Lesson Info
10. Segment 10 - Platform Essentials: Podcasting
Day 1
1Segment 1 - Changing the Context of Sales
27:17 2Segment 2 - Building a Beautiful Company: Culture
30:53 3The Marketing & Sales Hourglass
26:49 4Segment 4 - Defining Your Ideal Customer
28:04 5Segment 5 - How to Create Your Ideal Client Persona
36:55 6Segment 6 - Map the Customer Journey
31:25 7Segment 7 - Content Creates Authority
23:46Segment 8 - Total Content Toolbox
22:25 9Segment 9 - Platform Essentials: Blog
34:35 10Segment 10 - Platform Essentials: Podcasting
22:27 11Segment 11 - Platforms Essentials: Public Speaking
28:46Day 2
12Segment 12 - Mining Social Networks
25:23 13Segment 13 - Top 4 Networks to Mine
30:09 14Segment 14 - The Social Media Journey
27:43 15Segment 15 - Building Your Sales Process
37:42 16Segment 16 - Apply to Your Business: Buying Process
33:23 17Segment 17 - Jill Rowley: Always Be Connecting
37:22 18Segment 18 - Koka Sexton: Building Social Selling
24:01 19Segment 19 - Expert Panel Discussion
15:24 20Segment 20 - Strategic Partner Network
32:32 21Putting It All Together Part 1
27:29 22Putting It All Together Part 2
22:12Lesson Info
Segment 10 - Platform Essentials: Podcasting
00:00:02.43 --> 00:00:05. Podcasting now here's another one of those things 00:00:05.17 --> 00:00:08. where I have to say let's not use the p word in this 00:00:08.73 --> 00:00:11. particular case because ah lot of people think in 00:00:11.3 --> 00:00:14. terms of podcast and I don't want to be a podcaster 00:00:14.41 --> 00:00:17. and what is that even and like you told me to create 00:00:17.12 --> 00:00:20. a radio show I don't get it all I'm really talking 00:00:20.2 --> 00:00:23. about is another form of content that happens to be 00:00:23.02 --> 00:00:28. in most cases audio content now here's why I've been 00:00:28.01 --> 00:00:30. actually podcasting since two thousand five and it 00:00:30.81 --> 00:00:33. was kind of it was like right after blogging it was 00:00:33.13 --> 00:00:35. kind of the new thing it was going to be you know 00:00:35.23 --> 00:00:37. the thing everybody jumped on and it was kind of hot 00:00:37.44 --> 00:00:40. for a while and they're kind of died away an...
d you 00:00:40.4 --> 00:00:42. know social media became the darling and people were 00:00:42.82 --> 00:00:45. doing more and more in video on dh I don't know if 00:00:45.46 --> 00:00:47. you've noticed this or not but in the last twelve 00:00:47.77 --> 00:00:50. months or so podcasting is like all the rage again 00:00:50.84 --> 00:00:54. on really big publishers have now jumped onto podcasting 00:00:54.89 --> 00:00:59. and the reason for that is is it is the most portable 00:00:59.18 --> 00:01:02. form of content that is delivered to the most personal 00:01:02.84 --> 00:01:06. device that every single one of us has our mobile 00:01:06.04 --> 00:01:09. device it's the device that we have you know and not 00:01:09.1 --> 00:01:12. not everybody but a large percentage of people have 00:01:12.42 --> 00:01:15. at their bed stand they have in their pockets they 00:01:15.21 --> 00:01:19. never it never leaves your side the eye to our apple 00:01:19.62 --> 00:01:22. on the iphone actually has the podcasting app now 00:01:22.46 --> 00:01:25. as a default app that you have to take off if you 00:01:25.88 --> 00:01:28. don't want it on there on dh so all of a sudden there 00:01:28.64 --> 00:01:31. are millions and millions of people who can subscribe 00:01:31.44 --> 00:01:35. to audio content that they want to listen to on dh 00:01:35.76 --> 00:01:38. have it downloaded automatically to their you know, 00:01:38.85 --> 00:01:41. personal listening device which we happen to call 00:01:41.39 --> 00:01:45. you know, a mobile device or or a phone and so I think 00:01:45.13 --> 00:01:49. that that is part of the reason that podcasting or 00:01:49.22 --> 00:01:53. producing audio content in in again whatever you call 00:01:53.96 --> 00:01:57. it has really becoming she was extremely popular again 00:01:58.18 --> 00:02:02. so what is a pot just it is essentially audio content 00:02:02.42 --> 00:02:06. some people actually produced video podcast a cz well 00:02:06.9 --> 00:02:10. so obviously that uses a video format but I think 00:02:10.57 --> 00:02:13. most people are finding that that I would say that 00:02:13.78 --> 00:02:16. ninety percent of the of