Lesson Info
Organize with Style Groups
- [Instructor] Look at all these styles that I have over here. I've got several of them. Going to move the character out of the way. And as you can start to see, that's not even a lot of styles for something that I would set up, but it's a lot of styles. And one thing I notice, I have a lot of headers, so I can start putting these into groups so that I can find them easier. So I said I might have a body text. I have body text and bio text in this way. Let's actually create one more. This is the body text styling, but let's go ahead and make it so that it has bullets let's just say. So I might come over here and just use my Control Panel Menu is what I'm trying to say, and come down to Bullets and Numbering, and I'm just going to tell it Bullets. So I'll say OK. And so now that first one has a bullet. Obviously, that one, and I'm going to hit Return on that so that I actually am just getting some extra ones in there. I just wanted you to see what happens with bullets. We're not going to...
set up the bullets or anything, but those are automatic bullets. Every time I hit Return, it puts another bullet, or if I had numbering, it would do the same for me. So this is a whole nother style. This is now no longer body text styling. This is body text with bullets. So again, I've got that override. I'm going to OPTN or ALT+Click, and I'm going to call this Bullets. That's the only thing I'm going to do. All the changes are already there for me, but I wanted to have one more body text style to work with because what I want to do is I want to put these now in places I can find them. So the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to create a style group. So I'm going to come down to this little folder at the bottom of the Paragraph Style panel and say Create New Group, and I'll call this Headers. And basically, I'm going to throw all my headers in there. So I'm going to come down and say, "Okay, what do I need? I need my Header, my Sub-Head, and my Sub-Sub-Head." So I just held down the CMD, the CTRL key on a PC, and select the ones I need, and I'm going to drag those into Headers. So now, I can open and close those and organize those a little bit better so I know all my headers live in there. If I'm not working with Headers, I close that up. I also have body text ones, so I'm going to hold down my... Oops. What did I do? I clicked it, and it said, "You have an override." I don't want that. Okay. So first body paragraph. I want that. I also want the Bio Text, the Bullets, and the Body Text, and all those are going to go in a folder that I'm going to call my Body Styles. So I selected them first instead of making the folder because one of the other options you have is going up to the Menu and saying create a new group from the styles that I have selected. So I will do this, and I'll just call this Body, and then it puts it all in there as well. And then I have, sometimes, one that's just called Miscellaneous or Weird is one I call it because it's just that one off that you have to use. Pull quote, I might put in Special. So this one's a pull quote, this paragraph here. Let's give that a Pull Quote. And you notice we've got lines above and below... show you how to do that in a minute... captions. So things like that, I might just put in Special, something like that. So we'll do Pull Quote and Captions, and again, I had something selected. We want to make sure nothing's selected while we're doing that. I'm going to do my Pull Quote and my Captions and put those in a new group as well. We'll call that Special. And I notice that I have this title sitting here. We can probably put that in Headers as well. So now, we have those all broken down. It just makes it a lot easier to find. For instance, if you're doing automatic tables of contents, that all works on style, so that's how you get the information into a table of contents is you tell it every sub-header ends up in the table of contents. Well, you've got the sub-header, what it looks like on the page, and then you also have it how you want it to look in the table of contents. So I might have a folder that says Table of Contents, and I want that there because they're going to have the same names or very similar names, and I don't want to get confused, so folders are huge. I can't remember when they introduced that. Maybe CS6, maybe CC. I don't remember. But when that came in, it was one of those things that "Oh, I can finally organize my styles," so that's how I organize them, put them together. We're going to do a couple extra special ones. I just want to see if everybody's up. Everybody's good and all right. - [Male] Everybody's tracking. Yep. - All right. They're all style experts already. Good. I like to hear that. - Do you want to take one question now? - Yeah, let's do it. - Okay. Is there a way to adjust the placement of the first line after the drop cap so that it starts a bit lower? For example, I feel that the drop cap should be a bit higher," Sarah's asking. - You could adjust the baseline shift on the paragraph so it sits lower... Or she wanted it higher? - Yeah. - She wanted it higher. Or what I would do is probably adjust the baseline shift the other direction on the actual drop cap itself because this one, for instance, I think it sits low. I think it's just the font that's there. It's a script font, so it sits a little bit lower. So for me, I would take the character styling, and I would change that in the drop cap character style, play with the baseline shift, and I'd move it up so that, in relation, it looks a little bit better. And then you might need to give it some more breathing room. Obviously, the sub-head, I would probably want some space after to give it a little bit more breathing room, especially if I'm going to move the drop cap up. And sometimes, with the drop cap, you do want it to be way above it just as a big flourish on top of there. So yeah, I'd definitely play with the baseline shift for that.
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Lots of good information to make using InDesign efficiently. Thank you for this!
a Creativelive Student
Another amazing class Erica. I'm going to have to purchase the one because it's so much cool content I didn't know.
DOlores RUsso
You are the consummate online teacher! And as you know, teaching teachers is the worst ever...and I can I honestly say (as a photoshop teacher) , I love how you are so organized and you just keep going. We are focused!
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