Lesson Info
Day 2 Warm-up
So guys, yesterday we were talking a little bit I wasn't that I was having a conversation with wasn't with you, john rick somebody here where they're like well, I'm taking a look at the schedule over the course of the next four days was it with you, john? And you're like, you know, typically when I'm exercising inside a gym, I am taking a look at maybe today training my chest and then I'll give my, you know, chest maybe twenty four to seventy two hours rest before I hit again or maybe hit a different body parts that way if I'm sore, I can recover allow my body to adapt to get stronger before you know, hitting the same muscle group, but what you were commenting on was with the schedule, we're seeing kind of the same thing, the read through the entire four days like, well, squad today and then tomorrow looks like we're squatting some or and then, you know, by the fourth day, we're just like squatting every day, so you know, is that okay? What's going on? So my answer to that is when we w...
hen we take a look at strength by a circuit training, which is what we're doing here, what we're really looking at is we're looking at training human movement, and so the way our theory are thinking is that you know, every day we have these set of movements set of like archetypes we have to take ourselves through you know, I walk today you know, I might be if I walked a lot like if I walked across san francisco for some reason doing some urban hiking I might be a little bit sore tomorrow but I'm gonna wake up and if I'm so I'm not gonna be like I'm sore today I deserve the day off for the next seventy two hours, right? And I'm gonna lay in bed but so I'm going to get up and I'm gonna have my routine I'm going to keep walking, I can work through some of that soreness and when we start to take a look at training in terms of training movement then we suddenly are able to go, huh? Ok and my sore house or in my just a little bit it's probably ok, because I've got multiple systems going on at the same time now that's not to say like yesterday we actually did a lot of volume of squats, so for somebody who's, maybe a little more sedentary not quite adjusted to this level of exercise and you're to the point where you're like a little more acute and you're like man, I can barely bend my knees without thinking I'm gonna buckle then you want to definitely use your like your judgment and be like maybe I actually do deserve the day off today and I'm going to take a little bit easy but for the most part what we find is when people are a little bit sore when people are a little bit you know uh you know, like kind of stiff from whatever they did it's okay to come in and exercise again and it's definitely ok to come in and repeat some of those movement patterns, get the blood going, get the heart rate up and what will actually help to do is increase circulation right? And then hopefully flush out some of the waste products that we've built up in our musculature. Any questions so far, guys, are you guys ready? Get this going. All right, so let's everybody grab a jump rope real quick we're going to start to build upon the skill that we did yesterday and so for jennifer here and for online audience we're going to start talking about the position and what we mean by that. So if we can maybe get a little kind of four peace formation where you guys were all eyes upon me right that way everyone can see what's going on perfect so yesterday before we talk to world before we address movement, we always want to take a look at how to get ourselves set up so that we can enter the movement in a safe manner so the position that we're looking at is we want our feet side by side, we want to give our but a little bit of tone, so we just want to kind of quick squeeze the glue sex gets our hips and our trunk nice and aligned than our ribs are going to be down, shoulders back, and then we're going to just push our chin back a little bit, and that just kind of gives us a nice base to start to build off of for the john pro, but we want to think about doing is we want to think about having our arms relaxed by our side, so we don't want that shoulder to start to creep and dig into the ear, and we want our four arms forward about maybe forty five degrees, and so to begin the rhythm here, what we want to think about doing is just start simply turning with our risk, and our jump clearance is going to be nice and relax. We just want to jump high enough to stay efficient, to allow that rope to clear underneath our feet. Once ready, three, two, one and let's start moving, excellent, good, and we're looking for nice and quiet, nice and easy, everyone should be staying a little tight, I was going to say, I think that rope lists a little long for you I'm not quite sure how we can modify this one on the fly so let's see, maybe you can hold a little bit shorter and see what that does weii can also tie it which made a little bit be a sin and might wreck the rope but that looks ok is that okay? Perfect and keep going guys we're going to go for another thirty seconds here and for those of you guys that have a good rhythm with the road we're going to start to challenge your movement a little bit I want you guys to start jogging alternating before between left and right and just start giving me some high knees high knees ready go nice and high we've got the boxer in the back looking really good here very natural lovett good high knees high knees and then let's see if we can do some butterfly kicks heels too but feels too but start raising those heels up still alternating still alternating that was fancy I like the way you think overachiever in the front here I love it heals the body heals the but good and simply back to center give me a couple of jumps just to make sure we reset to feed again up and down, up and down by squeeze the but everything tight all right and relax okay guys let's put our jump ropes down to the side right now and inside this white box here we have some jump stretch rubber bands so let's, everybody grab a band, grab a light one is let's. See how many of those skinny ones we have in there and pull them out? The thicker ones will work tio way if we want to maybe pass on to steal one let's, see how many we have to go around first? Thank you so much. All right. So yesterday, guys, we talked about some shoulder passes and we did it with our jump rope. Today