Lesson Info
6. Segment 6 - Map the Customer Journey
Day 1
1Segment 1 - Changing the Context of Sales
27:17 2Segment 2 - Building a Beautiful Company: Culture
30:53 3The Marketing & Sales Hourglass
26:49 4Segment 4 - Defining Your Ideal Customer
28:04 5Segment 5 - How to Create Your Ideal Client Persona
36:55 6Segment 6 - Map the Customer Journey
31:25 7Segment 7 - Content Creates Authority
23:46Segment 8 - Total Content Toolbox
22:25 9Segment 9 - Platform Essentials: Blog
34:35 10Segment 10 - Platform Essentials: Podcasting
22:27 11Segment 11 - Platforms Essentials: Public Speaking
28:46Day 2
12Segment 12 - Mining Social Networks
25:23 13Segment 13 - Top 4 Networks to Mine
30:09 14Segment 14 - The Social Media Journey
27:43 15Segment 15 - Building Your Sales Process
37:42 16Segment 16 - Apply to Your Business: Buying Process
33:23 17Segment 17 - Jill Rowley: Always Be Connecting
37:22 18Segment 18 - Koka Sexton: Building Social Selling
24:01 19Segment 19 - Expert Panel Discussion
15:24 20Segment 20 - Strategic Partner Network
32:32 21Putting It All Together Part 1
27:29 22Putting It All Together Part 2
22:12Lesson Info
Segment 6 - Map the Customer Journey
We're going to move on too the idea of this sarah ls and marketing hourglass that I introduced I'm going to go over this in a little more detail so remember this is the seven steps thie no like trust tribe I repeat and refer so the idea behind this is that this is a complete journey I talked about this is is organizing you know these behaviors but now we're going to start talking about how do we apply that you know what we need to actually do to do that now the I've showed it before kind of going this way but showing it this way you know you kind of runs downhill if you will you know follow is kind of the hourglass approach the the idea behind this really is that everybody so if we're thinking about this is a journey you know everybody who starts their journey by finding you and people find you through advertising through referrals through networking that you do write all the ways that they kind of come to start to know about you we then want tohave intentional and intentional practice...
or processes or campaigns or projects that that whatever you know fits that we actually logically move people through each of these stages we help guide them on this journey if you will so things like your website and block content and the what they find you doing in social media you know might be ways that they come to like you or at least want to know more about what you're doing in terms of trust webinars and workshops and your materials that you put out there actually even your search engine optimization is a trust builder a road or thinking your own instances how many times have you gone out there and maybe somebody said oh you need to hire bob you need these guys they're great you type in okay let's let's find out about these people and you don't find that much about them online in fact it's even hard to find their website you know that's a real trust a road right right because we've kind of come to expect that we not only we're going to be able to easily find cos we're looking for but there'll be lots of information by them for them about them and so you know the amount of information that you put out there and the place is the various outposts in which you're putting information I's a key ingredient in terms of this idea of moving to trust 00:02:15.47 --> 00:02:18. I think this is a step this try step is a step that 00:02:18.02 --> 00:02:21. a lot of people really skip but I think for a lot 00:02:21.05 --> 00:02:23. of business is the ability to kind of dip their toe 00:02:23.62 --> 00:02:26. in the water let's you know let's do a low cost project 00:02:26.08 --> 00:02:29. or let's do a free evaluation of some sort is a great 00:02:29.35 --> 00:02:31. way to really kind of say, ok, I like your people 00:02:31.76 --> 00:02:34. I like this process I you know I see how you're going 00:02:34.21 --> 00:02:36. to get me value now I'm ready to step up to you know 00:02:36.69 --> 00:02:40. maybe the core project or the core service or core 00:02:40.11 --> 00:02:40. product 00:02:41.77 --> 00:02:45. and then obviously that by step you know you have 00:02:45.28 --> 00:02:49. to actually have a an experience that that once somebody 00:02:49.0 --> 00:02:51. says I want to buy and this is really it's funny I'm 00:02:51.81 --> 00:02:53. probably over the years this is the place where I 00:02:53.48 --> 00:02:55. see people kind of dropped the ball the most right 00:02:55.86 --> 00:02:58. because we're we get so banged up in this chase you 00:02:58.89 --> 00:03:01. know, getting getting somebody you know you want to 00:03:01.36 --> 00:03:04. talk to us going out and pitching them on what we 00:03:04.03 --> 00:03:05. could do and then when they kind of say okay, yeah 00:03:05.76 --> 00:03:08. I'm ready to buy it's like ok, well I'll call you 00:03:08.61 --> 00:03:10. in a couple weeks or we'll get started or there'll 00:03:10.48 --> 00:03:12. be some miscommunication about how you're going to 00:03:12.59 --> 00:03:16. move forward so having some sort of process where 00:03:16.36 --> 00:03:19. you hand them over to the service part or some kind 00:03:19.13 --> 00:03:23. of new customer kid or orientation is a very intentional 00:03:23.76 --> 00:03:26. process that yu can install to make sure that the 00:03:26.52 --> 