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Editing Concepts & Philosophy

Lesson 11 from: The Automotive Photography Workshop

Aaron Brimhall

Editing Concepts & Philosophy

Lesson 11 from: The Automotive Photography Workshop

Aaron Brimhall

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Lesson Info

11. Editing Concepts & Philosophy

Aaron shares how he prepares for the edit when shooting, and his mindset to create specific “looks" and fine-tuning presets.

Lesson Info

Editing Concepts & Philosophy

All right. So, the fun part, and my favorite part honestly, is post-processing. I think this, for me, is my favorite part about any type of shooting, because I could sit here for hours listening to good music, or a podcast. And I think, most of the time it's usually premeditated. Going into a shoot I'll know like, kind of the exposures that I'm gonna be dealing with, and whether I'm... I told you guys out in the field that I always shoot, basically, underexposed for everything. Usually, why I do that is because I can bring up all the shadows, and mess with highlights in the editing process. And I like to bring out certain details here and there, and it's just one of my favorite parts. When I'm editing a photo I'll usually make my selects, put them into Lightroom, and then, I'll usually hover over presets that I've made. And a lot of the times with presets, I'll stick to one, and then I'll use them for the entire catalog, and just for every single shot, and I wanna stay as consistent as...

possible. So, when I add the preset, it's just gonna be a lot of tweaking, and I'll just kind of have fun with it, and mess around with it for a few minutes, and usually it's trial and error. And if I don't like it, I'll switch to another preset obviously, more tweaking. But yeah, so, I'm gonna get into it, kind of mess with some details, and show you guys how I edit the first establishing shot, of the tree forest front. And then, we're gonna get in, kind of, the nitty gritty with kind of going dark and messing around, with just some wild editing ideas that I had in mind. And it's really cool and fun playing with dirt, and just anything being in motion, especially the truck that we shot. Yeah, it's gonna be fun, and I'm excited to show you guys, what I do in the editing process.

Class Materials

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Automotive Presets

Ratings and Reviews

Ben Waugh

Worth Every Cent! Keen For More! This was awesome, definitely keen to see more of these in the future! Keep them coming dude! Loved seeing your edit breakdown and workflow. Would love to see some more of the behind the scenes of planning a shoot too - @benwaugh

Terie Kay

One of, if not the best technical photography workshop on Creative Live. I can confidently say, regardless of your skill level from amateur to pro, you will get something from this workshop. Doesn’t speak down to you & uses clear, easy to understand terms, without insulting your intelligence. Highly recommend..

Allison Gregory

From Zero to Hero Awesome workshop to not only get my first taste of automotive shoots, but I am walking away with a shoot set-up and planned to create speck work and present brands with decks. I loved how Aaron really explained everything he was doing. He rocks.

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