Day 1
1Class Introduction
41:02 2Build Relationships with Your Clients
24:28 3Day 0 to Affirmation
25:30 4Who is Your Audience?
26:32 5Personas of Your Clients
44:33 6Customer Goals
32:41 7Customer Emotions
37:216 Points of Communication
36:38 9Mapping Out the 100 Days
46:02Day 2
10Recap and Question
36:55 11Review and Assess: Sherry's First 100 Days
27:47 12Review and Assess: Internet Viewers' First 100 Days
23:27 13Identifying Preferences: Listen
32:07 14Identifying Preferences: Pay Attention
26:05 15Maximizing Channel Mix
22:09 16Creating a Map for the Future
32:50 17Creating a Map with Shari Part 1
31:10 18Creating a Map with Shari Part 2
24:04 19100 Days: Photography Part 1
27:13 20100 Days: Photography Part 2
43:10Day 3
21Overview of the Day
17:00 22Recap of the Photographer's 100 Days
34:44 23100 Days Mindset and Goals
22:58 24Your Team's Mindset
21:56 25Trusting Your Employees
27:36 26Trusting Your Employees: Megan's Story
34:31 27Tools and Deliverables: Activation
24:32 28Tools and Deliverables: Affirmation & Admission
28:40 29Tools and Deliverables: Acclimation to Advocacy
30:52 30Measure and Tweaking Part 1
39:46 31Measure and Tweaking Part 2
28:52Lesson Info
Overview of the Day
So we've kind of stacked this front section this morning to give you a chance tto ask questions they'll be opportunities throughout the day as well but if you've got any burning questions anything that you know you went to bed last night you were like yeah, I love what charlie said about this but I don't know if that would apply to my business I'm not exactly sure how I would implement it jump in the chat room put that in folks in the studio audience definitely try me in and let us know I want to start this morning with a little bit of review of where we've been I mean it has been a whirlwind two days thus far and the roller coaster continues today all right? So on day one we started out with talking about why the first hundred days is important the science, the research, the experience of people in all industries all matters of businesses all different sizes around the world points to the fact that if you get the customer experience right in the first hundred days you can have a custo...
mer for life and it really is that simple it's about targeting in and knowing who your audience member is, which is what we focused on second and I used specifically the word audience as opposed to customer client er patient or user whatever phrase you're using to refer to the people that you serve because I think when we relate and we kind of anchor into the concept of audience we recognize that we're performing that were on stage that our business is putting on a show that we're asking the people that are giving us their hard earned money and even more importantly their time toe watch what kind of fans are we creating? Are we getting the kind of people that are walking by the theatre see what's going on and say well, I'll step into one of the standing room only seats in the back or we creating the kinds off audience members that become season ticket holders that's what we run right we want the people that doesn't matter what kind of performance we're putting on they want to be there how do we create that well we create that by getting really clear on who are ideal audience member is and then packaging and shaping and targeting all of our communications all of our operations all of our systems all of our policies to best serve them the more we explore who our audience is the more we realize that they've got goals they've got needs they've got emotions and what's interesting is often we think they're coming to the table with a certain set of goals and needs but if we're willing to dive a little bit deeper and we figure out what their unstated goals are are there unstated needs that's where the magic lies that's where the opportunity to really do something different and unique and create a powerful experience that's going to connect with them in a way that they've never felt that type of connection before. Additionally, when we think about emotions we've got you know the experts say anywhere from, you know, one hundred positive toe well over one hundred negative emotions we could experience and that can show up in our face and over seven thousand facial expressions, yet most of us go through our day to day life with about two I'm either just above comatose or slightly elated or slightly annoyed right and it's so slight that it actually feels like one shift because your movements at such a small distance pass flatline how can we actually create some waves? How can we get some emotion? How queen anchor into some of those emotional words that's on our work sheet that lets out all the possible emotions and really make sure that our customers are experiencing those we finishing up the first day with mapping our current hundred days activities and I think it's fair to say for a lot of people it was a really eye opening experience to not only recognize wow in the first hundred days I'm not doing much and also to realise that very early on in the process your belief about how the experience is going and your customers belief about how the expiry this is going are two very different things there's a wall between them and the more you're trying to drive and push and stay on schedule and stay on target and deliver what you promised without acknowledging their unstated goals and unstated needs. The more they're plummeting, the more they're riding that roller coaster down and down and and you don't even realize that they're riding the roller coaster down. So after the first day, we all felt pretty miserable at this point right now, I'm just getting we were thinking, at least now I know what's going on that's, the mark of a true entrepreneur, a true business person, they will never make the situation out to be worse than it really is, but they will always acknowledge where they're at, they won't fool themselves. And frankly, with all due respect, there are a lot of people that before this course started, we're fooling themselves thinking, no, you know our customer satisfaction surveys are pretty good, we must be, you know, we get people to do stuff, you don't get his many referrals as we'd like. We don't get many people coming back to us, but when they feel out the little survey in the shopping card right after they've made the purchase and we say on a scale of one to ten, would you tell a friend about us? They met promoter score us up in like the seven or eight range so bob work, we're doing it well we're knocking it out, we kind of realized now that there's more to the story. So one day two we started by reviewing and assessing the maps that we had drawn