Segment 16 - Apply to Your Business: Buying Process
Lesson 16 from: Stress-Free SellingJohn Jantsch

Segment 16 - Apply to Your Business: Buying Process
Lesson 16 from: Stress-Free SellingJohn Jantsch
Lesson Info
16. Segment 16 - Apply to Your Business: Buying Process
Day 1
1Segment 1 - Changing the Context of Sales
27:17 2Segment 2 - Building a Beautiful Company: Culture
30:53 3The Marketing & Sales Hourglass
26:49 4Segment 4 - Defining Your Ideal Customer
28:04 5Segment 5 - How to Create Your Ideal Client Persona
36:55 6Segment 6 - Map the Customer Journey
31:25 7Segment 7 - Content Creates Authority
23:46Segment 8 - Total Content Toolbox
22:25 9Segment 9 - Platform Essentials: Blog
34:35 10Segment 10 - Platform Essentials: Podcasting
22:27 11Segment 11 - Platforms Essentials: Public Speaking
28:46Day 2
12Segment 12 - Mining Social Networks
25:23 13Segment 13 - Top 4 Networks to Mine
30:09 14Segment 14 - The Social Media Journey
27:43 15Segment 15 - Building Your Sales Process
37:42 16Segment 16 - Apply to Your Business: Buying Process
33:23 17Segment 17 - Jill Rowley: Always Be Connecting
37:22 18Segment 18 - Koka Sexton: Building Social Selling
24:01 19Segment 19 - Expert Panel Discussion
15:24 20Segment 20 - Strategic Partner Network
32:32 21Putting It All Together Part 1
27:29 22Putting It All Together Part 2
22:12Lesson Info
Segment 16 - Apply to Your Business: Buying Process
00:00:02.21 --> 00:00:04. So let's, move on to essentially talk about some of 00:00:04.47 --> 00:00:08. the same things, but in a way, tio, apply it, hopefully, 00:00:09.26 --> 00:00:12. thoroughly, to your businesses. So this is really 00:00:12.93 --> 00:00:15. the buying. I call it the sales process, but in a 00:00:15.77 --> 00:00:18. lot of ways, this is the buying process, right as 00:00:18.44 --> 00:00:20. well, because there are two sides to this, you're 00:00:20.77 --> 00:00:22. selling something but somebody's buying something, 00:00:22.62 --> 00:00:25. too, okay, so flip it around and look at it that way. 00:00:25.85 --> 00:00:29. Do what is your discovery process? What is your next 00:00:29.97 --> 00:00:34. step when the phone rings right? Because so many people 00:00:34.41 --> 00:00:36. it's just whatever they say that day, whatever they're 00:00:36.24 --> 00:00:38. thinking that day, we need to have the ok. You need 00:00:38.77 --> 00:00:40. to read this document, or you ne...
ed to fill out this 00:00:40.82 --> 00:00:44. form, or you need to attend this workshop. What is 00:00:44.16 --> 00:00:44. your next step? 00:00:47.06 --> 00:00:49. Then what's your presentation when you get in front 00:00:49.4 --> 00:00:52. of a prospect I've for years called it the internal 00:00:52.82 --> 00:00:55. seminar how do you make how do you take control 00:00:56.57 --> 00:00:59. of that meeting? How do you guide that meeting? How 00:00:59.94 --> 00:01:03. do you make sure that you or whoever in your businesses 00:01:03.26 --> 00:01:06. are charged with talking to prospects that they're 00:01:06.3 --> 00:01:09. getting the exact same key messages across about how 00:01:09.96 --> 00:01:12. you're different about what your core messages about 00:01:12.4 --> 00:01:14. you know what you've done in the past with other folks 00:01:15.2 --> 00:01:18. on dh that you know obviously when you start having 00:01:18.3 --> 00:01:21. sales people that you're employing that actually you 00:01:21.28 --> 00:01:24. know when it's not you any more necessarily doing 00:01:24.48 --> 00:01:27. that kind of presenting you want to make sure that 00:01:27.08 --> 00:01:29. there's a consistent message across the everybody 00:01:29.94 --> 00:01:32. that's doing that but I have worked with business 00:01:32.32 --> 00:01:34. owners over the years that are winging it you know, 00:01:34.61 --> 00:01:36. every single time they get in front of a prospect 00:01:36.81 --> 00:01:40. and typically it's because they have that mindset 00:01:40.41 --> 00:01:42. that they're kind of intimidated by the prospect and 00:01:42.89 --> 00:01:45. that prospect takes control of the meeting and so 00:01:45.45 --> 00:01:48. this idea of you having and I and I will tell you 00:01:48.94 --> 00:01:51. I mean, sometimes it takes having a pretty firm posture 00:01:51.93 --> 00:01:54. make sure they're educated on what I mean by that 00:01:54.51 --> 00:01:57. is educated on your process you know, on your tools 00:01:58.8 --> 00:02:02. on your whether it's the thing that we send out ahead of time the questionnaire that we sent out ahead of time but then sometimes you have to say you know if we process you sit down in front of a prospect that they start saying well I need to know this and I need to know that you have to be willing to say you know what we've actually we have a very great process I want to walk you through based on those questions that we sent you earlier on dh I'll answer any of your questions but you know this I think we could get the most value out of following this process I haven't had anybody that said no, we're going to do it my way right they they actually looking for you to kind of lead them into that in some cases you have sale cycles you talked about the really long sale cycles of sometimes so you have to consider that what are you going to do to stay top of mind what do you know once you call in that prospect and you've educated him and you went through this one process with them this one meeting with them you know what are the ten you know touches that you have to then design you know, knowing that