Day 1
1Know What's Really on Your Plate
48:48 2Recognizing Your De-stressers
42:43 3Guided Visualization of Stress
13:00 4What Exactly Is Stress?
20:37 5Why Does Stress Fry My Brain? And Q&A
21:32 6Awareness is the First Step
28:40 7Know Your Stress Dashboard
26:21Tools for Cooling Down
31:14 9Put Yourself on the Calendar
49:00 10Student & Web Questions
13:24 11How to Create a Successful Strategy
17:10 12Using Your Strengths to Ease Stress
36:56 13Knowing You: What's Your Vision?
23:12 14Balancing Your Energy: Delete
37:44 15Balancing Your Energy: Delegate & Defer
28:42 16Shifting Your Perception
23:20 17Choosing Your Mindset
30:08 18Create Habits of Mindfulness
31:37 19The Human Operating System
20:02 20Training for Resilience
25:36 21Voicing Out Our Needs
30:01 22Creating New Habits to Fight Stress
18:09 23Be Aware: Sustaining & Derailing Habits
26:23 24Being Empowered With Mindful Habits
39:12 25Why We Fail
26:14 26Having the Optimal Mindset
37:54 27Succeeding With Your Goal(s)
19:51 28S.M.A.R.T. Goals
28:03 29Building Up Your Confidence
35:08 30Why You Should Put Up Guardrails
31:00 31Fine Tuning Habits of Resilience
21:12 32Celebrate Your Successes
19:07Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
The Human Operating System
I wantto talk for just a minute about a couple of things that come up from the chats in the community that gone on, and I said it in this workshop that I really wasn't going to be working on specific medical issues around this, but I want to make a couple of points and one is that why should you address your stress? Well, medically it's critical, we've talked so much about mentally it's critical, and you want your best brainpower to be happy to create the life you want. Medically, it is critical to address your stress. Inflammation is responsible for the majority of diseases that we have, including the auto immune diseases that we've discussed, a tiny bit heart disease, diabetes is it to be disease of inflammation? All of these diseases occur because our body is too revved up. The immune system is triggered to be doing too much, and we're supposed to have this beautiful balance of being on and having times when we're off and repair and restoration and renew or done it's the it's, this ...
rhythm, that is our healthiest rhythm, but we spend all our time up here without the renewal, and it does hurt us medically, it does contribute to every disease process out there, so if you're dealing with any of those air, you have a family. Remember, that is or it runs in your family, so you're concerned you may this's the reason to really take this stuff to heart because you're contributing to your own health by dealing with your stress. So welcome questions about that toward the end of this, but I want to get through this next segment and talk about how to get stronger, and in fact, these things help your health as well as we go through. So we have been working through first who we are and what's on our plate and how we deal with it and then the model of stress, you know what comes in? Can we reduce it? How come we were frame what's left on? The third part I want to work on is how can you be stronger just in the face of stress? How can you be more resilient? What makes you more resilient? So we're going to talk about the favorite thing that I have studied the human operating system. We're humans, we are a system were on organic system that has requirements to it, we have different kinds of energy that we need to function and without those without making sure that we get enough of them or that when we spent them, we replenish them, we are gonna have disease, states, we are gonna have mental fatigue or shutting down is one person mentioned from feeling defeated all of those things are gonna happen when we're not taking care of the system and hear the basics that we need to be human in fact, we will die very quickly without oxygen we will die and in a matter of days without water, a matter of weeks without food, a matter of we probably a week or so without any sleep, you're a risk for death. These are the things we just plain half tohave, and we are ignoring this right and left in our world. We have a sleep deprived nation. I can't tell you how many people I've worked with who are so stressed out about something over here, and when I've asked about they're just lifestyle habits and found out they aren't sleeping at all and we started getting them some actual rest. They had the power to deal with the stress in fact offense the size of what was out here as they started to get more sleep, the feeling of the size of whatever this wass shrink just by getting more sleep because they renewed their brain, they renew their creativity to deal with it there, their ability to put it back in perspective, those things we just talked about so these things are just critical most people I work with actually most people it's the majority of people have one area on this sheet here where they're not meeting their requirements lifestyle habits this is the new version of medicine we now realize that everything is related to the lifestyle would choose including our happiness, including our effectiveness, our productivity, our ability to score in business, it's supported by the lifestyle habits we choose, so let's go into training and pick some good lifestyle habits, the things that make a strong we know this really, really well already you think about sending a little child into a game to play you've making sure they've eaten, you've made sure they've had rest, you make sure they're in a good mood, you make sure they have all the things that they need to do it, but we don't do it for ourselves and it's time to do it for ourselves to nurture ourselves because this is the training that makes a strong so as I go through these things, find the things that you maybe could tweet, maybe you need a little more sleep, maybe you need to make sure you stay hydrated through the debt you see assaults drinking down water here hydration is enormous for the brain for the body thes air the little things you khun tweak that'll make a big difference, and they're going to make you stronger to deal with the heavy, big stuff that we have been discussing, like reframing difficulty relationship do you know how much easier it is to reframe a difficult relationship when you've