100 Days Mindset and Goals
Lesson 23 from: Turn Customers Into Fans in the First 100 DaysJoey Coleman

100 Days Mindset and Goals
Lesson 23 from: Turn Customers Into Fans in the First 100 DaysJoey Coleman
Day 1
1Class Introduction
41:02 2Build Relationships with Your Clients
24:28 3Day 0 to Affirmation
25:30 4Who is Your Audience?
26:32 5Personas of Your Clients
44:33 6Customer Goals
32:41 7Customer Emotions
37:216 Points of Communication
36:38 9Mapping Out the 100 Days
46:02Day 2
10Recap and Question
36:55 11Review and Assess: Sherry's First 100 Days
27:47 12Review and Assess: Internet Viewers' First 100 Days
23:27 13Identifying Preferences: Listen
32:07 14Identifying Preferences: Pay Attention
26:05 15Maximizing Channel Mix
22:09 16Creating a Map for the Future
32:50 17Creating a Map with Shari Part 1
31:10 18Creating a Map with Shari Part 2
24:04 19100 Days: Photography Part 1
27:13 20100 Days: Photography Part 2
43:10Day 3
21Overview of the Day
17:00 22Recap of the Photographer's 100 Days
34:44 23100 Days Mindset and Goals
22:58 24Your Team's Mindset
21:56 25Trusting Your Employees
27:36 26Trusting Your Employees: Megan's Story
34:31 27Tools and Deliverables: Activation
24:32 28Tools and Deliverables: Affirmation & Admission
28:40 29Tools and Deliverables: Acclimation to Advocacy
30:52 30Measure and Tweaking Part 1
39:46 31Measure and Tweaking Part 2
28:52Lesson Info
100 Days Mindset and Goals
So we're going to do ten key takeaways for mindset okay? These air ten things that ideally you'll make a list of these ten things to remind yourself these are the key takeaways that when I'm coming into a conversation about first hundred days where I'm sitting down tto map my new plan or I'm trying to figure out where we're at I want to ground myself and orient myself to the proper state of being on the proper state of mind okay, so we'll go through each and talk about some things that I found work really well to help you do that first we have to meet the customer where they are at most business owners are standing on one end of the bridge shocked that there is in a line of customers coming right up to them to do business with them they're going now really I'm over here by the way you've seen my website come come come right down here I have packages even have pricing on my web site I have my cues that have answered all your questions come come down here come down here cricket cricket a...
nd they spend all this time focusing on the funnel how do I force more people to walk across the bridge howto why force more people down the path how'd away gm it down their throats? Why not start to walk across the bridge? Why not go over where they all live, seal those buildings over there that are full of potential audience members potential customers why are you standing over here saying come to me? Come to me, come to me when all it really takes is a little perry emulation on your part to get rockin and to walk down that bridge and meet them where they're at? We've had a number of conversations, both and questions in the chat room and in the room here, and I've experienced this with clients, you know, over the last decade where they say, yeah, yeah, but joey, why don't they just understand? I give them everything they need because you're in a mindset that it's all about you when the mindset needs to be all about them. Now this sounds ridiculously simple this sounds ridiculously obvious, and yet if I were to sit down with each of you for about a half an hour, I guarantee I could find a minimum of dozen places in your business where you're not doing this, where you're standing with your feet and cement on your side of the bridge going, come on, come on! And we wonder why it's not working? We're going to talk a little bit about the importance of having your eyes open and being observant indian ten already, and I want to point to at the time we're recording this the most recent issue of ink magazine, which is not even on the newsstands yet it's actually only been sent to the subscribers and there's a great article in there by the cofounder of hub spot and he's talking about the shift that he thinks has to happen in businesses. I found his quote so powerful every process should be optimized for what is best for the customer, not your organization. Most of us have built our businesses around what's best for me. These are the hours I liketo work. So these are the hours that my business is open. If you serve musicians. We used this example the other day. If musicians air your target audience and your hours are eight to five, you're a fool that's, not when musicians are up, you know, most positions I know I have the pleasure of knowing some professional musicians. They like to sleep in it's like noon before they're getting up that's not a criticism of them it's because they were working and it is work to be up here to be on stage, to be performing. They were working until two a m and then they had to meet with their manager. Then they had to get in the bus and drive to the next venue, and they didn't get to the hotel until six a m and now is the rest of the world is waking up. They're going to sleep and you're going, yeah, but why aren't they at my business when my door opened today, am I because you're in bed, meet your customers were there at look at your business, look at your processes and say, is this in the best interest of my customer? Is this in the best interest of my audience now, what's fascinating is we live in a society where it's become easier to take credit cards to pay for. Thinks right. Thank you. Square. Thank you. Payback. Okay. Paypal's, furious that I just said square first, but squares got better design and is doing a really nice job. Okay, so does your business take credit cards? If it doesn't, you're a fool. And I say you're a fool not to be a jerk, but I want to anchor it in that like you are making an non intelligent, unintelligent choice and you say no, joey, but I offer credit cards. Well, did you offer credit cards before the first person asked you if they could give you a credit card? Where did you set up your merchant account when you had the first big awesome project