anything that calls a podcast 00:02:16.81 --> 00:02:18. is a is an audio content 00:02:20.1 --> 00:02:24. it is people subscribe to the content so once somebody 00:02:24.66 --> 00:02:26. subscribes they're goingto until they unsubscribed 00:02:26.97 --> 00:02:29. there every time you produce a new episode or a new 00:02:31.12 --> 00:02:34. form of content you're they're going to get that automatically 00:02:35.24 --> 00:02:39. it is driven by itunes how many of you have itunes 00:02:39.27 --> 00:02:39. accounts 00:02:41.06 --> 00:02:43. all right every single one of you I'm guessing out 00:02:43.13 --> 00:02:46. there in internet land we would probably ninety percent 00:02:46.19 --> 00:02:49. of those hands go oppa's well s o people are already 00:02:49.81 --> 00:02:52. have access to it they may not know how to find it 00:02:52.07 --> 00:02:54. yet here you may have never listened to a podcast 00:02:54.99 --> 00:02:58. but the fact that people actually have that form of 00:02:58.34 --> 00:03:00. distribution access to that form of distribution is 00:03:00.82 --> 00:03:04. extremely important andi content is automatically 00:03:04.46 --> 00:03:10. pushed out to subscribers now in terms of why podcast 00:03:10.86 --> 00:03:13. because again I'm guessing your tea and that question 00:03:13.52 --> 00:03:15. up producing you know why you should do it 00:03:16.98 --> 00:03:20. that it is it gives you the ability to create another 00:03:20.49 --> 00:03:24. form of content it is extremely portable I have people 00:03:24.38 --> 00:03:26. that tell me all the time that they've never read 00:03:26.78 --> 00:03:28. my block post they don't subscribe to my newsletter 00:03:28.78 --> 00:03:30. but they've listened my podcast for years because 00:03:30.75 --> 00:03:33. that's just what they do that's how they consume content 00:03:33.18 --> 00:03:35. they walked the dog they're on the treadmill that's 00:03:35.91 --> 00:03:39. just their form of that that's the way that they interact 00:03:39.54 --> 00:03:41. there's some people that that's just their learning 00:03:41.55 --> 00:03:44. style and so you will find it if you're not producing 00:03:44.14 --> 00:03:47. this kind of content in some ways you're you you no 00:03:47.21 --> 00:03:50. longer have access to you know some percentage of 00:03:50.03 --> 00:03:52. the market which may or may not be significant you 00:03:52.21 --> 00:03:54. know for your particular industry I'm going to give 00:03:54.78 --> 00:03:55. you 00:03:56.12 --> 00:03:58. who was it that said don't tell anybody I'm going 00:03:58.94 --> 00:04:02. to give you my dirty a little podcast secret right 00:04:02.59 --> 00:04:05. now and I'm only going to share it with you guys and 00:04:06.24 --> 00:04:10. the millions of people out there is that one of the 00:04:10.48 --> 00:04:14. things that podcasting does is it turns you into potentially 00:04:14.71 --> 00:04:19. a journalist on what I mean by that is that there 00:04:19.2 --> 00:04:22. are hundreds of people that I've interviewed for my 00:04:22.94 --> 00:04:27. show that if I sent them an email that went something 00:04:27.04 --> 00:04:30. like this. Hey, I really like your work. I'll pick 00:04:30.03 --> 00:04:32. somebody. Didn't any of you listen to my podcasts? 00:04:34.47 --> 00:04:35. Where did you find these people 00:04:37.4 --> 00:04:40. there so we'll all right so I give an example of somebody 00:04:40.52 --> 00:04:44. that was on my show recently seth got kind of sad 00:04:44.32 --> 00:04:46. the name people are pretty pretty well recognized 00:04:46.9 --> 00:04:50. name in the world of writing and author if I sent 00:04:50.1 --> 00:04:52. seth godin on email and said hey seth I really like 00:04:52.75 --> 00:04:55. your work I'd love to pick your brain sometime okay 00:04:56.24 --> 00:04:58. how fast you think that e mail would get you thrown 00:04:58.62 --> 00:05:01. in the trash pretty quickly probably right because 00:05:01.18 --> 00:05:03. I wouldn't be the first person that wrote that email 00:05:03.07 --> 00:05:06. that day but if instead I wrote an e mail which I 00:05:06.14 --> 00:05:09. have done four times now and said seth I see you have 00:05:09.42 --> 00:05:11. a new book coming out over love to interview you and 00:05:11.73 --> 00:05:14. share the story of your new book with my audience 00:05:14.47 --> 