I'm putting your average listing up on the screen. And as you can see, it's not awful. It's intelligent enough. It's grammatically correct. It's written well. We see listing like this all the time. This is very common. This wouldn't shock you if you saw this in somebody's product listing. In fact, the majority of product listings look like this right now. And this listing says: "I sewed these toy owls from cotton fabric "and then hand-embroidered the felt details." Which is, that's fine. There's nothing offensive about it. If you were shopping, it wouldn't stand out as anything offensive. You really wouldn't think, if I was the buyer and I saw that, I'd be like: "Okay, you sewed cotton owls." However, what if I took a picture and I used that 50 millimeter lens that I referred to earlier, where there's gonna be a focal point of the picture and everything behind it is gonna blur. What's the focus here? I sewed these toy owls from cotton fabric, pay attention to the mental imagery you're pulling up; the visual imagery. I sewed these toy owls from cotton fabric and then hand-embroidered the felt details. If I'm saying that, do you see the product or do you see the activity of me making the product? Am I the focal point? Yes, I am. And I started this with "I sewed", so I pulled you right to my workshop where I'm working. But, that's not the point. The point is not for me to show you what I'm doing as the maker. My point is to join you in your mental dressing room. It's my job as the seller. It's my Etsy's job, as the product listing, to showcase what you're gonna bring home, okay? So, this is a more visual description. And it starts: These colorful brown and pink owls are made of crisp cotton with pretty little details children love to touch. So, I used this in my first class, Copywriting For Crafters. I used this exact example. And my daughter was home from school on the East coast. And she was tuned in, and she was watching it and she was hoping I would bring these owls home. She was sold. And she got really excited and my husband said to her: "You want those pink owls, don't you?" And she said, yes. And so, that's a product listing's job. She can see the product, even though it doesn't exist, this is a mock-up, and she was sold. So, why is it working? Let's look at why it is working. The colorful brown and pink owls, there's a strong color contrast there. Immediately it's colorful and vivid. Crisp cotton, the words crisp cotton bring a durable sense of mind. You're thinking fresh. You could smell crisp cotton. And then, children love to touch the pretty little details, now you're seeing little fingers. And you know how a child's beloved toy, they just can't get enough of those little details. And you probably even remember a toy where you just loved to touch it. Like you love the feel of it, you love the details on it. The listing goes on: each fuzzy felt heart is hand-embroidered for a truly unique toy your child will treasure for years. When I see "fuzzy felt heart", we don't maybe not have all the same picture, but we're all picturing something. That sounds very familiar and you immediately understand just from me giving you that visual. We haven't even seen the product yet, but now you're starting to get what it looks like. And you know for a fact that you can envision a fuzzy felt heart. Your child will treasure for years, now at that point, I just brought this product home. I put it in your child's room, loving it and treasuring it for years. And I did that simply by offering you the visual. I brought this product home. So, this listing joins the customer in their mental dressing room. It gives them the mental imagery and then enhances it from there. Because that's where they came, they already came to me in their mental dressing room, now I'm going to give them a little visual to help enhance it. If I were to take a picture now of this scene, I'm not on the scene. Notice that, I'm not on the scene. The seller stepped out. The scene is this product, and if there's any extra parties, it's your child holding it and playing with it. Copywriting is a sophisticated technique. It's where you get advanced with moving the seller. Again, I spend a whole day teaching it in Copywriting For Crafters, but I want to give you summary of how you're going to put a listing together in a powerful impactful way to enhance your storefront. So, when you write a listing, you wanna focus on the what, the why and the how and you wanna focus on those three aspects from the customer's perspective. And you, as the seller, are really gonna step off the scene. You don't need to be there. This is between the product and your customer. Those are the two things that are gonna have the relationship. So, this slide gives you a step by step breakdown that will help you write an effective product listing. And as you can see here, the What, is a mix of keywords. We just got that great lesson from Tim where he showed you that the first two sentences are the most powerful sentences on the product listing page. And you can see that this is going to be keyword-rich. But, tell the customer the features of the product. Remember, if I were in a store, if I were picking the product up, I'm not thinking about anything except for: "Is this quality?" "What's this feel like to hold it?" "What's the weight?" "How does it feel in my hands?" So, this is still a very technical place. This isn't' really the place to get too creative. You wanna really keep it keyword-rich and specific for the product. And so, I had it fill-in-the-blank style. So that it could go, basically be translated to any listing. And then, the next section, which I would call the next paragraph, is the Why. And this helps the customer imagine your product in their life. So, here you are addressing the customer's challenges. What they're looking for, whatever solution you might be providing and you're describing the results they can expect and the benefits they'll be bringing home. That's important, I'm gonna say it again. You are describing the results they can expect and the benefits they're going to be bringing home. This is a very customer-oriented paragraph to write. And then finally, the How offers a brief summary of your services and I like this to be a simple, yet strong, brand statement. In my Etsy shop, I say: The Energy Shop offers affordable luxury and holistic solutions. And then I go on to say: Energy Shop stones are cleansed, charged and smudged. And that's specifically me. There have been some, I have read and worked with clients who use a little bit of "I" and "my" language, because my tip with copywriting is to try and take "I" and "my", try to extract any time that you feel called to say "I" or "my". But I have read some How statements that include "I" and "my" and feel very natural, and feel very right. 