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Presenting the Line-Up

Lesson 30 from: Symbol Design for Branding

Mitchel Hunt

Presenting the Line-Up

Lesson 30 from: Symbol Design for Branding

Mitchel Hunt

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30. Presenting the Line-Up

Lesson Info

Presenting the Line-Up

So it's time to pull our chosen marks into the brand deck and we want to make sure that they're presented in a way that the client understands it cleanly and can see it a little bit in practice with our mock ups. So I'm just gonna take my mark from illustrator here. I'm going to paste it into in design and we're going to enlarge that. So it's nice and presentable and make sure we have our options sort of listen underneath. So I know I have three options here to present them. So this one is listed as option one. When I go to my next page here where I have all my mock up sort of in line and again, once I'm presenting to a client, I always want to make sure that I am including this sort of positive black and white version and then a negative white on black version just so they can see it in a lot of different possible iterations. We don't really want to include any initial sketches that we did at the beginning. As this can sometimes add unnecessary roadblocks between you the client and th...

e decision to move forward with one of the finished designs. Still keep those sketches on hand to show us a case study in your portfolio later on.

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Muhammad Osama

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