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Putting it All Together

Lesson 48 from: The Streamlined Lightroom Workflow

Jared Platt

Putting it All Together

Lesson 48 from: The Streamlined Lightroom Workflow

Jared Platt

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Lesson Info

48. Putting it All Together

<b>In this lesson you will learn how to put the whole system together and use it as a whole.&#160; Each version of Lightroom is very powerful on its own, but when we put it all together, it is a massive multiplier.&#160; Take the time to think through your workflow and decide which direction you will go with the Lightroom Ecosystem.</b>


Class Trailer



Lightroom Ecosystem Overview


Lightroom Ecosystem Image Delivery Details


Lightroom Introductions


Lightroom Application Names


Lightroom Classic Getting Started


Lightroom Classic: Importing


Lightroom Classic: Selecting


Lightroom Classic: Organizing Images


Lightroom Classic: Adjusting Images


Lightroom Classic: Cleaning Up


Lightroom Classic: Sharing Images


Lightroom Classic: Archiving Images


Lightroom Classic: Workflow Review


Lightroom Classic: Bonus - Cloud Files Location


Lightroom Classic: Bonus - Fixing Synchronization Errors


Lightroom Classic: Cleaning Up the Cloud


Lightroom: Introduction


Lightroom: Importing Images


Lightroom: Browsing Images in Local Storage


Lightroom: Organizing Images


Lightroom: Copying Images to the Cloud


Lightroom: Adjusting Images


Lightroom: Masking


Lightroom: Making an AI Preset


Lightroom: Synchronizing Adjustments and Masks


Lightroom: Sorting and Finding Images


Lightroom: Sharing Images


Lightroom: Archiving Images


Lightroom: Workflow Review


Lightroom: Importing Presets and Profiles


Lightroom Mobile: Workflow Introduction


Lightroom Mobile: Settings


Lightroom Mobile: Overview


Lightroom Mobile: Albums, Collections, and the Cloud


Lightroom Mobile: Importing Local Images


Lightroom Mobile: Importing Images


Lightroom Mobile: Albums and Searching


Lightroom Mobile: Selecting Images


Lightroom Mobile: Organizing Images


Lightroom Mobile: Archiving


Lightroom Mobile: Editing Images


Lightroom Mobile: Editing Across the Cloud


Lightroom Mobile: Sharing Images


Lightroom Mobile: Finding the Best Photos Feature


Lightroom Mobile: Presets and Profiles


Lightroom Mobile: Workflow Review


Putting it All Together


Lesson Info

Putting it All Together

1 So let's put it all together. 2 I told you at the beginning of the workshop when you saw 3 that schematic with all of the arrows pointing everywhere, 4 that you would understand by the end 5 how the images get from one place to another 6 no matter what tool you use. 7 You should understand that now. 8 And let's just look at the schematic 9 and see if we can see the process. 10 So you can see that when we add images 11 to any of these tools, 12 whether we're adding our images over here 13 inside of Lightroom Classic 14 before we put them in collections. 15 If we add images into our iPad or our phone, 16 they immediately are going up to the cloud 17 and getting immediately delivered down 18 to both other versions of Lightroom. 19 If we add something over here to our Lightroom 20 on our laptop, until we move it from the local 21 over to the cloud storage area, 22 it doesn't get delivered up to the cloud either. 23 So in this current scenario, the only thing 24 that is being shared wit...