that you wanted the land? And the client or the customer said yeah, I'd like to pay with credit card do you take credit cards and he said, yeah, I do absolutely oh my gosh, I have to set up a merchant account just write down your card number here with your name and expiration date because I'm used to that's what I have to give when I give her credit card for something and we'll go ahead and get it processed and then you scrambled to get a merchant account set up that's how most of you did it? It's okay there's no judgment because you weren't coming at it from the point of view of where is your audience now now, depending on which news channel you watch where either in or not in a recession the economy is either doing better we're doing worse in my experience, talking to people they're still insecure about where the economy is that the average person can't the average audience member as a result, they feel more comfortable giving you a credit card then giving you cash they'd be even more comfortable if they could do some financing are you offering your customers your audience members financing now before anybody says, oh my gosh oh, you just opened a can of worms it's a big issue it's a big question the point I'm trying to make is not that you should offer your audience member financing the point I'm trying to make is if you actually stood in their shoes and experienced what they're going through, you might say financing, okay, that's, something we should deal be where your customers at number two, we want to commit toe ongoing learning, and we have our friends underneath there of books we're gonna have two versions of committing to online are toe ongoing learning the first one is through books there's this fascinating guy, charlie tremendous jones like this mrs nature thing you used to do right, charlie, tremendous jones, who recently passed away and he's famous for this quote that said, you are the same today as you'll be in five years, except for two things, the book she read and the people you mean I couldn't agree more with that statement. This is the book shelf in the bedroom in my house, this is the book shelf in the living room in my house. Yes, that is arranged in the colors of the spectrum, and what we learned from that is, most publishers don't publish in the color purple weird. I don't know why that is. If anybody's in the publishing business, I'd love to know that something I'm trying to find out, but this is a collection of nonfiction and fiction, hardcover and soft cover and look there's a lot of red there's a lot of black and everything else just kind of fades in the middle, which is why it's interesting when we think of some of the most famous books that have come out that our colors that don't fit in red in black, so like when I say made to stick or never eat alone, we know oh, it's bright orange, interesting, and they were two of the first books to really jump in and make a splash and a color that no one else was splashing. Lest you think that I'm not a voracious reader, they're in additional forty boxes of books in my house that air not on display. We recently moved yes, dear, I will start to unpack the boxes, okay, collect books, be surrounded by books read harry truman talked about the fact that not all readers are leaders, but all leaders our readers it is unacceptable for you to say yes, I'm the ceo of the business, I run my own company, I really don't like to read you are limiting your success. If that's your choice that's your choice but no from the outside, you're limiting your success. You could get a book on tape if you don't want to sit there and read or audible or, you know, put it on your ipod, whatever it may be there are other options. If you go to the free bonus page, you get to download the resource guide and what's interesting some people have been downloading and asking me about it. The resource guide shows the top thirty six books that I recommend you read first to create amazing customer experiences, and some people are going thirty six books. Joey cheese I haven't read thirty six books since I graduated from high school I read over thirty six books this year. I try to read one a week you have to work at it, but it's a really good goal. I used to think I was a gracious reader until I met my wife, she reads. Two or three books a week change the conversation by changing the inputs that you're putting into your mechanism. Some of these are business books you've heard of. Some of them are books you've never heard him there's one book here written by a magician. Why? Because he, like I agreed, that there's an audience that needs to be performed for, commit to ongoing learning through people, okay, the fact that we're even here creative, live, this is ongoing learning through people the reason I signed up to do this course is because I believe in what creative live is doing, okay? It's really fun to come and present it hopefully you can tell I love to present, but talking for eighteen hours when you've had a cold for five weeks it's not the most fun, but I believe in what they're trying to do. I believe in trying to memorialize what I hope is my perspective or my gift to the world, what I'm trying to do, which has raised the bar of customer service by working with people like creative life, but some of you say, well, joey, I'm not going to get the opportunity to teach on creative ivor that's not my thing or that's, not what I want to do, okay, but at least build a group around you. You've heard this concept of a mastermind this is the guy who's credited with starting it napoleon hill. Now, if we napoleon hell wrote thinking girl rich and like, I think nineteen thirty seven what's interesting is ben franklin was in a mastermind, so ben had him beat right? But napoleon is the first one that said, if you're doing a mastermind, this is how you do it this many people meeting on this schedule, he gave you the framework, he gave you the structure to do it, getting a mastermind, I was in a conversation the other day, I'm actually in five right now five for those people who may not know what a mastermind is do you mind if we absolutely so mastermind