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Lightroom Mobile: Archiving

Lesson 41 from: The Streamlined Lightroom Workflow

Jared Platt

Lightroom Mobile: Archiving

Lesson 41 from: The Streamlined Lightroom Workflow

Jared Platt

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Lesson Info

41. Lightroom Mobile: Archiving

<b>How on earth do you archive images from a mobile device?&#160; In this lesson you will learn how.</b>


Class Trailer



Lightroom Ecosystem Overview


Lightroom Ecosystem Image Delivery Details


Lightroom Introductions


Lightroom Application Names


Lightroom Classic Getting Started


Lightroom Classic: Importing


Lightroom Classic: Selecting


Lightroom Classic: Organizing Images


Lightroom Classic: Adjusting Images


Lightroom Classic: Cleaning Up


Lightroom Classic: Sharing Images


Lightroom Classic: Archiving Images


Lightroom Classic: Workflow Review


Lightroom Classic: Bonus - Cloud Files Location


Lightroom Classic: Bonus - Fixing Synchronization Errors


Lightroom Classic: Cleaning Up the Cloud


Lightroom: Introduction


Lightroom: Importing Images


Lightroom: Browsing Images in Local Storage


Lightroom: Organizing Images


Lightroom: Copying Images to the Cloud


Lightroom: Adjusting Images


Lightroom: Masking


Lightroom: Making an AI Preset


Lightroom: Synchronizing Adjustments and Masks


Lightroom: Sorting and Finding Images


Lightroom: Sharing Images


Lightroom: Archiving Images


Lightroom: Workflow Review


Lightroom: Importing Presets and Profiles


Lightroom Mobile: Workflow Introduction


Lightroom Mobile: Settings


Lightroom Mobile: Overview


Lightroom Mobile: Albums, Collections, and the Cloud


Lightroom Mobile: Importing Local Images


Lightroom Mobile: Importing Images


Lightroom Mobile: Albums and Searching


Lightroom Mobile: Selecting Images


Lightroom Mobile: Organizing Images


Lightroom Mobile: Archiving


Lightroom Mobile: Editing Images


Lightroom Mobile: Editing Across the Cloud


Lightroom Mobile: Sharing Images


Lightroom Mobile: Finding the Best Photos Feature


Lightroom Mobile: Presets and Profiles


Lightroom Mobile: Workflow Review


Putting it All Together


Lesson Info

Lightroom Mobile: Archiving

1 So, doing the final archiving from your iPad or your phone 2 is a little bit more difficult than doing it 3 inside of Lightroom on your laptop, or Lightroom Classic, 4 because we've already shown you those. 5 And it's really easy to kind of 6 create a set of archivable stuff 7 and send it over to another hard drive, stuff like that. 8 So when you are doing the archiving, 9 you're actually gonna do that inside of Lightroom Classic, 10 or you're gonna do that in Lightroom on... 11 The new version of Lightroom. 12 But you can kind of prep things here. 13 But if it's something that's personal 14 and you know that you're not going to use anything 15 except for the photos that you've selected, 16 you can always go to the sort 17 and instead of sorting for picks, 18 just sort for the rejects and the non picks. 19 Once you've done that, you've got a whole set of images 20 that you're not gonna use. 21 So just simply click on the one and hold, 22 you've gotta click and hold. 23 And then onc...

