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The Designer's Approach to Drawing

Lesson 17 from: Symbol Design for Branding

Mitchel Hunt

The Designer's Approach to Drawing

Lesson 17 from: Symbol Design for Branding

Mitchel Hunt

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17. The Designer's Approach to Drawing

Next Lesson: Free Sketching

Lesson Info

The Designer's Approach to Drawing

There are a million and one different ways to sketch. This is where we'll use some of those pencils and markers and learn a couple of methods for designing the three symbols we've outlined for the class, your abstract symbols, pictorial symbols and monograms. The drawing techniques I'm going to show you here are used by designers because they're very accessible and systematic, so they're easy to use and you can rely on them as dependable creative guides. I don't want you to worry about your ability to draw here. Most designers I know say that they're drawing skills are poor. These techniques are less about illustration and more about how you can think of ideas and carry those ideas through to a final design. So let's get started.

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Muhammad Osama

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