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Lightroom Classic: Adjusting Images

Lesson 10 from: The Streamlined Lightroom Workflow

Jared Platt

Lightroom Classic: Adjusting Images

Lesson 10 from: The Streamlined Lightroom Workflow

Jared Platt

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Lesson Info

10. Lightroom Classic: Adjusting Images

<b>In this lesson I walk you through the process of adjusting your images in Lightroom Classic with some special tips and tricks.</b>


Class Trailer



Lightroom Ecosystem Overview


Lightroom Ecosystem Image Delivery Details


Lightroom Introductions


Lightroom Application Names


Lightroom Classic Getting Started


Lightroom Classic: Importing


Lightroom Classic: Selecting


Lightroom Classic: Organizing Images


Lightroom Classic: Adjusting Images


Lightroom Classic: Cleaning Up


Lightroom Classic: Sharing Images


Lightroom Classic: Archiving Images


Lightroom Classic: Workflow Review


Lightroom Classic: Bonus - Cloud Files Location


Lightroom Classic: Bonus - Fixing Synchronization Errors


Lightroom Classic: Cleaning Up the Cloud


Lightroom: Introduction


Lightroom: Importing Images


Lightroom: Browsing Images in Local Storage


Lightroom: Organizing Images


Lightroom: Copying Images to the Cloud


Lightroom: Adjusting Images


Lightroom: Masking


Lightroom: Making an AI Preset


Lightroom: Synchronizing Adjustments and Masks


Lightroom: Sorting and Finding Images


Lightroom: Sharing Images


Lightroom: Archiving Images


Lightroom: Workflow Review


Lightroom: Importing Presets and Profiles


Lightroom Mobile: Workflow Introduction


Lightroom Mobile: Settings


Lightroom Mobile: Overview


Lightroom Mobile: Albums, Collections, and the Cloud


Lightroom Mobile: Importing Local Images


Lightroom Mobile: Importing Images


Lightroom Mobile: Albums and Searching


Lightroom Mobile: Selecting Images


Lightroom Mobile: Organizing Images


Lightroom Mobile: Archiving


Lightroom Mobile: Editing Images


Lightroom Mobile: Editing Across the Cloud


Lightroom Mobile: Sharing Images


Lightroom Mobile: Finding the Best Photos Feature


Lightroom Mobile: Presets and Profiles


Lightroom Mobile: Workflow Review


Putting it All Together


Lesson Info

Lightroom Classic: Adjusting Images

1 We're on to the next phase of life for these four photos, 2 and that is the adjustment phase. 3 So we're gonna go into the develop module now 4 and just hit the D key to do that. 5 And that is really zoomed in. 6 In the develop module, you'll notice that you have 7 a navigator up here that allows you to move the photo around 8 and also choose the amount of zoom. 9 And so I'm at 100% now, but I'm gonna click fit. 10 That pulls me out. 11 Then the Z key goes back and forth 12 between the last two versions of zoom. 13 So, I'm highlighting all of these images. 14 So I'm gonna hit Command + A and highlight all of them. 15 And then I'm gonna go over to the develop side. 16 So over in the develop module, 17 on the right-hand side is all of the adjustment tools. 18 On the left-hand side is a bunch of presets 19 as well as snapshots and histories 20 for the states that you have in developing. 21 So it's basically the history or able to go back in time. 22 And then there's collections. 23 Co...

