Shooting for Color Grading: Gold Elegant Look
Lesson 4 from: Transform Your Images with Color GradingLindsay Adler

Shooting for Color Grading: Gold Elegant Look
Lesson 4 from: Transform Your Images with Color GradingLindsay Adler
Lesson Info
4. Shooting for Color Grading: Gold Elegant Look
Introduction to Color Grading: Preparing for the Shoot
18:35 2Shooting for Color Grading: Clean Timeless Beauty
37:56 3Shooting for Color Grading: Simple but Dramatic Look
15:44 4Shooting for Color Grading: Gold Elegant Look
05:33 5Intstructor intro - Toning Intent
08:29 6Basic Color and Toning in Lightroom
09:03 7Toning with Selective Color Photoshop
07:51 8Color Look Up Tables in Photoshop
06:24Lesson Info
Shooting for Color Grading: Gold Elegant Look
The last shot was meant to be really, really cold. Really, really mysterious. This one is just the opposite direction. So I am going to warm everything back up on and I'm going to use incident. Beautician. I'm going to use the umbrella. Okay, so for this shot I know imposed processing, I'll make it even warmer. All gold tones. The dress was I think it was $60 on Amazon. Okay, Like I said, I need to be anything fancy. The headpiece that she has on is made out of hot glue. So it's taking taking, like, an antique design, putting, pushing it so it makes a mold and then filling with hot glue popping out of the mold so being resourceful out and then painted with gold paint. And my friend Lori made the piece there. She does a lot with, like, war blah. And though that's material from like three m like for cars, that's the shiny gold is on. Then she did more hot glue gun stuff. So I'm not that resourceful. But I have friends that are so that's all you need. You just need good friends. Okay, so ...
it turned you this way again Yep. Let's try this. Perfect. So I'll get this real fast. Only a couple of frames. Um, great. Let's try this. I would with time, I would shoot more of the bottom, but I don't need it to prove the point here. Okay, Real tall. I'm gonna shoot a lower angle because I want her to look even more regal. Chin down for me. Let me It's test on my light. Perfect. Okay. Background is too bright. Gonna feather it off because I think it's distracting. But look at what? Like that. This is the preset from the last girl does not work at all. So let me just reset that. And I already know, um, that I'm gonna warm it up. We'll take a look at this later, but I already know I'm gonna warm it up. It will be much more in these tones, like exact opposite direction. Let's take a couple only same of previous this one. So let's take like, a couple more shots. Let's see. So we feathered it off the background sale. That background looks okay. And then, John, can you point the great at the background? I was given a little bit more glow so I can make it super warm. Much warmer than it. Whatever. You got one and then a little lower. All right, let's see. So I'm gonna be hide, actually, can you put your arms like this? Sorry, honey, This handle we're gonna go queen, like, Okay, Perfect. Because I feel like that. You know? You see a queen sitting for a formal portrait. Lean your chest, Ford. Great. Chin down. Take a couple of frames. Can you pop your left knee up? I need curve. She's missing. Curve down here. That's what the knee does that way. Drainage in this way. Great. 10. A little further to your right. I see how I like it. Greed to Can you point it lower right now, the grids at her shoulders. I want to see the separation in our waste a little over good and a little bit more to the right, I think. Great. All right. Last thing, Don, I just need some white Phil because the shadows are gonna be too dark in case I want to bring more out. I want to shoot it a little bit more even. And that should be great. Perfect. Okay, thanks. John. And let's try the little bit to the back. Just right there. Good and see. Perfect. So I'm getting just like you don't know how you'll see it on this screen. I'm getting just a little bit of fill in the shadows. I've got the detailed er and I've got that little bit of highlights. So shoot a few more. You're perfect. Great. And chin to me and chant Strong to me Perfect Archer. Back till it hurts. Good. Perfect. And which I won. Bigger. Yeah, Tries if I like it like the other. And better cross you need this way a little more perfect. And bring her hand back down of this direction. Put one on top of the other. Yeah, just like that. And then shoulders back to me and relax the shoulders. Good. Engine down and relax the shoulders even more. Good. And last frame, Hand on your thigh. Good. Roll it back. Good. Try the other hand over and see if I like it. Good. Just like that. Perfect last frame. Turn down and to the light a little bit. Deliver their good. All right. Thank you. Perfect. So, um, we're going Teoh pass off to Canada now, but I want to set up what we're doing later. So I got all these shots and as I was shooting I've applied presets of what my vision is. But notice my vision for that was gold. So Gold's queen I'm gonna have queen like poses queen like styling have gold styling. I'm gonna have gold toning gold makeup, gold background, gold, everything. This is the background that I will be giving away at that link. This is a background I actually designed with seamless photo. And so I know what I shoot. Portrait everybody Skin tone looks good on it and then I can tone it If I want it warmer or in black and white, I could make it look just like a textured gray background. So in the next part, I'm going to take the photos that I just shot, and we're going to tone them in a variety of different ways to you. Guys can figure out what style works best for you, but how I'm thinking about when I shot and conceptually what I want out of my color grading
Ratings and Reviews
Fantastic course. Lindsay Adler is a such a photography Rock Star. She can do it all, shooting in and out of study, lighting, posing, teaching and very amazing, Photoshop guru. Thanks for getting Lindsay, in the beginning I never knew that she was so skilled in all these aspects. As you progress in your photography, you learn lighting, skin tones and white balance, then skin retouching, then you learn color grading and analogous colors, complimentary colors, color triads, etc. Color Grading is so key to that final polished and "expensive" look. Lindsay did a terrific job teaching this course. I watched it 3 to 4 times to really pick up how to use these tools. Lindsay is a phenomenal teacher and photographer. Thanks for getting her Creativelive.
Elizabeth Haen
This is a great class to learn many options for color grading images. Lindsay gives comprehensive options for use in both LIghtroom and Photoshop. She has a style of teaching that is easy to follow and does an excellent job of summarizing each technique after introducing it to help the process sink in fully before she moves on. I love how she goes over everything she does thoroughly in a way that clearly explains each step without assuming everyone knows what she is doing. There is never a time when I thought "wait, what did she just do there?!:". Just really great information that is well taught.
David Babcock
Awesome class - Lindsay is a wonderful teacher. It might be nice to have a list of the equipment used, I had to go back a couple of times to find all of what Lindsay was using. Excellent and well done!!
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