00:03:30. buying process or the transaction component is really 00:03:30.73 --> 00:03:35. as as hyah level as really all the marketing that 00:03:35.96 --> 00:03:38. you did to try to get them to sign on the dotted line 00:03:39.02 --> 00:03:41. but then you have to think in terms of you know what 00:03:41.73 --> 00:03:44. we need to do to make sure that we're generating lots 00:03:44.85 --> 00:03:48. of repeat business you know what what type of project 00:03:48.49 --> 00:03:50. review our results reviews do we need to put in there 00:03:50.91 --> 00:03:53. what kind of cross selling what kind of events that 00:03:53.53 --> 00:03:56. we're going to actually naturally bring people back 00:03:56.6 --> 00:03:59. s so that they can buy mohr so that they can you know, 00:03:59.35 --> 00:04:02. stay very attached to the community so that when they 00:04:02.36 --> 00:04:03. need what we do again 00:04:04.72 --> 00:04:07. they'll think of us on then the last pieces you know, 00:04:07.74 --> 00:04:11. what's the really intentional referral elements and 00:04:11.07 --> 00:04:14. I'm gonna probably on the last segment talk really 00:04:14.09 --> 00:04:17. specifically about some approaches for specifically 00:04:17.35 --> 00:04:19. for referral marketing but what you know what kind 00:04:19.33 --> 00:04:22. of champion events or partner intros could you actually 00:04:23.02 --> 00:04:27. excuse me install so that that's a that's a component 00:04:27.0 --> 00:04:28. that we're mixing as well so does that make sense 00:04:29.21 --> 00:04:32. that for a lot of people you know all they think about 00:04:32.92 --> 00:04:36. is no and by right we want to move people from here 00:04:36.65 --> 00:04:39. tio here and you know I get that right we want to 00:04:39.5 --> 00:04:42. sell our products but if we skip these steps these 00:04:42.46 --> 00:04:45. key steps and educating them and helping them understand 00:04:45.5 --> 00:04:48. why we do what we charge a premium for what we do 00:04:48.25 --> 00:04:50. letting them kind of dip their toe in the water and 00:04:50.34 --> 00:04:53. maybe you experience you know them as much as them 00:04:53.47 --> 00:04:56. experience you a lot of times that's how we get that 00:04:56.39 --> 00:04:58. problem customer we get that customer that didn't 00:04:58.85 --> 00:05:01. really their expectations weren't in line with really 00:05:01.48 --> 00:05:05. what we were going to deliver so so actually having 00:05:05.23 --> 00:05:07. you know each of these and building out each of these 00:05:07.46 --> 00:05:11. components is a really key aspect of building this 00:05:11.69 --> 00:05:14. end and customer journey that I keep talking about 00:05:16.45 --> 00:05:19. so how do you figure out how to do that in your business 00:05:20.77 --> 00:05:22. just start mapping you know what's the customer journey 00:05:22.91 --> 00:05:25. look like what what are you doing in marketing? What 00:05:25.17 --> 00:05:27. are the touch points in marketing in sales in some 00:05:27.74 --> 00:05:30. sort of enrollment or or purchase decision as you 00:05:30.55 --> 00:05:33. service a client your education follow up even your 00:05:33.62 --> 00:05:35. finance you know what are all the ways in which your 00:05:35.43 --> 00:05:39. business comes into contact with a prospect and then 00:05:39.47 --> 00:05:42. ultimately a customer are there gaps are there places 00:05:42.47 --> 00:05:44. where you could really make that a better experience 00:05:45.95 --> 00:05:48. that's what you have to start analyzing and so if 00:05:48.44 --> 00:05:50. we were working together and well when we end this 00:05:50.51 --> 00:05:53. segment will kind of end on this note you know we 00:05:53.54 --> 00:05:56. would actually try to map out ok for each of these 00:05:56.79 --> 00:05:59. you know, like trust tribe I repeat refer what do 00:05:59.89 --> 00:06:02. we need to add you know what product or touch point 00:06:02.34 --> 00:06:04. do we need at how can we actually make that a better 00:06:04.34 --> 00:06:08. experience and for many people they don't spend time 00:06:08.28 --> 00:06:10. really kind of mapping out these we just want to sell 00:06:10.41 --> 00:06:12. people and then we want to get the product to him 00:06:12.95 --> 00:06:15. on we have to actually intentionally build these as 00:06:15.32 --> 00:06:16. as processes 00:06:18.15 --> 00:06:20. so what else do you need to do you need to map out 00:06:21.55 --> 00:06:24. what content you're currently producing as part of 00:06:24.58 --> 00:06:27. this hourglass component for a lot of people 00:06:28.35 --> 00:06:30. when we talk about content there's like well I'm writing 00:06:30.57 --> 00:06:32. a blawg you know I write once a week you know I write 00:06:32.97 --> 00:06:35. a block post or I have a newsletter on what I'm going 00:06:35.56 --> 00:06:38. to suggest is that you need to build content that 00:06:38.33 --> 00:06:41. really has these these intentional functions in mind 00:06:41.59 --> 00:06:44. we need content dive obviously to create awareness 00:06:44.66 --> 00:06:47. so people know about us we need to produce content 00:06:47.29 --> 00:06:50. that really enhances air builds trust we need to produce content that clearly educates you know here's what we do here is exactly how we do it we need to start generating mohr customer content so you know their case studies their success stories their videos