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7. Tangible Takeaways
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Tangible Takeaways
We want to remind you, review our tangible takeaways. So, these are the things we said we would do. We said we would work on how to get ready physically, vocally, and mentally to present. We would work on some rehearsal techniques, and we would practice taking the stage. So we would love to hear from you. If you think about those big kind of overall or maybe even personal takeaways, what are the things that you want to remember and you wanna make sure that we capture from this class? Like what do you want to keep doing, keep practicing, what do you want to share moving forward? Michelle. I loved the mental exercises and I appreciated them, just getting into a really positive head space before, it doesn't have to be a big presentation. So I'll definitely do the I don't have a toothache and just write down the things that I feel really good about. So, thank you, that's a great tool. Great, oh thanks for saying that. I like the physical, just you know, even your face and your body, ...
just doing the little movements. Maybe even before a meeting or an interview or something. You were saying something? Similar to that about physical, the more so owning the space, being confident, and what she added as far as even just walking towards the podium or wherever you're going, to just be aware of your presence. Yeah, even before the audience can see you it's great to already sort of be in performer mode, right? And be thinking about that, I think it can be really helpful. Anything else out there weighing on you or anything you wanna share of this is what I wanna remember or this is my big takeaway from today or from this class? John. I felt like some of the group was really great at the vocal exercises and I felt I was struggling so I felt like, "Wow, maybe I should be playful "and do more of that." Especially New York. Do you remember it off the top of your head? No. (laughing) New Nork, it always becomes New Nork for me. Yeah, New Nork. Great, and I think that's part of what we hope all of us will gain. We teach these things, it doesn't mean that we are good at all of them or great at all of them. So we're teaching the vocal exercises and there are some of those that I still struggle with because of whatever it is about my accent, my voice, whatever those things are. So that's why we just have to keep practicing it. We don't have to be great at them, the idea is to practice them and skill build and start to build that muscle memory so that I'm not trying to be perfect, I'm trying to warm up and know where I need to keep working and consistently identify those. And I like the idea that Sammy mentioned of sort of tackling one thing at a time even though we talked about in the smile through or the speed through. That for me often what I find is I need to work on one or two things at a time as opposed to, I have to work on where I'm standing, I have to work on my voice, I have to also like just too many things and I can't focus. Where if I attack one at a time, it tends to be a little easier to sort of then build and scaffold from there my growth and my learning. And think about being a better presenter or performer, communicator, whatever you wanna call it as a process like everything else. So, just because you can do red leather yellow leather really fast, doesn't mean you don't need to do it tomorrow. It's equivalent of thinking about exercise or eating healthily. Like if I did 10 push ups today, that doesn't mean that I'm done for the rest of my life with push ups. Maybe tomorrow I try to do 15 or whatever it is. Like if you're running, you run maybe a little bit farther or you try to run a little bit faster. All of these things can be optimized. It's a holistic approach to just bettering yourself. So it's not checking them off like oh, well I did that tongue twister, now what? You have to do it because you always have to kind of recenter yourself and be present. And it's that whole process that you have to bring into the room that a lot of people just don't have time for or don't think about and that's why I want you to think about a lot of these being very, very quick things that you can do right before you get up there or I did some of these things while I was walking over. It doesn't have to be in the room with people watching you, just make sure you take care of yourself, whatever it is for you. And it's also a great thing to do when you're rehearsing. So if you're about to give a talk and you've maybe been rehearsing that before a presentation, make this activity part of your rehearsal so that it becomes mentally even a part of your process. As I do this vocal warmup, I do this mental warmup, I do this physical warm up, and then I give my talk, right? So that it becomes just another part of your process so that you can feel really confident. I also think there is something there about that habit and practice and I think that it can also help to alleviate some of those nerves. Because now you're just doing the stuff that you've done five, six, ten times before you go on and it can be really helpful.
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