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Tailored to Fit: The Palmer/Pletsch Tissue Fitting Method

Pati Palmer, Marta Alto

Tailored to Fit: The Palmer/Pletsch Tissue Fitting Method

Pati Palmer, Marta Alto

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Class Description

Don’t settle for clothes that don’t fit! Learn how to customize patterns so they are perfectly suited to your body type in Tailored to Fit: The Palmer/Pletsch Tissue-Fitting Method with Pati Palmer and Marta Alto. 

Pati and Marta have spent over 30 years developing the Palmer/Pletsch Tissue-Fitting Method and in this class they will show you how it works. 

You’ll learn: 

  • A better way to fit yourself, eliminating the need to take so many body measurements  
  • Identify the areas of your pattern that need adjustment 
  • Tips for fitting a sheath dress (both bodice and skirt) to your body type 

Pati and Marta will help you sew for your real-world curves. You’ll learn how to adjust a pattern to fit a large bust, a sway back, rounded shoulders, a broad back, and many other common features. They will share techniques developed over three decades of sewing that are guaranteed to lend a tailored look. 

Learn how you vary from a standardized pattern and alter the tissue to fit you using the Palmer/Pletsch Tissue Fitting Method. After watching Pati and Marta at work, you'll be able to customize patterns so your handmade garments look and feel awesome.  

Class Materials

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Class Resources
How To Buy The Right Size Pattern
Sheath Dress Fit Pattern

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Body Map Alternations Worksheet
Fitting Order For Darted Front Tops or Bodices
How To Pick Your Correct Size
Body Graph Worksheet
How Tissue Fitting Works
Y-Bust Alteration
The Story of the Palmer/Pletsch Sheath Dress

Ratings and Reviews


This is one of the best courses I have taken online; I just wish you had the ability to make notes or tabs so you could refer back to certain sections more easily. I have met and followed Pati Palmer for many years but this was my first experience listening to Marta Alto and I see why they work so well together. Thank you both for sharing your many years of experience. It was interesting to hear Pati's history on many things and I really loved Marta's sense of humour it makes watching so much more fun!

Leslie coduti

I sew very well, imagine the disappointment when what I have sewn just does not fit well. Everyone who sews and wants what they have sewn to really be a joy to wear should take this course. It is like being there in the actual workshop. I am only half way through in the viewing and am anxious to apply what I have seen to my own sewing. It has been presented so well and in such detail that one comes away with confidence that they too can do this. I am also impatient, making a muslin takes time. Time is so precious and time to sew is really hard to come by. I have tissue fit pants in a workshop in Michigan and used a Palmer-Pletch pattern for a princess line dress I made in silk on my own. Both items fit my mature figure beautifully, and I did not have to make a muslin first for either one! When you hear, "What you see is what you get" believe it. Take this class, it will improve your fitting ability immensely and you won't believe how easy it is.

Rebecca Shelly

I have used the Fit for Real People book as a go to for fitting since I began sewing eight years ago. I now recommend it to students who take sewing classes with me. It has great visuals on how to read what fabric/patterns are trying to tell you about your specific body shape. This class is a great visual to show how the process goes along. If you have trouble with fitting yourself, creating a dress form of your body can be a great way of making this process easier.

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