they're pictures of them actually experiencing your product or service or having success with your product or service on dh then the last pizza I think a lot of people forget about is we do oftentimes need to produce content that is specific to converting people two customers so once somebody comes through that no like trust tribe I you know what are we doing actually say okay here's exactly how it works here is what we expect from you here's what you expect from us. I mean things like contracts even in agreements you know things of that nature depending upon your business you know khun b very very key documents or pieces of content and trying to help somebody understand here's exactly you know how it works because what happens is and think of your own experience with this when we're just starting to try to search out there and we're looking a little bit we need different content for that right we need to just kind of know high level gosh what are other people saying who else uses you? You know what do your products and services but then as we start getting in here you know who else had a result with you okay, now I'm kind of getting serious about this how would this work for me right let's see proof that other people got results and then finally you know what air exactly the specifics what do I get what is the delivery bols you know for my money and so that we move people you know analyze and become you know, moved down this customer journey they need different pieces and different types of information so we have to think in terms of producing all of that different type of information another component for your marketing hourglass eyes, strategic relationships you know who are some other marketing partners who are some other businesses that that actually might may be great partners may actually be ableto refer you or introduce you to their networks their customers their communities you know are there some joint ventures are there people you could go together other businesses you could go together with to create you know bigger and different and fuller opportunities maybe compete with much larger organisations excuse me because you're offering a complete end end products solution or something that really allows you to compete with people that are much larger in size don't forget about people that you might call competitors in many cases there could be some great opportunities to refer business to each other with people that you might of otherwise thought of as a competitor I know and keep picking on you and because I know your business so well but there are cases where there are marketing people out there that all they really want to do is websites and email newsletters and right content they call themselves marketing consultants but what they really want to do is the tactical work whereas I think as we heard and say earlier she really wants to do the strategic work so those two people who maybe both call themselves marketing consultants would actually be pretty good strategic partners right? And then don't forget some of the suppliers and vendors and people that you do business with for whatever your service or product offering is you know can be potential strategic relationships I want to talk a little bit about this idea is you're building out your marketing hourglass on dh I'm going to go to the whiteboard here a minute. Just because that was a picture that I grabbed. I have absolutely no idea what that is. Or if that's something really scary or, you know, to tell you the truth. But but the concept that I really wanted to convey is this idea that in most businesses, we have kind of this curve, what I've called the curve of expectations. Ok, and so I'll give you a couple examples. Had a remodeling contractor that we worked with for years that found that you know when we went out and really talk to their their customers yes they did great work just like they thought they did you know that was kind of their their message we have better craftsman and we kept hearing over and over again that yeah you know they're they're expensive you know we expected him to be really good but what we really loved that they do is it at the end of the day each day when they work on the job site there people just cleanup meticulously like you could hardly tell that they had been there and that we kept hearing that over and over again because that wasn't the reality in the industry any of you that have done any remodeling you know that's not always the case it not to mention the fact that remodeling in your home I mean just absolutely destroys your routine just you know really it's not fun I mean a lot of people put it off for years because it's it's just not fun to do so they came to realize pretty quickly that the process how they actually got the remodeling project done was really as important and in some cases more important than the end project and so what we did is we mapped out all the stages you know, here's everything that's going to go so part of the education process was here all the steps in remodeling a home here all the potential not every job had every step but a lot of them had most of the same steps so they're able to actually talk about here's how the process goes but what they found was really interesting and this just kind of came about from conversations with there project people was that there was kind of this this change that would occur so people