h the cloud is from the iPad 25 because that's the thing that automatically shares 26 with the cloud all the time. 27 If we add our images to the cloud area inside 28 of Lightroom on the laptop, it's then going 29 to immediately share those images up to the cloud. 30 And then once those are shared to the cloud, they get shared 31 to everywhere else, including the iPad, the iPhone, 32 and Lightroom Classic through the use of a collection. 33 So now you have images from the iPad in all 34 of your devices, and you have an image from your laptop 35 and Lightroom in all your devices. 36 And then if we add those images 37 that we put into Lightroom Classic to an actual collection, 38 that collection will then share it once we have turned 39 the lightning bolt on, that will share it to the cloud. 40 But remember, it's sharing it 41 to the smart preview cloud, which is free. 42 It doesn't cost us any extra money 43 or any extra space to put images there 44 because they're smart previews. 45 And those smart previews then get delivered to all 46 of our other devices as well. 47 So that is the total workflow. 48 All of the devices, whether you're in Lightroom Classic, 49 in regular Lightroom on your laptop, 50 or whether you're on a mobile device using Lightroom Mobile, 51 all of them connect to the cloud in one way or another, 52 and all of the cloud connects back 53 to all of the other devices. 54 Lightroom, whether it's mobile or the regular Lightroom 55 or Lightroom Web, all use the high resolution image. 56 Lightroom Classic shares a smart preview, 57 but it receives the full high resolution back, 58 which is why Lightroom Classic is such a perfect 59 central hub for everything. 60 And that's why I use it as such, 61 because it always receives the full high resolution image 62 and it stores it and it maintains it in a lockbox. 63 It doesn't wanna let it go. 64 You have to really work hard 65 to make Lightroom Classic delete a file. 66 The rest of Lightroom moves those high resolutions around 67 quite a bit, and it copies them everywhere. 68 But if you delete something from any other version 69 of Lightroom other than Lightroom Classic, 70 it will delete it from everywhere 71 except for Lightroom Classic. 72 Lightroom Classic still holds onto it. 73 Now, in addition to the presets and the profiles 74 that I've provided for you for having purchased this class, 75 I've also provided this PDF for you so that you can kind 76 of see the stair stepping effect that we've gone through. 77 So if you need to reference it, open it up, print it out, 78 it's a good reference tool, but it's really just that. 79 It's not something that you need 80 to study and take a test on. 81 But if you understand where all of these images are going 82 and where they're coming from, it's pretty easy then 83 to develop your own workflow, a workflow that works for you. 84 The real question that you have 85 to answer from this workshop is which of the programs, 86 Lightroom Classic, Lightroom, or Lightroom Mobile, 87 is going to be my digital hub? 88 Once you've decided which device is going 89 to be your digital hub, that's going to be the place 90 that you have the larger hard drive. 91 That's gonna be the place 92 where you generally input all of your images. 93 For me, it's Lightroom Classic, 94 but you're still going to be able to use all 95 of your other devices. 96 So if you're like me, you have a desktop computer, 97 you have a laptop computer, and you have an iPad, 98 the desktop computer has Lightroom Classic on it, 99 and that's kind of where I do all the major work. 100 So when I'm churning through thousands of images for a job, 101 I'm gonna do it on Lightroom Classic. 102 Because of the survey mode, 103 because it's faster to kind of churn through images, 104 it's faster to adjust hundreds of images at the same time 105 because it has the auto sync button on it. 106 If I'm working on a smaller job that doesn't have 107 as many images in it and I'm traveling, 108 then I'll work on my iPad or on my laptop 109 because those two will sync up to the cloud 110 and deliver the final images to Lightroom Classic, 111 where I can either finish the work 112 or I can just do the archiving process there. 113 But I can do all the work 114 as I'm traveling on either the laptop or on my iPad. 115 Now, I'll tell you where I mostly use the laptop 116 is when I'm on location and I'm shooting for a client 117 and they need to see the work right then and there. 118 Then I'm going to tether into that computer, 119 store the images on the hard drive of that computer, 120 and then put them into Lightroom on that computer. 121 You might be asking why I don't use Lightroom to tether. 122 I do sometimes, but it depends on the cameras. 123 Some cameras can't tether into Lightroom right now. 124 Weirdly enough, a R5, a Canon R5 can tether into Lightroom, 125 but a 5RC can't, which is really weird. 