llections are available everywhere inside of Lightroom. 24 Every single module has a set of collections 25 on the left-hand side so that you can quickly move 26 back and forth between groups of images. 27 And that's really great. 28 And that's another reason to have your images 29 always in a collection, 30 even though they're also in a folder. 31 And if that folder and that collection have the same name, 32 it's really easy for you to find it, get to it. 33 And so while you're in the develop module, 34 you could go to a set of wedding shots, 35 and then you could go right back to your self-portrait, 36 and you'll be able to find your images really easily. 37 But notice that my self-portrait still has 33 images in it 38 because it's got all of the images from the entire job. 39 It doesn't just have the the few that I selected. 40 But you can also see that the flags and the stars 41 are still active in there because it's the same images 42 in the folder as it is in the collection. 43 So just so you're aware of that. 44 And if I only wanna see those four photos, 45 I can come down to my filter here. 46 I can filter for just the selected images, 47 turn off the filter for the unselected and the rejected. 48 And so now I'm only seeing those four images. 49 So, I've got 'em all highlighted. 50 Now's the time to start working on it. 51 So, I'm gonna first just kind of do a white balance, 52 and I'm gonna just choose the white dropper here. 53 And I'm gonna go onto my white shirt 54 and just click somewhere in the lighter area, 55 right about there. 56 Not too light. 57 I don't wanna be really white 58 and I don't want to be really dark either. 59 So I'm just gonna kind of choose a midtone right there. 60 And that gives me a basic white balance. 61 So I'm gonna hit the Command + Plus button 62 to kind of zoom in just a little bit 63 so I can get close enough that I can see the real color. 64 So I'm close to the color balance, 65 but I'm a little too warm. 66 So I'm gonna go down and just bring the temperature down. 67 That looks much, much better. 68 And then I'm gonna play with the intent just a little bit, 69 so I don't want to be, 70 see, I'm a little bit green there. 71 I'm just gonna bring the temperature up just a tad. 72 There we go. 73 So now that I've done that, I've got a decent temperature. 74 And by the way, I'm only doing the temperature intent first 75 because my exposure is correct. 76 It's pretty close to where it should be. 77 If you have something that's off exposure, 78 it's not exposed correctly at all, 79 get the exposure right first 80 and then play with the color balance. 81 because color balance is really changed quite a bit 82 by the brightness of a subject. 83 I mean, if you think about red versus pink. 84 So if you're looking at red and then you brighten it up, 85 it just becomes pink. 86 And so when you think about color, 87 it changes the way you look at that color 88 and what that color looks like based on how bright it is. 89 So get the exposure in the zone first 90 and then work on the temperature intent. 91 But because my exposure was generally correct, 92 I could work on the temperature intent first. 93 Now, I almost forgot to mention something, 94 and I kind of messed up here 95 because I am not synchronizing yet. 96 I like to live in Auto Sync mode because then everything 97 that I was doing to this image 98 would have been done to these other images as well. 99 But because I didn't do that, 100 I'm going to go and hit the Sync button right now. 101 So I click on Sync and it gives me a dialogue box. 102 What do I wanna sync? 103 I'm just gonna say Check All and hit Synchronize. 104 So now it synchronized everything 105 to do with all of these files. 106 So now you'll notice that these three images 107 look very much the same. 108 And then this one is really, really orange. 109 And the reason for that is that I was doing a test, 110 and so I have a normal color balance on all of these, 111 but you'll notice that the light behind me is fairly orange. 112 And so I ended up putting gels, so CTO gels, 113 on all of my lights so that they would match the color 114 of the chandelier behind me. 115 So now I've got to recalibrate. 116 I can't use the same temperature 117 because I warmed everything up 118 to match the the background color. 119 So I'm gonna grab the white balance again, 120 and I'm gonna just choose a white here. 121 And that gets me back in the zone so that I'm closer 122 to the colors on these images. 123 And see how I'm still a little bit warm there. 124 So I'm gonna zoom in again, 125 and I'm only selecting that one image, 126 and I'm just gonna bring the temperature down a little bit 127 and the intent up a little bit so that I am much closer. 128 See that? 129 So now these two images are the same. 130 But if I zoom out, 131 you can see that when I look at this background light, 132 it's white along with a neutral color on me. 133 And if I go to this one, this is orange, 134 kind of an ugly yellow orange, 135 And I have a neutral color. 136 So I just fixed that color balance issue 137 by just warming up all of my lights. 138 Now it's time for me to start adjusting 139 but with Auto Sync in play now. 140 So now that Auto Sync is there, 141 I can start adjusting and it's gonna adjust 142 all of these images at the same time. 143 So I'm gonna just zoom in just a little bit 144 and go up like this just so I can see the image 145 a little bit better. 146 I want the shadows up a bit so that I can see the suit coat. 147 So I'm just bringing the shadows up. 148 Black can go down just a little bit. 149 I'm gonna bring the exposure up just a little bit, 150 not too much. 151 And I'm gonna bring the contrast down just a little bit. 152 That's gonna make the light on the face a little bit better. 153 So my shadows won't be as dark 154 and my highlights won't be as bright. 155 But I'm also gonna take the highlights down just a little, 156 not too much 'cause then you get this weird look. 157 So pulling highlights down too far 158 gets a little bit kind of gross looking. 159 And the same thing with the white. 160 I'm gonna bring white down just a little bit as well. 161 Good. 162 I like the softness that I'm getting out of that. 163 So that's a pretty nice exposure there. 164 Now, I know I'm going through this adjustment kind of fast, 165 and I'm not really talking specifics, 166 and I'm not going through every single slider here 167 inside of this lesson. 168 And the reason for that is that we have an entire class 169 on Lightroom Classic here 170 that I just filmed on "Creative Live." 171 And so if you wanna learn more about adjusting images 172 in Lightroom Classic or more about even organizing 173 your images in Lightroom Classic, 174 there is an entire class, a pretty big class, 175 on that topic here on "Creative Live" that I just filmed. 176 And there's also another one on just Lightroom 177 and adjusting and organizing your images in Lightroom. 178 And there's even one on AI that we just finished filming. 179 And so there's a whole bunch of other classes 180 that go into much more specifics about AI, 181 about Lightroom Classic and Lightroom 182 when it comes to adjusting and organizing your images. 183 But this is more about the workflow 184 and getting you through the process, 185 which is why I'm choosing small groups of images to work on 186 so that we can get through them really quickly 187 but show you the entire workflow. 188 So I'm still gonna go through and finish this set of images. 189 But I want you to know that there is more to be had 190 when it comes to learning to adjust your images 191 inside of those new classes that we just filmed.

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Bonus Materials

Ratings and Reviews

Milena Marguenski

After giving up on Adobe long time ago (for apparent reasons). I decided to go back with my recent coming back to photography. I’ve been a heavy Photoshop user but never Lightroom’s. Since I signed up I was straggling to decide between the “new” Lightroom and Lightroom Classic. It was obvious LRC is more versatile but I loved the modern, cleaner look of the Lr. At the end I am a visual person :). Jared’s workshop made my decision easier and cleared up the question I asked Google repeatedly about managing Adobe cloud storage. A very comprehensive, easy to understand and fun course. Can’t wait to rearrange my 20+ years photo library. Thank you, Jared!

Maarten Barckhof

JP knows a lot and can explain very well! I took another course, called Editing and Organizing your Photography in Lightroom Classic. That was very nice. But now, maybe he filmed all courses one after another, but he is less sharp, with so many repetitions... the idea of these online courses is, that you can look back whatever and whenever you want. But having to listen to all repetitions for me it was quite exhausting, sorry about that!


Jared Platt is the best educator when it comes to explaining how and when to use each program in the Lightroom ecosystem. He knows and explains extremely well the pros, cons, and tricks of using LrC, Lr, & LrMobile together. Most people teach each independently. Jared teaches in depth knowledge of how they interact --amazing!

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