this part of our homework and these worksheets are also available for download the people in the studio audience had them all the worksheets in the program over the last three days or totally free and the reason I made them paper and made it so that you could fill them out is because I want you to actually take action and use thes I want you to incorporate him in your business and I want you to be able to as time goes on and we're going to spend some time on this in the last segment today come back and re evaluate how am I doing? This is not a one and done exercise right? We want to continue to be raising the bar on the cut at your service for providing so after we reviewed where we were at and kind of said okay, now that I know what the problem is, how I actually solve the problem, we moved into what we need to do in our systems to really identify that toe identify the preferences of our audience members and the channel mix that we're serving them on one of things I loved is you know, cherie said this morning oh, well, I already started implementing this by identifying whether my customer wants to be contacted by e mail or phone or text message and I put it in is a ps at the bottom of the email perfect because guess what? That didn't feel creepy that didn't feel like overly asking for stuff. The p s line in an email is one of the best tools you have available to you you know they've actually done studies that people when they see a letter and there's a p s they actually read the p s first and then they go back and they start reading the letter like statistically the majority of people when there's a p s read the p s line first imagine if you started using that tool as your way to pull them out a little bit, gather some information come to realize what it is they were doing love it brilliant. We then moved into this idea of mapping the first hundred days in the future okay, so we established here's the problem we need to take action in the first hundred days we drew a map of what our current first hundred days experience wass then we talked about different things we could be doing in the future and we actually mapped out our dream in our vision we're going to spend some more time on that today because I know we didn't get the map fully completed, so we're definitely going to get back to that, but we kind of started to shape what do we want this to be? And we finished our section yesterday with actually creating a calendar and checklist the actual work sheets that are available for you to download, where you can fill in and in the first phase when they're doing an assessment, I'm gonna have these various tools available to them, and as I complete those, simon, check him off and over time, and one things we're going to talk about today is we track and we analyze and we look at the data, you know, it's, probably one of the saddest untapped resource is in business today is the lack of actually reading the surveys we have our customers fill out, a lot of us will survey our customers. Alaskan what do you think? We've created this form? And we have a system, we have a process, and at the end of every project we do a debrief or we send them the form, but then we don't aggregate and look at that data, we gather it and it's sitting in, you know, some database somewhere, but are we regularly stepping in and looking at it after today, we will okay so day three what are we going to do today how are we going to spend the six fantastic ours we have we're going to start off by talking about establishing a first one hundred days mindset now some of you that are maybe more business minded more tactically minded are going to be looking at this going well wait a second show I didn't sign on for some rajaram motivational stuff what the heck are you going to be talking about okay if we don't have the mindset right you leave this course and you don't do anything with the things you've learned it's that simple and as I said on day one I am not the theory guy I am not the guy who's going to present some academic research and tell you well theoretically would be fantastic if you applied this year business I believe it might work no on action guy who says guess what? We've applied this in a variety of industries frankly any industry you can imagine countries all over the world all businesses small toe large and its word and it's worked again and again so I want you to take action I don't want you to trust me saying oh well theoretically we should do this but to take action to be motivated to do that to me in the right mental space to not slip into some of that remorse yourself to not slip into some of that cognitive a dissonance yourself we've gotta have the mindset, right? So that's, how we're going to start today off to build a foundation we've given you content over the last two days you're excited, you're ready to rock, you have your plan now what we need to do that make sure you have inside you when you leave today toe actually implement this stuff, we're then going to move to a conversation of teams and systems. Now I know some of the people that are in the room some of the people that are watching online have employees have multiple in place. In fact, I want to give a shout out to some of the folks that were posting pictures on social media of their whole team sitting around the boardroom table watching the presentation yesterday. I love it that's what you want to do and I forgive me, I don't know what creative lives official rules are joey's rule is if you want to buy the course the ceo and play it for your whole company, do it you don't have to buy separate course for everyone in the company, no get the information, make it happen, okay, that will make us more excited that will make you turn around and say creative live provides amazing content I've gotta buy more courses because I think randy said yesterday, um what's it cost to create a great experience, something to that effect, he said, well, the cost of free shipping is high, but the cost of no customers is higher. Hmm, awesome concept. So the cost of the course, you might say is hi, the cost of not having more customers is actually higher, so we're going to talk about working with your team. We're going to talk about how do you get everybody on the same page? And when we say team, I don't just mean your employees guess what? Your vendors are on your team, too? Oh my gosh, showing we haven't talked about vendors this entire time. We're going to talk about it today because they're every bit is crucial to your team as your employees and for those of you that our armies of one solo entrepreneurs are just getting ready to start your business and saying, joey, I'm probably going to