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How to Sew Your First Skirt and Understand Patterns

Shaerie Mead

How to Sew Your First Skirt and Understand Patterns

Shaerie Mead

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Class Description

You don’t have to start with pillows! Learn sewing basics while making something you’ll be proud of with The Easiest Skirt. In this class, Shaerie Mead of Sew L.A. teaches sewing essentials while showing you how to make a skirt you’ll be stoked to wear.

The Easiest Skirt is a perfect entry point for working with patterns. Shaerie will take you step-by-step through the prepping, cutting, and stitching processes. You’ll learn about: 

  • Cutting, folding, notching, and pinning the pattern
  • Gathering skirt to yoke
  • Sewing and hemming
  • Creating a casing and inserting elastic
Shaerie will teach you how to read a pattern, what to do while gathering, and when to baste. You’ll learn how to make a timeless skirt that doesn’t take a lot of material or time to make.

If you want to skip the dull stuff and get your start at sewing clothes, join Shaerie Mead in The Easiest Skirt.

Class Materials

Bonus with Purchase

Shaerie Mead - Easiest Skirt Pattern.pdf
Shaerie Mead - Easiest Skirt Supply List.pdf

Ratings and Reviews


The course was as clean and precise as her sewing. I haven't sewn for some time, but the techniques Shaerie taught will serve me well. Thanks~


Shaerie is an exceptionally clear and focused teacher. She points out essential steps for beginner sewers and doesn't get caught up with extraneous details.

Melissa Fritzsche

Wondering if there's any way to still get this pattern. Thanks!

Student Work