they're going to need mohr information they're gonna want you want it you're gonna want to keep that consideration hi and what so many people do is they make a proposal and then they you know they mean they either do a nothing you know they don't call back they don't have a response or they call him up and say I just want to see if you made a decision yet right because they don't have anything else to say so what if instead you know you started taking some of these tools that you've developed and you start saying hey you know, I know that you know for example we know often will have somebody that will say well yeah I want to think about this maybe and so we'll send him now here's a seven steps to setting up a social media program might be a blogger post that I wrote or it might be a checklist or it might be a tool and we'll just say hey, we're just going to kind of send about every two weeks we're just going to send one of those and say I know when we talked last time you know this was a this was something that was kind of bugging you you know that that you thought you know social media was really overwhelming thought I'd send you this checklist and it just kind of it keeps you top of mind but in a way it sort of wears them down too because they like wow, this is really great stuff you know they continue to send us this great stuff nobody's calling us and saying have you decided to buy? They ultimately end up in most cases deciding to by on their own because you've stayed in touch now in some cases there are more complex components involved there's budgeting there might be you know a timeline that's involved because they only get funds at a certain time I mean there are a lot of considerations but the key here is that you've got you've got to build that nurturing and you've got to recognize that that nurturing is a is a piece that that you know if a presentation comes to a standstill or a prospect comes to a standstill just put him into the nurturing component on dh just start you know have stuff ready made that it's going to start going out to him it's going to be valuable they're goingto they're actually going to be happy that they see you in their inbox or in their mailbox the transaction this is a place again where I see so many people dropped the ball because we put all of our effort in getting the deal or getting the yes s o you want to make sure that that that's the same experience as as really what led them there and then you want to have that results review and I've got actually even though I spent all this time in this one slide I've got these broken down for you too discovery process you have a plan gather information suggests next steps and pretty meeting materials mean that's those air that's how you create a great discovery process is that that everybody get you know matt sit down to map it out what would be a great discovery process look like for you you know what what information would you need to gather what information would you need to make sure they have how can you send them something ahead of time? You know I told you we use this signature brand on it that you guys all filled out this is a tool that's built in wu fu you know so it's a really simple even though it seems like a really maybe complex form it's ah you once you learned the tool you can build it in about five minutes and then you could embedded on your website when you do get in front of a client your presentation you know, the problem your solution how you're different you're story may be a real example how you work I mean, these are all the things that that you need to be a consideration you know, the first step for us is to make sure that they understand our point of view and how we're different but then when we get in front of them you know these are the kinds of things that we may wanna have scripted and script is a scary term for some people when they think about sully we need thio it doesn't have to be you know something that you read and go in robotically but you want to make sure that you are getting your key points of difference across. Now that you've spent time on those. Asked about questions the's are not pre questions necessarily but when you're sitting in front of a client thes air the quite the developing kind of this posture is something that I think can be very helpful a lot of times people will ramble on about ah problem that they have that they sort of vague on dh really redirecting him back to you know can we get specific about that tell me specifically how that's impacting you or how that's impacted you know ah a lot of times people go in and just ramble about how bad life isthe right? Have you ever sat in front of one of those before and and you have to you have to be firm enough to redirect it you know I'm one of my favorites is can you pose that is a question right? Because you know they're just rambling about you know, what's wrong with everything as opposed to really anything that you can deal with another times I've had people say well, we're just not organized in our marketing okay? So I could make an assumption about what that means or I can say why is that a problem? How is that affecting you and nine times out of ten that sort of digging in there it might be something different than I thought about not being what not being organized means but it really forces them to get very specific that makes sense. I love to ask people how they measure success how what would make this it's what we're what we're talking about today what would