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Getting Started

Lesson 1 from: Symbol Design for Branding

Mitchel Hunt

Getting Started

Lesson 1 from: Symbol Design for Branding

Mitchel Hunt

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Lesson Info

1. Getting Started

Next Lesson: What Is A Symbol

Lesson Info

Getting Started

Hi and welcome to Simple Design for branding. I'm so excited you're here. This course is built into four major sections. In this first one, we'll give an overview of symbols and try to understand them as a design practice, but also as a broader cultural concept. In the second section, we'll learn how to get specific about the needs of a branding project and set ourselves up for a good working process. In the third section we'll get our hands dirty and learn some ideation techniques to generate ideas within illustration and typography. And finally, in the fourth section, we'll learn how to bring those ideas into a digital space and make sure they maintain a good amount of character. Throughout the course, I'll have you build your own set of brand marks and in the end you'll have a full presentation showing off your design, thinking I've included some files to download in the next section that will help you follow along with me as we build open them up and get a good feel for the layout.

We'll come back to these soon enough and start filling them in with your designs.

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