we're just simply going to take the jump stretch band it's going to allow us a little bit more give and also a little bit of resistance as we go through the range. So from a here again, let's, assume the position right so feet under our hips butt squeeze drips down, shoulders back, head to neutral and then we're simply going to lock our arms out. Ah, hold the ball are hold the band at with and then from here start to create a big circle around her body without letting anything change in our systems. And if it feels a little tight, see if you can grab it at the end a little bit. We're just still warming up so the body still little stiff and cold and again, these air cold shoulder passes and we want to make sure that we're being active through the entire motion we're not just passively letting it loop around her system so when it's in front push forward when it's above start to shrug when it's behind actively pulled the shoulder blades together and loop it back around and let's keep going for maybe about ten more passes on your own count once you hit ten to show me that you are done and ready to move on you're simply going toe keep it up at arm's length overhead excellent how are you feeling jennifer so far so good you're going to do great today thank you I feel it slipping what and from here we did this again yesterday we're going to walk our feet alone a little bit wider start to get some movement going into the tour so the's air called windmills we're going to rotate a everybody to the left about forty five degrees and we're just going to follow that circle down all the way through should feel a little stretching the hamstrings as we go through maybe the hips if you're stiff, it opens right wind it up and just start to create a little flow let's go ahead and get eight in one direction eight and another good big circle everyone's looking very smooth today body loves repetition once we've been there and we go there again it's oftentimes a lot easier to navigate would aid and and then again once you're done to show me that you're ready to move on for the next set of instructions just hold the band at arm's length overhead area go we got it looking good in the back like what I see all right, so now we're overhead we're going to start to warm and prime some are pushing mechanics, so we're simply going tio hang on tight or band let's drop it right behind the upper back around the arms and if you need to you can even thread your hands through the loop and may or may not be enough resistance we don't need a ton right now because we're still warming up on what I simply want you guys to do palm's facing me like I am the wall that you're going to try and push away from and you're simply going toe push away and maybe rotate out clockwise a little bit and that's just prime ing you for some pushing and also teaching you or teaching your body what you actually wanted to do when you're on the floor which just spin out a little bit to set the shoulder into a little bit of a stable position so let's keep going give me ten we should be maybe already somewhere around six seven and once you're done everybody can take their ban and just set it down to the side excellent all right actually I take that back let's hang on to the band got an idea so yesterday we introduced the basic air squat will introduce that again for jennifer in our audience that's tuning in today what we want to be able to do with the air squad is we're simply going to spread her feet about shoulder width apart right our toes or somewhere out about five to twenty degrees and then from here what we're looking at doing to initiate the movement as we simply want a break at the hips and then at the knees and then our lao our knees to sit down until our hip crease is below our hip creases below our knee joint and then stand back up and that is our standard full for full range of motion squad let's go ahead and everybody do three up and down before I give the next set of instructions hang onto your ban we're going to use in just a second here ready wait in the foot toes out five to twenty degrees and then break it hips and needs and sit all the way down to below parallel ready go six is set you can counter balance with hands knees out and goes to there you go good good use of that band and three I like how jennifer using the band for a little bit of counterbalance it kind of closes up that circuit and gives her a little connection and stability through the movement and that's a great way to kind of scale and feel your squad if you're first starting to learn very good okay, so now we're going to do something called an overhead squat with our band so that tension that we had in our shoulder past let's go ahead and hold on to the ends of our band again and we're just going to simply put it overhead and from profile what you should actually see here is that the band is above the base of my neck my elbows air locked out so it's like I'm pushing a wall away from me right? Or I'm pushing myself underneath a wall, which is the band and I'm going to maintain that elder lockout from here my head is through so get you should see some exposure my ears I'm very active in this range I'm gonna find my squad stance again you guys ready for this and we're going to do something called an overhead squats and so for here what we're going to do is same thing with the body we're going to open hips, knees and we're just going to start to sit in your goal is to try and maintain that band behind the ears over the base of the neck and stand and down and stand and the gold guys is not to let yourselves look like this or like this you see that all right, ready guys up overhead block out the arms here we g o and squat oh, look at jennifer overachiever back there we call that sandbagging that's great good job beautiful knees out let's get ten and when you're done with ten go ahead and stand up and stay standing good can you open your knees wider if I put your name across the top of your chest your chest should and disappear from me I shouldn't see your name disappear show me your name what is your name? And then of course kind of no wiggling no noodling in the backs of the back should stay in one piece and the way we adjust for that or accommodate for that is making sure our knees open out nice and wide to create space for a trunk. Excellent and once you're done once where a ten go ahead and stay standing and this