'Cause it's signature to their brand and it makes sense to be there. For me with the Energy Shop, not only is my customer having a relationship, but it's a very personal relationship. I don't even wanna remind them that I'm there. Iw ant them to get their product home and I want them to go on with their relationship with it. And I'm happy to step out of the scene altogether. Sp, that's why you won't see anything about my process or that I cleansed the stones, that I charged them with Reiki or that I smudged them and all of the language that goes along with that. And then I close with my signature call to action which you wanna add at the need of that listing to sort of move them again. They're at the bottom of a page, they've read all the way down, to get them away from all those slipper tags at the bottom that they can click and be redirected to Etsy search, you wanna get them to the bottom of the listing and give them a call to action that tells them to go back up and add this item to cart. My signature is: "Your satisfaction is guaranteed." "Buy unique, buy quality, buy Energy Shop." So, the important key points here: Make sure you keep a customer focus in the listing. If you're getting a lot of views that are not converting to sales, then stop everything and focus on copywriting. And again, Copywriting For Crafters is a great place to start and excellent value in that class. Alright, and I wanna make sure before we go on, that if we have any questions about copywriting. I glazed over it because it is kind of a big, heavy, in-depth topic, but I wanna makes sure we had some key points covered. If we're good, I can... Oh, Kara? Just one small question. Do you have any preference of like, short listings versus really, really long ones? Like, how much information is too much? Yeah, that's a great question. And I think, definitely I covered in that other class. Because the idea is, sometimes people start to put policies in their listings, right? Or they'll start to really go overboard with every question that you might have, that seller starts to answer it. And you'll lose your reader at that time. Remember, it's like, if I pick this up and I was handling it in the store, this is a very, very important place in their movement, and you wanna be a conductor of that currency, you don't want to stop them and drag on and on and on. They're looking for specific information, so I like to keep it short and sweet. So, if I'm handling this product in a storefront, if I'm in a boutique shopping, and I ask about this product and then the shop owner goes on and on and, "Oh, that came from here and we make those, "and we ship those all the time" and just started talking, you know, at some point, I'm gonna be like: "Okay, thank you." 'Cause I know that comes with a lot of explanation. And I don't need that explanation. So, I like to keep it short and sweet and if you have to say it, make sure you have to say it. Make sure you couldn't just refer them to the policies page for that, because again, you wanna keep their momentum going and you wanna be a conductor to the add-to-cart button at that time. Before we move on Lisa, I wanted to read you a comment from Little Girls Pearls on the chatroom, they said: Lisa's class, Copywriting For Crafters is the best class for that. That was the first Creative Live class I purchased and I go back and re-watch it over and over. Ah, that's a great testimonial. It's like the best class ever, I've ever, ever... Oh, thank you, Rebecca! (laughter) That means so much to me from you. No, it's seriously... Oh, my gosh! What a testimonial. Can I take a picture of you and write (laughing) that down? (laughter) Yes. And we tell people that all the time. Like, do it. Even though I haven't implemented all of your suggestions. (laughing) Thank you. It's coming. Thank you, that means a lot that you all like it. Thank you so much. Wow, I appreciate that.
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Ratings and Reviews
The course was really practical and organized very well. Each day built on the previous day and had solid, actionable recommendations. I am just starting my Etsy shop and feel like I have a plan for moving forward with some confidence. Lisa is charming and very real and her enthusiasm for supporting businesses is engaging and very encouraging. She wants us to be part of the tribe and I appreciate that! Thanks Lisa and everyone at Creative Live for more great "Mini B-school" lessons that I can use for my online business.
Thank you thank you thank you! I have been going about the "daily scramble" for years - with ups and downs along the way and this course has been a true eye opener for me. The message of consistency and brand cohesion as well as deep respect for my customers will surely stay with me and help my business continue to grow. No matter what stage you are at in your creative business, Lisa has something great to teach! Highly recommended!
Kaitlynd B Zimmer
Lisa has so much personal energy and friendly personality its hard not to fall in love with her! Her extensive experience in the industry from ground up growth was a pleasure to relive through her hilarious trial and error comments. Overall what I came away with was taking action is the only way to grow and learn what works for each individual Etsy shop. And to make those actions pay off get your self out of your comfort zone! The section on SEOs was a huge eye opener! Thank you Tim for shining the light on areas I has not even aware existed before. I feel I now have the tools to build the strong and engaging Etsy shop that can become the success I dream of. Thank you! Kaitlynd B Zimmer