you know they've signed the signed the paperwork it's signed the paperwork about here right and they're really really really happy the plans were done everything was great and then demolition would come along and I'd be kind of yucky and then you know they start putting in new walls and things and then as somewhere down here was like you know, drywall standing on what they were able to communicate was that you're going to feel really good about the process you know up in here down here you're going to really hate it it's really gonna be terrible and so they were they were basically explaining everybody else was talking about oh we're going to make this wonderful wonderful project well they were saying yes we're going to make this wonderful wonderful project but we also know where it's going to be kind of rough and we want to be quite upfront with you and honest about that because that's an essential part of of your understanding and it really kind of bye bye managing that expectation when they got to that point and the client got kind of cranky they were able to go remember we said this was coming right and they would actually kind of make fun of it and be able to joke about it and so it really kind of changed their whole conversation in selling and so it became a component where they also then started to say ok, what can we do to create to make sure that those places you know we've already identified the way the places where it's going to be kind of yucky what can we do to make sure that we do something positive there right so they started actually giving them gifts and doing you know, here's a free massage you know and they don't like at that point right that they would say we know there's going to be really bad here so let's do something that surprises them you know let's do something that kind of changes the feelings so we're not only told him it was going to be yucky but now we're actually telling him now we're actually acknowledging that and fixing that so so where in your business or in your marketing hourglass you know do you have to start thinking about managing those expectations? I'll give you another example this was a dancing music studios on dh what they kept finding we were working on just this whole eye thing how do you keep you know for them retention is everything right they sign up somebody a lot of times you give away the farm you know get a new person in on so now it's so if they don't stay for six or eight months you know it was kind of a losing deal well what they sew sew retention obviously was something they measured heavily but what they started understanding was that that you know people would come in they get the new tuba and they were just you know, really really excited and then they practice for a couple months and then it would you know it would start getting harder they weren't making much progress and winter would come along and it was dark out right and so they knew that when they could they could actually identify one people were going to drop off you know based on the fact that they kind of knew the process so what they did was it to things they started educating their parents here's what to expect right cause a lot of parents brought the kid there that kid wouldn't they weren't necessarily always going yes I always want to take music lessons right a lot of times it's the parents saying you know we think this would be really good for you want to try you know we think that has a lot of benefits you know beyond learning how to play the tuba right and so they needed to arm the parents with here's where it's going to get rough here's where they'll start making excuses about wanting to come or not come and so that helped in the process of again as educating but this is also where they would then have the appreciation party it's like if you stayed in that long you know you've got to come to the party and here's where they would have ah place where you know because you've been in x months you know you now get this trophy ears you know they just started actually building in knowing where the expectations were going to be an issue and they would start building in process for that to keep people engaged but also probably in some ways more importantly they were the only studio talking about how this might be hard right but in the rowdy is you know every studio should be talking about that because the reality is it is hard you know for for a teenager to think in terms of taking that on and not everybody sticks with it on dh so so just having that conversation is part of your education as part of your marketing hourglass about you know where the rough spots can be is really a powerful powerful tool so they had the technicians actually had to ask me if this was a mistake and so I had to tell them that I was a pro and then of course not um but the idea behind this is that so I've talked about these seven stages excuse me and logically way start with no right like trust because that's the way it's designed and that's we write the ad copy we decide you know what all the features of our product they're going to be and we start writing about them when I'd like to suggest if you want to build a really powerful marketing hourglass and this could be for your overall business or this could just be for a new product launch right you don't have to think about building this one time there are many applications ways to use this framework