be tuning out segment ten going to brush the caps sith or something like that because I don't have a team, it doesn't apply to me. Yes, this applies to you stay with us, right? Because you actually do have a team it's, not an issue of semantics it's an issue of mindset, how do you define the concept of team? Another person you have on your team is your audience member your client, your customer and we're actually going to do some fun examples that the people in the room don't even know about, which is going to be exciting for them, because we're going to talk about what you can do with your clients or your audience members to get them engaged in your thought process to get them to buy into your spirit in your ethic and energy. If you've done the audience segmenting, right, if you've gone after the right type of customer, they're gonna gel well with your mojo that's what we want after lunch, we're going to come back and we're going to talk about tools and deliver balls in the first hundred days we're actually going to go through one hundred day cycle all these phases activation, affirmation, admission, acclamation, assimilation, adoption and advocacy they all start with a so they can hopefully remember, I know it gets a little jumbled, but there's an evolution there, right in that segment, we're going to go through, and I'm going to show you working examples of world class companies that air kicking ass and taking name is in that face they're doing a great job so that you'll have and one of the things that was coming up in the chat rooms yesterday, and it came up in some of the conversations with the studio audiences well, joey, I understand that you said that that's you know we did this scenario of a wedding photographer but I'm not a wedding photographer on a portrait photographer okay, thank you for that distinction but their similarities in your business and so we were saying no no no but I'm a web designer still have similarities in your business oh no no I sell products still have similarities I sell software still have similarities and the reason we still have similarities and it's not nature's trying to make this sound like a it's bigger and better than it really is it's because every single one of you your customer is a human every single one of you. Now some of you are saying well, joey, I do be to be consulting I sell to businesses and who signs the contract at that business does the business have a giant robot in the basement with an auto pen? That's just signs the contract. No, a person signs it who do you deal with when you're interacting on that project? A person who are you trying to convince that your solution your service, your product is goingto solve their problem a person that's why this stuff works across all industries all countries sure their cultural nuances sure their industry nuances but partners want to spend time in mind set today is don't let your old story stop you from making new changes don't let that old script that's running in your head that says I've been there, I've done that, you know, we we tried a newsletter, you know, we were going to do it every month, but when we got to the second month it was really busy, so we weren't able to send it month to and then we send it in month three and you know, only four percent of the people actually opened it. That doesn't mean new centres are bad. What it actually means is thie approaching took didn't work it's time to reframe and try a different approach it's that simple we're going to conclude our session today with measuring and tweaking again, but so maybe they were here earlier that's tweaking, not twerking, twerking is another creative life course. That's coming up in a few weeks tweaking is what we're going to do here, okay on the tweaking is going to be looking at the plan we've created and saying, how can I make sure that a year from now the plan is better than the play and I right at the end of today? Because that's, what gets you exponential growth that's, what gets you? As john said, the five percent reduction in customer defection that results in twenty five to one hundred percent increase in profits and guess what, you can keep doing that that's, not a one time opportunity where oh, I reduced it by five percent. I got the thirty percent increase in profits in my business, and now we're good. Well, when you reduced it by five percent, you still have customers leaving. You will always have customers leaving let's, be abundantly clear. This is not the magic pill that will stop all customer defection. You will still have people leave your business. The goal is to have that number be single digits. Instead of double digits and across most image industries, that number currently ranges from twenty to sixty percent are leaving today. If we're thinking about reducing that in five per cent increments, we got the number of steps that we can take.
Class Materials
bonus material with enrollment
Ratings and Reviews
Yoko Co
If you're looking for speakers discussing marketing and sales, I'd suggest taking a time out and watching this lesson. While you can pour time and cash into marketing and sales, if your not keeping your customers happy, then what has it all been for? If you really want to take your marketing and sales to the next level, start with the client experience. Happy customers who become fans will provide better marketing than you could every write for yourself (plus other people will believe it, because it isn't you talking about how great you are, it's someone else talking about how great you are!) And those fans generate referrals by the boatload. And all you have to do is be great at what you do, and make sure your clients' or customers' expectations are managed well, and then exceeded. Joey will teach you how to do this. As a side note, we've made this course part of our onboarding process, so every new hire watches this complete lesson within the first two weeks of their tenure with us, it's that much a core part of our philosophy. Godspeed!
I watched a replay of this course in November, 2017. It's incredible it's still such a current and updated course, even though the lessons were shot in 2013. Very deep content, told in a very light, fun and assertive way. Wonderful examples that inspire action and hands-on tips that you can apply immediately for every kind of businesses. Best in-studio audience ever.
Tanya McGill Freeman
Wow...just WOW! What a fantastic course. Joey over-delivers, practicing exactly what he preaches in this truly insightful workshop. I honestly can't think of anyone I wouldn't recommend this course for. Such a small investment for such tremendous value. Get this course NOW! You'll be so glad you did.