e you've done that, you can either say, 24 I wanna select all of these, 25 just by clicking on this button here. 26 Or, let's just say done, go back, 27 you can click on this again, hold, 28 and then you can kind of just 29 add images like this. 30 Or you can drag across a set of images like this 31 and choose only the ones you want to get rid of. 32 Now in this case, I'm choosing all of 'em. 33 And then once I've done that, I can click remove. 34 It's gonna ask me, do I wanna remove it from the album, 35 or do I want to delete it? 36 If I remove it from the album, 37 it will remove it from this album, 38 but it will be available on the cloud. 39 It'll be available on this iPad. 40 It'll be available over here. 41 It's available everywhere, 42 but it gets rid of it in the album itself. 43 And that's okay, because when you go over to this computer 44 and you're working on Lightroom, 45 the new version of Lightroom or Lightroom Classic, 46 you can still find all the images that were shot that day 47 simply by going to the images 48 that you know are in this album 49 and then just right click. 50 So if I go to here 51 and I right click this photo, 52 I can go and say, "show photos from the same day," 53 and it will show me all the images 54 that are surrounded in that day. 55 And then I can do whatever I want 56 with those images in a place where I can archive them 57 to a particular drive. 58 Before I do that, what if 59 you only had an iPad? 60 What if? 61 I can totally foresee. 62 If I had the latest and greatest, best iPad, 63 the kind of bigger one, 64 I might not use a computer 65 if I was just doing travel photography, things like that. 66 I might not even use a computer. 67 There's a couple things that Lightroom on the computer 68 does better than Lightroom mobile 69 because it just has more horsepower. 70 But at some point, the iPad will kind of catch up with that 71 and it'll have all the same power, 72 or at least it'll have enough power for Lightroom 73 to function exactly the same. 74 But until that, I don't necessarily... 75 I don't want to just work on an iPad, 76 but you might, you might actually love the iPad 77 and you might be traveling so much 78 that you just want to use an iPad. 79 And if that's you, that's okay, 80 because you could actually archive directly to a hard drive 81 if you just carry a bunch of drives just like this 82 with you while you're traveling 83 and you wanna archive a bunch of stuff 84 that you don't want to delete, 85 but you definitely don't want to be playing with it 86 on your iPad, you don't have enough space on your iPad, 87 whatever the purpose is, 88 you could go through 89 and select your images while you're traveling 90 and everything that you don't want to keep, 91 but you want to make sure 92 that you still have an archive of it, 93 you can just plug this in. 94 So I can just take this cord again, 95 and I'm gonna plug... 96 Instead of plugging in a camera card, 97 I'm gonna plug in a hard drive into my iPad. 98 And the same is true with your phone, by the way, too. 99 So I can just plug in this hard drive 100 and that hard drive is just going to become 101 part of the files program on this iPad. 102 And so then I can go here and say, share. 103 So I've selected all these images 104 and instead of deleting 'em, 105 because I don't want them anymore, 106 I can actually share them. 107 So I click on share, 108 and then I can go and say, export these as what? 109 So I'm gonna click export as, 110 and I can choose what I want to export, 111 and I'm gonna choose to export the original. 112 So whatever the original was, it's gonna export it. 113 In this case, they're all DNGs. 114 They might be a CR3, they might be an NEF, 115 they might be some kind of a Fuji file type. 116 So I'm gonna click on this little check box up here. 117 So I'm exporting the originals, 118 and it is downloading the originals. 119 So it's saying downloading, 120 but they're already on this computer, 121 so it doesn't have to download 'em, 122 but it's finding... 123 It's gathering the original images. 124 So we have to wait a little while. 125 So if you have a lot of images, this might take a while. 126 It has downloaded them, 127 and now it's giving me options 128 as to where I want to download 'em. 129 And guess what? 130 I can save them to the files 131 And it's gonna ask me where and look, projects. 132 And I can go in and click a new album, 133 and I can name that album travel backup 134 and go into the travel backup and hit save. 135 See what it's doing? 136 It's saving all of those files to the travel backup. 137 And boom, I now have a backup of all of these images 138 on that little tiny drive. 139 And now I'm going to highlight all of these images again. 140 So I'm just gonna highlight 'em all, 141 and now I'm gonna remove and delete. 142 Yes, I want to delete 'em from everywhere. 143 So I delete, it's gonna delete 'em from this 144 computer over here. 145 It's gonna delete 'em from the cloud. 146 It's gonna delete 'em from everywhere except one place. 