00:05:16. well that email gets returned in about ten minutes 00:05:16.7 --> 00:05:20. every single time right? And that was my introduction 00:05:20.87 --> 00:05:23. to somebody who I really wanted to meet that somebody 00:05:23.82 --> 00:05:25. I wanted to have in my network or somebody that I 00:05:25.93 --> 00:05:28. wanted to be able to say you know, I had access to 00:05:29.14 --> 00:05:32. if you happen to pick up any of my four books seth 00:05:32.25 --> 00:05:34. godin has blurb all four of my books written a nice 00:05:34.72 --> 00:05:37. endorsement on the jacket of all for my books that 00:05:37.5 --> 00:05:39. started and I'm not going to say that I'm not going 00:05:39.54 --> 00:05:41. to suggest that just because I interviewed him or 00:05:41.64 --> 00:05:43. just because I sent him that e mail to request an 00:05:43.92 --> 00:05:46. interview that that that all of that had happened 00:05:46.84 --> 00:05:49. but that started the process of of a relationship 00:05:49.9 --> 00:05:52. or at least access to somebody that I wanted access 00:05:52.71 --> 00:05:55. to so I'm going to suggest that every single one of 00:05:55.72 --> 00:05:59. you should consider that idea are there influencers 00:05:59.09 --> 00:06:03. in your industry uh and again you know this could 00:06:03.59 --> 00:06:06. be go back to you because it's ah it's a pretty easy 00:06:06.85 --> 00:06:09. one mean are there other people that are writing about 00:06:09.46 --> 00:06:12. speaking about talking about recognized experts in 00:06:12.91 --> 00:06:17. the area you know of your biz so not I'm in you know, 00:06:17.58 --> 00:06:20. college professor's research folks people at athletic 00:06:21.41 --> 00:06:23. facilities I mean all ah 00:06:25.06 --> 00:06:28. in most my experience at least have realtor trouble 00:06:28.32 --> 00:06:32. resisting an email that says interview requests right 00:06:32.76 --> 00:06:37. um I have a I have a client that produces software 00:06:37.09 --> 00:06:40. for a higher education and they're really client is 00:06:40.92 --> 00:06:44. you know, that provost and we're starting a podcast 00:06:44.83 --> 00:06:47. where they're going to interview, you know, provost 00:06:47.23 --> 00:06:50. and thought and policy makers in higher education 00:06:50.47 --> 00:06:53. but that they you know they wouldn't have any reason 00:06:53.07 --> 00:06:55. to want to talk to a software company necessarily 00:06:55.62 --> 00:06:58. that's in their industry but those people all want 00:06:58.31 --> 00:07:01. to be interviewed and so think about it as a really 00:07:01.6 --> 00:07:05. great opportunity to potential to produce good content 00:07:05.38 --> 00:07:08. but also to be a door opener for some people that 00:07:08.16 --> 00:07:11. you want to meet and network with and build relationships 00:07:11.2 --> 00:07:12. with and get some access to 00:07:13.9 --> 00:07:16. thank you for my content. I wanted toa have let my 00:07:16.4 --> 00:07:19. my web tv show. So then when I do interviews with 00:07:19.13 --> 00:07:21. other experts on lifestyle, on business and stuff, 00:07:21.22 --> 00:07:23. I could just take out. I can just use the audio, and 00:07:23.63 --> 00:07:27. then we profess it for absolutely, yeah, yeah, and 00:07:27.87 --> 00:07:30. most of the software, let's, just, you know, they're 00:07:30.02 --> 00:07:32. definitely programs out there, let you strip that, 00:07:32.06 --> 00:07:34. just the audio portion of it out s so you could actually 00:07:34.93 --> 00:07:36. have both. You know, there may be some tricks there, 00:07:36.64 --> 00:07:39. where, you know, if you reference something and I 00:07:39.62 --> 00:07:42. can't see it doesn't make much sense, but that'll 00:07:42.3 --> 00:07:44. just come over time where you'll just have to keep 00:07:44.03 --> 00:07:45. that in mind. You know, that you're going, you're 00:07:45.72 --> 00:07:48. making this for an audience that can't see it. A cz. 00:07:48.42 --> 00:07:50. Well, so, yeah, absolutely. 00:07:52.46 --> 00:07:58. So that to me, would be reason enough toe. Actually, 00:07:58.08 --> 00:08:01. start this idea or start down this path of of podcasting. 