is a group of people who come together on a regular basis committed to the goal of helping toe hold each other accountable on the progress they want to make in life whether that's in their personal life they're professional life their relationships their health, their business the best masterminds in my experience work on all of those and it creates a safe space where you can say hey here's the thing I'm doing really well at and because I'm doing so well over here and I'm focused over here this is the area where things were kind of falling apart I mean is it any wonder that some of the most successful business people in the world have horrific relationships with their spouse and children? Is it any wonder that some of the most successful business people in the world are morbidly obese and about one more cheeseburger away from a heart attack it's because they're on ly focused in one area of their life and their ticking it they're getting it done in that area I want your mindset to be bigger I want you to not think of yourself as a successful entrepreneur unless your health is great in your relationships are great too I want you to be emotionally balanced, spiritually balanced, physically balanced and mentally balanced all a mastermind or help you do that it's also important to fail fast. This is something you've heard before people talk about rockford prototyping. They talk about crashing at high speeds. The benefit of failing fast is you realize what's working and knots working and you move on. The main challenge most entrepreneurs have is we have this belief that we shouldn't fail, that we need to be perfect that's not going to get you very far. Your perfectionism is limiting your success. Just embrace it. Failed dive in and the benefit of that is you recognize it's? Not a problem. Okay, this could be a problem. This is a death spiral. Okay? This is a controlled that spiral in a plain. What they're doing is they're making the plane race towards the ground faster and faster. Often when a problem comes out. This is how we feel is entrepreneurs don't allow that to happen. Step out of that mindset and say, you know what? I got this because here's my criteria for a problem did someone die? Did someone go to prison for the rest of their life? Not jail, not prison with the option for probation, prison for the rest of their life, without possibility of parole, maybe even a death sentence if one of those two things happened, we have a problem. The fact that the photos they're blurry, not a problem, the fact that the web site's down not a problem, the fact that the clients asking for yet another round of revisions on their logo not a problem, something that needs to be addressed yes, something that you need to go into a death spiral for, not at all. Let your music play the supreme court. Justice oliver wendell holmes said the great tragedy is not the waste of our natural resource is although that is a great tragedy, the real tragedy is the waste of human resource is, and that the average individual will go to their grave with their music still in them. Don't go to the grave with your music in you like your music out seek kaizen okay, kaizen is a japanese word for continuous improvement, much like the pieces on a chessboard you want to constantly be looking at your business in your life and saying, how could I slide this one piece forward? What would happen? Would it get me further towards my goal? But it may be opened me up for some jeopardy where we add constantly be moving the pieces on the board put in the time you're already putting in a lot of hours, I'd encourage you to look at the hours you're putting in and see if it's smart time or not it's probably not as efficient as focused and as long term thinking as it should be stephen covey you know wrote the bible on this is it urgent or important? Most entrepreneurs I know are living in urgency about ninety eight percent of their life I know I should be doing this but I got these other five things I need to dio make sure you're doing at least one important thing every day even if it means on urgent thing falls till tomorrow because remember, is anyone going to die? Chances are not is anyone going to prison for the rest of their life? Chances not then guess what it's okay to push it off you see when you have a blueprint of the world that that's the problem life is a lot easier to navigate okay like sands through the glass put in the time don't put in the time you know I didn't use a picture of a stopwatch here because the stopwatch implies I put in the time I give it five minutes what if you measure your life in this kind of time? What was our society? What was our planet? What was humanity like when time was measured like this instead of with text tweets, status updates, vibrating phones spend money on experiences, spend money on experiences for your customers, your audience members be willing tto pour some of the profits back in to great experiences some of you are already pouring profits into new staff you're already pouring profits into better products, be willing to pour some money into a great experience and the way you can do this and build that muscle is spent some money on great experiences yourself go to a really nice restaurant and eat it the chef's table and have the chef come out and tell you about the meal it's really fun it's really cool to do that I tried to do that all over the world it's amazing stay in a hotel you can't afford just for one night and order dessert you know you don't have to order the whole meal trust order dessert having experience that you can then step back from it and doing it isn't learning exercise and step back and say how will I take this experience and what can I learn? What can I drawn analogy to in my own business after today? There are no more excuses I don't want to hear oh but surely you don't understand my business does this just do me a favor from now till the end of this calendar year try to run with no excuses any time in your mind says no I couldn't do that say gosh I can hear joey's voice saying no excuses, no excuses and get it done when it comes to your employees and your vendors