147 If they had time to get to the cloud 148 and I left my computer home at home on, 149 with Lightroom Classic running, 150 they would come down into Lightroom Classic 151 and onto the hard drive, 152 and they would not delete from there 153 because Lightroom Classic holds onto everything. 154 It does not let things go. 155 It is a safe place, 156 it's a lockdown, okay? 157 But if you don't have Lightroom Classic on 158 and you don't have that computer on, 159 then it didn't download there. 160 And by the time you turn Lightroom Classic on, 161 if there's nothing in the cloud, 162 it doesn't know anything ever existed. 163 So just be aware of that one contingency issue 164 or plan actually. 165 So if you're traveling 166 and you know that you're gonna be uploading to the cloud, 167 you could upload to the cloud 168 and don't delete anything for a few days, 169 and then you'll know that it's all down 170 in Lightroom Classic on your other computer. 171 But this is the fail safe. 172 This is the greatest way to travel. 173 Just get one of these small little drives. 174 They're made by Samsung. 175 They're super tiny, they're easy. 176 You can get a four terabyte one of these 177 and travel around with this and all you need. 178 So I am headed to Iceland and Scotland in a week, 179 and I'm going to be taking this iPad 180 and a drive just like this. 181 And that is it. 182 Oh, and I'm taking my card reader, 183 so I'm taking my card reader, 184 I'm taking the iPad and I'm taking a little drive, 185 and that's all I'm taking with me, 186 at least when it comes to computer stuff. 187 And so I will be looking at my images on my iPad. 188 I will be backing up my images to a little tiny hard drive, 189 and those two things will be separated from each other. 190 And they'll also be separated from the cards themselves. 191 So I'll have the cards in one place. 192 I'll have the iPad in another place, 193 and then I'll have this in another place. 194 And as I travel, I'll have my son carry 195 this hard drive, and I'll carry this in my camera bag, 196 and I'll carry this in a different bag 197 so that if something happened to any of it, 198 I would still have the images that I'd shot over time, 199 even if I lost everything else. 200 Plus, when I'm at wifi, 201 I'll use that wifi to upload the images to the cloud. 202 So that's the concept here. 203 And I love the iPad for this. 204 Lightroom mobile is a godsend 205 when it comes to travel photography, 206 when it comes to working on images. 207 Anywhere you happen to want to be, 208 even if you're not coming from... 209 And Lightroom mobile... 210 Don't get me wrong, 211 Lightroom mobile is awesome 212 for a really easy work environment when you put stuff 213 into Lightroom Classic 214 or when you put stuff into Lightroom... 215 The new version of Lightroom, 216 and then you can work on 'em here and play with them, 217 but then come back to this. 218 But Lightroom mobile can be a very 219 serious work environment for people who only have an iPad 220 or if you only have a phone. 221 So don't discount that as an option. 222 Plus if all you are ever gonna do is work on your iPad, 223 the plan that's available for Lightroom, 224 that's just the iPad 225 and doesn't have the desk desktop components to it 226 like Lightroom Classic and Lightroom desktop 227 and Photoshop and all that kind of stuff, 228 it's a really inexpensive plan. 229 So just saying, 230 if you are an iPad person and you love the iPad 231 and you don't really use a computer, 232 this is a great option for you. 233 And it's easy to use 234 and you can be just as safe, 235 and you can have just as many backups 236 as the person who has a computer can have, so.

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Ratings and Reviews

Milena Marguenski

After giving up on Adobe long time ago (for apparent reasons). I decided to go back with my recent coming back to photography. I’ve been a heavy Photoshop user but never Lightroom’s. Since I signed up I was straggling to decide between the “new” Lightroom and Lightroom Classic. It was obvious LRC is more versatile but I loved the modern, cleaner look of the Lr. At the end I am a visual person :). Jared’s workshop made my decision easier and cleared up the question I asked Google repeatedly about managing Adobe cloud storage. A very comprehensive, easy to understand and fun course. Can’t wait to rearrange my 20+ years photo library. Thank you, Jared!

Maarten Barckhof

JP knows a lot and can explain very well! I took another course, called Editing and Organizing your Photography in Lightroom Classic. That was very nice. But now, maybe he filmed all courses one after another, but he is less sharp, with so many repetitions... the idea of these online courses is, that you can look back whatever and whenever you want. But having to listen to all repetitions for me it was quite exhausting, sorry about that!


Jared Platt is the best educator when it comes to explaining how and when to use each program in the Lightroom ecosystem. He knows and explains extremely well the pros, cons, and tricks of using LrC, Lr, & LrMobile together. Most people teach each independently. Jared teaches in depth knowledge of how they interact --amazing!

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