what would make this successful to you I mean how would you measure that because I think understanding that especially and we were talking about yesterday that your person is maybe measuring success or at least the ideal client you're trying to track this maybe measuring success differently than somebody who just wants a headshot right so understanding that and getting them to articulate that could be very valuable what would you do if this problem were solved? I mean that could be a great place when people start really talking about it getting them to imagine a world without this problem khun b or not just it doesn't have to be a problem a world with where we pulled off this incredible surprise and you were like the hit of you know everyone's life right what would that look like I mean getting people to start imagining you know that result um I because I primarily deal with business owners I love to ask you know what uh what they enjoy most whether they really passionate about in their business and again I developed that question because most of time it's not marketing that they're passionate about and they've kind of forgotten what they're passionate about because marketing is sort of choking them in a lot of cases and so it's a great way for me to get them back on you know how would you spend your time then differently if we could make this problem go away so these are these are some pretty powerful questions that that I again I used you know almost daily when we're making uh and and I will use them I mean it's not like I go through okay now I'm gonna ask you question number seven this is like the question toolbox or workshop you know that I'm not having my in my hip pocket waiting for the right opportunity to use and so it's something that you have to kind of get good at developing we talked about that transaction we have for years used what I call a new customer kit it's basically an orientation process so when somebody signs up we want to make sure they know what to expect from us who to contact or how to contact us for every element what do we what do they need to get most you know what we need in order to get started from them and what we agreed upon today how we actually invoice and expect to be paid we used to we don't anymore but I used to early on put even a copy of an invoice. This is what it's gonna look like when you get it. And the key is that having that very professional approach talking about money and how you expect to get paid is an element that a lot of times we shy away from, and it ends up being this sort of greatest, you know, breakdown in expectations, because either you had a different expectation. Or, unfortunately, the client didn't think it was that important to pay you, for whatever reason. And so I find that that and I found, you know long ago that having that conversation as part of the orientation not only spells, that you have a very professional approach, but that you value what you do in such a way. That that you want to make sure that they understand also just the communication component of it. If you're if you're not going to do the work for six months or a year, you probably are going to need a couple extra reminders of what it is. They were agreed upon what it is they have to do next. And so you're gonna have to build that in this part of your routine, if you have not already. So the review process make it part of the deal tell them that that you are going to come back after sixty days ninety days whatever feels right for you and you're going to have a conversation with them about the results they got that you know in your case you obviously want you want you want them to share that you want them to tell their story about what different sad has made obviously if you're working with somebody doing you know, some sort of physical whether it's injury prevention or strengthening I mean you you've got obvious benchmarks that you know maybe one of come back and measure and and get the results because I one of you one of the things you all will realize as again many of you are just starting but when you start quantifying people's results and you start documenting them not only does that make a tremendous kind of sales tool for you to say look we've here's proof of actual results we got for a client I think that in many cases if any of you have any issues with what you charge and maybe charging enough and I experienced tells me that's most of us you know that we'd probably don't charge enough when you when you were able to start showing quantified lee this result that you paid again round numbers this result that you paid a thousand dollars for actually returned ten thousand dollars worth of results quantifiable results to you all of a sudden maybe it's a little easier to say well that's going to cost two thousand dollars that's gonna cost three thousand dollars right doesn't make sense and that's that's the part that I think that this review process has the opportunity to kind of create for you I heard this term somewhere and I really love it which is you want to be reassuringly expensive yeah yeah yeah yeah I like that too exactly but the way you get that posture is by proving to yourself that you get that result because I think a lot of times when business owners start out yeah it's kind of like yeah I want to do this I think I can help you I mean that's almost the position that you find yourself in even if you know you can't you can't say and this person did acts or enough times and so you want to start