but think in terms of you know what if our goal was that one hundred percent of the people that we bring into this business were to become referral sources what if that was the goal okay would you do anything differently if you started with that goal in mind in other words what would we have to do so that one hundred percent of people would refer us what would that change and and when I posed that question to people and I get them to start thinking about that their business that way all of a sudden they they instead of thinking what do we do to make the phone ring it's what we do to make sure that our every single customer is absolutely thrilled what do we want the customer thinking doing feeling one hundred twenty days after they make the purchase ninety days after sixty days after at the time of the purchase do we need to add features to the product or the service offering do we need to add education do we need to add follow up that we had never considered and I think that this approach or this kind of flipping it on its head thinking what it really forces you to do I think is actually make a better experience make a better product or service before you think about trying to get more clients does that make sense so it's just another way of looking at this concept in a way that I think is for many people is more powerful yes is a a very sustainable way to approach your business yeah that's a great way of putting it actually because that this is not as you're starting to think this is this is long term thinking that you know this is not an overnight you know let's do it let's do this one thing you know to make the phone ring this is very much a long term sustainable idea and approach on and the nice thing is it is the approach isn't what can we sell it's how can we serve the customer better and I think that that that will typically as long as you could get paid for it that will always serve you we're going to summers something yeah I was wondering if s o for the example of what we have it's not something that you can continually come back to this is for those you know specific moments in life so is there a way that we would approach it to still get those referrals but not necessarily be trying teo cell to that same customer yeah I think in your particular case because you are one of those I mean you know how many proposals can a person to three or four times right a surprise right so so you're in an instance where you need to think in terms of how could you what would motivate people to talk about you who don't need the product again so in other words you're probably in a perfect instance where you know having some sort of almost like club you know where people could earn things are you know if you're doing proposals you know strategic partners of eye you know what people do after they propose call wedding photographer call you know call deejay right so so you know a great I think system for you and certainly for you because she's in on it before you know about it right she's in on it on the planning the proposal stage which is probably before they call the photographer or the d j s o you know that for me you know your referrals would really come by having this whole strategic partner team that that would be all. The things related to what people do after the moment I think you're in a great position for that because of because you're sort of in on the early side right that makes sense I also think that lily's business idea is more than just proposals because if if if you propose and that's a great video there's a lot of ways to surprise people in your family you know surprise your friend who's a co worker when they get a promotion how about your parents fiftieth wedding anniversary so I think if you do a good job on the proposal maybe that may be the core constituency of her business but there should be a lot of peripheral opportunities yeah and that'll be I think it will be really important for you to educate around that you know because I think you're right we're all because you mentioned that the proposals is the obvious one that comes to mind but that's the fiftieth anniversary you know is is to me is game for you know as much as the proposal right daughter's graduation she gets a car in the driveway that's film that yeah there so this screen this particular shot has way too much information on it but these are these are questions that follow the hourglass approach right so if you're sitting there thinking okay how can I get started on the components of my hourglass you know follow these questions, okay how will people learn more about your value proposition you know what will make them want to know more what will lead them to give you permission to share your story how can you offer proof that they will get the results they desire how can you make the buying experience fun effective and convenient what can you do to measure and ensure your customer gets the result they expected what will lead every customer to talk about us to their friends neighbors and colleagues so this is just another way of following that path but maybe kind of stimulating some thinking in your mind so one of the pages that is in the workbook the handiwork book that we have is something that called the our glass framework worksheet and it just has a handy little hourglass shape picture on that and it really the idea here is just to start asking yourself and I'm