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Thrift Store Shopping 101

Blair Stocker

Thrift Store Shopping 101

Blair Stocker

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Class Description

For lots of folks, thrift stores are treasure troves, teeming with opportunities just waiting to be uncovered. For others, thrift stores are chaotic collections of junk that are best overlooked in favor of more organized outposts. For members of the latter camp, Blair Stocker has a transformative approach to thrifting that’ll completely upend the experience of being overwhelmed by secondhand shops.

In Thrift Store Shopping 101, Blair will teach you a systematic approach to scoring at the thrift store. Blair is personally and professionally committed to the art of upcycling and, over the years, has developed a tried and true approach finding salvageable goods in unlikely places. In this class, she’ll teach you how approach thrift store shopping so you stay organized, get great deals, and walk away with pieces you can add to your craft closet. You’ll get insider tips on the best days to shop and which departments carry the most sought after items.

Thrift Store Shopping 101 will transform the way you think about buying secondhand and help you navigate the Goodwill like a serious expert.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

10 Thrift Shopping Tips.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Carol Willyn Maple

I loved that the class gave me actionable ideas that I can use when I visit thrift stores. I shop for yarn and fabric for thrift stores, but had not thought of using clothes outside of their intended purposes.

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