00:08:01.77 --> 00:08:03. So, um 00:08:05.44 --> 00:08:06. the 00:08:07.12 --> 00:08:09. then don't just don't get hung up on you know I mentioned 00:08:09.9 --> 00:08:12. a name that's important in my industry in my world 00:08:12.1 --> 00:08:15. okay these don't have to be people that are necessarily 00:08:15.72 --> 00:08:19. household names or somebody that you know you you 00:08:19.12 --> 00:08:21. idolized I mean this could this could be actually 00:08:21.54 --> 00:08:25. this could be a large perspective client or somebody 00:08:25.69 --> 00:08:28. in your community you know that is known is a thought 00:08:28.66 --> 00:08:31. leader and you know in all of business or in all of 00:08:31.31 --> 00:08:33. industry and you just want to you want to you want 00:08:33.59 --> 00:08:36. to interview the the important people in your town 00:08:36.73 --> 00:08:38. it does you know you can there's a lot of ways to 00:08:38.45 --> 00:08:41. really slice and dice this and it really you know 00:08:41.89 --> 00:08:45. what you sow already mentioned that idea of getting 00:08:45.14 --> 00:08:49. access but it also kind of raises your level of authority 00:08:49.49 --> 00:08:52. because you know look look att you know in my case 00:08:52.28 --> 00:08:53. you know, I was doing interviews with people that 00:08:53.86 --> 00:08:57. I wanted to blur my books people you know, that sort 00:08:57.03 --> 00:09:00. of gave social proof that you know, that I knew those 00:09:00.22 --> 00:09:03. people that I had access to those people and so while 00:09:03.28 --> 00:09:06. it took a lot of other factors that kind of raised, 00:09:06.08 --> 00:09:09. you know, my level of notoriety if you will or authority 00:09:10.31 --> 00:09:13. because of being associate id you know, with people 00:09:13.28 --> 00:09:16. that were already recognized long before, you know, 00:09:16.1 --> 00:09:19. I waas so ah, really important element that I don't 00:09:19.12 --> 00:09:22. think enough people talk about in this idea of podcasting. 00:09:23.28 --> 00:09:26. So any questions on that? I'm going to go into smaller 00:09:26.12 --> 00:09:29. the technical aspects of the question. How the pope 00:09:29.8 --> 00:09:34. podcast connects with your website, and how at it 00:09:34.87 --> 00:09:38. effects the visibility of your side and the side affairs. 00:09:38.36 --> 00:09:40. The visibility off your podcast 00:09:42.84 --> 00:09:45. can I answer that with my next few sides because that's 00:09:45.53 --> 00:09:46. exactly where we're headed 00:09:47.9 --> 00:09:50. but great question because now so now we're going 00:09:50.55 --> 00:09:52. to get into I've explained hopefully the rationale 00:09:52.79 --> 00:09:55. for it but now I want to get into a little more of 00:09:55.33 --> 00:09:59. the technical aspects can entry does through logging 00:09:59.51 --> 00:10:03. the interview roth and so so it would just be written 00:10:03.9 --> 00:10:07. yeah yes that's another form of content I mean that 00:10:07.34 --> 00:10:09. wouldn't be considered a podcast I mean that would 00:10:09.46 --> 00:10:13. just be considered a text interview but that's still 00:10:13.12 --> 00:10:16. great content I mean that's a very legitimate way 00:10:16.42 --> 00:10:20. to do a to do a block post and in some cases there 00:10:20.27 --> 00:10:22. are people that I know I sometimes get requests that 00:10:23.1 --> 00:10:25. you know I can't really meet with somebody for a couple 00:10:25.97 --> 00:10:28. of weeks or something because I'm traveling a bunch 00:10:28.11 --> 00:10:30. and so I said I'll tell him send me a couple questions 00:10:30.48 --> 00:10:32. and I'll answer so you know sometimes that can be 00:10:32.83 --> 00:10:35. an easier way to gain access to some people because 00:10:35.91 --> 00:10:37. you know now I can write the answers to those while 00:10:37.87 --> 00:10:40. I'm on a plane or something so that's a great yeah 00:10:40.85 --> 00:10:43. that's a great another form of content so in terms 00:10:43.05 --> 00:10:45. of the podcast journey everything kind of has it's 00:10:45.14 --> 00:10:48. ah it's a little path right there is the editorial 00:10:48.18 --> 00:10:51. consideration there is the actual what's the program 00:10:51.69 --> 00:10:53. you know what's the format of it going to be how we're 00:10:53.44 --> 00:10:55. going to produce it how we're gonna publish it and 00:10:55.61 --> 00:10:57. then how we're going to get the word out okay those 00:10:57.39 --> 00:10:59. were those were really the