gonna have one of you come up so think about this for your youth I'm giving you guys so much homework tonight I hope you don't have any plans on going out on the town because you're going to be busy uh but uh the idea behind this is that you start just plugging in something what would you know what would get people to know you more what are all the ways in which in fact let's take about let's take a couple minutes and just sprained storm that s so what are some of the ways that people could come to know you. This is just our amount, anything, speaking, speaking because they say, you speak a referral, somebody else tells it, right that you're great, what else? Service? So community service. So they see you doing something that is something they're involved in rice and volunteer, and and so they're like, I'm going to check that business out, right? Okay, what else? Yeah, so so your customers or fans, or whatever are saying, oh, look, I saw this great in your guy's case video, right? I'm sure that happens all the time, then, and something goes, oh, how could I get one of those, right? What else? Okay I mean there's a no one's actually pretty obvious advertising right is away there's something coming like one's a little trickier so these are things like okay so now if somebody referred you or I saw that video where what happens now when I when I think I want to kind of check those people out so you know your website obviously is there any mail newsletter maybe I could sign up for subscribe to what about your actual for those of you that have physical businesses you know is there what's it look like you know what is it appealing does it look like a place I want to go where we're going at it an open house so people that want you know you now they found you it's like okay, let me go miko kind of anonymous anonymously check those people out right and go to an event where you going just one if this isn't too off topic how effective newsletters actually are do people have time to read them or is it more just for bto be industry professional now I think I think so she asked how how effective newsletters are I think newsletters khun b a great trust and like building and again their effective to the degree that you are producing content that people want to read right? I mean there there are newsletters that people look forward to getting that opened you know, eighty percent open right but they're also newsletters that uh that you need to provide information that need you know businesses you can use them with your customers to inform you khun certainly use them as a way to the broader audience to say you know over time I mean I can't tell you how many times people have told me they bought a product of mine or they signed up for a course or they became a client because they were on my newsletter for years in some cases and I would think lily in your business too if somebody wants to show that love if you you'd probably have junkies who would go oh they're going to show another one if you get the release for somebody to show a proposal or something special I'm gonna want to read your newsletter because I know that it's going to make me smile every single time I open it even though I mean and so it's just staying top of mind is it possible for something to cover more than one of yeah for example that I was thinking of was a guest blonde post so if I wrote something that was shared on your block to me that feels like it covers the know somebody sees who's jason let's go there but also hey I like what he's writing and then you get into trust it's like okay, I believe what he's writing that's a great question I should I should make that point absolutely is true yeah yeah absolutely in fact in many cases they will depending upon where the person is right so I think and it was mentioned speaking well I mean there are instances where you've probably done this and where I know other people have done this that's the first time they get to know you they think I kind of like that person they seem to know what they're talking about I trust that person oh they're offering me a free evaluation I'm going to go try that and you know maybe speaking engagement covers you know, four of those things or five of those things now so that is always going to be the case a lot of it has to do with where the prospect is kind of in the process if they don't know anything about you at all maybe they have to jump through you know each progressive stage a little slower but if they've heard about you already there their friend you know that's another thing I mean a referral is really a trust tool to write so a friend recommends them in some cases you've that's enough right and so you know that khun jump through much I was just going to say in a different way to look at it maybe you were getting at this to john about where somebody is the people who are reading your newsletter there are people who are just getting it forward into them getting to know you there are people who are in that like in trust stage but then they're already customers who you want to have be repeat customers and so looking at your content a newsletter through those that lens of the hourglass and where people are can help determine what you've put in there too and you might even consider I know people that use the c r m system or c arm software tool I mean these air like stages in this you know where customers are you