had a rest it's so much easier? So let's talk about some of these things we need thes air the universal needs we were actually programmed to move we learned better when we're moving fact they took up group of dyslexic kids and put them on the trampoline for ten minutes and their reading scores went up there's a great book called spark which took the lower students in this school in the midwest and put them in a running program in the morning and they wound up outscoring other schools I mean just we were born to move when we move we release chemicals that help us create neural pathways, so if we want to fight stress, we've got to make sure we're getting these things in our inner world in our day to day life and maybe not every day we get everything well hopefully we get oxygen, water and food and sleep everyday, but maybe we don't get all of it every day but these are the things that are essential to the human operating system connection is actually essential a baby who isn't held and loved dies it's called failure to thrive we're the same way we cannot be an island weaken, weaken divorce our entire family and maybe all of our friends and everybody else is in our life we're not going to thrive, we just won't now some people this point will bring up the introvert extrovert question and I think that's sort of an interesting one. I'm an introvert, she says from the stage I truly am. And one of the best definitions I've heard of that is that after I've been with people, I need to go replenish my energy where is a good friend of mine? Who's an extra vert will leave being with people charged and I know that about me, so I have to do it but we all even the introverts need connection you have to have that related this was some people in your life and hopefully with some purpose in your life some some rays on dutch why are you here? Our play is also critical to the human when we get to serious, we're not very effective. We learned through play way we make new neural connections, different parts of our brains start firing through play, so when we take play out of our life, we're not at our best and we tend to be more stressed and as we discussed over and over again without safety, we have none of this, you know, we we need to be safe in some way, shape or form? Are we ever completely safe? Of course not, um, you know how many of you have had a relative so you could die crossing the street were never completely safe, but we need to feel safe, which is an important point when you're having some of these difficult conversations that we've been talking about if you want somebody to open up, you need to create that space of safety for them you need to create emotional safety to open up and that's an interesting thing so these are the basics of what we need. I need hugs and I'd need water. This is downtown asheville you can get free hugs and water, but then we have these advanced operations and they're the things that you really need so before we go into those though I want to talk I want to talk a little bit about just in your workbook on page twenty one now take a moment thinking about the basic operations and right down jot down one or two that you think you could use a little tweaking on you could use a little more of it in your life I can go back to that screen if that would be helpful did you say page twenty one? She says without glasses at the bottom of the universal needs you like to meet more consistently see I immediately got defensive and then undoubted myself see so darned human, so just note where is an area where you could you could upgrade a little bit and share a few those with me what's coming up that you could maybe tweak um like we're talking about in the break uh biofeedback stuff so focus training, focus training yeah, so that's using your mind applying? Yeah, yeah on at the moment I'm like I haven't practiced your ogre in a couple of weeks and my body is just like so yoga and I'd love a massage thinking about it this whole session that's a great idea um, and and actually, thank you for saying that for a moment um, I'm I'm gonna sideline for just a moment into massage. We haven't talked about the eighteen billion stress relieving techniques that are out there because we've been talking about understanding what stress really is and how to plug in and once you see your needs putting those things in places important touch is a human need and sometimes we really are carrying the stress in our body. We may feel it as the spinning mind, but our bodies because of our habits have taken it. We have postures that we assume under stress I'm a shoulder person I know of a miss lodge home my god, I love it it's it's wonderful, but they're sometimes when you've gotten to this level of stress where you really are exhausted and your mind really can't seem to get a handle on it sometimes doing the physical thing getting getting the tension out of your body physically will help your mental state hugely they're very tied together so thank you for bringing that up oh yeah yeah isn't it funny how we're all connected and sometimes you can get to the emotional mental state through the physical state and sometimes it's through the spirituals state sometimes you know you need to touch base with what matters and it lets the restaurant now so I want everyone to understand that they're really these different areas of entry to make a difference what else would you all like to tweak um organize his movement and and s so what I'd like to do start lap swimming again and for me that also sort of involves um play because nice it's like I'm playing rather than yeah exercising um and also something that I've just tweaked this past week that I want to keep going is I have a small dog and I've gotten really and he obviously needs to go out on walks I've gotten really bored walking around my neighborhood and just this past week once a day we've been going to the beach where he could be off leash on and it's so much better for me to walk and more interesting and I'm happy to be walking for longer because it's more beautiful and ice about so that's a tweak you know it's a good idea walk around I neighborhood that's a really good upgrade and you could multi purpose that well yeah um I don't know about you but for me the beach brings me the bigger picture pretty quickly uh and