126 Certain Sony cameras can't tether into it. 127 So I have a program called Smart Shooter 128 that's by Tether Tools. 129 And Smart Shooter can pretty much tether into anything. 130 And so if you have trouble tethering to Lightroom, 131 you can always tether into Smart Shooter or to Capture One. 132 Either of those two programs are great for capture. 133 And then once you're done, you just take the entire file 134 and put it into Lightroom 135 and start it through your workflow. 136 And so if I'm shooting on location with a client 137 and I'm tethering, then I'm going to use Lightroom 138 to put them up to the cloud. 139 And then by the time I'm home, 140 they're gonna be in Lightroom Classic. 141 If I'm on the road traveling, I'm gonna prefer Lightroom 142 Mobile because I don't want to carry all that equipment 143 with me and I want to be light and nimble. 144 And so this is the perfect way 145 to travel with an iPad. 146 So there's a place for all of it. 147 There's a place for each device, 148 and there's a place for each version of Lightroom, 149 and they can all work simultaneously with each other. 150 So don't be afraid of exploring 151 and playing with all of the different versions of Lightroom 152 because you're gonna find that some 153 of them are indispensable to your workflow. 154 For me, all of it works together perfectly, 155 and no matter where I am or what I'm doing, 156 I have the ability, if creativity strikes me, 157 I have the ability to start working right then, right there. 158 And no matter where I am or what I'm doing, 159 if I have a thought or I remember an image 160 and I want to share it with somebody, 161 all I have to do is pull up my phone 162 and search inside of Lightroom and send it out. 163 So I am always able to connect to my images, 164 show my images to anybody at any time. 165 If I happen to be in a meeting 166 and I have an image that pops into my head 167 that I think would help me in selling the job, 168 I can pull it up on my phone or my iPad just like that 169 because I have access to everything always. 170 That's the value of the Lightroom ecosystem. 171 It connects you to your images at all times 172 and the powerful tools that allow you to make your images. 173 So whenever creativity strikes, your images are there 174 and you're ready to go. 175 Thank you for joining me on CreativeLive. 176 My name is Jared Platt. 177 Please follow me at Instagram or on Facebook 178 or pretty much any social media. 179 You can find me @JaredPlatt, 180 or you can just go to 181 There's lots of information there. 182 I have lots of courses here on CreativeLive, 183 and I have lots of information all over the web. 184 Please follow me, share your information. 185 I would love to see what you're doing with Lightroom 186 and the Lightroom ecosystem, 187 and I would really love to see your images, so don't be shy. 188 Connect with me and I will see you on another workshop. 189 Oh, and don't forget, there are three brand new workshops 190 in addition to this one right here on CreativeLive, 191 one about Lightroom Classic, one about Lightroom, 192 and one about all of the AI tools 193 inside of the Lightroom ecosystem. 194 So check those out as well, 195 and I'll see you on another workshop.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials

Ratings and Reviews

Milena Marguenski

After giving up on Adobe long time ago (for apparent reasons). I decided to go back with my recent coming back to photography. I’ve been a heavy Photoshop user but never Lightroom’s. Since I signed up I was straggling to decide between the “new” Lightroom and Lightroom Classic. It was obvious LRC is more versatile but I loved the modern, cleaner look of the Lr. At the end I am a visual person :). Jared’s workshop made my decision easier and cleared up the question I asked Google repeatedly about managing Adobe cloud storage. A very comprehensive, easy to understand and fun course. Can’t wait to rearrange my 20+ years photo library. Thank you, Jared!

Maarten Barckhof

JP knows a lot and can explain very well! I took another course, called Editing and Organizing your Photography in Lightroom Classic. That was very nice. But now, maybe he filmed all courses one after another, but he is less sharp, with so many repetitions... the idea of these online courses is, that you can look back whatever and whenever you want. But having to listen to all repetitions for me it was quite exhausting, sorry about that!


Jared Platt is the best educator when it comes to explaining how and when to use each program in the Lightroom ecosystem. He knows and explains extremely well the pros, cons, and tricks of using LrC, Lr, & LrMobile together. Most people teach each independently. Jared teaches in depth knowledge of how they interact --amazing!

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