is just a nice way to kind of open ourselves up globally and it'll start to expose some deficiencies are you stiffen the ankles? Are you still on the hips or you stiffen the shoulders? Are you stiff everywhere underneath your hairline you know we'll be able to find that out ok, so let's do this let's put the band's aside so we kind of just drop it through now we don't need that sorry that ok and everybody let's how do I want to navigate this let's go no equipment then we're going to go back to our equipment so from here let's take a look at our push up or start talking about the push up again and we just warmed it up so now we're ready to use it everybody is going to get into a high plank position on the floor the way we're going to set this up hand is going to be right underneath that shoulder the leading edge of your shoulder so the meaty part of your shoulder muscle is going to sit right over the knuckles of your hands so I should be feeling pretty full pressure across the entire palm here hands on the floor shoulder with leading edge of the shoulder right over the knuckles on feeling good pressure there my buddies squeezed my ribs are in nice and tight if you're let's go ahead and put our feet side by side and then from here we're simply going to lower ourselves over four arms down to the bottom touch your chest to the floor and then drive back up let's do that one more time down to the floor and drive back up and then jennifer keep stay there guys let's go ahead and have you scale by dropping both knees down both ready and again down to the floor and back up one more time down to the floor hold hold hold hold hold hold some or does shake and drive back up. Who? All right, guys, stand up for me. So that's the push up. Any questions now? All right, everybody, let's pick up our jump rope again. So we're going to start to advance the rope skills. Everyone's going to get a chance to practice this. We talked about the jump rope being feet under hips, body stacked, arms relaxed by your side rotating through the wrist and jumping high enough to allow that rope to clear once. Well, we're going to start to talk about here is something called a double under. So what? Imagine if what we just practiced earlier is called a single under, then a double under is going to ask you guys to pass that rope underneath your feet twice with every turn. And so how do we make that happen? Well, we got to give a little bit more explosive with our jumping mechanics, so we do have to jump a little bit higher. Not that much, but a little bit. You guys have speed rope, so is going to be coming through pretty quickly, then you have to turn a little bit faster through the wrist so almost like a whip that you're just snapping, okay, so jump first, create that space and then perform your trick. That's kind of how we think about it we have to make sure that we remain tight you want to push with your stomach push with your but that allows you to stay connected and transfer that energy more efficiently so we're not trying to double under as a sandbag does that make sense all right guys you ready tried this out everybody at their own pace here's my suggestion for those of you guys that are trying to skill out is to get a couple singles as a set up so I'm jump jump jump I'm going to get myself primed and set up I feel very comfortable and then I'm gonna jump and then turn really fast try my double under guys ready yes no that's a great question thank you there is absolutely nothing about your jumping mechanics that should look terribly different other than you're being a little bit higher with your jump so watch me so I've got an imaginary rope and I am double under queen of the playground right so I'm jumping these air my single single single double single single single double single single single double does that make sense just a little bit higher to allow a little bit more room for clearance all right guys let's try this out we're going to give you about maybe let's say a minute to play with this three two one and go so just feel the rhythm yeah good catch the timing so the secret to double unders guys is to feel what it feels like to get your body to know what it feels like to pull it underneath twice and then once you have that feeling it's much easier to duplicate and so jennifer I'm gonna sneak back in here and work with you real quick and so what we're going to do for you is for you to practice what it feels like just to do the double actually want you to hold both ropes in one hand and that allows you to be able to have the freedom to jump single, single single and you're going to turn the rope as if you're doing singles and then when you're ready to perform that double, you're going to jump a little bit higher and you're gonna whip that rope through just to give yourself the feeling and then you don't have to worry about whether or not gonna clear feet you're just trying to get yourself to coordinate the timing let's try that ok guys thirty more seconds I just want everyone to know for the record my clock runs really long it's like learning how to dance let's give you guys ten more seconds here wait some could double under is going there and relax did it feel much easier once you were able to get that first one like you got the feel of it there's almost I was hearing the rope hit the ground right and I could understand the timing yeah, you got the tempo down you did a great job back in the corner there. How did you feel with those john was talking about timing and that's obviously the apartment rhythm of it excellent. Jennifer how did that feel with the scale back there it helped to practice on the side. I think it's for me it's a time and would also coordination to get my hands and feet to sort of move together. Absolutely. And so any time we start to add skill or layer of technicality into the movement we need to have a way to be able to allow you to progress up. So jennifer there for online audience at home is a perfect way to start practising that without actually having to worry like oh, you know I have to jump higher than I have the corn in my hands and then somehow I have to put the two together and make sure it passes my feet to be able to get another one. So this is a easy way to start to build up and once you get comfortable with that timing, once you get that like oh, I feel like I have the coronation then we can start to reconnect that