quantifying that and the and the great thing about that is I mean there's only a couple things that can happen they didn't get the result so now you have an opportunity to find out why or to fix it they got really such an incredible result that they now want to tell the world and so you teach them how to refer you right you start understanding the value and my last point there is you raise your prices because you realize how much value you're delivering now you may also find that people aren't getting results because you aren't delivering a value or because there's some part of your process that isn't allowing them to access the value so it's a great to me it's a really great checking to say how could we get better to at all times so on and you know, a lot of cases I mean it's some of what a client has to do to get a result is up to them and maybe out of your control but if if your end goal is to get them a result you there may be some little processes little reminders some little check ins that you could do and add to the process that would help move them along help them stay account so we haven't checked in with the internet audience for a bitter we are we getting any questions from the folks out there and they're tuning in that we maybe want to throw out yeah we've had a number of questions coming up on this whole process we have a question that came in from antis spence and they're asking you about the specific system do you have a system that used to set up a nurturing process? Well I always have to say it depends right because that's how consultants get paid more but but but the reality is that we depend on exactly what your business is but there are some really pretty great marketing automation tools out there and I'm guessing a little bit that's what they're talking about it doesn't have to be you know, their tools like infusion soft and mark eto and the exact target that our serum tools that also let's say you go out meet with the prospect and they they fall into your try faze you can actually tell this software to okay every two weeks send them x document or ex you know, email or you know, some sort of education I mean you can completely automate that process and it's turned on and off based on you know, where somebody is in you know, in your marketing our last for example but you can also do these certainly by hand and it can just be you know, if you're if you've got hundreds of prospects marketing automation tool is pretty important but let's say you have, you know, forty year fifty really at any one given time that were in that phase there's probably no reason you can't just either have you know, somebody help you with it or you just say ok, you know, every two weeks we're going to look at where those people are and we're going to send them something. But I will say that if you can, you can get to the place where you're using some of this automation. It really helps because it's just one less thing to have to think about the real work for you is to develop what would we be sending them but if you can automate some of that it can it can eliminate some of the work the trade off of course to some degree is that you know the best nurturing is one is highly personalized so it's hey here's the thing we talked about you know when we met that you said you were struggling with the most now in some businesses maybe there are only five things that almost everybody falls into but so you have to balance that with you know automation that makes life easier but it's a tradeoff with kind of personalization zaza's eyes asking how much or what type of education would you suggest for lower cost products like in the hundred to two hundred well I think a cz much as it takes for them to really understand but obviously you have to be prepared to deliver that in a pretty automated way so you're you're running advertising maybe that is sending them to an e book or sending them to a video that explains ah product and maybe gives him opportunity to get more information but you obviously have to make that pretty pretty automated now we have some questions come up earlier when you were talking a little bit about research and getting into industry research you mentioned one tool that you like but we had some questions talking about fees associated with that is is something where you have to set up like a monthly membership or say you just have one specific instance where you need research can use go in and pay a one time fee I do you remember and if that have you studied first research enough to know that I am pretty sure they definitely have a monthly plan but I'm pretty sure you can start it and stop it s so you could go into a whole bunch of research for one hundred dollars maybe or something and then and then you're out okay or something or or you could sign up for the ongoing it's really on the way we use it so I'm assuming this is somebody that's interested in b to b is is you can use it and you can use it as a research tool so you're going in so for pre call I mean to understand some of these industry may be that you don't understand but you can then also produce some reports that show that so in some cases we use it actually in as a deliver ble so will we will also say we're here you know here's the top ten trends you know in your industry that you need to be concerned about over the next year and we'll actually make that part of the product of the project as well so it's kind of got a lot of uses good all right thank you all right. So anymore any