swimming in particular the rhythmic swimming because it's bilateral across the body does some interesting brain things um rhythmic movement is really good for us it's really good for your brains as his yoga I'm I'm the yoga fan but I tried to do the ethnic interesting these say that because in high school I was on the swim team and I was lap swimming a lot and I realized that as I was lap swimming I didn't I didn't worry I didn't think about all the other stuff that was going on um and that was not I didn't mean to do that it just was what movement our mind and our bodies are entirely tied together and movements can reset our mind very fun stuff so yeah you yeah certain on dh in the next session part three we're going to talk about after you've picked some of these things that our need for you how do you take that and make sure you stay accountable and do it so that that would be the fun part of putting it into action? How about you simon uh more a little more sleep more sleep uh are there any kind of uh well I'm sure there are a lot of studies about like kind of better times to go to sleep and that I mean another myth about eight hours and stuff but is there kind of what what's kind of the most recent on really how much lead people need and it is close to seven and a half hours or so there's a lot coming out on sleep we have a sleep deprived nation uh we were having a discussion during the break that americans in particular work harder than any other country and we have yet to show that that's more effective way lose more sleep and we do really silly things because we put people in positions of huge power on planes send them around the world put them behind the wheel have them make large decisions all without sleep and five days in a row of lefts than five hours sleep and you test legally drunk way have to sleep your brain is you know those neurons come and connect to each other they dump out chemicals all those chemicals are made from building blocks they need to breathe replenished and restored and so when we don't do that we start misfiring we start making mistakes were the drunk when we continue do that twenty four hours up straight and we start to make very serious mistakes which calls into question medical training which they are revamping but wow huh? So how much sleep you need everybody has their own rhythm and you started to ask I think about when to sleep does it matter if that's that's seven and a half is twelve midnight seven thirty or ten to five thirty or were break you know you take a nap or doesn't matter it's your rhythm which is part of figuring out you're rhythm for your basics in general the science is getting kind of cool now looking at what we need individually according to our genetics for what we need to eat and they're starting in on how we need to do other buyer rhythms and things but there's a line of coaching I think that is really cool that looks at mapping out your day when you have the most energy and what tasks you should do when you have that kind of energy and when you're you're lois probably is getting towards your sleep stage now the sleep cycle itself not to get too scientific but there's there's several different hormones that cycle through and there's this window of opportunity for going to sleep and that's not too different for different individuals living in the same light zone um so if you were to tell me that you really do best sleeping from four a m to eleven a m that be a tad unusual but then within the nine o'clock at night teo you know nine o'clock in the morning the big range of are you a night person or a day person use it to your advantage do your best work when you are your best person sleep um one of the things you khun do around sleep is add more of a ritual to it there's something called sleep hygiene which is putting ourselves to bed so we put a little kid to bed you were all put to bed as little kids hopefully by somebody who loved you and read you a story and tucked you in and gave you your last sip of water and told you it was night time and probably put on the lullaby that gave your body permission toe let go we need to do that as adults we don't necessarily have to have a teddy bear a story and a sip of water but wouldn't it be cool but we need teo give our bodies the signal just like I talked about with the meetings giving your brain the signal that the work day is over giving your body and your mind the signal that it's time to let go and go to sleep is part of sleep hygiene there are aps you khun do for that that will lull you into a pair of saps that will follow your brain waves while you sleep and give you readouts on your best buyer rhythms fascinating stuff I'm a little myself wary at this point because I've seen how variable the equipment is I think this is a new science of doing it, but it's coming, there are things you can get, that we'll design music that will drive your brainwaves to get you to sleep, done individually by your brainwaves. Yeah, used in half sleep, genius and it's pretty good, but it's, not individual. Where would you get the individual ones are coming. Oh, then, and they will trace your brain waves and create one that it was just for you, just like they're gonna do nutrition that way as well. No, we're in the infancy of that, but we're still at the part where we weigh already kind of know some stuff we should do for ourselves to make ourselves healthier, which makes us happier, which makes us less stress.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
Thanks so much for this free class, as a Naval veteran and cancer survior now dealing with female infertility and graduate student I needed this so much!!!!!! THANKS THANKS!!! Very educational. I loved the mindfulness and caring for yourself first! So many good things! I wish I could afford to buy it so I could share with friends and family!
a Creativelive Student
Cindy is a woman of integrity. She is one of the most inspirational" healing to the soul" speakers that I have listened to in a very long while. There were so many beautiful nuggets of wisdom that changed my thinking. So thankful for the blessing she has been in my life today!!
a Creativelive Student
Very informative, relaxing, and encouraging. I hope to see more courses from her in the future and hope to do her course materials justice! Thank you!