elements on and it's not 00:10:59.83 --> 00:11:03. back complicated but there are some technical elements 00:11:03.2 --> 00:11:06. that you'll need to learn and kind of study up on 00:11:06.7 --> 00:11:10. so the editorial standpoint is you know what are you 00:11:10.64 --> 00:11:14. going to follow your monthly themes right that's to 00:11:14.06 --> 00:11:16. me if you've taken that idea of a monthly themed toe 00:11:16.9 --> 00:11:19. heart why not make your podcast if you're going to 00:11:19.83 --> 00:11:22. do is say a monthly show to begin with why not make 00:11:22.09 --> 00:11:24. your podcast be on theme you know for your content 00:11:24.86 --> 00:11:25. count 00:11:26.56 --> 00:11:28. what's the style of it going to be there a lot of 00:11:28.66 --> 00:11:30. ways I mean it's just audio content you could put 00:11:30.66 --> 00:11:32. a microphone in front of yourself and go on for twenty 00:11:32.56 --> 00:11:35. minutes right? I mean that's you know that's one potential 00:11:35.2 --> 00:11:38. format it doesn't have to be an interview but but 00:11:38.46 --> 00:11:42. that's again that is another format that I think that 00:11:42.5 --> 00:11:45. I think really works particularly for this idea of 00:11:45.18 --> 00:11:48. access on dh then what's ultimately the content going 00:11:48.69 --> 00:11:52. to look like is it going to be a q and a is there 00:11:52.63 --> 00:11:55. going to be a review of something isn't going to just 00:11:55.89 --> 00:11:59. be a conversation I know some people that do a pretty 00:11:59.13 --> 00:12:01. effective job with having a couple people on it they 00:12:01.59 --> 00:12:04. just you know as as the moderator you just sort of 00:12:04.32 --> 00:12:07. fertility facilitated discussion amongst a couple 00:12:07.64 --> 00:12:10. people, there's so many ways that you can do this. 00:12:10.17 --> 00:12:13. And so, if this idea has any appeal, like all things, 00:12:13.72 --> 00:12:16. what I'd suggest is you go subscribe to some podcasts 00:12:16.75 --> 00:12:18. and start looking looking. All you have to do is go 00:12:18.89 --> 00:12:23. the itunes store. There's. A podcast category, breaks 00:12:23.79 --> 00:12:27. it up into every imaginable category. Health, cooking, 00:12:27.89 --> 00:12:31. fitness, business, everything you could imagine. You'll 00:12:31.01 --> 00:12:33. find the top shows and every one of those categories. 00:12:33.68 --> 00:12:36. It's. A great way to start and salt free. Or I should 00:12:36.63 --> 00:12:38. say, ninety nine percent of it's free, and you can 00:12:38.59 --> 00:12:41. actually listen to a couple episodes inside. Oh, yeah, 00:12:41.58 --> 00:12:43. I think I want to subscribe to this. 00:12:46.42 --> 00:12:49. So what's the programme going to be so where you going 00:12:49.54 --> 00:12:52. tohave you know the format being a q and a or an interview 00:12:52.56 --> 00:12:54. how frequently are you going to do it or you're going 00:12:54.52 --> 00:12:58. tohave set segments so I do mind once a week and mine 00:12:58.87 --> 00:13:02. is straight up interview it lasts for about twenty 00:13:02.69 --> 00:13:06. minutes because I've found that that's you know that's 00:13:07.02 --> 00:13:08. what people are on a treadmill that's walk around 00:13:08.97 --> 00:13:11. the park you know that's a that's a topic unless you're 00:13:11.87 --> 00:13:15. really funny that's about all people will listen to 00:13:15.47 --> 00:13:17. our unless you're really doing something very technical 00:13:17.83 --> 00:13:19. explaining something very technical that they need 00:13:19.75 --> 00:13:21. to sit there and kind of listen is there trying to 00:13:22.16 --> 00:13:25. figure out how to do something um is good another 00:13:25.85 --> 00:13:28. thing that again I don't do any segments in other 00:13:28.23 --> 00:13:29. words I start the interview and I end the interview 00:13:29.99 --> 00:13:32. and that's my show but I get interviewed by people 00:13:32.48 --> 00:13:35. all the time that will do a you know five minutes 00:13:35.62 --> 00:13:37. you know with john then we're going to talk about 00:13:37.63 --> 00:13:40. you know whats the cool new tool that I found this 00:13:40.0 --> 00:13:42. week and then we're gonna have you know that we're 00:13:42.11 --> 00:13:45. going to end this with you know recommendations of 00:13:45.17 --> 00:13:47. five books you should read or something I mean so 00:13:47.05 --> 00:13:49. they actually break it up kind of magazine style and 00:13:49.65 --> 00:13:52. actually have segments so you know again 00:13:53.18 --> 00:13:56. there is no perfect answer what's what you know what 00:13:56.41 --> 00:13:58. is a four matter of approach that would really serve 00:13:58.81 --> 00:13:59. you know your needs 00:14:00.82 --> 00:14:04. I'll go into some of the technical elements although they're not terribly technical you can buy a radio studio if you want you know for several tens of thousands of dollars I guess for all the equipment but you can get what I have listed here equipment that I use for a couple hundred bucks and you can be in business podcasting the one thing I would splurge on is the microphone on di use one pictured there it's called a blue yeti blue is the name of the company yet he is the model and it is a usb microphone in other words it plugs into your computer that you have a usb port um and it is a stereo microphone and it just the quality of the sound I mean even the best microphones built into your computer or on your ear buds you know well will pale in comparison to this I think it's about two hundred dollars you see that little attachment on there's something called a pop screen it actually stopped some of the bad noises when you going to get animated about something and stops you know from from spiking what I do is I use skype for all of my calls so and I actually use what's called a skype in phone number so andi I'm about to go away from that but I still had guessed that I would invite that they didn't have skype they know what skype woz you know years ago and so this it gave him the ability to call me on it on a ten digit phone number it's still rang in to skype so I still could use my tools and my recording but they if they didn't have skype I didn't have to worry about that I've experienced of late almost everybody has and uses skype so and you get a better connection with that there's a little add on I use on the mac called call recorder and what that does is assumes the call comes in that recorder pops up and it just allows me to record both of our voices right into you know the did it right into my computer basically as a digital file on it also allows me to split the tracks which can be important come editing because you know sometimes my guests is really loud for some reason or really low for some reason and so by being able to split the tracks with call recorder I can then bring it into my editing and level eyes you know the tracks with just because because it split out okay if you're not a mac person there is a ad on tio skype called pamela that works about the same way I understand because I'm a mac person I use garage band which comes free with mac and does way more than I can ever make it do or will ever learn how to make it do but certainly for my podcast thing it just simplifies the process I dragged the tracks on there already have my opening music I'm a closing music that I happen to use it and then I'm done and it saves it in a format that uh mp three format that it makes it so that I can use it with my podcast um the version that I see a lot of people use on pc is called audacity an editing version that's free um and then there's one last little one and just make note of this if you're really serious about this one I use some postproduction meaning could have done it in a garage man I've saved it as an mp three and now I use this tool called off phonic that basically just upload the file because after I've recorded what I have is an mp three file right just like a song that you know my download and listen to on dh that's what's actually people are going to listen to when they subscribe teo the podcast that's what's going to actually be played if somebody goes to itunes is this mp three files right on dh what ah phonic does it just takes it and it takes out all the highs and the lows and it takes out some extra hissing and noise and it's again it's a free service on dit just helps it helps really finish the recording off in ways that you probably wouldn't need if you were using mixers and, you know, there's a lot more equipment. But it's, just kind of the really inexpensive way for for you to get a pretty high quality sounding peace. I