questions from you guys? I got just a couple couple. Kind of what I would categorise miscellaneous tidbits before we finish up this sales process category. Thanks so in terms of when you get customers this part of the sales process then is involves you know, making sure that that experience day is so high that I talk about turning your customers into advocates and so once somebody signed up once we've oriented them you know what are all the ways that we could make sure now that we remove you no friction so that it's easy for them to contact us it's easy for them to get the result it's easy for them to you know to pay maybe right so we're not saying oh the only way to pay us is we'll send you an invoice and you send us a check you know are there elektronik means of which they could pay are there ways that they can use you know, services like paypal I mean we just want to remove kind of making this simple isn't as efficient as possible I don't think that you I've said it before I don't think you can over orient people I don't think you can tell people enough here's what to expect or here's what we're going to do or here's what you need to do next one of the things that that I think is a great silly almost differentiator is to intentionally build in some sort of surprise is there some way for them to get something they didn't expect on dh? The reason I like that is because and we all love good surprises we all really love to have our expectations exceeded and unfortunately so few people are doing it that it's the bar's not that high and so a hand written note a balloon okay I mean really really simple things could be a surprise additional product or service I buy running shoes from an online store and he always puts in socks and energy bars and stuff you know every time you know that I get a shipment of shoes and you know it's just it's a nice surprise the thing is with some of those types of things I'm guessing he gets that stuff free the story by from now because it's from strategic partners that want to promote their products they want to get me hooked on their energy bards right and so they're happy to actually give that so a lot of cases you can look to your strategic partners people other people who might be working with for you talked about gift certificates for you know a something a nail salon or something because it's very related that's a great strategic partner for you so think about building you know, some sort of way to say here's what we agreed upon today but oh by the way you know here's something more that you didn't expect I think it's a really important step in the process to really get is much input as possible continually asking so early on you know I told you in the program teo teo asked about you know the to interview I should say your customers and make sure that you're getting you know that idea for your core message but continually go back to them and ask about all of your processes to so when you have a great customer that's really happy you know sit down and say look here's our you know here was our sales process here was our orientation process a lot of times you're doing it with them and they don't you know it's almost transparent to them right 00:22:06.68 --> 00:22:08. but to actually go back and say you know, we here's 00:22:08.82 --> 00:22:10. the components we did you know could we make this 00:22:10.83 --> 00:22:14. better on dh really continually what what I find is 00:22:14.7 --> 00:22:15. that 00:22:16.53 --> 00:22:18. not only you're going to make your processes better 00:22:19.09 --> 00:22:22. hopefully you actually I I think build stronger bonds 00:22:22.63 --> 00:22:26. with your kind of loyal champion customers is the 00:22:26.33 --> 00:22:29. more you can involve them in giving feedback and helping 00:22:29.53 --> 00:22:32. you get better I just find you really get we really 00:22:32.85 --> 00:22:35. get connected I think to the companies that really 00:22:35.07 --> 00:22:38. do that and I appreciate that and then obviously we 00:22:38.66 --> 00:22:42. can't say thank you enough but it's it's really easy 00:22:42.96 --> 00:22:45. in the rush of trying to go out there and get that 00:22:45.04 --> 00:22:50. next client to sometimes not appreciate our existing 00:22:50.24 --> 00:22:53. clients. How many of you have had ah been with with 00:22:53.19 --> 00:22:55. a service or company for years and then you see their 00:22:55.7 --> 00:22:59. email that goes out says for new new business on ly 00:22:59.17 --> 00:23:01. you get a discount right? I mean it's it's I've always 00:23:01.91 --> 00:23:04. thought that was that was a tough one because you 00:23:04.24 --> 00:23:06. know the people that kind of brought you there you 00:23:06.45 --> 00:23:09. know that discount is not available to them andi I 00:23:09.83 --> 00:23:13. think that you know that really showing appreciation 00:23:13.32 --> 00:23:16. for existing clients is is how you long term game's 00:23:16.61 --> 00:23:19. gonna be won think in terms of additional revenue 00:23:19.26 --> 00:23:20. streams 00:23:21.98 --> 00:23:25. we're customer service so now that I've got you thinking 00:23:25.69 --> 00:23:28. about this complete and and journey you know are there 00:23:28.83 --> 00:23:31. ways that you can actually start spending off you 00:23:31.77 --> 00:23:35. know, new product or service offerings you know after 00:23:35.7 --> 00:23:39. somebody buys a product or service from you so things 00:23:39.09 --> 00:23:42. like you know, live q and a sessions