circuit have you put a handle in both hands and start trying it again and the secret to a good double guys is, you know, is a really, really good single like you have to own that single it has to be under your feet you have to be able to feel the rope, the timing without question and then once you have that single down then we can start to talk about advancing skills, any questions? Excellent, everybody jump ropes down now we're going to start to take a look at another skill we're going to play around with today called the kettle bell swing so we have little kettle bells in the corner here. What I would like everybody to do is to pick a kettle bell of your choice that I was going to go pink to that's a great choice all right, guys, kettlebells a really popular today and training cultures it's simply a little cannon ball with a handle on it wait a cannon ball with a handle and so the way we're going to teach you how to manipulate this object today is simply by using our hips and our legs to produce a little bit of power toe add speed onto this implement and the way we're going to do that is really simple we already have the foundations we know how to set our position, so our positions set right were stacked in neutral and now we're simply going to spread our legs outside of our shoulders so we take that nice stable position that we talked about and then we're going to spread her legs outside her shoulder the key here guys is not to use your arms to pull on the wait the key here is to use your arms as ropes toe hang onto the kettle bell right and let your hips and legs do the work and the way we're going to do that is really simple putting two hands on the bill we're going to pull our shoulders back and from here we're going to fold and hinge at the hips just a little bit and you're just going to kind of let that wait kind of rock underneath your shoulders and I just want you kind of feel the weightlessness right no arms arms or just relax we're just letting that bell pendulum and as soon as we feel like we have a little timing we're gonna let her hips come through and we're gonna pop pop pop top good pop and as we pop the knees and the hips are going to come open just like the top of our box jump yesterday right they're going to come tall and open at the top I just finished my box job finished my box job boom boom and as I come through more I can give it a little bit more and more and more right and then be careful for those of you guys that are going to start taking that bell all the way over your head to make sure we get the hand a little bit of squeeze so doesn't start to rotate on you I think for today what I'd like to see it just about eye level is really good about I levels really good. Ok. And your goal? Guys, I want you guys to think about having a wall in front of your knees so the hips must fold back. I don't want the needs to go forward. Ready? Try that out. So but back. Touch a wall behind you and then push it forward. Boom there while behind you, push it forward. Good and relax. You guys are all natural. I just want to say you guys are making me look very good. Thank you. Good job, guys. Good job. All right. Any questions on the kettle bell swing? You know, you're feeling it in my like, lower back. No, that will. You probably feel it in your lower back. If this is the first time you were doing kettle bell swings. Probably right. So the low back is part of your what we call your kinetic chain is just a part of your system that also needs a little bit of work learning how to stabilize your spine. So if you're brand new to exercise what's going to happen is your body goes into a little bit of, you know, freak out mode and it's like you know, what is he doing? I am goingto create this global unified effort to come in and do this movement and it's a little inefficient and it's not something you know we want to see and hopefully over time as we teach you good movement mechanics it's going to drive it into the hips right and it's going to drive it into the hamstrings where you're going to feel a lot more of the load but right now are you going to feel it in your back? Maybe a little bit? Yes here's the rule to that and this it's really important great question for viewers at home is if you do start to feel like your backs turning into a barbecue stop right just stop and relax and maybe scale either the weight down or scale the volume down or if it's really getting hot all together just you know, take that movement out for the day do what you feel like is enough. All right? Is that answer your question? Yeah, great you're here helping correct our farm and you know you're thomas we gotta walls to make sure stuff goes back for the folks at home who don't have a professional correcting their form, how can they self correct, good, great question. So what I'd like to imagine is I like to give these little external cue so the reason why I had you I go hey, imagine there's a wall in front of your knees and imagine there's a wall behind your butt, and what I want you to do is keep your knees behind the wall as you bend or hinge of the hips, and I want your butt to touch that wall behind you. And what I'm looking to do is to help you load the bigger musculature of the back end of your body and not just dive your knees forward, which creates a lot of discomfort in that knee joint when we do go out front like that. So what the viewers at home can do is simply go ok, well, I can probably scan down. I don't want to be like this the entire time I'm exercising, right? But I can kind of scan down a little bit and go are my shins vertical? Do they look like a fence post being driven into the floor, or do they look like a nail? That's been hammered off to the side and makes sense? And if it's like that, I could simply fix that by pushing it vertical and going that cannot change. Right and go. How, then? How do I solve this problem than how else can I move? I'm gonna touch my butt to a wall behind me, and suddenly I look like I'm in a better shape. Does that make sense? The knees air still gonna bend, so don't take that as a cue that the knees don't bend the knees must bend, but they need to bend, so that allows the hips to go back, forces bent to push the niece forward. Does that answer your question? Okay, cool, anybody else? Are you guys ready for the workout today? Oh, boy, here we go.
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