The Big Print
Alex Strohl
Lesson Info
4. The Big Print
Shooting for the Print
18:50 2Why Print
03:17 3Photo Edit and Test Prints
10:07 4The Big Print
04:17 5Calibrating Your Monitor
06:58 6Choosing Your Printer
02:40 7Choosing Your Paper
05:47 8Printing Italy
10:40Lesson Info
The Big Print
going with the big luster. Again. Nothing like opening a new box of paper. It's true. It's quite a romantic thing. This printing business. I really enjoy coffee making and this is very similar in a way that I get to work with my hands, I open boxes. I put papers later. I gotta be careful if I mess something up. There's no command Z. I've just messed up with a sheet of paper. So how do states work? Okay. My paper is loaded now. I gotta collect the right paper size on that room. So you get a page setup. I guess select the size for my paper. So my home is in a three. Here's a 13 by 19 and right here. Perfect. Okay. And then sometimes lightroom will keep the old cell size here. Gotta be careful at this setting here. So no, I am doing 13 by 1912 45 By 19 is going to correct it for me 1870. If you don't want to have it so tight you can you know. And just here at the south side you want just have some borders. It's nice to have a border 17 cleaner drop 17. Give you some tolerance. Okay. Other...
wise the rest is as earlier because it's a bigger print. Mm I think it's pretty sharp on the 8.5 11. I think standard trapping will be good printing big prints come out. It's looking good. I just want to make sure it's exactly after the small ones. But there's no reason it shouldn't be because I printed my test on the same paper as I do my big one. So if I wanted to do a 40 by 60, I'd be comfortable sending it right now because it's improved on a smaller paper. But at the same one. Yeah. Good darkness on the road there because the bigger you go, the less sharp the image gets. But also the further away people look at it. So we're good here. I'm just looking at his hand, which is the sharpest piece because you don't look at a 13 by 19 from arm's reach while you look at and a half 11 arms reach. So from this kind of distance cooking sharp, getting you the nice thing you're forgetting. How are you? You're so very cool. Yeah. So the different sizes. I'm giving you the samples. You think you can see the, that turned out great. It's so wild. The warmth ear warmer colder. Trying to get the canola good. And then the final, it's cool. You shouldn't be looking at this one so closely because you don't look as sharp as you do here. I didn't expect the pink to come out that night. And I like the canola is like almost like a minimal line. It's actually if you look at it this way, it's straight down the middle while candy was intentional. Maybe not. Yeah, I don't know what you do with it, but it's a gift
Ratings and Reviews
This class is for intermediate to advanced print people. I enjoyed the smooth process of printing and would recommend it to others. Lots of information has been covered. Thank You)
user c7bdd5
Thank you. Lots of good information. Well done.
Isaac Johnston
Through and also to the point! Well worth the watch, and I feel confident to print on my own now.