you know, after 00:23:42.98 --> 00:23:45. the fact drop in friday workshop so you talked about 00:23:45.96 --> 00:23:47. you know your I mean I think you're actually doing 00:23:47.88 --> 00:23:52. this to some extent with your your selling photography 00:23:52.62 --> 00:23:55. but you are also now teaching people how to do photography 00:23:55.92 --> 00:24:00. so if somebody you know wants to just this will apply 00:24:00.8 --> 00:24:03. yeah so somebody wants to drop in that's great I don't 00:24:03.91 --> 00:24:07. know if you do sell cameras no I don't sell cameras 00:24:07.16 --> 00:24:15. but life cuny sessions and handouts and ah the this is actually what they got in the feedback from my clients they would be interested in have some kind of meet me tops should out together that they can practice and getting things back from me right away yeah and so that could be a membership course on those sir you could look at it as kind of a monthly recurring thing that you're going to get these other elements you know that's part of it so so some people some people may look at this and just say hey we'll make these benefits of being a customer being partners so you know any time you want to come in on friday and touch up on you know some element you know I'll be here you know, for an hour talking about x y z or something but you really can also look at these as revenue streams which I think you're you're already doing on dso once you once you create a really great customer journey and you have a great sales process you I think should should immediately start looking for some additional revenue streams that that are actually that makes sense they're not just your saying no look we could expand this way or we could add on this way they are really things that your best customers will actually truly value um and you know there's for many, many sales folks you know they have for years kind of said that you know, the easiest thing to sell you know is mohr stuff to somebody who already knows likes and trusts you right um and I'm not advocating necessarily that you go out and just, you know, dilute what you're doing and start saying oh look we could make money buying it by being an affiliate over here doing this over here but if you look at these revenue streams from how could we serve our existing customers better so it's not of how could we make more money but it's how could we sir how could we do it? We're already doing with people that already love us to make take advantage of that relationship in a way too adm or value but also think about it as a revenue stream that makes sense okay, so the final thing today or in this segment I should say is again like I've done in some of the other segments here's kind of some of the tools that I use for that discovery process you know we use wu fu because great great form builder just really really easy to do another actually I don't use it as much but another great ones called form stack present presentations you know, these tablets I see you know about half of you with on ipads and things doing presentations now with clients actually using some visuals like the ipad tablet so if you're sitting one on one with somebody to actually show them you know you're one page plan or show them your checklist khun b I think could be a really powerful way to make a presentation there are other really inexpensive tools what was the one you mentioned yesterday and ah I thought you mentioned meeting tool but meeting burner is a really inexpensive one I'm you know use all I have people that I use all these with and I can't remember him all the time nurturing and those air just terminology you know serum is your um customer relationship management tool yes p just stands for your email service provider so a lot of that nurturing can be done in you know you're using a constant contact and you can set up a program that you know you put somebody in and it automatically will send out the e mails for you um a lot of a lot of work that's done on a project basis can be set up if you have customers that you don't want to just send them everything or you don't have this trail of email back and forth but because you're going to maybe be working with them on long term you're gonna have to be like gathering kind of do you guys use a project management too little we actually do use basically okay so so you understand the use of that when you're working with a client having this online tool where you can store documents you can collaborate you can exchange things you have unified messaging he knows so that there's not like okay, we're those ten emails we sent back and forth to each other it all kind of stores in one place so base camp and maven link our couple of great tools for that. Doing the review process using you can use a survey for that maybe just send out your customers to you know tell us how we did on this that could be the start of that process get satisfactions another tool that you can use teo really measure the results people are getting and then a couple serums I have for years used infusion soft it's a kind of ah it's ah it's a bigger more of an e commerce shopping card everything platform nimble is ah is ah much smaller one really for and I mentioned what when I mentioned earlier hatchback and batch book you know there's a couple of serum tools that are really simple ways they're they're low cost simple ways for you to have a kind of a lot of automation about you know with all the all the correspondence that you've had with