know, kind of in their cr m system were in their journey so how about how about trust little tougher one too because that could be a lot of things but really that at that point sometimes that comes down to your marketing materials e books that you've put out actual sales presentations you know our really big ones what else people I've seen this done they'll show where they're featured like the link that other people have said you're credible right isa trust builder testimonials somebody mentioned early in the day success stories you know showing somebody else look we worked with somebody else that looks like you and they got this result right so those can all be great trust builders why not try anybody have does anybody currently have any sort of trialled or evaluation do you do want tell us class so you can come and experience it and see what it's like for free? We'll bring a teacher out will work here team out for free and then get feedback ok testimony and then do you have do you experience sign up from that we have not you have not okay and it's a proven tool effective tools so you know have you started to analyze why that has not yes yeah a long conversation ok but there's so you're starting to break it down it's a slow sales cycle dealing with schools in school district we're getting interest but we have to go through the bureaucracy and and it's yeah it's slow yeah ok well but but I think the feedback is good we're getting testimonials we're seeing what works with kids what doesn't I kind of think of it mohr since we're so new is like we're workshopping yeah it's like a trial so it's almost a laboratory for you is for us to which can be very valuable to anybody else doing it are you doing do you do any evaluation for somebody to come in and well one of the yoga studios I teach out they offer a free week but and that's and then those types of practices almost become you have to do it right you know it's the thirty dollars all you can eat for a month you know kind of kind of approach that a lot of those offer but I think almost every business and even if it is a no I mean for in my business for example having a seventy nine dollars course you know me or a nineteen dollars book you know that I saw I mean in some ways those are you know the trials if you will that that move people up to you know who knows where at some point so having that kind of all those levels and price points in some cases is another way to think about that trial that so somebody can come in and 00:29:29.101 --> 00:29:31. it's still paid it doesn't have to be free you know 00:29:31.58 --> 00:29:35. it's still a paid event but they come in and they 00:29:35.15 --> 00:29:38. get to actually experience it you know without really 00:29:38.7 --> 00:29:41. commiting for months or committing you know, lots 00:29:41.05 --> 00:29:41. of dollars to 00:29:43.65 --> 00:29:46. free approach I think it could be I think it could 00:29:46.06 --> 00:29:48. be powerful I mean I think that you need to find a 00:29:48.57 --> 00:29:51. way to make sure that you have you know really steady 00:29:51.54 --> 00:29:54. follow up that you have a way to you know try to convert 00:29:54.95 --> 00:29:57. that you have a way to communicate the value of free 00:29:57.7 --> 00:29:59. you know that's where I think a lot of people fall 00:29:59.31 --> 00:30:02. down is everything's free which then starts to mean 00:30:02.94 --> 00:30:04. it's not really that valuable or that you're not going 00:30:04.88 --> 00:30:07. to really put that much into it you know I would even 00:30:07.57 --> 00:30:09. put hurdles up so like if you want to come to the 00:30:09.51 --> 00:30:11. free class you have to do x you know you have to do 00:30:11.95 --> 00:30:15. these couple steps whether it's fill out this evaluation 00:30:15.05 --> 00:30:18. form or, you know, sit through a lecture or whatever 00:30:18.84 --> 00:30:21. it is. I mean, a lot of times, you know, there are 00:30:21.23 --> 00:30:23. people out there that want anything that's free, and 00:30:23.72 --> 00:30:26. so you have to at least kind of narrow cast it that 00:30:26.65 --> 00:30:27. way, that makes sense, 00:30:29.16 --> 00:30:34. okay, so I'm goingto think I want you guys each to 00:30:34.02 --> 00:30:36. think about that, and you can again, you can opt out, 00:30:36.05 --> 00:30:38. but you know, tomorrow we may bring somebody up here 00:30:39.36 --> 00:30:41. in the last session and have you map out your whole 00:30:41.93 --> 00:30:44. argus, everybody excited about that. 00:30:45.66 --> 00:30:48. So you got some thinking to do many hourglass questions 00:30:48.84 --> 00:30:51. that came from internet land? Well, you know, we asked 00:30:51.85 --> 00:30:53. people in the chat rooms, how are people discovering 00:30:53.71 --> 00:30:55. your businesses? And we've heard from all over the 00:30:55.73 --> 00:30:58. map on this one here's one that came up from j rodriguez, 00:30:58.83 --> 00:31:01. said youtube, posting youtube videos for his business 00:31:01.66 --> 00:31:04. to kind of drum up some more excitement. Lots of people 00:31:04.18 --> 00:31:07. using social media time capsule says facebook, twitter, 00:31:07.41 --> 00:31:11. pinterest abby ellin says word of mouth conversation, 00:31:11.23 --> 00:31:14. cold contacts and facebook again, so lots of social 00:31:14.16 --> 00:31:14. media out there
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