they have mindsets is well and you can influence their mind set by your mindset in your behaviour for the employees you want to set an example, give them an experience, do something fun, take him out of the office, shut down the office for the day and go bowling who doesn't like going bowling, right? You don't have to be good at it's fact, it's even better if you're not good at bowling it's a much more fun game and guess what, everybody can do it. One of my vendors recently saved my tail to printing company. We had some business cards that were really complex, and they pulled me out of the fire I had over promised to the client with my design, and when I took the design to the printer, the printer said, oh my gosh, I don't even know if we could do this and I worked with a phenomenal printing company. They pulled it off, and so you know what I did? I sent an edible arrangement to the entire print shop I didn't send it to my account rap, I actually called his assistant found out the name of the guy who runs the print shop and send it to him and said, this is for all the guys, because if this company it's all guys, right, this is for all the guys that worked on the project and by the way, feel free to share with those who didn't. And by the way, make sure the folks that answer the phones and the receptionist they get some too because you guys all did an amazing job. I received three communications from that bender within twenty four hours of this arriving two secretaries called and said, oh my gosh joey if you ever need anything, you send your project to me I know your account perhaps sometimes he gets busy just send it to me I'll make sure it gets processed instantly cost me less than fifty dollars for your clients said an example too. This is how we're going to wrap this piece upright pretend if you will that our studio audience was my client because frankly, for the last three days that's how I have tried to approach it. So on monday night after our first day I wanted to create a little bit of an experience and I took all the clients, the studio audience or the ones that could make it we were only able to bring four of the six I love all six the other two had commitments right? And we went to the top of the space needle here in seattle because right here in seattle go to the space needle ifyou're in seattle and this is the picture we took this is the picture you get from the little person takes the free photo right? The moon was not full, but it's kind of fun and it's playful and, you know, we got it because why we wanted in experience and what was fascinating and it says a lot about this audience and I like to think again, not from a place of ego, it says a little bit about me because I like to have fun in life and because they like to have fun in life we met and we connected and we leaned forward and we created some interesting things like this panoramic shot that they're in both sides of the photo. This is one photo. What we did is we took the photo, and as I was turning doing this part, they all ran behind me imposed again, when's the last time you did that with your clients had those kinds of laughs at those kinds of fun and memorialized the moment with an artifact minds it's important, we're going to spend one meaning on it. Come stop standing where you're at goto, where your customers here at meet them, where they're at b a reader, okay, get involved in a mastermind, find people that are going to be accountable to you and our hold in. You accountable? Make sure you fail fast. Recognize that when you do fail, unless someone's died or going to prison for the rest of their life. It's not a failure worth crying about. Make sure that you don't die with your music still inside you and constantly be working to improve every aspect of your business in your personal life. Get in the mindset that this is going to take time. The time is going to be worth it, and you want the time to pass slowly, because you're gonna wake up one day and it's going to be over, and you're gonna wish you had more time. Do yourself a favor and spend money on experience. It's not only for your customers in your audience members, but for yourself, and make no excuses. Set an example for your employees. Set an example for your vendors, but most importantly, set an example for your audience.
Class Materials
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Ratings and Reviews
Yoko Co
If you're looking for speakers discussing marketing and sales, I'd suggest taking a time out and watching this lesson. While you can pour time and cash into marketing and sales, if your not keeping your customers happy, then what has it all been for? If you really want to take your marketing and sales to the next level, start with the client experience. Happy customers who become fans will provide better marketing than you could every write for yourself (plus other people will believe it, because it isn't you talking about how great you are, it's someone else talking about how great you are!) And those fans generate referrals by the boatload. And all you have to do is be great at what you do, and make sure your clients' or customers' expectations are managed well, and then exceeded. Joey will teach you how to do this. As a side note, we've made this course part of our onboarding process, so every new hire watches this complete lesson within the first two weeks of their tenure with us, it's that much a core part of our philosophy. Godspeed!
I watched a replay of this course in November, 2017. It's incredible it's still such a current and updated course, even though the lessons were shot in 2013. Very deep content, told in a very light, fun and assertive way. Wonderful examples that inspire action and hands-on tips that you can apply immediately for every kind of businesses. Best in-studio audience ever.
Tanya McGill Freeman
Wow...just WOW! What a fantastic course. Joey over-delivers, practicing exactly what he preaches in this truly insightful workshop. I honestly can't think of anyone I wouldn't recommend this course for. Such a small investment for such tremendous value. Get this course NOW! You'll be so glad you did.