with a customer all the you know where they are in the stage is like okay I did this presentation or they're in a try so you're able teo to really keep track of and run kind of reports on who's everybody I need to follow up with this week because they're in this stage so those were a couple tools that might be helpful so what out of this sales process idea you know really feels immediately applicability for some of your that you found yourself saying okay we have to do this that idea of treating the potential customer as a customer already is really useful because at least with we video you're surprised you have people who already need some hand holding because they're overwhelmed by the magnitude of what they're about to dio and so have establishing that relationship before you even talk about the sale and so they understand how you work and what you d'oh is a really nice way to introduce the process rather than just say give us your money and then we'll show you what we do because it's it is about a moment and you have to create a 00:30:09.687 --> 00:30:12. bond with your that person so that you can create 00:30:12.79 --> 00:30:16. their magical dream for them so it's it's really nice 00:30:16.88 --> 00:30:20. yeah it takes a little bit of a mind set shift doesn't 00:30:20.35 --> 00:30:23. write because I think we are all kind of wired too 00:30:23.88 --> 00:30:26. give me the money you know and then we then we can 00:30:26.05 --> 00:30:30. start doing work and I'll just reemphasize because 00:30:30.31 --> 00:30:32. I can't say it enough you have to be attracting the 00:30:32.56 --> 00:30:35. right people or that process will blow up in your 00:30:35.13 --> 00:30:38. face too so that's why we spent you know the entire 00:30:38.14 --> 00:30:40. front end of this program on attract the right people 00:30:41.48 --> 00:30:42. who else 00:30:43.79 --> 00:30:48. for sure sending something out to get some information 00:30:48.2 --> 00:30:50. and you know, wanting to spend the next twenty four 00:30:50.79 --> 00:30:54. forty eight hours really narrowing and focusing on 00:30:54.46 --> 00:30:59. exactly what information I'd like to receive I'm also 00:30:59.49 --> 00:31:03. realizing that it's a very important client they're 00:31:03.03 --> 00:31:05. meeting me halfway I know they're interested they're 00:31:05.99 --> 00:31:06. interested in yoga 00:31:08.15 --> 00:31:12. and I'm thinking well how far do I go in order to 00:31:12.41 --> 00:31:16. get this client because I need one big high profile 00:31:16.44 --> 00:31:20. client with name recognition do I offer half price 00:31:20.58 --> 00:31:25. do I uh offer to work at cost dough I throw an added 00:31:25.09 --> 00:31:28. value like maybe I could do some video promo cz for 00:31:28.75 --> 00:31:32. them I mean there's a lot of service is that I and 00:31:32.26 --> 00:31:37. my network can provide for any company around marketing 00:31:37.11 --> 00:31:37. and video 00:31:38.9 --> 00:31:42. although I'm transitioning to yoga and for athletes 00:31:42.56 --> 00:31:46. do I try and build you know get this client hooked 00:31:46.78 --> 00:31:48. by any means necessary 00:31:49.55 --> 00:31:53. that's probably not the way I would position I I think 00:31:53.17 --> 00:31:56. that I understand the need for this high client high 00:31:56.01 --> 00:31:58. profile client it could actually turn into you know 00:31:58.57 --> 00:32:00. really being the significant thing that makes this 00:32:01.07 --> 00:32:04. gets um uh venom it's still a negotiation you're going 00:32:04.46 --> 00:32:07. to deliver incredible value right? I mean assuming 00:32:07.21 --> 00:32:09. you know no matter what you want this client but you 00:32:09.08 --> 00:32:11. have something for them that you can deliver it now 00:32:11.2 --> 00:32:14. if you decide I want this client because they're going 00:32:14.8 --> 00:32:18. to be a really hope high profile client then what 00:32:18.08 --> 00:32:20. you need to say is if I'm going to if I'm going to 00:32:20.72 --> 00:32:22. offer you a deal or I'm going to talk start talking 00:32:22.93 --> 00:32:25. about discounting my services here's what I want for 00:32:25.7 --> 00:32:28. I want the spokesperson thing I want the ability to 00:32:28.86 --> 00:32:31. say, you're my high profile client, I want, you know, 00:32:31.93 --> 00:32:35. these. So so you're not just saying, oh, please, please, 00:32:35.23 --> 00:32:36. you know, talk about me in here, it's half price, 00:32:37.22 --> 00:32:39. right? You're coming from a position of this is that 00:32:39.5 --> 00:32:42. I'm still delivering full value, so I'm willing to 00:32:42.18 --> 00:32:46. negotiate how I get paid for that value. And some 00:32:46.14 --> 00:32:49. of that payment can be that, you know, we get to, 00:32:49.44 --> 00:32:52. you know, we get to maximize assuming you're happy, 00:32:52.84 --> 00:32:55. you know, and you're getting a result that we agreed 00:32:55.16 --> 00:32:58. that we're going to get to maximize the exposure that 00:32:58.08 --> 00:33:00. the you khun brings. I mean, I would definitely have 00:33:00.43 --> 00:33:02. that conversation, because that makes sense. Sure, 00:33:02.74 --> 00:33:06. sure, never, never just discount, you know, because 00:33:06.61 --> 00:33:09. then that becomes the price, right? So, you know, 00:33:09.39 --> 00:33:11. it's always deliver the value. I'm willing to be paid 00:33:11.93 --> 00:33:13. in a different way, right?
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