Class Introduction
07:08 2Your Persuasion Tool Kit
04:16 3Logos, Pathos, & Ethos
15:45 4People Softeners
17:46 5Set Your Persuasion Goals
12:06 6Turn Arguments Into Choices
18:01 7Frame Your Life
27:29 8Argue Without The Facts
16:08Win at Meetings
16:22 10Power Presentation
22:22 11C3 Leadership
24:42 12Persuade Your Way Into a Job
19:30 13Benefit from Your Own Screwup
11:12 14Gain Power with Email
17:19 15Instant Bullsh*t Detector
14:59 16Get People to Act
31:07 17Argue Without Arguing
04:21 18Fit in With Any Tribe
10:33 19Persuasion No Brainers
07:56Lesson Info
Your Persuasion Tool Kit
The other thing that you wanna be able to do is to gain trust. And how do you do that? Well, this is the part of the tool kit we're gonna do, use. And if you think this is for you, if you want people to trust you more than maybe they do currently, this class should help you. How do you get anger outta the room when people disagree? When do you send an email or call or text or use a jumbotron to propose marriage, which a number of people apparently have, some of them tragically unsuccessfully. How do you turn your own screw-up into an asset? We talked about that. And then I have this tool called, this is my term for it, the PAO, the Personal Attention Optimizer. This is how do you get people in the mood for your persuasion, but at the same time, how do you get their attention, how do you gain their attention and hold their attention and avoid some of the pitfalls of what I call misattention, the wrong kinds of attention. And then this is one of my favorite things of all. When you are gi...
ving a talk, a presentation of any kind, there is a tool that the ancient Greeks invented that's been confirmed by neuroscience that lasts 12 seconds long, and I'm gonna show you how to do it. And if you can do that, it plants a thought or an image in people's heads and it lasts for ever. It's like immortality in at least one person's brain. Not necessarily yours. Then how do you get listened to in a meeting? That's part of the tool kit. How do you gain the high ground? We're talking framing here. How to argue without appearing to. What are all these tools based on? Well, they're based on a couple of things. One is ancient rhetoric, which is something I discovered for myself 20 years ago kinda by accident in a library, and that got me on this kinda process of driving my family crazy and reading every book I could. I talked to rhetoricians around the world. This is an art that was created 3000 years ago. It has built civilizations, allowed civilizations to survive. Shakespeare studied it. All the American founders, every one studied rhetoric. It was, used to be part of any education for someone who's gonna go into leadership. It's the original art of leadership. But besides that, besides doing all that great stuff over thousands of years, does it really work? Does this stuff work? Well, neuroscience and linguistics, the research that has been done in the past 10 to 20 years has confirmed a lotta these tools and actually showed that some of the tools I thought were really awesome maybe don't work so well, so I've been looking at the research now and talking to scientists to see whether or not the, what these rhetoricians had originally come up with actually work. And besides that, I've tested them personally in my consulting career, so I've had a number of clients in government and business, as Kenna mentioned, and I've seen what works in real life, at least for me, and what doesn't, everything from presentation skills to marketing. And some of them work and some of them don't. Everything I do before I take on a client is based on evidence, so I insist on data. Everything I do, I say we have to measure this, and it has to be good, accurate measurements. So that's what I'm bringing together for this set of tools. I'm only gonna talk about the stuff that works. All of it, solutions, actions, tools are gonna be evidence-based. So, which leads me to what I'm hoping you'll get at the end. This is my commitment to you. At the end of this whole course here, I want you to be able to know what to write and say on every occasion and not freeze up, to just have some stuff automatically in your head to deal with just about any situation, and at the same time, when you do that, have people like and trust you. Those are the two basics of rhetoric, right? Know what to say, know what to say, how to say it properly for a particular audience in a particular occasion, and then have them just love you when you do it and trust you and follow you. That's the art of leadership right there.
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Ratings and Reviews
I read Jay's book, Thank You For Arguing, a couple years ago, and it was life-changing! The course is terrific too and absolutely worth taking to learn how to communicate more effectively with other people, particularly anyone who may not understand or agree with your perspective or whose support you may need for something but don't know how to ask for or get it. Like in his book, the advice, ideas, and strategies Jay shares in this course will help you become a more confident communicator and also have more successful and happier interactions and relationships as a result. Highly recommend!
Malgorzata Syta
Excellent course for those who want to learn how to argue efficiently and respectfully. I've read Jay Heinrich's two books and was thrilled to see he had a course on here. It helped me consolidate the extensive knowledge I gained from his "Thank you for Arguing" (great book!). Unlike some, I loved his quirky presentation style! But then, as a huge fan, I'm biased!
Kc Mace
I really enjoyed this class. It was chock full of information that I will be chewing on for awhile. I love hearing the examples after learning the process. It helped with the understanding of what we had just gone over. I would recommend this class for everyone, whether it be for your job or your life in general. We all need these skills in our arsenal. Jay Heinrichs does a terrific job in his instruction of these rhetoric concepts.
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