do. I mentioned that I use music on the front end and on the back end, I think that again, if you think in terms of, you know, what's, a more enjoyable listening thing, that you know that having those, you know, that music, you could get royalty free music. You can buy music that you know, that's, ten seconds in length to begin within ten seconds at the end. So there's, lots of options out there for you, for having music that goes along with the show. Terms of now publishing okay, so we we have we've produced it now what do we do with it right because all we have now is an mp three files we're actually going to I actually run my podcast as it's just one of my weekly bog post okay? And the way that I'm able to do that is I actually use a hosting service called lipson on dh this is important component because people are actually going to be streaming this file so they may go to your website the reality is a lot of people will actually get it from itunes but some people actually come to your website and they will stream this and so most hosting packages don't allow for if you start getting even a couple dozen of subscribers most hosting packages don't allow that kind of band with meaning that if you've got a podcast that's forty megabytes and hundreds of people are downloading that that all counts against most of your typical hosting band with and so by using a service like a limp stone lipson for five or ten dollars a month you don't have to really worry about that and it's very reliable for streaming the audio a zay said I'll show you a picture of how I do it but I actually display my podcast just in line with my block post and I use a wordpress plugin called power press and I would recommend that if you're going to do this that you use that plug in because what it does is so this happens to be my my last block post creating audio authority. One interview at a time on dh. This is just this is the very top of my block post. So if you were, if you saw that whole picture, you scroll down, I write about the the interview and what we talked about and, you know, show notes of things that links that might have been important that we talked about. But what that power press does it, it actually creates this player. So I take my mp three the link to my mp three file, which is now open lips and is hosting it for me on I just put this in my into the word press into the power press actually plug in, and it actually builds this player for me and allows people to come there and listen to this, you know, right there on my site so and that it automatically sends it automatically notifies itunes that I have a new podcast available. So my I've already set up by my itunes account, of course that's a component of it, but it now actually runs that for me. In terms of distribution itunes is it I mean it is is you have to submit you have to follow the process and that's in your show notes are not your show notes but your syllabus that you have to follow the process to get your show into registered and set up on itunes on the other one that I would really tell you to pay attention to that's really growing is something called stitcher ah and that's just another app that happens to be really popular and so you want to make sure that you get in their directory as well there's a good chance they'll find your show if it's if you're getting any kind of listenership at all but you want you want a network and spread the word so if there are other if you find in your industry there are other people podcasting consider a couple of them as a guest potential guests down the road at some point because if they're if they really are talking about and things that are relevant to your industry that's a great way to actually get start getting some more people to notice your show by networking with some other bloggers or some other podcasters here a couple websites that I would tell you if this topic interest you at all cliff raise ravens craft podcast answer man he might have actually done a creative life show now that I think about it but I could be mistaken um, pat flynn, who I know has been on the creative live stage is a great wealth of resource resource for podcasting. And then john lee duma's actually has a course on podcasting as well. Entrepreneurs on fire is his website.
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